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Locality: Kingston, Ontario

Phone: +1 613-539-4671

Address: 55 mowat k7m 1k2 Kingston, ON, Canada

Website: www.etsy.com/shop/chasinglightningbugs

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chasing lightning bugs studio 28.01.2021

I’m not really what most would consider a top notch wife. But I adore my husband and if there is anything I can do to make this time easier for him I’ll do it. And so with that in mind we began an insane marathon of movie watching, movies he loves and movies that I have always rejected any invitation to watch with him. But now here we are watching the entire catalog of Marvel movies in the order of their release. Every night we watch a different movie. And it’s worki...ng. He is loving it and I can feel his anxieties melting. And If there’s anything that soothes my soul it’s seeing him happy.... and hand stitching on this little quilt I’ve worked on for years. Uneven rows of stitches that create wonky little tunnels that look like brain matter to me. Long stretches of waxed cotton thread pulling through white linen. It’s a delightful task. And so we sit together propped in bed in front of the fire watching movies while I stitch away on my quilt. He understands that I need to be doing what I’m doing and I understand that he gets happily lost in these movies. It works for us. And to be honest, despite being sure I would be bored to tears with these movies, I can secretly admit to loving every minute. Photo credit: Tom

chasing lightning bugs studio 17.01.2021

Grief sneaks upon us in the briefest moments, humming in the stillness, whispering in stabbing little achey stories, like a wool sweater or a favourite flowered dress folded and waiting in a cupboard for its time. While the crash of death is immediate and mighty, it mostly feels like a lie. And there come the immediate chores of mourning, for the dying of one we love doesn’t slip past without an expected ceremony. And its public finality is echoey and numbing and exhausti...ng and it continues to feel like a lie. And it isn’t until the quiet settles and the aloneness is belted to your waist, when all that is required of the mourner has been fulfilled, and days have rumbled past, and only then does the first of thousands of brass knuckled gut punches land and rip the breath from you. You have all given us such solace with your beautiful words full of kindness and love. And our little front porch was filled with flowers and food and baskets of love with notes and comfort and so so so much love. Every action, every word, every gift gave us moments of softness and we thank you so much for the constant thoughtfulness. It really truly helps. xoxo See more

chasing lightning bugs studio 07.01.2021

It’s always been his eyes. From the moment we met his eyes bored into me and there was a connection. First it was eagerness, an almost desperate look. He knew I was for him and he wanted to make sure I knew it too. His life had not been easy at the start. He’d lived in cruel circumstances with no shelter from winter cold nor summer heat and very little food. He was rescued from that situation by a kind woman who fostered him for a year and a half while she searched...Continue reading

chasing lightning bugs studio 23.12.2020

There is surf on the lake this morning. And the walkways are icy from the spray of it breaking on the rocks along the shore. Maybelle pulled me out for a morning walk and on our way home, I filled my mittens with little glass gems at the little beach. The icy pebbles were treacherous to maneuver on but so worth the extra effort. Maybelle loves a good weathery morning full of wind and dark stone coloured skies and we haven’t been able to get out much lately because of de...ar Ezra. And, speaking of our elderly gentleman, the sweet boy gave us a scare last night. We aren’t out of the woods yet, but we have treatment. I discovered a thickness around his throat. And he seemed uncomfortable. And then, hours later, realized his lip and cheek were terribly swollen. It appeared some sort of abcess had invaded his mouth and throat. Texting our vet led to getting him started on antibiotics immediately. To be clear, this was around 8 last night and our vet is half an hour outside of town. I was really concerned how we were going to actually get the antibiotics, because I wanted to get them in him as soon as possible. But then a moment later I got a text saying not to worry, that Kate would drop them off in the porch for us on her way home. In these moments I cannot help but cry a little feeling so fortunate that all those desperate feelings get soothed with the amazing people in my life. So at 8.30, Kate dropped off a packet of antibiotics and Ezzie got dosed up and had a good night. Now his second dose is on board and we are waiting for it to start kicking ass. So breathing in all that ionized air at the lake was something I needed this morning. Happy Thursday!! See more

chasing lightning bugs studio 15.12.2020

This afternoon my mother and I were on the phone, talking over the events of the last several hours, going over all our favourite moments of this beautiful day. I always remember when I see Washington DC that no matter the magnificent cities that my mother has visited all over the world, nothing compares to Washington for her. And today she told me why. When she was a little girl growing up in the simplest conditions, in true poverty really, in 1940s Virginia, her father... would pile them into his panel truck and drive the Shirley highway into Washington to visit her grandmother. And she would stare out the window and watch for the tip of the Washington Memorial to appear. And then the dome of the Capitol would emerge. As they crossed the Potomac the Lincoln Memorial would come into view, and finally the ‘graceful curve of the Jefferson Memorial’. And her little girl heart would ‘thump from the beauty’. Today I caught a glimpse of that feeling that this little barefoot girl has kept in her heart for 75 years. See more

