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Goddess Revealed 19.01.2021

In our patriarchal world, competition is one of the driving forces of our economy A sense of competition sells everything from breast implants to cars. While there are numerous healthy benefits to competitiveness, I believe there are also some significant negative consequences.... You stop appreciating your uniqueness, who you are and the special gifts you bring to the world. Rather than tuning inside and checking whether you are in alignment with your higher self, you check whether you are measuring up to societal standards or managing to keep up with your friends, neighbours, icons, etc. Underneath it all, you want to be loved for who you are. You want to be able to trust that who you are is special enough to withstand any comparisons. When you compete for someone’s love and affection, it is easy to get caught up in making compromises you shouldn’t be making and to slowly lose connection with your authentic self. You find yourself doing things you that don’t reflect your values because you don’t want to measure up short. Trust yourself dear one. True love can’t be bought and if you try to find a way to buy it anyways you will pay a high price. You risk paying with your self-esteem, your self-confidence and your self-worth. Instead, start loving and appreciation the wonderful and amazing human you are, Remind yourself that you are a divine creation, and you are very special and lovable indeed. JUST THE WAY YOU ARE! #goddessrevealed #healing #healingjourney #youareenough #selfcare #selfcare #healingyourself #adultchildrenofalcoholics #adultchildrenofnarcissists #emotionalabuse #dontsettle #divinefeminine #divineguidance #divinecreation #awakening

Goddess Revealed 07.10.2020

Do you tend to give into what the other person wants? Compromise should trying to find a solution so both parties needs can be met or a solution that feels comfortable and positive for both. Women who have experienced emotional abuse tend to think that compromise means having to completely give into what the other person wants. Because this becomes a habit, sadly it also becomes a habit to not ask for what you need. ... You get so used to others not considering your needs that you start telling yourself that you don't need much. Over time, one compromise after another, you start to lose yourself. STOP sacrificing your own needs to make others happy. It is a neverending quest that comes at a high price. Today, ask yourself, where do you tend to overcompromise? Where have you started telling yourself that you're ok as long as everyone else is ok? #Goddessrevealed, #healing #healingjourney #adultchildrenofalcoholics #adultchildrenofabuse #adultchildrenofnarcissists #traumahealing #emotionalabuse #seflove #selfcare #selfconfidence #deserving #deservebetter #showingupformyself #loveyourself #awakening

Goddess Revealed 04.10.2020

Even though intuitively I knew that not only did I deserve to stand up for myself but that it was my right to do so, it took me many years to unlearn the messages of my childhood. What gets in the way of us standing up for ourselves? Shame! Doubt!... Feeling vulnerable! Fear! I was raised by a grandmother who had experienced a lot of trauma and loss in life, which I understand today left her feeling hurt and bitter. But if as a child I would say something like I don’t like this. Or this doesn’t work for me or this doesn’t feel right or any number of things I would be told: Who do you think you are to speak this way, think this way, feel this way, fill in the blank. Already as women we are still dealing with implied and internalized social constructs that challenge us with a who do you think you are? when we try to stand up for ourselves. When we stand up to claim our space and ask for what we rightfully deserve. I don’t think there is a single one of us who hasn’t heard that who do you think you are echo thru her head. If this resonates with you, I invite you to leave your affirmation in the comments. Who are you to stand up for yourself? Only when we awaken our inner Goddess, and sometimes she is a warrior Goddess, Only when we are willing to encourage and affirm our younger self and all parts of ourself that have ever been shamed, belittled, gaslighted, felt guilty, afraid or bound by cultural rules, Only then will we be able to rise and create change and bring healing to the places that are needing healing so badly. Rise Sister Rise! Reveal and celebrate your Inner Goddess. Let’s reclaim and affirm our knowing that we deserve to stand up for ourselves. #goddessrevealed #selfcare #healing #healingjourney #healingfromabuse #innerchildhealing #showingupformyself

Goddess Revealed 14.09.2020

Are you remembering to love up, encourage and praise your inner child? She may not have received a lot of encouragement or prayers but you can be that good parent now in fact you have to be.

Goddess Revealed 08.09.2020

Sometimes anxiety and perfectionism get in the way of making a decision. Making a choice. What if it is the wrong one?... What if I make a mistake? What if others will think poorly of me or not approve my choice? For others having to make a choice can feel restricting, like being pinned down. What if this is the wrong choice? Now I will have to do something that I don’t want. In any scenario, remind yourself, it’s ok to change your mind. Every choice you make, wrong or right, brings you clarity and contrast. You will get clearer and clearer on what you truly want and what makes you feel expanded and aligned. Every choice, brings you closer to revealing your Inner Goddess and takes you one step closer towards living the life you want to be living. #goddessrevealed #clarity #anxietyrelief #perfectionism #followyourdream

