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Celtic Health & Wellness 17.06.2021

SPIRIT OF AVALON May 14,2021 What are you Focusing on? What you Focus on is what you attract. Focus on what you do have. Be grateful for the good things in your life. Focus on the light. The light will always cast shadows that allow us to see things in a different light. The shadows are not there to scare us but to enlighten us and help us see things that are not so illuminated. These shadow areas are part of who you are. They often create a more beautiful picture. Accept t...hem. Some things can be changed so that they are brighter, like behaviours, beliefs and habits. Be open to seeing all these things and change them if you so choose. Stay Focused in the moment. What comes up right now? When you ask your soul what it needs today listen for the answer and Focus on that today. Tomorrow may be different, Focus on that tomorrow. You are where you are meant to be. Take time to Focus on the moment and be happy in the here and now. Stay on your path. Know you are never alone. Listen to your heart and soul. Surrender and allow the light to illuminate your heart and then send that light to others. Focus on the positive. Be positive. Be the light . Light will illuminate and take away the darkness. Remember to remember. See more

Celtic Health & Wellness 04.06.2021

SPIRIT OF AVALON May 13,2021 The Mystery card returns. There is so much happening right now and time seems to be going at an alarming pace. Spirit wants you to know that it is okay to be tired. It is okay to take a break. With so much information flooding in it can be overwhelming. Take time to stop and breathe . Take time to find peace in your day whatever works best for you. No matter what happens stay on your path and keep your vision for the future. Know that what ...is meant to be yours will be. Trust and have faith. Pay attention to signs along the way. Take time to listen to your heart. Be strong and don’t let others tempt you. You know what is best for you so hold your course. Others have their own path to follow. Acknowledge that without judgement. Stay calm and in the moment. I know this has been said over and over and over again however it is so important. Don’t let the fear of the unknown or the fear of others get to you. Fear shuts down your critical thinking, creates confusion and creates a mist (brain fog) where it is hard to see. Find your peaceful place everyday even if that is in your mind. Trust you will get through this. Keep the hope. Tomorrow is The Mystery so live day by day. Be calm. Be patient. Be kind. See more

Celtic Health & Wellness 22.05.2021

SPIRIT OF AVALON May 12,2021 Yesterday was the new moon in Taurus (oops . Seems I forgot to mention that ) Moving right along.. Today our faithful and loving friend The Dog shows up to bring us some unconditional love from God, the Universe and beyond. Know that you/we are loved and all that is happening will help us to understand about unconditional love. No matter what has happened Let Go and send love. Even to those that may have upset you, hurt you or any other ...transgressions. Forgive and send love . Send love to yourself as well. Envision yourself wrapped in beautiful pink, or white, sparkling light and feel the love that God/the Universe /The Creator/Source/Spirit has for you. Set yourself free to be your true self. Be loyal to yourself. Accept yourself for who you are. Just be you. Let your heart be your guide. Let your heart open up to give and receive love. Perhaps this means that you walk away from people or situations that don’t have your best interests in mind. Only you can be the judge of that. Walk away with love. Sometimes we need to Let Go to set ourselves free. By Letting Go you may find what you were really looking for. Love yourself enough to create a new life filled with unconditional love. What happened an hour, a day or whatever length of time, is done . Now is what matters. Have fun. Through this past year we have lost that ability to laugh and have fun in the moment. Be grateful for those moments and allow yourself to bring them back. You can only be you and by allowing yourself to love yourself and others you can change your thoughts, your life and maybe even the world . Imagine what our world would be like if we lived in love energy. Focus on your heart and send love out today (everyday is optimum). You may not know the effect it has and that’s okay. Trust it will go where it is needed most. It may take some time to feel comfortable with this new skill so please be patient with yourself. Learning new skills takes time. Allow yourself the time you need. Be the love. Be the light. Be the truth. Just be. See more

Celtic Health & Wellness 26.03.2021

WISDOM OF AVALON March 1,2021 March is here and soon will be the solstice. For now, as we still are in the energies of the full moon and new beginnings, take some time to go easy on yourself. There have been a lot of shifts, changes and releasing of old patterns, thoughts and beliefs and a lot of new ideas for the future. This can be overwhelming as there is a lot going on mentally, physically and spiritually. Your body, mind abd soul are undergoing some renovations so mor...e important to drink lots of water, rest and do things that bring you joy and fill your cup so to speak. The Novice comes to us today to help us remember that new ways require practice and new patterns take time to become habits. Allow yourself the time it takes. You will get to where you need to go in just the right time. This is not a race. It is not a competition so don’t allow our little friend The Goblin to get you into the comparison game. Everyone has their own path. Be patient with yourself as you are adjusting and learning. Cut yourself some slack. Be open to ask fy, and receive, help if needed. Practice makes perfect and some aspects may require more practice than others. When you are learning there are a lot of unknowns. Ask questions. Do your own research and investigations. By doing this you may reveal other possibilities. You have support from the angelic realms. Ask for help when you need it or if you feel on shaky ground. You may stumble, you may fall. What is important is that you get back up again. Have faith in yourself, the Universe and God. Believe in yourself. Trust your intuition. It may lead you to the unexpected however that is where the magic happens. Dare to dream. See more