chasing lightning bugs studio 14.11.2020

Well doesn’t this little face just brighten a gloomy Sunday morning!! This is my first puppy mugshot commission, and I think he will make a pretty special little gift for his mama. I’m including a few of pics of the process, right down to the choosing of the background colour. I had to share him, he’s just too cute not to. If there is a dog in your life that you just can’t get enough of, or a beloved dog who is a sweet memory who you’d like to memorialize, I can make o...ne of these little mats for you. They are 100% Canadian wool and measure 17 x 13 inches, and will hang from a dowel (or my preference, a pretty twig) that slips through a sleeve on the back. I think it makes a special gift, a spark of sweetness for this particularly difficult and unusual holiday season. I’m charging $95 and I’m happy to mail if needed. And there is a good dose of love in these mats, added free of charge Edit.... Tom just read this and said that’s some pretty sappy shit hahaha. So, I apologize. I guess the cuteness is a little over the top.

chasing lightning bugs studio 11.11.2020

November is always a month that I barely lift my head from the work I do. Of course it’s mostly the fact that people are buying my work as gifts at this time of year. But I wonder if it’s also how I naturally head into winter. The fire is on and the animals are sleeping beside me and the creature comforts are strong. I am full of ideas and motivation and enjoying my work. I’m tired at the end of the day, tired in a way that makes sleep deep and healing. And I am cont...ent to continue to spend my days immersed in the work. I feel very fortunate to have this opportunity. I believe this year thoughtful and meaningful gifts are important as our holiday celebrating will be small and there will be many we aren’t able to see. I don’t know what our Christmas will look like this year but I know we’ll be cautious. This little marouska doll is really full of personality. She’s small.... I haven’t measured her, but I’m guessing 8 x 10 inches. And she’s $40. I am also still accepting dog and cat mugshot commissions in time for holiday gifts. They are $95. And contactless pickup from my enclosed front porch is easy peasy. I am also willing to do local delivery. Enjoy your night, I’m being beckoned by Ezra who needs me to take him outside See more

chasing lightning bugs studio 11.11.2020

Well, I just finished it, although it’s still on the frame. The little model isn’t sure what she thinks of it. She just wanted breakfast in this pic and I’d been distracted finishing the background. I really like this flat direct image. If you have a pup who needs a wool mugshot message me and send me pics. Now maybe a kitty mugshot is in order.

chasing lightning bugs studio 03.11.2020

May I present Stevie, my feline debut. I’m always a little nervous with these portrait mats because honestly, they look horrible until the whole face is filled in. The first few I made I would hold up what I was working on to show Tom and he would make a terrified face that without words said you expect someone to buy that? But we’re learning. I know I have to wait until it’s finished before I can decide if it’s any good. But doing a cat for the first time, I wasn’t sure it would all come together. And yet I believe it has. I adore Stevie. He was very patient. So now cats are officially added to the repertoire.

chasing lightning bugs studio 24.10.2020

This is what I’ve been working on today. A puppy mugshot. It’s soothing work. There’s a lot unsoothing going on around us these days. So it feels nice. I took a few minutes in the studio yesterday. I don’t like to leave Ezra alone, but while he was sleeping deeply, had a full belly and an empty bladder I slipped over to the studio and stretched several frames. And spent time sketching and prepping and being in the rooms full of my work that fire me up to keep working. And then this is what came from it. I like it. And I can’t let this day pass without remembering and thanking those in the armed forces who have given us the freedom in our lives through their sacrifice.

chasing lightning bugs studio 09.10.2020

Saturday. Sunday. Monday. Mounds of beach glass shaped like moons fill the end of the table. Representing moments of each day running my hands through pebbles and waves. And now that they’re here on the table smiling at me, I brush my hands through them whenever I have a chance. And I can’t bring myself yet to put them in their big glass cookie jar home. I’m beginning to sketch again. Drawing in preparation to shape wool into little bits of art. Slowly I’m finding ...my vision, finding a direction that satisfies my drive to make and put bits of art (such as it is) into the world. I have a difficult relationship with the word art. Just when I think the divorce is final, it always tends to woo me back and I allow it another go round in my lexicon. We’ll see what shakes out this time. I hope to have fun things to show by the end of the week. See more

chasing lightning bugs studio 28.09.2020

SOLD October $16 This feels like October. And like a harvest. With the warm amber and rich red of leaves and apples and warm golden colour of pears and field crops like wheat. And it’s a fun and interesting way to keep your community safe. The ties are stretchy and cotton and wonderfully comfortable. This mask comes in a cotton drawstring bag to help keep it clean when fresh and separated once it’s been used. If this mask is for you, please send me a DM and we’ll make arrangements for contactless pickup, delivery or mail. Etransfer is the preferred payment.

