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Chantal Young Coaching 05.01.2021

This is quite interesting. They say that the average kid laughs about 400 times a day and the average grown up 15 times a day. Somewhere along the way we lost 385. My wish for everyone is to stop being the average grown up. Laugh like a kid and enjoy life... Happy Friday

Chantal Young Coaching 17.12.2020

Do you ever feel stuck and/or overwhelmed? Life does fly by and we need to take some time to relax and just be. Take a moment to concentrate on our breathing and being in the present moment. When you are having a bad day remember to be grateful for everything you already have. When you are having a great day remember to be grateful for everything you already have.... When you wake up in the morning remember to be grateful for everything you already have. When you are tired remember to be grateful for what you already have. Gratitude is the secret to happiness. Being grateful for everything we already have right now. Write it down and read it everyday. I write it down everyday and as I write it I attach a feeling to it. Try it. As you sit there this morning drinking your coffee, think of everything you already have. There’s so much to be grateful for. Wishing everyone a fun, safe and memorable long weekend. Xxoo

Chantal Young Coaching 06.12.2020

What a beautiful day to celebrate all the dads , step dads and all the men that are helping the kids that don’t have their fathers around. Let’s celebrate and appreciate them all.What a beautiful day to celebrate all the dads , step dads and all the men that are helping the kids that don’t have their fathers around. Let’s celebrate and appreciate them all.

Chantal Young Coaching 21.11.2020

The potholes of life make us stronger. Every potholes that you have been through is the perfect example that you are able to get back up and keep going. Sometimes we can go around them and other times we go right through them blowing a tire that seems unfixable. Let me tell you, you can recover from every pothole. It may take time and you may feel a lot of pain through the process however Have faith in the process, have faith that you will find strength and come out stronge...r and clearer. Be patient. Just believe that you are loved and it shall pass. Some moments will be harder than others and often we won’t understand why we need to go through them until much later in life. I embrace every potholes that I’ve experienced even if they didn’t feel great. Time heals and learning from them makes it easier. The hardest of course is a loss of a love one. It’s not fair to lose them especially at a young age but somehow GOD had bigger plans for them. I keep them alive inside of me and remind myself that I will see them again when my journey on earth comes to an end. Until then my goal is to have faith that everything I need is right there in front of me. The potholes are blessings and life is worth living even when it hurts. Be patient, feel the emotion and release it. Appreciate what you have and be grateful. Then open your arms to allow miracles. Remember we often close our arms to them. Open your arms and when you are given something accept it with love and appreciation and be grateful for it all. This is a wonderful Wednesday cause you are part of it. Xo

Chantal Young Coaching 19.11.2020

Get out of your head and let the energy flow throughout your whole body. Too many times we allow our thoughts and emotions to take control of our body and we forget that in order to be happy and healthy we need to let our energy and life flow through our body. Staying in your head, overthinking, thinking of the past or future only allows our body to live somewhere else then this beautiful present moment.... So take a deep breath, forgive yourself, feel the emotions and let them flow through you and out. Feel the love within you warm up your entire body. Be grateful and appreciate everything you have right now and open your arms to everything that is already yours. Live lite and be a light. Don’t live in the dark cause you were born to shine. Happy Tuesday

Chantal Young Coaching 16.11.2020

Let me ask you this... What positive lesson or AHA moments have you experienced during this COVID isolation?Let me ask you this... What positive lesson or AHA moments have you experienced during this COVID isolation?

