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Simply Balanced with Cayla Ranice 06.01.2021

Give my video a listen for all the details about my program starting on February 18, 2021! Sign up closes on February 16! Learn how to implement healthy habits into your day to day and actually make them stick!... You will leave this program with practical tips and tools on how you can cultivate ten different habits into your lifestyle. You will leave this program knowing what habits actually are, why they are important, as well as different techniques on how to actually build them. You will leave this program feeling confident and motivated in your ability to start bringing these ten habits into your life. You will leave this program having chosen ONE of the ten habits to start with. This eliminates the overwhelm and gives you something to focus on. Remember, it’s all about the baby steps and daily progress. This program takes place within a private and temporary Facebook group. You will receive a FREE 6-page Simply Balanced Habits booklet and have access to me, a Holistic Nutrition Practitioner, for support and guidance throughout the 10 days. And every day you will receive questions, charts and diagrams, and/or informational videos that will help set you up for success with your habits. And you will have the option to engage and talk to others within the Facebook group about what you’ve learned and share your stories and thoughts. Click the link in the comments to learn more and join before February 16. I’m looking forward to having you there!

Simply Balanced with Cayla Ranice 03.01.2021

Hello Friends! I'm so happy and grateful that you are here. If you are someone who has followed along on my journey for awhile now, perhaps even since the very beginning of this page back in January of 2019, thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for your support and engagement. And if you are fairly new or brand new here, WELCOME! I’m super excited that you found me!...Continue reading

Simply Balanced with Cayla Ranice 29.12.2020

Diets that are rich in legumes have shown to have impressive health benefits. They contain many important nutrients, phytochemicals and antioxidants. And when you combine them with grains, they form a complete protein. They are also typically an inexpensive food choice. But the trouble with legumes is that they can cause discomforting gas. The gas-causing compounds in legumes are primarily oligosaccharides, which are composed of 3 to 5 sugar molecules linked in a way that o...ur bodies are unable to digest or absorb them properly. If you are not used to eating them, or you tend to experience uncomfortable gas afterward, here are some tips that may help: Buy salt-free: buy canned legumes that don’t have salt listed in the ingredients, because that keeps them from cooking fully. You could also buy dried legumes and cook them yourself, adding the salt afterward. Properly cooking legumes will decrease the amount of gas experienced. You also want to soak your dried legumes overnight before cooking. Chew fully: your body starts to digest carbs once you start chewing your food due to the enzymes in your saliva, and it’s the complex carbs in legumes that give them their gas-producing potential. Make sure to chew thoroughly so that your stomach doesn’t have to work as hard to break down the carbs. Rinse: when you drain legumes from the can or after cooking, rinse them well. You may notice the water makes bubbles - that’s what you want to rinse away, so it doesn’t make bubbles in your stomach. Try different types and stick to small sizes: try a variety of legumes to see which are best for you, and don’t eat them in too large of portions. Swap for quinoa: try having a quinoa dish instead of a legume dish every day. This way you can get your protein intake from an easier-to-digest food source (this is especially beneficial for vegan or plant-based individuals). Boost your enzymes: digestive enzyme supplements can really help while your body gets used to legumes. Take them before a meal if you can, or after if you didn’t anticipate issues. Move your body: exercise helps move gas through your digestive tract. Try going for a walk after dinner to get things moving.

Simply Balanced with Cayla Ranice 20.12.2020

The above are just a few examples of things I help my clients with as a Holistic Nutrition Practitioner. When you choose to work with me one-on-one, we take a deep dive into many different facets of your lifestyle. And it’s important to me to get to know you on a much deeper level and truly get to the core of what you want and why it’s important to you.... From your mindset, to your eating habits, to your environment, to how you view your body. It’s all interconnected. And each individual part affects every other part. And that’s why we don’t just cover one thing. We cover many different things. And each client gets a slightly different approach and focus when working with me. Why? Because you are an individual with your own individual body. And with your own needs, desires, and goals. To learn more about what I offer, head over to caylaranice.com or hit me up in the DMs and let’s chat!

