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Christian Unity Center International 30.09.2020

Our society is very focused on outward appearances, which can make it easy to overlook or undervalue inner character qualities. However, outer beauty fades with... age, but a godly character becomes more attractive over time. Although we’ve all heard the saying Beauty is only skin deep, in actuality, genuine beauty goes much deeper than the skin because it’s the inner quality of a Christlike character produced by God in the lives of His people. Kindness is one of those characteristics every believer should have because it reflects God. That’s why He tells us, Do not let kindness and truth leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. So you will find favor and good repute in the sight of God and man (Prov. 3:3-4). Showing kindness is important in all relationships, and when it comes to the church being an example in a community, it has a special roleleading others to Christ, since they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven (Matt. 5:16). Kindness is God’s will for us, so we must first understand what it is. Kindness includes gentleness, tenderness, consideration, patience, and compassion, and is displayed in sensitivity and helpfulness to others. It is not self-seeking and expects nothing in return. Kindness is the opposite of being harsh, bitter, impatient, rude, demanding, unforgiving, or easily angered. The contrast is striking, isn’t it? Which description most closely describes your interactions with family members, coworkers, neighbors, wait staff, store clerks, or strangers? That’s a challenging and sobering question, but one every believer must seriously consider. Although some people today think kindness is a sign of weakness, it often requires great strength and self-restraint. For instance, is it easier for you to be kind or to lash out at someone who mistreats you? I think the answer is obvious. That’s why it’s always a good thing to remember Jesus’ words when facing difficult people, Treat others the same way you want them to treat you, and Love your enemies (Luke 6:31, 35). Why would God require this? For He Himself is kind to ungrateful and evil men, and as His children, we are to emulate Him. Look at God’s kindness as an example to follow. Salvation is the greatest display of His kindness to us who believe, but Psalm 145:17 says, The Lord is righteous in all His ways and kind in all His deedseven to those who don’t know Him. The riches of His kindness, tolerance, and patience are meant to lead people to repentance, but those who remain stubbornly unrepentant forfeit His kindness and store up wrath for themselves in the day of judgment (Rom. 2:4-5). Unlike God, we are never called to deal out retribution. Not only are we to love each other in the church but those outside as well. These people need the gospel, and the church should be a place of welcoming kindness for them. Our responsibility is not only to tell them about Christ but to demonstrate Christlike behavior. Our speech should always be sensitive and gracious (Col. 4:5-6). The other way we express kindness is through our actions by being alert for ways to help others, even if we have to sacrifice time or convenience. In addition to individual acts of kindness, when local churches serve surrounding neighborhoods or schools by fulfilling some need, they show Christ’s love. There are a myriad of ways we can show both small and large acts of kindness. It’s essential we understand how Christlike kindness is produced in us. Since this is an aspect of the fruit of the Spirit, it’s obviously something we can’t manufacture on our own (Gal. 5:22-23). However, we are responsible to lay aside attitudes from our old way of life and put on Christlike characteristics through the power of the Spirit (Eph. 4:22-24). We can’t excuse ourselves, saying, Well, kindness doesn’t come naturally to me. Of course it doesn’t. We aren’t called to do what comes naturally but to be transformed into a person who reflects Christ’s nature (Col. 3:12-13). If you are struggling to be kind, whether to a fellow believer or an acquaintance who doesn’t know Jesus, ask the Lord to change how you respond. Each situation that stretches your patience is a God-given opportunity to choose kindness rather than harshness. Pay attention not only to what you say but how you say it. And remember that being kind is not just a good option but a command from the Lord who has demonstrated amazing kindness to you.

Christian Unity Center International 10.09.2020

Temptation starts in the mind, so be practical. Did you know that if you’re sitting in a movie theater and something comes on that you shouldn’t watch, you can actually get up and walk out? Or, more likely these days, if you’re watching TV and a scene comes on that you shouldn’t be seeing, don’t watch it anymore. Turn it off. And if you’re married and considering an adulterous fling, here’s what you need to know: your sin will find you out (see Numbers 32:23). You’re headed down a road that will lead you to a miserable end.

Christian Unity Center International 22.08.2020

throw off your old sinful nature and your former way of life, which is corrupted by lust and deception. Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. Put on your new nature, created to be like Godtruly righteous and holy. Ephesians 4:22-24 (NLT)

Christian Unity Center International 04.08.2020

"Being a Christian is more than just an instantaneous conversion - it is a daily process whereby you grow to be more and more like Christ." Billy Graham

Christian Unity Center International 19.07.2020

Wow! Praise God!

Christian Unity Center International 17.07.2020

For, There is one God and one Mediator who can reconcile God and humanitythe man Christ Jesus. He gave his life to purchase freedom for everyone. This is the message God gave to the world at just the right time. 1 Timothy 2:5-6 NLT

Christian Unity Center International 11.07.2020


Christian Unity Center International 24.06.2020

Forgiveness: A matter of life & deathhttps://youtu.be/zO-H347Rx_M

Christian Unity Center International 05.06.2020

Apostasy Defined The word itself is from the Greek word apostasia and is very much like renouncing or disassociating oneself from a particular religion or certain religious beliefs. It is similar to a rejection of beliefs that were once held and accepting different beliefs and might even be a renunciation of the beliefs that were previously held. For example, is someone converts to another religion, they reject or turn away from their beliefs from something they once believ...Continue reading