Chantal Young Coaching 31.10.2020

These videos always bring me so much excitement aka nervousness. Lol it’s not always easy to put ourselves out there and break through the fears but it definitely gets easier as time goes by. Remember live in the moment. This very moment. Don’t focus on the past as you can’t change it and don’t live in the future as you will miss the gifts that today has to offer. Living in the now is the best present you can give yourself. ... Be well

Chantal Young Coaching 26.10.2020

Happy Friday everyone. My heart is filled with joy. It’s the simple things in life that brings us so much LOVE. I came out of the shower and seen this message I Love you guys so much from Ryker.... Think of ways that can bring JOY to your family. If you live by yourself than write yourself a message so you can be reminded every day how amazing you are. Wishing everyone an amazing day. Xo Chantal

Chantal Young Coaching 23.10.2020

Welcome to Wellness Wednesday. Today I would like to share a water system that we have been using for over 10 years. This iH2O system is something that our whole family LOVES and we never leave home without it. ... In the video I will share different ways that we use this system. If you wish to learn more about this ultra hydrating system simply send me a message and join our thriving 360 group on Facebook. Take care. Click on the link to learn how it works. IH2O is SFA https://youtu.be/j6wd0ZMog7Q

Chantal Young Coaching 06.10.2020

What’s the first thing you think about when you hear when it rains, it pours I know growing up I would associate it with many bad things happening at the same time. What if we took that same phrase and turned it into a positive phrase that meant that you are showered with amazing moments, showered with beautiful people in your life and maybe goodness is pouring over you. I don’t think about it as a negative phrase anymore. ... When it rains it pours. Look at it from another angle and tell me what it means to you. Words can have many different meanings. Let’s turn this phrase around and start thinking about it in a positive way. Happy Monday everyone.

Chantal Young Coaching 19.09.2020

Today is all about gratitude. Thank you for all the amazing people that I have met along the way. Sometimes we take things for granted and nature helps us bring it out. For all of you that already have the products, please remember that the universal guards and cell guards have to be replaced. The home harmonizes and pendants are good for life. Happy Saturday everyone. Xoxo

Chantal Young Coaching 08.09.2020

Nature often speaks to us I have been walking by this area for the past few days and these trees captured my attention every time. Today it spoke to me very clearly.... Take a look at these trees, really take a look, what do you see? Some may say that they are just trees. Others may say that they represent something much more. I felt that they represented me. The bare trees... these remind me of the days that weren’t as easy. The days I felt alone and confused about life. The days that I couldn’t see clear and really didn’t know where I was suppose to be. We are not meant to flourish all the time. It’s during these moments that I can see some of the things I have been holding on to. It’s during these times that I get to decide how I will deal with them. Will I take responsibility and work on them so I can finally let them go. This is what I call growth. Now take a look at the tree that is bent. I am sure we can all relate to this one. I often carry my baggage and feel like I need to have them with me all the time. It could also represent all the times that I couldn’t say no and took on much more than I could handle. Then those times when I am trying so hard to be healthy and even with all those exercises and healthy eating i can’t seem to find true health. I could go on and on however I think you get the point. Now that beautiful tree. Standing tall. Remember a time in your life that you felt amazing. Feeling On top of the world. Try to remember one special moment in your life. Maybe it’s being in Love, a new job, succeeded at something you have been working so hard at, your wedding day, birth of a child, new puppy or cat. Whatever that moment is we can remember those days and it fills our heart with so much love. People can say something mean and we can still walk with our head up, shoulders back. We are confident. No one can destroy us. I LOVE those days/ moments. Life is a journey. We need to remind ourselves that it doesn’t matter where we are, as it’s exactly where we need to be. It may not be where you want to be however we are given these times to find ourselves, our true authentic self. Quiet your mind and listen. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Live in the moment and only do what you can do right now in this very moment. And trust the process. Remember everything happens for us not to us. Now breathe, you are amazing and life is great cause you are part of it. Smile and be grateful Xo

Chantal Young Coaching 23.08.2020

I am sharing this link hoping that you will take the time to listen to it. I am not sharing to add stress and worry. I am sharing as there are things that you can do to help your family thrive in this wireless age. Thanks to GIA my family has been protected for the past 10 years. Support your body, help strengthen your immune system and Biofield and give your body the chance to thrive. ... I am here to guide you towards a healthier and happier YOU.

Chantal Young Coaching 21.08.2020

Day Dreaming is a lot of fun. What do you day dream about? Life is so serious, so let’s have a little fun. They do say you attract what you think of so... share your dreams.Day Dreaming is a lot of fun. What do you day dream about? Life is so serious, so let’s have a little fun. They do say you attract what you think of so... share your dreams.