Simply Balanced with Cayla Ranice 16.12.2020

Making a smoothie doesn’t have to be difficult. And it doesn’t have to taste bad in order to be healthy either! You can build a delicious and nourishing smoothie that fuels you at any meal! I always suggest adding a protein, fiber and fat source to every smoothie to keep you full and energized longer. Here’s what you’ll need:... Cup and straw: sipping from a reusable straw actually minimizes contact with your teeth for better dental health, and using reusable cups and straws are better for the environment too! Liquid: 1-2 cups water, coconut water or plant-based milk (adjust according to desired thickness) Creaminess: banana (frozen makes it like ice cream), avocado, nut butter or plant-based milk (if you didn’t add it already) Protein: a scoop of plant-based protein powder (about 1 1.5 tbsp) or a handful of rolled oats or quinoa flakes Omega-3s: 1 tbsp ground flax or chia seeds (be sure to soak your chia seeds for a bit before blending) Fruit: about to 1 cup of berries, melon, grapes, cherries, apple, or whatever you like Veggie boost: greens such as spinach, sprouts, or kale; veggies such as cucumber, carrots or cauliflower; fresh herbs such as mint or basil Superfood boost: fresh ginger, greens powder, spirulina powder, matcha powder, probiotics, goji berries or powder, cocoa nibs, cinnamon, turmeric powder These are just guidelines! You have to experiment and find what works best for you. For more details on how to build the perfect smoothie for you, as well as tips, formulas and recipes, head over to caylaranice.com, scroll down, and sign up for my Simply Balanced Monthly Newsletter to receive my FREE Simply Balanced Smoothie Guide Booklet! Tell me, what's your favorite smoothie ingredient? Mine is definitely spirulina and spinach!

Simply Balanced with Cayla Ranice 14.12.2020

Your perspective on things is incredibly powerful. How you interpret situations either empowers you or disempowers you. Even your worst experiences in life can be reframed to find the silver lining or the blessing contained within them.... It is the MEANING that we attach to a situation that determines whether it moves us forward or holds us back. The choice is truly yours! The meaning also impacts the way you react and feel about any circumstance that you encounter in your life. For every seemingly negative circumstance in life, there either was (or could be) a positive outcome because of it. It’s not always easy to find, but it’s there. When you interpret events in a way that is DISEMPOWERING, this can make you feel resentful or guilty, and leave you feeling stuck. But when you interpret events in a way that is EMPOWERING, this can make you feel content or satisfied, and more able to move forward. Ask yourself: What else might be going on here? What did I learn from this experience? What can I do differently next time? What positive outcome eventually came as a result of this situation? What meaning does it have? And what purpose does it give me? How can I use this for GOOD?

Simply Balanced with Cayla Ranice 09.12.2020

New on the blog! https://www.caylaranice.com//8-common-mistakes-when-buildi

Simply Balanced with Cayla Ranice 05.12.2020

I do not actively seek out clients. I do not do cold calls. I do not show up in your DMs and tell you why you should work with me. I do not follow up to see if you are still interested. That is YOUR responsibility. If you truly want my support, you will reach out! It's that simple.