Goddess Revealed 03.09.2020

Your life is busy. A million things on your mind, that you are tracking, trying to get done and worrying about. Lots of noise...everybody has an opinion for you ready to make you feel guilty if you don't measure up. But when you listen, the answer is there. You just have to quiet your mind so you can hear what your heart is telling you.... #goddessrevealed #healingfromwithin #healing #healingjourney #busymom #busy #workingmom #gowithin #regrets #selfcare #selflove #followyourheart #followyourheart See more

Goddess Revealed 29.08.2020

This line from the serenity prayer is powerful. How often do you want to undo, change or heal something in your life and then get impatient because it’s taking so long? How often does your harsh inner critic pipe up and add insult to injury because you’re still dealing with the same issue?... Awareness and intention are first and very important steps. But you didn’t get here in one day so it stands to reason that it will take a little bit to change and heal. Have patience and trust that you are supported. In the meantime, focus on loving yourself on this important journey of Returning to wholeness, Reclaiming your true self Awakening and celebrating your Inner Goddess. #goddessrevealed #healing #healingjourney #recovery #recoveryispossible #innerchildhealing #reparentingyourself #healingfromtrauma #healingfromwithin #adultchildrenofalcoholics #adultchildrenofnarcissists #awakening #spiritualgrowth #spiritualawakening

Goddess Revealed 15.08.2020

Healing is all about being able to be open hearted and expanded. Where have you become more present and awake in your life? What still needs to be healed? #GoddessRevealed #healing #healingjourney

Goddess Revealed 10.08.2020

If you grew up in a home where family members struggled with addiction or mental health challenges, the child that you were learned how to navigate this often difficult environment by taking on the responsibility of being the peacemaker, the good helper, the protector, the well behaved one... fill in the blank. Often you carry this feeling of "responsibility" with you in to adulthood. But no matter how hard you try - you cannot make it better and you cannot fix "them".... It is often a relief but also a struggle to come to terms with the fact that all you can do is work on your own healing journey. All you have power and control over is healing yourself. It is not in your power, but more importantly it is not your responsibility to manage the healing journey of those you love - no matter how much it pains you to come to terms with that. When you can fully accept that only they can choose to heal - and you can choose to hold space and offer support which must not come at the cost of your own well being - When you can remind yourself that you are not bad because you cannot fix them, then you can deepen your own healing journey. #Goddessrevealed #recovery #adultchildrenofalcoholics #emotionalhealthmatters

Goddess Revealed 07.08.2020

How easy is it for you to stop and finish for the day and relax - even if not all the things have been crossed off your to do list? Many of us get anxious about carrying things over to the next day. Some of us can't relax because it feels like there is "work waiting". ... Studies have shown that people can be divided into two broad categories. Those who work first and play later and those who play first and then get the work done. Neither one of these is right or wrong - it is just a different approach to life. But if you are in the "work first" category you might exhaust yourself getting all the work done and don't "budget energy" to have left over so you can do the things that nurture YOU, energy to be intimate, to be creative, to have fun. So as you are going thru your day, imagine your energy as $100 of energy currency and then make a budget. How much are you allocating to work, to the kids, to the house, to your relationship, to your personal growth and healing journey? #GoddessRevealed #selfcare #timeforlove #strongwomen

Goddess Revealed 20.07.2020

Please keep looking... it's worth it! #goddessrevealed #stopcomparingyourself #startswithyou #youreworthy #shecan #lifetransition #newmom #menopause #loveyou #loveyourself

Goddess Revealed 13.07.2020

Words have power. Only too often we take on someone else’s anger or angry words and give our power away. I really like the teachings of Non violent communications which reminds us that we have 4 channels to choose from when we are listening. ... We can listen and hear judgement against ourselves or judge the other person. Or we can choose to listen and have compassion for ourselves or compassion for the other person. Unfortunately we seem to hear judgement and criticism against ourselves only too easily. Someone else’s anger and angry expression is just that - it is THEIRS. Rather than taking that anger in, go inside and identify your hurt. But don’t hold onto it and let it fester let it go. Soothe your pain and release it. Breathe in divine love and exhale. With that exhale send love back out to the Universe. #goddessrevealed #womensupportingwomen #selfcare #healingjourney #healing #releaseanger #positivity #lawofattraction

Goddess Revealed 10.07.2020

Today I remind myself that I am beautiful inside and out right NOW not when..... then.... but NOW with my stretch marks with my belly with my wrinkles... with my cellulite with my acne with my breasts the size they are with my scars with all of me I realize that every part of me is beautiful because I realize that this amazing body is my vehicle to enjoy this amazing thing called LIFE As I sit with this truth, I shift my critical thoughts and see my body for what it is The temple of the Goddess. #goddessrevealed #iambeautiful #selflove #acceptyourself #goddessrising #chakracleansing #healthyhair #youareenough #bodypositive #postpartumbody #postpartumdepression #smile