Chantal Young Coaching 03.08.2020

Be still and enjoy the ride

Chantal Young Coaching 24.07.2020

Thinking vs doing. For many years I sat there thinking of how I would do certain things and most of the time never followed through with any ideas. The negative beliefs would pop up and there I went thinking some more. This year has been the complete opposite. I took responsibility of my actions (which was very little of following through and consistency), reached out to my mentors and turned lots thinking into doing . ... A lot more of following through and the latest thing was being consistent. It’s unbelievable what happens when you are consistent. Having experienced so much and finally figuring out how to do it, I am putting my thoughts and passion into actions. September is just around the corner and I will be hosting coaching workshops as well as a 6 month growth inspiration and abundant program. Looking forward to guiding you from thinking to doing. Enjoy the rest of this amazing summer. Dreams are just around the corner. Xo

Chantal Young Coaching 20.07.2020

Sometimes you fall down because there is something down there you are suppose to find. Life happens for you not to you.Sometimes you fall down because there is something down there you are suppose to find. Life happens for you not to you.

Chantal Young Coaching 05.07.2020

Life is an adventure. Learn from your mistake and move on. We can get really good at staying stuck however it doesn’t serve us or anyone else to be there. You are amazing

Chantal Young Coaching 26.06.2020

This September I have been asked to be a speaker at a GIA Wellness Conference in California and I will be talking about the importance of Balance in Life. It is amazing to listen to everyone's definition. Before I share mine, I would like to ask you, "What is your definition"?

Chantal Young Coaching 10.06.2020

Sounds yummy...

Chantal Young Coaching 24.05.2020

How true is this. Read it over and over until you feel it. The best part of getting older and wiser is realizing that there’s better things in life than rushing to get it all done. ... I don’t know a single person that never experienced this. We often feel like we have it all figured out just to fall in the trap again. Not sure about you but every time I get out and start living in the present my tolerance for rushing gets shorter. I now I understand why my father would always take his time at doing things. He was simply enjoying every minute. I remember thinking that he was wasting time. Oh boy was I wrong. Being present and in the moment allows you to be alive and build memories every second of the day. It is truly the best gift of life.

Chantal Young Coaching 16.05.2020

This image made me think about how things seem to stick in our mind, good or bad. Have you ever experience a time in your life that you felt unstoppable and even if people tried to treat you badly or give you negative feedbacks, it didn’t matter because you felt soooo good that all that negative stuff just bounced right off. I LOVE that feeling. Now how about this one...have you ever felt like you are stuck and just can’t seems to be able to get away from it all. The mind ...is very powerful and we need to nourish it with positive activities, and thoughts and continue to take care of it. Of course it’s normal to fall off track once in a while however it’s very important to have a list of to do’s that will help you get back on track. 1. Guided meditation 2. Tapping 3. Grounding yourself 4. Reconnecting with your soul 5. Connecting with god Whatever you decided to do just do it. Be kind to yourself. Be in love with yoursel See more

Chantal Young Coaching 26.04.2020

Get out of your head and let the energy flow throughout your whole body. Too many times we allow our thoughts and emotions take control of our body and we forget that in order to be happy and healthy we need to let our energy and life flow through our body. Staying in your head, overthinking, thinking if the past or future only allows our body to shut down and let it become weak and unhealthy. So take a deep breath, forgive yourself, feel the emotions but let them flow. Let the love within you flow. Live in the moment and live everyday like it’s your last. Be in control of your body and don’t allow it to crash. You got this.

