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Website: www.celestialwarmth.com

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Celestial Warmth Therapy 02.02.2021

Can’t create a world that is loving, supportive and nuturing while still carrying pain from trauma. Any pain we hold on to fuels our suspicion, hatred and cynicism towards anyone... We must embrace what others told us to dislike within ourselves... We must embrace the slowing down to feel emotions as a form of intelligence. We must be brave in seeking to understand the needs of those we serve. We must embrace that it’s never about us, it’s about whole, which we are a part of. We are the reflection of our environment. So the more we purge, the more hope we create for humanity! Men, we love being heroes and coming to the rescue... so be your own hero and save yourself the unnecessary burden of carrying what doesn’t serve you. Because most of us are not alright and yet we sabotage ourselves from feeling alright. Let’s end the patterns of pain and let’s create new patterns of interdependence, integrity and trust. #endthepattern #healing #onlinetherapy #freeintroductoryoffer #cleaningup #wakingup #awakening #knowthyself #expand #realign #emotionalbaggage #karmichealing #makingmistakes #learning #Iwantotbetter #Icanbebetter #intuition #conscience #ancestralhealing #pastlifehealing #growingup #chooselove #fightthesystem #empathy #emotionalintelligence #youareworthy #strongertogether #energyhealing #energymedicine

Celestial Warmth Therapy 13.01.2021

Schedule a free life theme reading, healing and empowerment report today! Let’s get you from the state of worthlessness to woke, lit and motivated to create the life of your dreams again! Direct message me your availability!... #depression #depressed #sadness #despair #disappointed #drained #discouraged #miserable #devastated #withdrawn #crushed #bummed #feelinglow #hopeless #whyamIhere #darknightofthesoul #healing #awakening #freereading #lifetheme #lifepurpose #letgo #suffering #nowilltolive #noenergy #onlinetherapy #emotioncode #bodycode #humandesign #rememberwhoyouare

Celestial Warmth Therapy 05.01.2021

Therapy doesn’t have to be difficult and all our souls are asking is to purge what we haven’t dealt with inside. Sometimes there are important life lessons and questions that need asking. Healing reveals what needs to change and to encourage us to make powerful choices that honor our needs. Don’t know if this type of therapy is right for you try this test to let your subconscious inform you if now is a great time to try this therapy. Stand up and only put in the minimum eff...ort to stay level. Then ask the control questions... My name is ___(say your true first and lastname)___ . Did you sway forward? If yes.... good that’s congruent My name is (choose the name of a fictional character) Did your body sway backward? If yes... good that’s also congruent (Comment below if you have a consistent no on the first question) Then ask, is the emotion code therapy and ideal method for to release past trauma? If it sways forward, reach out for a free introductory 1 hour online session with Nelson Delgado of Celestial Warmth services. #emotioncode #energypsychology #improvementalhealth #healingmadeeasier #alternativemedicine #energymedicine #selfcare #selfcarepractice #revolutionary #releasetriggers #raiseyourvibration #yourworthy #letsdothis #bethechange #depression #anxiety #anger #fear #sadness #grief #emotionalhealing #empathy *Depending on how much is released in one session. Not all traumas are the same. So it’s always good to let the subconscious decide what is best.

Celestial Warmth Therapy 24.12.2020

Where in life do you feel blessed? - How I feel blessed: I have a supportive wife... Two lovely and healthy children More than one warm meal a day Supportive in-laws Supportive and caring followers Followers that appreciate my content All my clients that I had the privilege to help A lovely and warm Home Guides & Guardians That watch over me and support me Friends that will stand the test of time. Thank you for all my blessing in life. #blessed #family #food #shelter #friends #holidays #warmth #food #wife #healthykids #gratitude #greatquote #imblessed #imgrateful #mississauga #mississaugalife #simplelife #thankyou #awesomefollowers #mademyyear #bethereforeachother #weareallwehavegot See more