Goddess Revealed 01.07.2020

How often do you hold on to guilt and shame because you are struggling with forgiving yourself. When you struggle with forgiving yourself or others, you are shutting down the energy systems in your body. Think about it. The last time you were feeling guilty or were harbouring anger and grief about something you or someone else did, your whole body was contracted. ... When you choose non forgiveness you are pinching yourself off your sense of aliveness. Sometimes you’re not ready to forgive others. What is important to remember however is that in not forgiving, you remain energetically connected or tied to that person. That means that you are tethered in the past as well and can’t really move forward with your life. Sometimes you are getting ready to be ready and that is ok. An important consideration is how research has shown that forgiveness reduces stress, lowers blood pressure and promotes good health. Stuck negative energy in your body increases the risk of cancer and other diseases. When you lovingly choose to forgive yourself and others, you reconnect with the gift of life and the present moment. #GoddessRevealed #forgiveness #worthy #letgoofguilt #preventcancer

Goddess Revealed 16.06.2020

Is self care still landing only too often at the bottom of your list? Or do you think self-care has to be a specific activity? This list from HERpursuit2purpose is an excellent reminder that it starts with a shift in mindset. I especially like no 3... because how much time can we waste sometimes agonizing over having made a wrong decision and criticizing ourselves for it.

Goddess Revealed 05.06.2020

You may not need 50 ways to leave your lover but with all that is going on you might enjoy 5 easy ways of de-stressing your Inner Goddess. https://tinyurl.com/De-StressUrGoddess

Goddess Revealed 19.05.2020

How many times do you postpone a decision because the time "isn't right"? In that process, how many times have you postponed: your own happiness, meeting your own needs,... speaking your truth, practicing self-care, living your dream? There is always going to be something. Someone's illness, job, stress, emotional pain etc, Your own anxiety, lack of confidence, guilt, co-dependency. In the meantime, days, months and years go by. This is not a dress rehearsal. Every day is a gift. Your gift of another day. Yes, probably someone is not going to like your decisions or choices. But you don't have control over that. Those feelings are part of their life and for them to manage. Of course you care, but there is a difference between caring and feeling responsible for how others are going to feel about what you are doing to make yourself happy. So choose this moment #GoddessRevealed, #selfcare, #thetimeisnow

Goddess Revealed 30.04.2020

Just like you can only live your own dream, you can only truly live and experience all that life has to offer you if you are showing up as your authentic self rather than the version of you that others approve of! #beingyourself #iamenough #celebrateyourself #Goddessrevealed #returntowholeness

Goddess Revealed 10.04.2020

Does this sound familiar? Do you find yourself locked into disempowering habits that get in the way of change? What might you consider doing differently to stop having the same painful experience over and over again. #goddessrevealed #changeyourlife #changeyourmindset #healingjourney

Goddess Revealed 03.04.2020

It is so easy to be busy. Often we choose to be "busy" so we get a break from our inner narrative. Let's face it, for most individuals the inner dialogue is not a rant of positivity and encouragement. Instead, a scary story about the future is being told. Or perhaps you tuned into "there is something wrong with you" FM... While there is value in distracting yourself to manage stress and anxiety, it is also important to find the quiet moment to sit with yourself and soothe y...our inner anxious stressed self. When you slow down and welcome what is, when you find your trust and surrender to that which is greater than you, You will be able to hear what you already know. #Goddessrevealed #trustandsurrender #faith #itsgoingtobeok See more

Goddess Revealed 19.03.2020

What is YOUR mountain? What do YOU stand for? Are you living the life you want to live or are you busy pleasing others and telling yourself stories that start with "If only...", "I wish I could...", "Maybe some day..." This is not a dress rehearsal. So many times we tell ourselves stories that our dream is silly, doesn't matter right now, is not realistic anyways. When we live for other people's dreams, when we don't make space and honour our dreams, we risk having to deal with being shut down, depressed or bitter and sad. What can you do today to take one step towards making your dream become a reality? You can start by changing the narrative in your head and start listening to your heart. #liveyourdream #Goddessrevealed #selflove #returntowholeness

Goddess Revealed 12.03.2020

How many of us experience stress and anxiety when it comes to asking for help. Internalized disempowering messaging can create a real sense of vulnerability when you can't do it all alone. It's almost like you're a failure and can bring up shame and fear of judgement. But why would you go there? It's ok for need and ask for help. It doesn't mean that you're not good enough, nor that you have to pay somebody back or make up for it right away. So breathe... allow yourself to be real. Let go of old painful messages and remember that you are already good enough and it is who you are and not what you do that is lovable. #Goddessrevealed #returntowholeness #alreadygoodenough #selflove