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Locality: Alcona, Ontario

Website: mailchi.mp/badassbosscoach/v8xd2yyitx

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Cecile J Wash 06.04.2021

Ideas don’t magically come to life Neither do your desires Ya it does get to be easy!... I know you hear it A LOT! it gets to be easy IT DOES! WHEN WE MOTHER FUCKING ALLOW IT TO BE EASY! We get so up in our own heads about what is and isn’t! We make it hard for ourselves. We ALLOW our limiting beliefs to grab a hold of us. We ALLOW the thought that something isn’t for us. When we allow those thoughts to happen and take a hold of us we literally keep ourselves in a holding pattern. We literally block everything coming our way. We stop things that are meant for us. We don’t even realize that everything that is happening is a TEST. You see, universe, soul, god, source (who or what you believe) will test you to see if what you want is really what you want. When you let go of the thinking that you CAN’T have what you want and you put yourself in the absolute BELIEF that you CAN have what you want and that what you want IS moving towards you as you move towards it THOSE things truly become your reality. Your belief is whats stopping them from becoming your reality. You thinking its not available to you is the problem. We (myself included) have a great way of blocking ourselves from receiving what we want. Becoming aware that I have always been the reason for the things that have or haven’t happened in my life has been the catalyst for my growth. Being in my knowing of what is actually meant for me changed the trajectory of my life. Understanding that what I see for myself is meant for me and that when I take action steps towards those goals they move towards me at lightening speed. The ideas don’t come to life unless we believe that they are going to come to life. They don’t happen out of fucking no where. They happen because we step in to the knowing that they are meant for us and that ANY THING that happens on the way there is just a part of the process. When you step in to that kind of power your desires (whatever they are) will start to show themselves to you. Your belief in that will determine how quickly. That be, do, have thing is real You can and WILL when you step in to a knowing that you will! See more

Cecile J Wash 27.03.2021

You have a choice to change. Yes its YOUR choice. We decide whether we change or not.... We decide what is and isn’t for us. We decide to move on or not. WE DO IT. No one else does that for you. The reason you are blocked is because you are allowing yourself to be blocked. The reason you are blocked is because you are CONSTANTLY trying to figure out why you are blocked. Not realizing that the reason you are stuck is because you are CONSTANTLY trying to figure it out! You don’t realize that if you allowed yourself to just be You wouldn’t carry this burden. I know what it feels like. HEAVY. It feels hard and it feels like you can’t move forward. It feels like you can see all of these desires yet SOMETHING is stopping you. You are grasping for clarity and you can’t find it. You think you have to be someone else to get it, but that doesn’t work either. You THINK you have tried EVERYTHING. I am sorry but YOU are the problem. You have the power inside of you to change this. YOU are the only thing that can move you forward. Its no one else’s fault. Just yours. WE are responsible for the actions we do and don’t take. WE are the only thing that is holding us back. You don’t have clarity because you are searching outside of yourself for it. You think its going to pop up and all of the sudden be there right in front of you. When really what you’re looking for That MAGIC ITS INSIDE OF YOU! That desire you see It IS for you! The only thing stopping you from getting it is the thought that you can’t have it or the fear that you’re not worthy of it and the mother fucking BELIEF that IT IS inside of you. Get TF out of your own way. 3 spots open for 1:1 coaching. DM to see if you’re a fit! See more

Cecile J Wash 22.03.2021

Universe will SMACK you! Yup I said it I have been slapped a few times by it this year.... Just when you think things are moving in a direction they are meant to move the universe gives you a big old smack in the face and says listen up bitch DO YOU REALLY WANT THIS?? OR sometimes it will show you things about people that you’re not seeing and wish you didn’t but unfortunately had to see. Sometimes they make us want to give up our pursuit of greatness. The fact is the lessons are there to make you grow. The lessons are there to show you who is and isn’t supposed to be there. They feel scary and sometimes make you sad. BUT there is a lesson to be had in every situation that feels unpleasant. The lesson happens to remove things or insert things in to your life that will put you in a forward trajectory. The fact is you don’t know when its coming. All you really need to know is that it will come and you must ALWAYS trust that everything that happens, happens for you and for your highest good. I am not saying the lessons won’t suck. They usually do unfortunately. The lesson you take from the lesson that is given to you is Stay the mother fucking course. Don’t quit. Don’t ALLOW the lesson to paralyze you. Don’t allow it to stop you from what you are meant for. Don’t let anyone or anything get in the way. Find gratitude in the smallest of things. Don’t allow anyone to dim your light. Look for the signs that the universe has a plan. It will show you what you need to see. Even if its hard to see at first. EVEN when it feels like fucking DOO DOO. (yes I said DOO DOO) The clarity you are seeking will sometimes come from moving through hardships. BUT I promise you that you WILL be rewarded The universe TRULY has a plan. When we release what we think its supposed to be like and just continuously move forward AND let go of the outcome AND stay in complete KNOWING that the impact we are here to make is RIGHT around the corner then I mother fucking promise you that IT ACTUALLY IS RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER! I have 3 spots open for 1:1 coaching. DM me to apply and claim your spot. See more

Cecile J Wash 05.03.2021

Sometimes we feel lost in pursuit of what we know is meant for us. Stuck, lost, confused and so many other things we would never admit! Well I admit it, but so many don’t.... What people don’t talk about is that all of those feelings are normal! Lack of clarity. Lack of vision. Lack of wisdom. All. The. Things. The very people you look to for inspiration and strength feel all of those fucking things. Every single one of them. Listen girl... The sooner you get real with that the sooner you rise from that shit. Feel it. All of it. Move through it. Allow yourself to just BE! Don’t try and figure it out. And DONT try and force yourself either! Force negates! What happens when we clamp down on sand in our palm? It falls! When we allow it to just be in our palm it stays there. You are the sand. Allow yourself to just be. The wind will come and move your sand. You may go through a sand storm. But your clarity that you’re so desperately dealing will be at the end of it. Just be. See more

Cecile J Wash 23.02.2021

Success happens when... Success happens when you decide it does. Success happens when you face your fear and walk the fuck through it.... Success happens when everyone thinks you can but you KNOW you can. Success happens when you think you can’t but you mother fucking do it anyways. Success happens when you believe it gets to happen. Success happens when you step out of fear and in to your knowing. Success happens when you allow it in. Success happens when you let go of the outcome and know what you’re made for. Success happens when you see what’s for you and you don’t let ANYONE or ANY THING stop you from getting there. Success happens when you stop thinking you need to be someone else and you start being you. Success happens when you mother fucking let go of the thought that you’re not good enough. Success happens when you realize that what you see is already yours. Success happens when you move towards what you see and KNOW it’s moving towards you. See more