Celestial Warmth Therapy 23.12.2020

It’s time to stop resisting the upheaval inside of you and get help to alleviate it. If you have never tried an online Body Code Energy Psychology session. What limited mindset is interfering with your ability to open up and trust an intuitive healer? #lockdownblues #quarantinesucks #icantstandthisanymore #helpmeplease #emotionalenergy #anxiety #depression #creativeinsecurity #innerwork #yourworthy #selfcareisnotaluxury https://www.instagram.com/tv/CLAIPkhji-A/

Celestial Warmth Therapy 13.12.2020

What are you grateful for? Make a list of everything you are grateful for. Take a few minutes to really stay in that place of blissful appreciation every day.... I pray that you feel the warmth you are worthy of feeling in your heart for as long as can. #merrychristmas #christmasenergy #gratitude #blessings #ihaveeverythingineed #family #food #warmth #preciousmoments #exchanginglove #love #heart #heartenergy #sharingiscaring

Celestial Warmth Therapy 11.12.2020

This is a sensitive topic... So let’s keep it civil in the comments. With 80% of suicides being men and the rise of domestic abuse and spousal abuse at homes... Isn’t time we start sharing why we don’t get help. Is it unworthiness? Shame? Self-sabotage?... What kind of thoughts do you think go through a guys head that interfere with getting help when it’s being offered? #wtf #ptsd #holdittogether #Imfine #Imok #suckitup #dontbeasissy #unsupported #unworthy #staystrong #weak #vulnerability #courage #shareyourthoughts #malesuicide #havingahardtime #dontknowwhototalkto #needhelp #Ineedadrink #justonemorehit #justonemorefix #relapse #childhoodtrauma #suppressed #repressed #emotions #limitingbeliefs #selfsabotage #toxicmasculinity #energypsychology

Celestial Warmth Therapy 05.12.2020

If you don’t know what you want, please reach out for a free life theme reading! This isn’t a joke, your worthy of attracting opportunities that bring you joy! You were meant to play as children do on this planet. But if we key self-sabotaging, dwelling on trauma and stagnating in long durations of apathy... we miss out. Let’s keep healing, keep empowering and allowing what the universe brings us as opportunities. ... If you want a boost in the divine direction, I’m here for ya, let’s do it! You can even send me your dreams, I love to interpret them! #lawofattraction #askforwhatyouwant #alignthyself #invokegrace #grace #healthyself #purgeyourpain #askforhelp #lightworkersassemble #onlinehealing #freereadings #releaseanger #releasefear #releaseinsecurity #releaseshame #learnfromyourmistakes #takerespnsibility #evolve #youaresupported #lawofallowance #trustyourfeelings #intuition #thebodyspeaks #dreaminterpretation

Celestial Warmth Therapy 30.11.2020

There are three major intuition types for the greater population. Those are: emotional authority, gut authority, and present moment awareness authority. Gut instinct or sacral authority is essentially a uplifting energy that feels like a uh-huh or a sinking feeling like a uh-ugh, it may even be a hmmm. The last one being more like wait for the timing to be right.... The next most dominant intuitional guidance is an emotional authority. This type of authority has a more prolonged response, where it provides a rise and fall in emotional states before levelling off. At the levelling off part that is where the decision is made. If the decision to proceed is in your favour there is a happier or more joyful oriented response. If it is more of a sinking or meh response than it is best not to engage. Present moment awareness applies to people that have a inclination towards healthy fear oriented responses. Healthy fears are usually about knowing in that very moment what is best for them and this should be brought to greater awareness for people that are inclined to feeling anxious or afraid and are possibly inclined to be introverted. Hope this was useful for all of you and I suggest to slow down your awareness and get a feel for your decisions. Feeling should be more prevalent part in decisions than just logic. Because rarely is nature appear logical, but when we look deeply there is always a good reason for it. #intuition #gutinstincts #theheartknows #intuitivehit #howdoyoufeelaboutit #analysisparalysis #indecisive #dontknowwhattodo #dowhatfeelsgood #hellyes #fuckno #sleeponit #presentmoment #awareness #innergudance #dotheywanthelp #conserveyourenergy #gowhereyourwanted