Christian Unity Center International 19.05.2020

Although many churches today are having problems, the Lord hasn’t left us to solve them on our own but has given us guidance in His Word. The best example in Sc...ripture of a church rife with problems is the one at Corinth. The apostle Paul spent 18 months there establishing the church and giving them a firm foundation upon which to build; but after he left, problems erupted. Eventually they sent him a letter informing him of divisions, immorality, and other issues that had taken root in the church. The book of 1 Corinthians is Paul’s response, and the answers he gives are still relevant to churches today. If we tried to trace their problems back to one root cause, it would be an independent attitude. The result was a chaotic church that lacked unity and love because many were charting their own course and refusing to submit to the Lord. They began to listen to false apostles and adopted all sorts of aberrant beliefs and practices. In chapter 12 of his letter, Paul addresses their independent spirit by describing the church the way God sees itas one body with many parts that differ in form and purpose but work together for the proper functioning of the whole. In fact, we are the body of Christ here on earth, and He is our head. When Jesus ascended to heaven, He left His church to carry out His work. We are to follow His will for us both individually and corporately. And Christ as our head reveals His mind through His Word and His Spirit, who helps us interpret it. The problem comes when we decide to follow our own agendas instead of listening to the Lord and living with each other as He directs. Philippians 2:3 tells us what kind of attitude we are to have: Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves. This was the attitude Christ displayed when He humbled Himself, came to earth as a servant, and died on the cross to save us (vv. 5-8). Yet the Corinthians lacked this attitude, as do many churches today, and the result was devastating. First of all, they failed to recognize their unity in Christ and God’s sovereign choices regarding spiritual gifts. Paul reminded the Corinthians that Christ’s body is one with many members, and each member is baptized by the Spirit into the body at the time of salvation (1 Cor. 12:12-13). Their connection was based on who they were in Christ, not in how they served Him. In fact, believers are not meant to function in the same way because each one has been created with a unique personality, physical attributes, and mental capabilities, and has been given a spiritual gift specifically chosen by the Spirit (vv. 4-11). In this way, God equips the church to accomplish the various ministries effectively. Second, some of the Corinthians felt insignificant and unimportant. Instead of seeing the value of each spiritual gift, they began rating them according to apparent importance. However, in God’s eyes every gift and member is essential for the proper functioning of the church. Paul likened the situation to a foot claiming not to be a part of the body simply because it wasn’t a hand (v. 15). But a foot is essential whether it’s noticed or not. The same is true for those with less prominent gifts. Just because they aren’t up front preaching doesn’t make them less valuable or unneeded. Third, others in the Corinthian church had an overinflated view of themselves and their spiritual gifts. They thought they didn’t need others in the Body of Christ, but Paul said, The eye cannot say to the hand, ‘I have no need of you’ (v. 21). Can you imagine what would happen if your body parts started to act independently of one another? How could you walk if your leg and foot were each trying to go in opposite directions? The same dysfunction results when believers think too highly of themselves, act independently, and discount the contributions of other Believers. Clearly an independent spirit wreaks havoc in a church. When some members choose not to use their spiritual gifts whether through feelings of inadequacy or indifference, the church as a whole is robbed of what God placed them there to contribute. The result is a partially paralyzed body. And in a similar way, the church is crippled when members don’t value each other. When all the members focus on their common union with Christ, follow Him as their head, and use their individual gifts to serve one another with an attitude of humility and love, the church functions properly, believers are blessed, and God is glorified. And that is my prayer for you and for your church.

Christian Unity Center International 28.04.2020

Glory be to God......

Christian Unity Center International 17.04.2020

And it is the Spirit that beareth witness, because the Spirit is truth" (1John 5:6). There are times when the Holy Ghost´s inner witness will not allow me to keep quiet. The Spirit rises within me and I have to speak up. The Holy Spirit abides in us to reveal what is true and what is false. He speaks with a still, small voice, deep within the heart. Many of our holy forefathers believed in this operation of the Spirit in believers. They preached much about "having the witnes...s." But I don´t hear this truth being preached anymore. In fact, the witness of the Spirit is virtually unheard of in most churches today! Believers need the Spirit´s witness as never before. And we´re going to need it more and more as the day of the Lord draws near! Satan has come brazenly as an angel of light to deceive, if it were possible, the very elect of God. His evil seductions are going to flourish: false doctrines, false teachers, false gospels. The Spirit´s inner witness operates on the "principle of peace." The peace of God is the greatest thing you can have. And when your peace is disturbed, you can be sure the Holy Ghost is speaking to you! When there is a troubling in your spirit-a shaking and a turmoil deep inside-God is telling you that something is false. You will feel his embarrassment-his grief and anger! "And let the peace of God rule in your hearts" (Colossians 3:15). Any hidden, unrepented sin will rob a believer of his precious peace! His heart will be torn by guilt, condemnation and fear- and the Spirit will only speak two words to him. "Repent! Flee!" Yes, the Spirit will speak to you to correct you; he will deal with you about sin, righteousness and judgment. But when it comes to giving you direction-that is, the still, small voice which tells you what to do and where to go-he will not operate in an unclean vessel! If you persist in sin-if you do not confess it or deal with it-your heart will feed you a steady stream of lies. You´ll hear teachings that make you at ease in your sin. You´ll think, "My problem couldn´t be that bad. I don´t feel convicted." But you will be totally led astray! Isaiah speaks of a people who went out claiming to desire the true counsel of God. They said: "Let him make speed, and hasten his work, that we may see it: and let the counsel of the Holy One of Israel draw nigh and come, that we may know it!" (Isaiah 5:19). But these people had deceit in their hearts-and they ended up perverted in all their counsel! Sin had perverted their judgment! As a result, they weren´t able to discern evil. And the things that were holy and pure they called unrighteous. Isaiah said of them, "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!" (Isaiah 5:20).