Chantal Young Coaching 12.04.2020

The potholes of life is what makes us stronger. Every potholes mean that you were able to get back up and keep going. Sometimes we end up taking a detour and other times we blow a tire that seems unfixable. Let me tell you, you can recover from every pothole. It may take time and you may feel a lot of pain while getting out but you will get out. Have faith in the process, have faith that you will find strength. There’s no time limit just you deciding that you are loved and ...amazing. Some moments will be harder than others and often we won’t understand why we needed to go through them until much later in life. I have learnt to embraced every potholes that I’ve experienced even if they didn’t feel great. Time heals and learning from them makes it easier. The hardest of course is a loss of a love one. It’s never feels fair to lose them but somehow GOD had bigger plans for them. I keep them alive inside of me and remind myself that I will see them again when my journey on earth comes to an end. I wish that everyone can find peace in their hearts and live in the present as much as possible. This is the true gift of life. xo

Chantal Young Coaching 07.04.2020

Who are you? The real you? As adults, parents, spouses.... we often find ourselves lost in the department of who we truly are. After years of putting a lot of time and energy in our family and relationships we can find ourselves not really knowing who we are anymore. I have spent some time trying to figure this out. Putting everyone ahead of my own needs was natural however I felt the need to discover new hobbies, learn new things and find myself again.... so a few months ag...o I decided to do just that. Wow! it was and continues to be an amazing adventure. I did a lot of soul searching and said yes to one of my dreams and it is going well. I had been wanting to start some group and one on one coaching for many years however my inner voices would stop me, well not anymore and I LOVE IT. It's everything that I dreamt it would be. Meeting amazing people, making new friends, getting healthier, happier and taking full responsibility of my life. Feeling complete again and guess what, I didn't have to put my family aside for it. That's the best part. So I ask you.... What have you been wanting to do for years and still haven’t done. Try it. You may just like it. Xoxo

Chantal Young Coaching 02.04.2020

Great recipes....

Chantal Young Coaching 23.03.2020

Every Week as I get to work I park my car behind the building and as I come out of my car I see the garbage container however just past the garbage is the greatest view. A little piece of heaven tucked away where no one can see. I am sharing this with you as a reminder to take the time to look just a little further. If you meet up with someone that isn't too happy take the time to say something nice as you may just find something more than the anger, fear, loneliness... ... If you are present I promise you I will find the best presents. Life is amazing if we take the time to see it and feel it. Enjoy this day as tomorrow is never promised. xo

Chantal Young Coaching 10.03.2020

Happy Tuesday Everyone... Today is a new day. Be present, smile and choose to make it the best day ever. Remember that the issues may not go away however you have the choice to be happy through them. xo

Chantal Young Coaching 25.02.2020

Happy Monday. As we start this amazing day... Remind yourself that you are a beautiful individual Remind yourself that you too have great ideas Remind yourself to get out of your head ... Remind yourself to let Love flow throughout your body Remind yourself to let things go Remind yourself that it's ok to smile to a complete stranger Remind yourself that everyone has a story Remind yourself what you are grateful for Remind others that there's many things to be grateful for Remind yourself to be humble and kind Remind yourself that you are eneough Remind yourself that you are amazing Remind yourself to take responsibility of your happiness Most of all remind yourself of your beautiful self. Don't be what everyone wants you to be, Be free to be you with love and kindness.

Chantal Young Coaching 06.02.2020

Les Brown is one of my favourite. His words are powerful. These words are powerful. Start dreaming and then work towards your dreams. Stay so focused that no one will be able to push you off your path. It’s not easy however it is simple.

Chantal Young Coaching 26.01.2020

This is powerful. Don’t ever let someone’s opinion of you become your reality. Start dreaming and go for your dreams.

Chantal Young Coaching 06.01.2020

Happy Friday everyone. Make the best of every moment and that will create an amazing and positive day. Build memories not only on camera but in your heart. Be free, have fun, laugh and stop taking life so seriously. xo

Chantal Young Coaching 25.12.2019

Looking forward to meeting other amazing women soon. Have a productve day.