Simply Balanced with Cayla Ranice 21.11.2020

Manageable daily baby steps are the key to success. The small decisions you make daily are how you change your life, cultivate healthier habits, accomplish your biggest goals, & create balance. And that’s why you have to show up every single day & keep pushing forward & taking those baby steps. It’s about the small wins & the daily progression. ... Every time you get up & do the smallest of things that brings you one step closer to your goals, you are solidifying your new identity as someone who does what they say they will do. You are creating consistency & leveraging momentum, which is key to showing up daily. You are reinforcing your healthy habits & climbing the ladder toward what you want. And just like the ladders shown in this picture, you will reach your goals at the top only if the rungs are close enough together for you to climb upward. If they aren’t you won’t be able to start. That’s why small changes are important. If you bite more than you can chew, you will become overwhelmed & things will seem out of reach. You have to break down your goals into those tiny baby steps that you can tackle each & every day. And even though I’m showing you a ladder, keep in mind that your baby steps will not be linear. Your progress will look like a bunch of jagged lines with a lot of ups and downs. That’s life. And things will happen that derail you. But if you make your highs just a little bit higher & your lows just a little bit higher too, then you will continue to succeed. It’s important that you pick yourself back up when you fail or your goals are derailed. How you choose to keep going and get back on track is what counts. It’s about how you rise after you’ve fallen down. Because trust me, you will fall sometimes. We all do! It’s about taking one more baby step. And then another. And then another. And not giving up, no matter what comes your way. And before you know it, those steps add up & you reach your goal! So, keep taking those steps.

Simply Balanced with Cayla Ranice 14.11.2020

I BELIEVE: Eating fat doesn’t make you fat. Carbs aren’t the devil.... Counting calories is dated. Weighing your food sucks the joy out of the food. Keto is restrictive garbage. Skinny doesn’t automatically mean healthy Fat doesn’t automatically mean unhealthy Stretch marks are beautiful. You don’t have to eat cauliflower rice instead of rice. You can eat the rice too! Vegetables are non-negotiables. You can have more than one slice of toast for breakfast. Fad diets are a fucking joke. You should just eat the damn cookie and not feel bad about it. Every BODY is different. Water is everything. Your snacks can be over 100 calories. It’s never ok to comment on someone’s weight. Happiness is not a certain body size. Having rolls on your stomach when you sit down is normal. BMI is bullshit. Assuming that everyone a certain height should weigh the same is ridiculous. Healthy habits are where it’s at. Scales are inaccurate and unnecessary. Ladies, eat more than your man. Who gives a fuck! Some days you are just a lot hungrier than other days. Yo-yo dieting is a disordered eating pattern. You don’t need to burn off the food you just ate. Your weight naturally fluctuates throughout the day. Juice cleanses are not healthy. The all or nothing mentality is holding you back from making any progress. No one is asking you to be perfect. I feel like I could have kept going with this for a long time. What would you add?

Simply Balanced with Cayla Ranice 29.10.2020

Let me be your accountability partner! What does it mean to be accountable? Webster's Dictionary defines accountability as, an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility for one's actions. ... Accountability occurs when individuals reliably deliver on their commitments. They hold themselves to a standard. A lot of us know deep down what we need to do to get where we want to go. But we give up & don’t reach our goals because we view them as too hard, we don’t have a plan, & we aren’t accountable. If you need someone in your corner, someone to help keep you accountable to yourself & your health and wellness goals, then I'm your gal! When you work with me, I’ll be your cheerleader, your teacher, your mentor, your coach, your guide, your practitioner, & your accountability partner! As a Holistic Nutrition Practitioner, it is my job to ask questions, make observations, provide feedback & encouragement, & offer support & accountability! I help you become crystal clear on your biggest health goals. And then I guide you in breaking those goals down into monthly, weekly, & daily steps & actionable plans. I walk along beside you as you create new routines & build the healthy habits necessary to make a difference in your day-to-day life. I share strategies, insights, tools, & training to help you achieve your health goals & remain consistent. I help you understand where you currently are & discover your vision for where you want to go. I help you create a path between point A and point B & keep you focused throughout the journey. I help you understand the work it’s going to take to get there, & I support you in making it manageable & sustainable long term. I help you stay motivated on the days when you don’t want to show up. You and you alone have to show up every day & do the work, but knowing that you have someone in your corner who is rooting for you, encouraging you, & who wants you to succeed, makes it a little easier. I’m right there with you as we work together to find your own personalized balanced formula & build the foundation necessary for healthy lifestyle change. You don’t have to do this alone if you don’t want to.