chasing lightning bugs studio 21.09.2020

I know where to find the moon in the sky from our little back yard. I acquaint myself with her angles when the dogs and I are outdoors so I can find her easily. Our household doesn’t stand on very many rules but one is that our dogs don’t go outside after dark unattended. So with Maybelle on leash and Ezra with his handle harness, we find ourselves under the moon a lot. But tonight in all of our outings the sky was like a flat grey sheet. A moonless sky makes me restles...s and unsettled. Things feel undone. After dinner there was no rising moon. Putting out the garbage the moon wasn’t there. And just now during our last before bed outing there were stars but no moon. And it’s strange to have had such an exceptional weekend and not have the moon to share it all with. The weather was fantastic, there was happiness in the air and Ezra, who’s wellness is my rudder lately, has been great. So, although I’ve missed the moon tonight, all is well as Ezra is sleeping and already running in his dreams. And I’m planning my next wool mat while eagerly expecting my wool order to arrive tomorrow. I hope you are all heading into a lovely week. xo See more

chasing lightning bugs studio 19.09.2020

SOLD Windows & a Doodle Town. $16 One fabric is doodle art of houses along a street. The other fabric depicts old fashioned windows. Together they blend into one great black and white mask like a drawing. If you look closely there’s a cat on a rooftop. And it’s a fun and interesting way to keep your community safe. The ties are stretchy and cotton and wonderfully comfortable. This mask comes in a cotton drawstring bag to help keep it clean when fresh and separated once it’s been used. If this mask is for you, please send me a DM and we’ll make arrangements for contactless pickup, delivery or mail. Etransfer is the preferred payment.

chasing lightning bugs studio 12.09.2020

SOLD Tea towel and Apple. $16 You know how I love a pretty tea towel. Add in an apple and old fashioned kitchen chairs. Plus other pretty fabrics that play along perfectly. And a beautiful mask is born. And it’s a fun and interesting way to keep your community safe. The ties are stretchy and cotton and wonderfully comfortable. This mask comes in a cotton drawstring bag to help keep it clean when fresh and separated once it’s been used. If this mask is for you, please send me a DM and we’ll make arrangements for contactless pickup, delivery or mail. Etransfer is the preferred payment.

chasing lightning bugs studio 23.08.2020

SOLD Birds in Blue. $16 Birds and flowers and even some bees. A bit of a collage feel I’d happening here with this fabric. And the nectarine red is a perfect contrast for this inky blue. And it’s a fun and interesting way to keep your community safe. The ties are stretchy and cotton and wonderfully comfortable. This mask comes in a cotton drawstring bag to help keep it clean when fresh and separated once it’s been used. If this mask is for you, please send me a DM and we’ll make arrangements for contactless pickup, delivery or mail. Etransfer is the preferred payment.

chasing lightning bugs studio 04.08.2020

I find a workspace particularly compelling in the fall of the year. And especially my own space....it pulls to me with a rather dynamic draw. Since Tom is home today holding down the fort, I was able to slip over here and make a little pile of masks. I’ll start posting them in a few minutes. But I wanted to mention a few things. First, during the past months I was limiting these purchases to Canadian customers, but I have been able to sort out a plan I think may work.... If you hail from beyond the Canadian borders, let me know when you message me and I can make a post for you in my Etsy shop where you can make your purchase. And that leads to my second item. This is for all of you in Canada and beyond. Let’s arrange the sale of the masks by direct message. If you’re interested in purchasing just send me a quick message. There were a few harried times before when an item sold multiple times and I’m hoping this method may avoid that. Thank you for your continued interest and support of what I do. I hope you’re enjoying this lovely October Sunday. xo See more

chasing lightning bugs studio 20.07.2020

SOLD The Letter C. $16 I’m only posting one mask tonight and it’s a monogram. For someone that the letter C is meaningful for. With cute corresponding fabrics on the other side if you want a change. And it’s a fun and interesting way to keep your community safe. The ties are stretchy and cotton and wonderfully comfortable. This mask comes in a cotton drawstring bag to help keep it clean when fresh and separated once it’s been used. If this mask is for you, please send me a DM and we’ll make arrangements for contactless pickup, delivery or mail. Etransfer is the preferred payment.