Chantal Young Coaching 16.12.2019

Do you bring out the best in others or the worst? Think about someone that makes you want to run away or even someone that you hesitate to answer when you see their name come up on your phone. The ones that never seem to have anything good to say or always have issues. Now think of the person that makes you smile, the ones that you get good belly laughs with. The ones that lift you up and always sooo positive. Everyone has issues and struggles in life. I know by experience ...that thinking about the past and fearing the future never gets you anywhere and sharing your issues doesn’t fix them, sure you need a friend or two that you can vent with once in a while but going around and living your life in the past or future never seem to feel good and only leaves you feeling discouraged and out of control. Embrace everyone you love and remember you can be the one who gives them the last push to give up or you can be the one to give them hope and courage to face life. You get to choose who you want to be.

Chantal Young Coaching 10.12.2019

Be free. Easier said than done however it’s possible. It’s possible to let go of the past and not give any energy to the future. It’s possible to love yourself unconditionally. It’s possible to walk with self confidence and be love itself. It’s possible however we seem to always let fear and doubt come in and stay for a visit. We need to remember that we are human, we will make mistakes and if we forgive ourselves we will grow to be love and that will set us free.

Chantal Young Coaching 23.11.2019

Have you ever heard or said this following saying....If I have the money, then I will do the things I want. Finally, I will be happy. I know I have said this on numerous occasions however I no longer say these words. Happiness is not about having money to do the things you want to do. Happiness is from within. Being grateful for everything you have will help you find that happiness. Often we tend to focus on the things we want and don't have and happiness is definitely not the feeling we get. So today as you start your day, write down or say 10 things that you are grateful for and see how your day will shift.

Chantal Young Coaching 09.11.2019

Everyday as I listen to the people that surround me, I am saddened by what I hear. I really can't believe how much energy is wasted on things that really doesn't matter. Birthday gifts that they didn't ask for, their kids driving them crazy, pointing the finger at everyone for what is going wrong in their lives.... I take a deep breathe and another as I continuously keep reminding myself...I am grateful for my health, I am grateful for my family and friends, I am grateful fo...r being empathetic, I am grateful for believing in love, I am grateful for all the beautiful and not so beautiful moments.... I AM GRATEFUL FOR ALL OF YOU. Wishing you the best present and that is to be present right now. Enjoy every moment and trust the process. Hugs

Chantal Young Coaching 05.11.2019

The next "The Authentic you" session will be held next week at Talk of the Town in Chelmsford. Don't miss out. Message me today to reserve your spot or stop in to see Anne Caya. Don't stay stuck. Take the chance, it may just open your eyes to new possibilities. Looking forward to meeting our next group of ladies. Be well. xo

Chantal Young Coaching 23.10.2019

Be the light. Be the light that shines. Be the light that helps others find their way. You know you have the power to dim or light up your light. Where is your set to? Is it low or high? If it’s set to low then visualize yourself turning it to on, to a brighter light. ... We have the power inside to make that decision. Don’t let the darkness in others dim your light. Xoxox

Chantal Young Coaching 10.10.2019

Your inner child. When was the last time it came out to play? Or do you keep it alive all the time? We all have the inner child inside of us that is full of love and fun. ... Have you ever paid attention to how a child looks at a situation? Have you ever asked them? Looking at things through a child eyes is special, it’s pure, and very clear. We are the ones that complicate things. Let’s keep it simple and remember to let our inner child out to play and pay attention to the bigger picture. See more

Chantal Young Coaching 23.09.2019

Something to ponder... If it costs you your peace, it's too expensive. Give up the things that cause you stress or anxiety. Let go of the things that keep you up at night. ... Stop doing the things that don’t feel good. Instead manifest and cultivate the things that feel really good to you. Enjoy the moments of peace that can seem to get lost in the madness of our modern lifestyles. Spend your time wisely, you only have this moment. Funnel your energy, your time, your money and your power into the things that nourish your soul. The things that truly making you a richer, and more kind and present human being. Let go of the rest. If it’s making memories, do it. If it’s experiencing life more, do it. If it’s starting a new health + fitness routine, do it. If it’s eating healthier, do it. If it’s launching a business, start. If it’s having better relationships, start. If it’s leaving that job you hate, do it. If it’s loving yourself more, it starts with you. If it’s forgiving someone else, or yourself, take the first step. If it’s going after that raise, ask for it. If it’s practicing more yoga, begin. If it’s more me time, take it. If it’s giving more love, start with gratitude. If it’s feeling more grounded, meditate. If it’s feeling more joy and peace, be more present. If it’s adventure, plan that trip. The point is take action and stop doing the things that don’t fill you up. Both are imperative if you want to feel the way you want to feel, if you want to experience life the way you want to experience it and if you want to have the life you desire. If it costs you your peace, it's too expensive. Don’t sell your soul.

