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Celtic Health & Wellness 05.12.2020

WISDOM OF AVALON December 8,2020 The King enters today. Know that God and your angels hear your prayers just as The King listens to the concerns of his people. There is always two sides to every story. Somewhere in the middle is the truth. The King listens to all sides of the story and asks questions to get a clear picture on what is happening. Only by seeing things from a bigger and higher perspective can decisions be made. Look at your own life like you were The King... sitting on his throne. Write down both sides of the story. Ask questions to find out information that needs to be accessed in order to see all possibilities. Once you have all the information you can make an informed decision. Take authority over your own life. The King is a role model and wants justice and what is best for all. The King seeks the truth in various ways. Some decisions are easier than others. Today before you make any important decisions, especially if they pertain to legal matters, make sure you ask the right questions. It may seem simple however you will not know the answer until you ask. You don’t want to be surprised by the fine print after the fact. If you are unsure what questions to ask you can always ask your angels for suggestions. Take time to make important decisions. Any important decisions need 24-48 hours before replying. Ask those you trust for their thoughts and ideas. Use the power of the mind integrated with the wisdom of the heart. The Ascended Masters are near and you can ask any of them for assistance as well. They are always willing to help. Trust that you will make the right decision. Trust that you will know what is best for you. Seek to find balance . Justice is not won by the sword but by kindness and compassion. These are strengths not weaknesses. Be kind. Make decisions from the heart with love and for highest good of all, including yourself. See more

Celtic Health & Wellness 29.11.2020

WISDOM OF AVALON December 7,2020 Change involves having the courage to take a Risk. Perhaps it’s time to choose a different path. Perhaps you decide to stay on the path you are on. No matter what decision you make trust the the knowledge, experiences and teachings you encounter will be what you need. Also know that you always have freedom of choice to change your mind and change courses. Follow your heart. Trust your intuition and it will lead you onto the right path. The im...portant thing is that you continue to move forward and as you continue take the time that you need to go within and understand what comes up for you at the time. Some of you are feeling tired and drained at this time and the thought of continuing on may be daunting. Don’t give up. Set your intentions to continue to move forward and be your better self however you are always encouraged to take breaks as needed. On these breaks go within and explore why you are tired. Do you need to take better care of your body? Do you need to set boundaries or perhaps hold your boundaries? What is draining you? Only you can answer these questions. Your heart has the answers if you are open to listening. If there were no boundaries, no barriers, no fear what would you do? Imagine yourself doing what you love to do, what brings you joy, what makes you sparkle . This is also an important part. Wr are here to enjoy life. It might mean you change jobs in order to do something that fills you cup versus drains it. Take a chance on you, you are worth it. A note here that this doesn’t mean you toss things away at whim. Listen to your heart as to where it wants to go and then engage heart and mind to work together to see the steps and make a plan. The plan needs to be flexible as things change. Don’t over think. Envision what you desire however stay in the present as that is where clarity lies. For some taking the Risk to venture forth or continue on may seem daunting. You are never alone. One step is better than no steps. Go at your own pace. This is not a competition. Everyone has there own path and their own purpose. If it’s not right for you you will be redirected. You chose that path for a reason so look at what you learned. There is no failure. Maybe what you thought you wanted wasn’t what you really wanted or needed. There is something better. Life is full of Risk, sometimes small, sometimes large. Know that you have the power and courage within you to follow your path. Trust in your heart , your angels and your intuition to point you in the right direction. God and your angels want the best for you. Do you? See more

