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Locality: Saint-Lambert, Quebec

Phone: +1 450-671-8508

Address: 320 Ave At-denis J4P-2G6 Saint-Lambert, QC, Canada

Website: www.transformationayurvediccenter.com

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Transformation Ayurvedic Center 05.02.2021

SAFRAN L’ÉPICE ROYALE Le safran est une épice royale. En ayurvéda, le safran est considéré tridoshique et équilibrant pour tous les doshas. Il aide à l’assimilation des nutriments, dans la formation des dhatu (tissus), et en expulsant les toxines à l’extérieur du corps. Le safran est disponible en brins ou en poudre. Les brins de safran sont normalement trempés dans un peu de lait pour en libérer la couleur avant d'être ajoutés aux plats. Dans la cuisine ayurvédique, le saf...Continue reading

Transformation Ayurvedic Center 28.01.2021

SAFFRON THE ROYAL SPICE Saffron is a royal spice. In Ayurveda, saffron is considered tridoshic and is balancing for all doshas. It helps in assimilation of nutrients, in dhatu (tissue) formation, and in flushing toxins out of the tissues of the body. Saffron is available as strands or powdered. Saffron strands are normally soaked in a little milk to release the color before addition to dishes. In ayurvedic cooking, saffron is used widely: in desserts, vegetable dishes and to ...Continue reading

Transformation Ayurvedic Center 15.01.2021

5 important rules to reduce gas and bloating Favor warm, well-cooked meals using lots of warming spices such as fresh ginger, turmeric, cumin, cinnamon etc. Avoid excessive fluid intake before, during and after meals.... It is ok to have few sips of (ideally warm) water can be taken to help get the food down if needed. The total amount of fluid intake should be less than 1/2 cup directly before food, while eating and up to two hours post meal. This should become a strict habit until the digestion is stronger and less symptoms such as gas and bloating! Take a short walk after meals: Taking a walk after food intake is a great way to enhance the digestive process, as it allows movement in the GI tract and reduces stress and tension in the body (which is also essential for proper digestion). On the contrary, sitting down, laying down or being sedentary after food intake is a sure way to hamper the digestion, as it inhibits the movement in the GI tract causing stagnation and block channels. Make it a daily goal to take a walk after each meal, even if only for 10 minutes. Avoid overeating: Overeating weaken the digestive fire, reducing its strength and effectiveness and clogging the vital channels due to undigested food and toxic accumulation. Overeating is a huge cause of gas and bloating and will only worsen this condition if done routinely overtime. Keeping this in mind one should eat slowly, sitting down and with full awareness, making sure to stop eating once you are before you are completely full. Remember that it takes several minutes for the mind to realize true fullness. The food should ideally fill the stomach just over halfway, leaving a small amount of room for a few sips of warm water with the remaining space left for the digestive process. This may take some getting used to since we are often habituated to eating beyond our true capacity with the typical American portion sizes sadly in extreme excess. However, when practicing slow and mindful eating overtime, it will become much more obvious when your system has had enough. Reduce and minimise the intake of Wheat products: wheat aggravates Vata people in the "seat" of Vata - the colon - because it is difficult for Vata to digest. Undigested wheat becomes gooey fecal matter and gets stuck in the cecum and ferments. The cecum is the beginning of the colon, located on the lower right of the abdomen. Fermented, undigested food makes the cecum feel bloated. Bita Bitajian Transformation Ayurvedic Center Tel:450-671-8508 Email: [email protected] www.transformationayurvediccenter.com

Transformation Ayurvedic Center 10.01.2021

Passez une journée inspirante! Have Inspiring day! Om shanti

Transformation Ayurvedic Center 05.01.2021

Désintoxification ayurvédique et son importance dans notre santé Le nettoyage et la détoxification de l'organisme contribuent à bâtir le feu naturel dans (agni), qui brûle naturellement ama et facilite la digestion. Donc, dès que nous prenons conscience de disharmonie dans le corps par des états de mal-être et de faiblesses, nous devrions rapidement essayer de rééquilibrer notre corps et notre esprit. En réduisant les toxines entrantes et stockées dans notre corps. Des change...Continue reading

Transformation Ayurvedic Center 02.12.2020

Je me suis réveillé ce matin avec cette beauté La nature apporte la nouvelle que l'hiver est là. Bonne journée de neige Vacances de Noël est juste autour du coin et ce qui le rend encore plus beau est d'être à la maison.... jour de neige par un feu chaud agréable et aimé près de nous, qui est ce que vacances est tout au sujet. Heureux d'être à la maison pour les vacances! Paix sur terre et amour à tous! Om shanti Woke up this morning to this beauty Nature is bringing the news that winter is here. Happy snowy day Holidays is just around the corner and what makes it even more beautiful is being home. Snowy day by a nice warm fire and loved one close to us,that is what holiday is all about. Happy to be home for holidays! Peace on earth and love to all! Om shanti