Celestial Warmth Therapy 21.11.2020

The Challenge To not quit prematurely, failing to start necessary revolution in your life, to not hold on to unhealthy situations, relationships or agreements that may compromise your value and worth. Journal questions:... 1. Am I holding on too long? Is there a circumstance and condition that I am allowing because I am afraid of the emotional energy associated with change? 2. Do I have a habit of quitting too soon? Do I fail to do the work associated with creating genuine in intimacy? 3. What do I need to let go of right now to create room for me to align with higher principles? Affirmation I am a cosmic revolutionary. I am aligned with higher principles that support the evolution of humanity. I stand for peace, equity and sustainability. I align with these principles and I stand my ground. I do the work to create the intimacy necessary to share my values with others. I value myself and my work enough to only align with relationships that support my vital role. Emotions to Release: Hatred, Anger, Panic, Terror, Abandonment & Betrayal. Grounding The combination of my thoughts and experiences grant me knowledge about how I need to proceed confidently and faithfully into the future. I’ll patiently wait to see if my answers are correct. Try something and see what doesn’t work. #gutinstincts #honoryourintuition #gutbrain #heartbrain #youarepsychic #justdowhatyoulove #aquarius #astrology #humandesign #cosmicweather #nohesitation #manifestation #askforwhatyouwant #lawofattraction #letgo #ridethewave #practiceintegrity #changeiscoming #thegreatreset #imagine #visualize #pray #meditation #stickwiththeprocess #perseverance #heal #align #releaseyoupain #releasetrauma #selfstudy

Celestial Warmth Therapy 17.11.2020

Saturn / Jupiter conjunction energy in 0 degrees Aquarius and is this new dawn is so electric. This can go two ways You know what to do and how to innovate based on what you’ve got to work with... or....You become critical, cynical, too dogmatic in your stance to the point of depression.... Are you feeling the friction between taking the lead and feeling limited in what you can do? Here is some self study questions to work through the next few days... Do you struggle when you don’t know how something is going to happen? How does this limit your ability to create? Are there circumstances or creations that you stop yourself from believing you can receive because you are stuck in the how? Where are you experiencing resistance in your life? What are you resisting? Why? What can you do to create more allowing and more ease in your life? #jupitersaturnconjunction #wintersolstice #schumannresonance #todoornottodo #observeandact #patientleader #meditate #trusttheuniverse #waittobeinvited #waitforthecall #synchronicities #selfaware #jumpingthegun #waitforit #prayforguidance #useyourintuition #gutinstinct #followyourheart #getready #getprepared #almosttime #timingiseverything #asktherightquestions

Celestial Warmth Therapy 14.11.2020

Self Study Questions for inner work! What old energies and victim stories do you need to release? What does being powerful mean to you? What can you do to be more empowered?... Make a list of all the things you love about yourself. Write yourself a beautiful love letter and read it aloud in the mirror. What choices and directions could you take that would be in alignment with your self-love? What does your intuition feel like (hell yes! Or nuh-uh?). How do you receive intuitive awareness? Make a list of previous events when you trusted your intuition and things worked out well. Are there any intuitive hunches you are receiving right now that need attention? What do you need to do to deepen your intuitive awareness? Where do you have rhythm, and where do you need to adjust your rhythm to be more in the flow? What does the natural world seek to share with you? Do you need to align yourself more with nature? What contributions are you making to humanity? Are you acknowledging your service? Do you need or want to deepen your commitment? #affirmations #powertalk #empowerthyself #selflove #selfcare #lovethyself #selfstudy #lookinthemirror #doyouknowwhoyouare #Iam #shiftmindset #intuition #gutinstinct #followyourheart #threebrains #Iamlost #Ihatemyself #Imnotworthy #Screwedup #Imafailure #itsmyfault #justanotherchance