chasing lightning bugs studio 14.07.2020

SOLD Kitchen Chairs and a Bowl of Apples. $16 Chambray and big red dots with adorable kitchen chairs and a pretty classic blue paisley. It’s a gorgeous combination. And I t’s a fun and interesting way to keep your community safe. The ties are stretchy and cotton and wonderfully comfortable. This mask comes in a cotton drawstring bag to help keep it clean when fresh and separated once it’s been used. If this mask is for you, please send me a DM and we’ll make arrangements for contactless pickup, delivery or mail. Etransfer is the preferred payment.

chasing lightning bugs studio 24.06.2020

SOLD Van Gogh Bowl of Lemons. $16 This mask centres on a Van Gogh painting of a bowl of lemons. It dances between interesting fabrics. It’s a fun and interesting way to keep your community safe. The ties are stretchy and cotton and wonderfully comfortable. This mask comes in a cotton drawstring bag to help keep it clean when fresh and separated once it’s been used. If this mask is for you, please send me a DM and we’ll make arrangements for contactless pickup, delivery or mail. Etransfer is the preferred payment.

chasing lightning bugs studio 14.06.2020

SOLD Sweet Nectarine Flowers. $16 This mask is the sweetest grouping of colours and florals. It’s a fun and interesting way to keep your community safe. The ties are stretchy and cotton and wonderfully comfortable. This mask comes in a cotton drawstring bag to help keep it clean when fresh and separated once it’s been used. If this mask is for you, please send me a DM and we’ll make arrangements for contactless pickup, delivery or mail. Etransfer is the preferred payment.

chasing lightning bugs studio 04.06.2020

SOLD All The Colours. $16 This mask is the combination of bright colours and interesting patterns. It is patched a bit like a quilt, a fun and interesting way to keep your community safe. The ties are stretchy and cotton and wonderfully comfortable. This mask comes in a cotton drawstring bag to help keep it clean when fresh and separated once it’s been used. If this mask is for you, please send me a DM and we’ll make arrangements for contactless pickup, delivery or mail. Etransfer is the preferred payment.

chasing lightning bugs studio 20.05.2020

SOLD Night sky. $16 This mask is the combination of two beautiful grey fabrics. It is elegant and low key. The ties are stretchy and cotton and wonderfully comfortable. This mask comes in a cotton drawstring bag to help keep it clean when fresh and separated once it’s been used. If this is the mask for you, please send me a DM and we’ll make arrangements for contactless pickup, delivery or mail. Etransfer is the preferred payment.

chasing lightning bugs studio 11.05.2020

SOLD Woman, Child and a Basket of Fruit. $16 This mask is a combination of soft blues and a beautiful yellow toile with gorgeous imagery as the central fabric. The ties are stretchy and cotton and wonderfully comfortable. This mask comes in a cotton drawstring bag to help keep it clean when fresh and separated when used. If this is the mask for you, please send me a DM and we’ll make arrangements for contactless pickup, delivery or mail. Etransfer is the preferred payment.

chasing lightning bugs studio 02.05.2020

I didn’t intend for last nights post to sound as cryptic as I found it when I read it over. I think I was just rushing when I was writing. So before I start posting new masks, I’ll give you a little update on what’s going on in our world with Ezra. He is really doing rather well for an old man Great Dane. We are so fortunate that he is healthy and happy and that we have this extra time with him. The biggest change has been in his mobility. Over the summer we needed t...o help him get around progressively more and more. Now we have a wonderful harness he wears with handles to help us lift him up. Once he’s up he can stand for a little bit on his own, but he gets wobbly in the back end after more than a few steps without one of us stabilizing him. He eats well and interacts with us and Maybelle and the cats. When I come home from the studio or from being out he is sitting up with perky ears, jumping to see me. I don’t like leaving him alone for any more than an hour so that figures into juggling my schedule. But we’re working it out. So, he’s doing well, but his care takes more time than when he was younger and more self sufficient. I have some masks to post....I’ll start that in the next while. Thank you for you love and interest in our sweet Ezra. See more

chasing lightning bugs studio 14.04.2020

I know it seems I’ve disappeared completely. I’ve been finding my footing with new responsibilities. Managing the needs of an elderly dog is time consuming and very rewarding at the same time. However, I’m back to making masks and will begin posting here tomorrow. And Tom came up with the best idea, and I’m running with it. Now my masks will come in a cotton drawstring bag. You can toss it in your bag to protect your fresh mask until you need to wear it or you can keep used masks separate from fresh ones by putting it in the bag after using. I’ll be back tomorrow with fresh new masks for you

chasing lightning bugs studio 25.03.2020

Today is our 20th wedding anniversary. And we celebrated by buying a king sized bed...for our library. We’ve yet to find a sofa, even a sectional, or a bed for that matter, that everyone in our household can lounge comfortably on. And so a king sized mattress on a platform, it is. There will be room for dogs and cats and humans. I guess there will be a little John & Yoko energy to it and that’s fine with me. Our anniversary gift to ourselves is to continue our unconventional little life together. It will be a couple of weeks before everything is delivered, but I promise, there will be pictures.