Transformation Ayurvedic Center 24.11.2020

Épices fréquemment utilisées en cuisine ayurvédique La cuisine ayurvédique est unique car elle incorpore les épices appropriées dans les aliments lors de la cuisson, selon la saison et le type corporel. Les épices imprègnent le goût des aliments lesquels deviennent plus nutritifs et satisfaisants. Mais le plus important de tout est que les épices stimulent la digestion. Elles possèdent également des qualités médicinales et si utilisées en la bonne quantité et au bon moment, e...Continue reading

Transformation Ayurvedic Center 24.11.2020

OSTEOARTHRITE ET L’AYURVEDA Osteoarthrite (OA): est l’une des formes les plus communes d’arthrite. C’est une condition chronique dans laquelle le matériel qui forme le coussin des articulations, appelé cartilage, se brise. Cela cause le frottement des os un sur l’autre, provoquant de la raideur, de la douleur et perte de mobilité des articulations. Environ 27 millions de personnes en Amérique souffrent d’osteoarthrite. Les facteurs de risque communs sont l’âge, l’obésité...Continue reading

Transformation Ayurvedic Center 08.11.2020

Pour avoir un morceau de forêt dans votre maison. 1. Allez dans la forêt, trouvez une pomme de pin. 2. Placez là dans un pot, de sorte que la moitié sorte de terre. 3. Chaque jour, ajoutez-lui une petite quantité d'eau, mais pas en excès car l'excès d'eau fait pourrir les pommes de pin.... 4. Après un certain temps, un petit arbre apparaîtra . 5. Félicitations : Vous commencez à produire de l'oxygène et vous avez aussi un morceau de forêt dans votre maison. Fais quelque chose pour la nature et tu verras ce que la nature fait pour toi... See more

Transformation Ayurvedic Center 05.11.2020


Transformation Ayurvedic Center 04.11.2020

5 Essential spices that can help in boosting the immune system Please note that these are general recommendations and if you have any specific health problem it is advisable to contact your health professions before taking this herbs. Here are five Ayurvedic herbs and spices that can naturally help boost your immune system and help reduce the risk of COVID-19 pandemic.... Ashwagandha: This Ayurvedic medicinal herb is being used for more than 3,000 years to relieve stress, increase energy level, improves concentration. It also helps reduce blood sugar levels, has anti-cancer properties, lower cholesterol and reduces inflation as well as enhances immunity. Brahmi: Brahmi obtains its name from Lord Brahma, the god of creation. It is considered to be the most revered and widely used herbs in Ayurveda and is widely recommended for treatment of anxiety, brain-related disorders, various skin conditions, immune system. The herb is being used to treat respiratory disorders such as asthma and enhancing the pulmonary function. Brahmi has been used for treating bronchitis, congestion, chest colds, and blocked sinuses. It also helps clear out excess phlegm and mucus from the human body and relieves throat and respiratory track inflammation. Neem: Also known as an "immunomodulator" this medicinal herb plays a major role in the functioning of the immune system. Neem leaves have anti-bacterial properties and they help in purifying the blood, remove toxins, and cure ulcers. They destroy the infection-causing bacteria and stimulate the immune system. **Do not take neem for more than 15 days. Besides, pregnant women, children and senior citizen should avoid neem. Amla or gooseberry Amla powder is great for boosting your immunity but it also has other wonderful benefits for your hair, skin and overall health that you’re about to find out here. How to have it: Have one amla every day on an empty stomach Benefits: Amla or Indian gooseberry is loaded with the benefits of Vitamin C, beta-carotene and is a rich source of antioxidants, which helps to boost the immunity. Turmeric: The age-old ingredient from mom’s kitchen can work wonders when it comes to immunity. Be it in your food, milk or even your tea, turmeric helps cure wounds, clears skins, aids in digestions and benefits your bones. Curcumin, a compound present in turmeric, is known to possess anti-inflammatory properties that help boost immunity. It also is a great anti-oxidant which helps to slow down the oxidative processes in the body and keep you young! Bita Bitajian Transformation Ayurvedic Center email:[email protected] Tel:450-671-8508

