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Christina Crowley-Arklie 30.03.2021

On a morning where I did NOT want to get up for my 6am call routine, this mantra, another I have for myself in 2021, served its purpose... and I benefited from it greatly What are the odds that my 6am coaching call discussed this idea and the chapter of the new book I started by @BriannaWiest discussed this same thing too. Doing the uncomfortable sounds easier said than done, I know If it was THAT easy, we’d all be doing it, right?! ... We see someone else doing the uncomfortable," living out what we believe our dream self could be doing and we wonder why we can't and aren't doing *it* Do the Uncomfortable as one of my mantras for this year has meant Do the Uncomfortable..... with myself first. Have the conversations with yourself that you don’t want to have; confront fears; address what is truly holding you back from taking the leap of faith in yourself; start talking to yourself in a healthier way; start making the adjustments to your routine/schedule that you needed to do; let go of the things you've been doing that haven't felt right or don’t want to do anymore; do what YOU want to do. This has been a PO-WER-FUL place for me to operate from It’s not about focusing on what others are doing that appears uncomfortable, it’s about focusing on our OWN discomfort. Focusing on reworking my mindset while getting prepared to birth a all while wanting to transform my business and let go of certain things to make room for the new ideas, is what is making me get my out of bed every morning for my 6am calls.... to DO the uncomfortable and have the uncomfortable conversations with myself... and its proving SO worth it. I'm inching closer and closer to feeling more aligned with who I want to be, not who I thought I should be for others THAT motivation is what made me not go back to bed, put on a blazer and get on with my to do list today See more

Christina Crowley-Arklie 23.03.2021

One. Day. At. A. Time. Yea right I use to think. For someone who is a constant planner, always thinking ahead, plotting out dates, creating editorial calendars for clients that anticipates what’s ahead 6 months or a full year ahead, thinking of taking things or living one day at a time was something I just couldn’t comprehend But since beginning my 6am coaching calls this January again and making the goal for myself to get up ever...y morning this past month for the calls, and hearing this message repeated over and over, again and again... ... it’s finally starting to stick It’s how I’m programming how I think, how I feel throughout the day and how I’m acting on my daily to do’s, short term goals and long term dreams. By showing up, one day at a damn time It’s one of 5 mantras I chose for myself this year to follow and for some reason, this idea of one day at a time keeps coming up in different settings, circles, books, articles and even here on social media. It’s either a message that has always been there that I was never open to receive... or the universe right now is telling us all, living through a global pandemic, to take it one day at a time. It’s been so liberating for me, learning that we ultimately control what happens to us because of how we choose to look at things and how we show up It’s transforming how I see myself as a business owner and where I want to take my business, how I’m preparing for the ‘s arrival (to go with the damn flow this time around) and ultimately, the person I am... all because I’m taking things one day at a time in 2021. Maybe this may land for you at just the right time, as it has for me this past month Next goal for myself? Get up every morning in February for my 6am coaching calls... because ya know, one day at a time. Happy Friday, we made it See more

Christina Crowley-Arklie 03.03.2021

Still on a high from yesterday. Still feeling these words about BEING the light. Still emotional thinking of this historic moment. Still celebrating the glass ceiling that was shattered. Still know there is more work to do.... .... But at least it feels easier, more possible, WORTH IT To all the kick a$$ women out there who are pushing boundaries, forging new paths and blazing trails, making themselves feel uncomfortable in pursuing what they know they need too, challenging norms, making others better, making society better, making a difference by SHOWING UP even when it feels hard - I am here for you!!! We can do this Maybe YOU as the light is just what the world needs to be brighter This feels like the breathe of fresh air of hope and optimism our entire world needed collectively yesterday. I have 'Times Like These' and 'Better Days' blaring in my office with a coffee in hand. Today is indeed a damn good day friends. One. Day. At. A. Freakin'. Time. See more

Christina Crowley-Arklie 12.02.2021

Today. This moment in time. Being witness to history being made.... Today gives me all the feels. For so many reasons, but most importantly this one @kamalaharris being sworn in today as the first woman as vice president of the United States. It’s hard not to get emotional today - as a mother to a son whose world is breaking barriers, as a former political staffer, as a hormonal pregnant woman but more importantly, as a WOMAN and a citizen of society. Today gives me so much hope and optimism for the future We have oh so much more work to do to build on the work of our predecessors and female trailblazers who started this important movement so many decades ago. But stopping today to acknowledge when glass ceilings are being shattered, knowing the hard work is worth something, that progress is being made and that more good will come, leaves me feeling SO up. Soak in this moment and this thought, I may be the first woman in this office, but I will not be the last. - #KamalaHarris POWERFUL See more

Christina Crowley-Arklie 04.02.2021

My 6am coaching calls with @coachhina to start 2021 have been I made the commitment to stick to them each morning (hello week #2 , let’s see what happens the other 50 weeks coming up!) to not only get my body ready for impending earlier wake ups with #2 coming in March, but to make the ultimate commitment to myself. I owed this to myself so much, to decide to show up as a better person. To smile more. To feel things be easier, lighter and as serious as I’ve made them. W...here did fun Vegas-Christina go?! I'm learning so much about myself already and what it is I need to confront to address how my attitude has been shaped over the years - which is the golden nugget when it comes to the conversation around mindset, growth and showing up as the best version of ourselves. I remember saving this quote last fall when I was in the thick of a crazy work schedule with a growing business, battling first trimester fatigue and thinking - when the opportunity comes, I’m going to confront all the scary that dictates my day so I can learn how to change this. This is me, showing up for myself... in a different way. And it feels damn good. The only predictor of success will now be if I continue to show up everyday for the next 354 days of 2021.... with a newborn, toddler and a growing business. Oh, and all during this thing called COVID. This all scares the out of me - showing up everyday, putting into practice what I’m learning, what I want to do and say, the things I want to share and the direction I want to take. The first step I’m taking tho is showing up... and putting it out there. What is one thing you want to do for YOU this year (even tho it may scare the crap out of you?!!) See more