Chantal Young Coaching 05.09.2019

What’s the first thing you think about when you hear when it rains it pours I know growing up and until a year ago I would associate it with as a negative phrase. Most people I know refer to it as many bad things are happening and how about this one "with my luck"... I always heard this one as a negative phrase as well. What if we took those same phrases and turned them into positive phrases that mean that you are showered with amazing moments, showered with beautiful people in your life and maybe goodness is pouring over you, and with my luck I will have a better day tomorrow, with my luck I will get my dream job.... I know I don’t think about it as negative phrases anymore. It feels a lot nicer to say. When it rains it pours and I am grateful for all the amazing things that are pouring in my life and with my luck I will find my true self and live my best life. Look at it from another angle and tell me what it means to you. Words can have many different meanings and often we think of the bad. See more

Chantal Young Coaching 17.08.2019

When I am older, I will be louder And tell people just what I think. I will wear what I like and none of it will match I will live life right to the brink. When I am older, I will love every moment... And forget all the nonsense of life. I’ll go straight for the real stuff and bypass the rest I will live without gossip and strife. When I am older, I will look in my mirror And like what I see, every day. I will sit watching sunsets and notice the flowers And do what I please in my way. When I am older, I will tell all my stories And pass down the lessons I’ve learned. I will travel as much as my body allows And enjoy all the money I’ve earned. When I am older, I won’t spend my time Wondering who said what about when. I won’t care who likes me, or who has what I will need only one or two friends. When I am older, things will be simple I’ll go with my heart every day. I won’t ignore children who point out a bug I’ll sit down on the ground and I’ll play. When I am older, I will be proud Of the things I’ve done in my time Of the people I’ve loved, the mistakes that I made The way that things worked out just fine. So what about now, perhaps I should practice In case it’s not easy at all I’ll start dropping worries and cares and the stress And think about having a ball. I’ll start with my breakfast, it should be delicious I’ll taste every drop that goes in. I won’t worry about the size of my thighs Not today, for today I begin. This is such an eye opener for me as it recaps everything I try to accomplish accept the not matching part...lol Tell me what you think about this? picture by Nathalie Minor See more

Chantal Young Coaching 15.08.2019

Are you feeling Stressed!!! or even Lost!!! Looking to get back on track!!! Overwhelmed!!! Anxious!!! Feeling like you are about to pull your hair out!!! WELL!... I may have an answer for you. This Sunday, March 17th and Tuesday March 26th I am hosting a coaching session that will help you get back to the true you... If you forgot who that is then we will find it. If you are looking for answer then we will answer them. This session is about you... "The Authentic You" Spots are limited so message me asap to sign up. You won't regret it... The only question I asked is... Are you ready for changes? if so are you ready to change? That is the biggist question. I am not asked you to become a new person, just a better version or yourself.

Chantal Young Coaching 29.07.2019

Forgiveness!!! "I believe we have three choices when it comes to how to forgive. Positions for those situations where relationships get sticky. In, out, or wait. In: You dive in and do the work. You gather and speak truth in love. Harvest the soil in the attempt to nurture tiny seedlings into new life.... Out: You walk away. Sever communication, cut ties, pack up your bags and go home. Wait: For somethingsomeonesome word or act, apology or occurrence. A period of time to pass. Something for which you feel you cannot proceed without. In, out, or wait. Where do you find yourself? Read this article and be free again.