Celtic Health & Wellness 15.11.2020

WISDOM OF AVALON December 6,2020 Today I was also guided to draw a card from the Rumi Oracle deck by Alana Fairchild. As the messages in this deck are quite lengthy I have quoted the parts that stood out and seem appropriate for now. I pray you will listen, feel and hear with your heart. Do you berate yourself, blazing angel, because you have moments where you cannot bring yourself to trust in love more than fear? ... And yet, when is light more precious than when it ar...ises from darkness? When is trust more admirable than when it involves an uncertain, yet bold, leap of faith? Be kind to your heart. You may believe it be weary from doubt and distrust, so much heartbreak and so many agonies, yet still it beats. ... It is perfection that it hopes even after despair, that it holds compassion even after experiences of fear. Yes sacred sight is what is behind this oracle for you now,beloved. You are meant to be witnessing something important, something that will make the presence of the Divine in your affairs more real to you. It will be something you can count on at all times, and in that, gain greater peace, and the realisation that, yes, it is safe to trust and surrender! Indeed it is the only safe, sane and sensible way to live. It is also the most fun way to live! And you are allowed to live this way if you so choose. You are asked to trust in your perceptions that when they come from the heart - although what you may perceive may be darkness - there will be no judgement in it. See what is truthfully there; be in the compassionate nature of your heart, and you shall be shown the most graceful way to become clear and free of darkness; either within yourself or within others and the world around you. I couldn’t say it better myself. Have hope for you. Have hope for others. Have hope for the world. Have hope that through our hearts and our mission to find and be love that there will be better times ahead. For now connect with the love that resides within and comes to us through the love and grace of God. Namaste See more

Celtic Health & Wellness 04.11.2020

WISDOM OF AVALON December 6,2020 Your favourite card returns and will be the theme for the week. Spoiler alert . The anchor card this week is Disruption. Now before you exit the page please read on as there is some good things unfolding as we come to completion and begin to shift into a place of balance and harmony. Keep in mind that we are in eclipse season which amplifies the energies and are powerful to illicit change. You have come a long way and there may be though...ts, feelings, beliefs and people that continue to come forth these next few weeks that are, believe it or not, for your highest good. What comes up does so for you to acknowledge it and heal it. Remember that God loves you and wants the best for you and often we need to be shaken up a bit before we open our hearts and minds to see. This is all part of the human experience. See it as an adventure and know that you are safe. Your angels will guide you through the rough parts. Ask them to help guide you through the rapids. This too will end. Keep positive as better things are coming. It takes time for shifting and adjusting of energies. You may not see results immediately however if you open your heart to all possibilities you will feel this positive energy in the collective field. Now is the time to hang on. Don’t give up. With each twist and turn new things will be revealed. You might feel a little shaken up however keep in mind that things will settle. You are needed here more than ever to hold the light. Keep your dreams alive however remain in the present moment. Love, joy and clarity reside in the present. Merlin has reminded us that magic is afoot. The magic lies within you. You have the power to change and create. Believe in yourself. Believe in the power of love . Through your love , and the collective love of all, we can ride these waves and bring forth a better world for all. You are not alone. Take comfort in that. Everything happens for a reason. Trust your intuition Blessings See more

Celtic Health & Wellness 15.10.2020

WISDOM OF AVALON December 5,2020 The magic continues as Merlin comes back today. We are in a process of change and change begins with you. One person at a time does make a difference. Change what no longer works in your life. Take time to look what brings you joy and lifts your spirit. Take time to go within and find what you want from life and how you see your life unfolding. What brings you hope. From there you can start to create the life that makes you fell alive. A li...fe that is living and not just surviving. A life where work and play are balanced, light and dark are balanced, body mind and soul are balanced. You do have the power to change if you so choose. Yes there may have been injustices in your life , things that weren’t fair or you didn’t really deserve. That has happened to everyone. Hanging on to them and not letting them go only hold you back and affect you, no one else. Time to balance the scales of justice and let those things go, forgive and move in. Leave them in the past where they belong. Use the Violet Flame to cleanse and release those karmic ties and set yourself free. Use your power of intuition to guide you. Follow your heart. Allow the energies surrounding you to help you heal. Find the calmness and peace that comes from the wisdom within. Trust and have faith that changes for the better are coming for the highest good of all. Trust that you can get through whatever is needed to set you free. Believe in your own magic . See more