chasing lightning bugs studio 20.03.2020

Today an anonymous clairvoyant angel left me a beautiful jar of French strawberry preserves encircled with white birch skin as wrapping. (Thank you thank you i...f you’re reading this). I found it in my front porch and I loved it immediately. But I had no way of knowing how I’d need it’s comfort a few hours later. Here I sit with fresh focaccia, all salty and oily, spread with the sweet gifted strawberry preserves, as a comfort to my sad and frightened soul. The ultimate comfort food. It is a dark day. And I’ve said to my friends that it is our fortune to be crones at a time like this. But I grieve for the youth, grieve deeply for our youth. RIP RBG. See more

chasing lightning bugs studio 06.03.2020

SOLD A monogram mask with the letter D. And not only a monogram. There’s a great collection of fabrics at the D party. Leopard And Dots And Medallions, Oh My. $16. This post is for one unique mask, and since the mask is reversible and can be worn two ways, the first pic shows both sides. (the other pics are just for detail). If this mask is meant for you comment ‘sold’ on the post itself and the first pic too, to be on the safe side, and send an etransfer to [email protected] And please message me right away so we can arrange pickup, delivery or mail within Canada. Please refrain from commenting ‘sold’ unless you’re able to immediately either etransfer the funds or make contact with me. If I don’t hear from you or receive payment I’ll repost it or offer to the second commenter. I hope you understand. Thank you for doing your part in keeping your community safe. xo See more

chasing lightning bugs studio 24.02.2020

SOLD I’m loving the multitude of apples this year. I feel a bit like Bubba from Forrest Gump thinking of all the things I can make from apples (instead of shrimp). This one has a long name. Apples In September With Some Leopard And A Touch Of Matisse Thrown In For Good Measure. $16. This post is for one unique mask, and since the mask is reversible and can be worn two ways, the first pic shows both sides. (the other pics are just for detail). If this mask is meant for ...you comment ‘sold’ on the post itself and the first pic too, to be on the safe side, and send an etransfer to [email protected] And please message me right away so we can arrange pickup, delivery or mail within Canada. Please refrain from commenting ‘sold’ unless you’re able to immediately either etransfer the funds or make contact with me. If I don’t hear from you or receive payment I’ll repost it or offer to the second commenter. I hope you understand. Thank you for doing your part in keeping your community safe. xo See more

chasing lightning bugs studio 14.02.2020

SOLD She’s not as creepy as these pictures make her look, but it’s super hard to photograph. A portrait and then fab mod squad print on the other side. Girl With a Pearl Earring Circa 1967. $16. This post is for one unique mask, and since the mask is reversible and can be worn two ways, the first pic shows both sides. (the other pics are just for detail). If this mask is meant for you comment ‘sold’ on the post itself and the first pic too, to be on the safe side, and ...send an etransfer to [email protected] And please message me right away so we can arrange pickup, delivery or mail within Canada. Please refrain from commenting ‘sold’ unless you’re able to immediately either etransfer the funds or make contact with me. If I don’t hear from you or receive payment I’ll repost it or offer to the second commenter. I hope you understand. Thank you for doing your part in keeping your community safe. xo See more

chasing lightning bugs studio 09.02.2020

SOLD A picnic in September is what I see in this mask. A joyous happening in knowing the days grow briefer. An Autumn Picnic. $16. This post is for one unique mask, and since the mask is reversible and can be worn two ways, the first pic shows both sides. (the other pics are just for detail). If this mask is meant for you comment ‘sold’ on the post itself and the first pic too, to be on the safe side, and send an etransfer to [email protected] And p...lease message me right away so we can arrange pickup, delivery or mail within Canada. Please refrain from commenting ‘sold’ unless you’re able to immediately either etransfer the funds or make contact with me. If I don’t hear from you or receive payment I’ll repost it or offer to the second commenter. I hope you understand. Thank you for doing your part in keeping your community safe. xo See more