Transformation Ayurvedic Center 01.11.2020


Transformation Ayurvedic Center 01.11.2020

Ayurveda for the modern pandemic It has Never been more important to regenerate your body and build strong immunity than now, during our new global health crisis. The coronavirus pandemic has turned the world’s attention to the immune system, the body’s defence force against disease-causing bacteria, viruses, and other organisms that we touch, ingest, and inhale every day. The COVID-19 crisis has led to high levels of psychological distress and significant impact on our menta...l health. Such distress is accompanied with alterations in immune function, including an increased risk of viral respiratory tract infections. The immune system plays a critical role in our response against infectious disease. The immune system is the body’s multi-level defence network against potentially harmful bacteria, viruses, and other organisms. Poor mental health conditions, including stress and depression, are associated with increased risk of acute respiratory infections. Ayurveda, a traditional system of medicine, originated in India more than 3000 years ago. The term Ayurveda is derived from the Sanskrit words ayur (life) and veda (science or knowledge). The classic Ayurveda text Charaka Samhita, mentioned about epidemic management and defines immunity as the ability to preventing and arresting the progression of disease for maintaining homeostasis. Ayurvedic consultation help us to understand our body energy so that we can tailor our diet and lifestyle for our body need. This will help the digestion and lead to a stronger immune system. In Ayurveda, we also have several treatment options which helps in enhancing immunity against respiratory illnesses, these include certain immune modulators (known as Rasayana), local and systemic interventions. Herbal decoctions, consumptions of hot water, gargling with medicated water, tongue scraping, neti pot and steam inhalation described in Ayurveda for respiratory illnesses. These interventions can be quickly implemented on large scale with the advantages of simplicity, affordability, and acceptability. This is clear that such traditional measures can positively influence mental health and immune system function. Bita Bitajian Transformation ayurvedic center For more information or to book an appointment: 320 Ave, saint Denis saint Lambert, Quebec Tel:450-671-8508 email: [email protected]

Transformation Ayurvedic Center 26.10.2020

Dhanvantari le père de l'Ayurveda Le premier jour de Diwali est connu sous le nom de Dhanteras, ou Dhanatrayodashi. Dhan signifie richesse et teras fait référence au 13e jour d'une quinzaine lunaire du calendrier hindou. En ce jour, Lord Dhanvantari, le dieu hindou de la médecine et une incarnation de Lord Vishnu, aurait apporté l'Ayurveda et le nectar de l'immortalité à l'humanité en ce jour. L'Ayurveda est considérée comme l'un des systèmes de médecine les plus anciens ...et les mieux documentés, tout aussi pertinent dans les temps modernes. Lord Dhanvantari est considéré comme un propagateur divin de l'Ayurveda et il a reçu les vertus d'accorder la santé et la richesse. La Journée nationale de l'Ayurveda est donc célébrée sous le nom de Dhabvantari Trayodashi le jour de Dhanteras le 13 novembre 2020. Lord Dhanvantari est une personnalité exceptionnelle dans l'histoire de l'Ayurveda. Il était le médecin des dieux (dans les Vedas et les Puranas) et un excellent chirurgien. Dans l'hindouisme, les fidèles prient Dhanvantari pour obtenir ses bénédictions pour une guérison saine. Dans son incarnation en tant que roi de Kashi, Divodasa, il a été approché par un groupe de sages (dont Susruta, le grand chirurgien indien) avec la demande de leur enseigner la science de l'Ayurveda. Dhanvantari a déclaré que Brahma a composé l'Ayurveda avant même de créer l'humanité, formant l'une des upangas de l'Atharvaveda en 100000 versets disposés en 1000 chapitres, ce qui n'était pas facile pour l'intelligence restreinte des hommes à apprendre dans leur courte durée de vie. Alors Dhanvantari s'est conformé à la demande des sages, a refondu l'Ayurveda de Brahma en 8 divisions (shalya, shalakya, kayachikitsa, bhutavidya, kaumarabhrtya, agadatantra, rasayanatantra, vajikaranatantra) et a commencé à enseigner dans le cadre de prature agyaksa (perception) anumana (inférence) et upamana (analogie). Dans d'autres versions des origines de l'Ayurveda, il a été dit que Dhanvantari a été chargé par Lord Indra de porter la science de l'Ayurveda aux mortels. A noter également, Dhanvantari est considéré comme un avatar de Vishnu dans l'hindouisme. L'histoire la plus souvent racontée à propos de Dhanvantari est que lorsque l'océan a été agité par les dieux et les démons à la recherche de l'élixir de vie, Dhanvantari en est sorti en tenant un bol de nectar dans ses mains.