Chantal Young Coaching 19.07.2019

this image made me think about how things seem to stick in our mind, good or bad. Have you ever experience a time in your life that you felt unstoppable and even if people tried to treat you badly or give you negative feedbacks, it didn’t matter because you felt soooo good that all that negative stuff just bounced right off. I LOVE that feeling. ... Now how about this one...have you ever felt like you are stuck and just can’t seems to be able to get away from it all. The mind is very powerful and we need to nourish it with positive activities, and thoughts and continue to take care of it. Of course it’s normal to fall off track once in a while however it’s very important to have a list of to do’s that will help you get back on track. 1. Guided meditatition 2. Tapping 3. Grounding yourself 4. Reconnecting with your soul 5. Connecting with god Whatever you decided to do just do it.

Chantal Young Coaching 15.07.2019

This explains a lot if you have a mind full join me on March 17-26 for the authentic you session.

Chantal Young Coaching 12.06.2019

Question???? If we all had a countdown timer to tell us how long we had left on earth, would you be doing the same thing you are doing right now? Imagine having this timer and the rules were that you still need to make money, pay bills, have certain responsibilities.... however your free time was for you to decide what you want to do with it. Would your free time be spent the same way as how you spend it right now? Think about it. What would you do differently? Would you ca...ll an old friend? Would you visit someone special? Would you find yourself trying new things and learning new things? Would you get a different job? Take a Moment to think about it. Are you living to the fullest? I know I’m not

Chantal Young Coaching 02.06.2019

How happy are you on a scale from 1 to 10. 1 = not happy at all 10=very happy. Where would you rate yourself. I am working on a new project and really need your input on this.

Chantal Young Coaching 10.05.2019

Thank you for all the beautiful women that joined me at the "The Authentic You" session this month. Please find attached the March sessions. Simply message me to reserve your spot and I will give you the details for payment. I appreciate everyone that have been sharing. It truly means a lot. Be well my friends :) xo Sunday March 17th and Tuesday March 26th. Details are in the posters.

Chantal Young Coaching 07.05.2019

What an amazing session today with fabulous women once again. I am so grateful for the beautiful women that have been joining me on this journey. I will post this next session this week.

Chantal Young Coaching 23.04.2019

Tomorrow is my second the authentic You session. It’s not too late to join an amazing group of women. Time to get back on track and take control of your life. Looking forward to learning from each one of you. Thank you to everyone that signed up. I am very excited that you are ready to get into the driver seat of your life. Xo

Chantal Young Coaching 21.04.2019

"The Authentic You" session will be offered once again on Sunday February 24th at "Talk of the Town" in Chelmsford, from 1:30 to 3:30-4. Payment must be done prior to the date. Message me for more details. Looking forward to meeting many more incredible women.

Chantal Young Coaching 06.04.2019

There’s no better time than NOW. I am so excited to share that I am hosting my first coaching workshop this coming Sunday in Chelmsford. If you are interested in discovering your authentic self then join me. My passion has always been to support other women and help them see how amazing they are.... let’s have fun and fall in love with our true self.

Chantal Young Coaching 01.04.2019

As I sit here and look through Facebook I can’t stop but think how powerful all these messages are. Everyone wishing people good health, opportunities, love, friendship.... One day of the year where everyone shares positive quotes and messages. So I ask each And every one of you. What about the other 364 days. We can make a difference in our lives and the lives of others by sharing encouragement and support, educational or funny, recipes and inspiring videos, pictures of your family and amazing vacations. This year I welcome positive, fun, kind and open minded people into my life. Remember this day and wake up tomorrow and the next day feeling and sharing the same way. Be the difference in others.

Chantal Young Coaching 10.03.2019

Live each day like it’s your last. Be kind, be humble, be present. Every moment is yours. Take charge of your life

Chantal Young Coaching 18.02.2019

Remember to do something for yourself today. Hugs

Chantal Young Coaching 03.02.2019

Live in the present.... It means that your awareness is completely centered on the here and now. You are not worrying about the future or thinking about the past. When you live in the present, you are living where life is happening. The past and future are illusions, they don't exist.