Celtic Health & Wellness 20.03.2021

WISDOM OF AVALON February 28,2021 Oops . I forgot to mention that yesterday was the full moon in Virgo . The energies remain for a few days. Today is the last day of the month ( not sure about you but it seemed to go by very fast) and as we enter into the energies of a new month we start off with two cards as our anchor cards for this week, The Cat and Trust. The Cat has come up recently and moving in to March it is a great reminder to hold your power and be your a...uthentic self. The Cat knows when something is not right for him/her and he/she is not afraid to walk away, or run. If escape is not possible then The Cat is prepared to stand and fight for himself. Now I wouldn’t suggest you resort to violence however for humans this means speaking your truth. This can be difficult as it may cause some tension. Trust that what needs to be said will be. Come from the heart and send love when you speak. Keep your words as gentle but as truthful as possible. Before you speak it may be a good idea to know exactly where your boundaries are and what you need. With the energy of Virgo we are being guided to look at what our body, mind and soul needs. The Cat has a great ability to see in the dark to reveal what is needed. Let The Cat help you see what may be hidden. By setting healthy boundaries you are setting yourself free. Freedom also has come up a lot lately. The Cat also takes time to rest and play. The Cat Trusts his instincts. Rest and play are important. Self care is important and is needed on a daily basis. Trust and listen to what your body needs. The Goblin will attempt to guilt you out of it however don’t buy into his shenanigans. This week is about you and what you need to heal. Virgo is an earth sign so you most likely will feel more grounded. Virgo is also a mutable sign so allows for flexibility and going with the flow. You may need to change course a bit. Life is not linear so allow for the twists and turns . Trust your instincts. Trust your intuition. Take time to journal and write down what comes up for you regarding boundaries, what you need and what brings you joy. Write unedited, just write . You may be surprised what comes up. It can be helpful to take a few moments before writhing to breathe and meditate/pray to connect with your higher self prior to writing. Ask your angels to assist you. Trust what comes through. This week is about Trusting that you are on the right path and Trusting that you know what you need and having the courage to stand in your power. The Cat does not give his power away. The Cat is patient and knows when it is time to take action. What message does The Cat have for you? See more

Celtic Health & Wellness 14.03.2021

WISDOM OF AVALON February 27,2021 As things are changing you can rest assured that The Goblin is going to do everything in his power to keep things the same. This is just not possible. Many aspects of life need to change and it is time to embrace that instead of resisting. Things will begin to move quickly and if you allow The Goblin to play games with your mind it will only serve to hold you back. It is okay to listen however be mindful of being sucked into the negativity t...hat you can’t do that or the fear that The Goblin likes to bring forth. Fear is a paralyzer. Now we all have to move out of our comfort zone. We have been oblivious and in remote control for a while. Now is the time to connect with the heart and go with the flow. There may be many unexpected occurrences and you will need to make adjustments. Hear your thoughts and thank The Goblin for his input however keep in mind that your heart is now leading you. Heart and mind are working together as one. Listen to your intuition. An important aspect right now is self care and doing what you love to do. By doing something you love whether that is simply reading a book or listening to music etc., something that refreshes you. It is important to have fun each day. Even 15 minutes is beneficial. We all have 15 minutes in a day so don’t let The Goblin tell you you don’t have time for that. You always have time for you. Make yourself a priority. Make time to have fun. We have spent so much time on the hamster wheel that we have forgotten how to have fun. Time to resurrect that. Time to get off the wheel. Change is challenging so take it slow and be gentle with yourself. Don’t listen to The Goblin and his I told you so’s. You will make mistakes and that’s okay. Surrender and allow The Force to be with you. See more

Celtic Health & Wellness 28.02.2021

WISDOM OF AVALON February 26,2021 There have been a lot of repetitive cards lately and today is no exception. Returning is The Eagle . The Eagle is our connection to Spirit. What is God wanting you to see? There is a feeling that you need to take flight and look at your life from a higher perspective to see what you need to see. There is a slight sense of urgency associated with this which I don’t quite understand. On a global level we also need to connect with Spirit... and the light within. There is a lot happening all around us. The Eagle speaks of freedom. The Eagle is free to fly. Freedom is important. Use the keen and discerning eyes of The Eagle to see where you have lost your freedom or where you need to make changes to get your freedom back. See the details. Let your intuition guide you to know what needs to be done and see where you need to take back your freedom. Being grounded is important right now as well. Being grounded helps you connect with Spirit as it keeps you in the present moment. The Eagle also speaks of integrity. The dictionary meaning of integrity is the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles . The state of being whole and undivided . It is important now to question your intentions and the intentions of others. Are you/they coming from a place of honesty and integrity and acting for the highest good of all or are you/they coming from a selfish aspect. We are here to work together for the highest good of all. Allow The Eagle to help you see those that may not have your highest good in mind. Allow The Eagle to show you what is true. Be kind, be honest. The Eagle connects us with the higher realms and inspires us. Listen to your intuition. Let your heart be your guide. It is time to take flight and soar like The Eagle . It is time to take your freedom back. See more

Celtic Health & Wellness 14.02.2021

WISDOM OF AVALON February 25, 2021 As we continue on this journey letting go of that which no longer serves us or does not nourish us it is important to remember that we may have hurt others or others may have hurt us. It is time for Forgiveness. Forgive yourself and others. Forgiveness is also part of the letting go process. Forgiveness nourishes you. It does not condone the actions however it releases you. If you have hurt others ask for Forgiveness if possible. This is a ...time of rapid growth and change. This is a time where things are changing almost before our very eyes. We are heading into the light and better times. Loving yourself, forgiving yourself and allowing the changes to happen is what is needed now. We have all made mistakes. By seeing these mistakes and honouring them and Forgiving we provide the nutrients for new growth. This new growth honours all on this earth knowing that we can work together in harmony and balance. We are all unique and everyone is here for a reason and is much needed now in order for the light to shine . Forgiveness is the light. Allow its power to shine. Be the light. The past is history and cannot be changed. Move forward into the light and be open to feel the joy that the light brings you. Feel the warmth as you release yourself. There is also a note here to nourish your body with healthy foods. ( Virgo energy slipping in here ). Nourish yourself with what brings you joy. Do what you love to do. Discover new paths. Connect with the earth and Spirit. Your light brings new growth. Be the light . You can do this. You have the courage. See more