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HEX Fitness 28.12.2020

Hey guys as many of you already know i've moved to canada to pursue a career in personal / fitness instructing. So if anyone within the toronto area is interested in pursuing the fitness goals let me know. I've been away on the page quite a while but getting back into as my routine kicks back into play so ill be posting tips and tricks and what not eventually once again. Best of luck and stay hungry for the fitness goals!

HEX Fitness 23.12.2020

Challenge yourself with a home workout once in a while its a nice break from the gym yet you have no excuse due to it being able to be done in your backyard, Pick as many compound body weight movements as possible and create a circuit, for example: Squats Pull ups Push ups Body weight rows ... piston squats or split squats Elevated push ups / handstand push ups. As you do the exercises add in progression and if they're to difficult feel free too use the easier version. The main thing for progression is based on continued progress. Once you feel comfortable with a movement especially body weight exercises increase the difficulty. When is comes to body weight exercises your body adapts a lot quicker. If its endurance and stamina you're looking for its a great way to build it along with functional strength. You can also add size with body weight however weights are a more attuned for muscle gain. Saying that body weight exercises will always be apart of my daily routine within the gym due to them being highly functional within movement patterns. See more

HEX Fitness 12.12.2020

When attempting to build muscle or loose weight people have a tendency to want a quick fix, There is no quick fix, If you accept this then you are more then likely to succeed. There is nothing wrong with having an ultimate goal, however you need to create a lot of small goals to reach your ultimate one.Track your progress through progression photo's and measurements. Don't trust scales. Weighing yourself can be misleading due to water weight or even muscle gain can give the i...llusion of weight gain. Measurements are key for progression in weight loss cause it will give somewhat of an accurate measurement of where you are at the moment. Track your meals in terms of caloric intake for both muscle building and loosing weight. Implement a meal routine along with the proper supplementation and be consistent along with patience and you won't be long seeing the impact it has on your life both mentally and physically best of luck ! :) See more

HEX Fitness 06.12.2020

Your blood is 92 % water it's only logical that you consume enough to allow your body to function well yet a large majority of Irish people consume half of what is needed. Don't be afraid of drinking water. Remind yourself when you need too. Each meal attempt to drink a pint of water and sip a bottle of it through out the day.

HEX Fitness 23.11.2020

Marcros vary depending on what you want to do. Increase calorie intake to add muscle reduce it to loose weight. 1g of carb/protein = 4 carlories 1g of fat = 9. You can carb load and deload throughout the week to loose weight and maintain muscle. For example, day one no Carbs just fats and proteins.2nd day Protein and carbs minimal to no fat. and cycle. Use carb days for lifting weights so your fresh. Macro example 70 % protein 30 % fat. All subject to change depending on your... goals and body type. No snow flake is the same. Diet is very individual. Somethings work best for some and not others. Count your calories and work off a macro that fits your life style. 0.3 and 0.6 grams of fat per pound of bodyweight., 1 Gram of protien per pound of body weight, irst up, take your daily protein intake and multiply it by 4. There are 4 calories in a gram of protein, so this will give you how many calories you’re consuming from protein each day.Then multiply your fat intake in grams by 9 to give your fat calories.Add these two numbers together, and subtract the result from the total number of calories you’re aiming for each day.This will give you how many calories you need from carbs each day. Divide this by 4 (remember carbs have 4 calories per gram) and that’s how many carbs See more

HEX Fitness 06.11.2020 A simplified version of an atkins diet great for cutting out carbs and dropping those pounds only acceptable to do for a short while don't indulge yourself in this form of diet. Approach it with the mentality that it will assist you in your weight loss. It will not benefit you in the long run. It's used more of supplement to your proper diet. Use it for 2 weeks or so the return to your old diet. Or if you have excess weight you want to loose stay on it until your reach your goal and revert back to a healthy diet with carbs and maintain that figure through counting macros and calories.

HEX Fitness 23.10.2020 Interesting read for beginners that are starting out to lift and want a simple format to improve strength !

HEX Fitness 19.10.2020

SIMPLE LEG / AB Routine but highly effective ! Strength Training Day 1 Heavy 5Sets x 5Reps Squats ... Stiff Leg Deadlift 3 Sets 6-8 Reps Barbell Step Ups 3 Sets x 10 Reps Each Leg Weighted Walking lunges 4 Sets x 12 Reps Each Leg Calve Raises 4 Sets x 10 Reps Core Training Plank 4 Sets x 30 seconds Side Plank 2 sets 30 Seconds each side Leg Raises 4 sets by 20 Reps

HEX Fitness 07.10.2020 Please like and share folks for tips and tricks to improve well being and lifestyle.

HEX Fitness 28.09.2020

People neglect posture while training assuming it is not important however it is, your posture is the most important aspect of your body while lifting or doing any other form of training. If your posture is off it causes a chain reaction from your core all the way out to your extremities, for example if you have tight anterior delts it could cause tightness within the pec muscle which in turn shortens you bicep muscle not allowing you to gain the full range of movement of the... contraction of the bicep muscle thus not being able to build bigger arms because your limited to a shorter range of movement all caused by lack of posture and to much of a frontal rotation at the shoulder. You can test this by holding pencils down by your side naturally, if the pencils rotate inwards u have postural issues and must rectify it. If the point straight naturally your in the all clear. See more

HEX Fitness 09.09.2020

There's a way to do it better - find it. Thomas A. Edison Simple but powerful!

HEX Fitness 03.09.2020

Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it. - "Steve Jobs"

HEX Fitness 20.08.2020 Please like and re-share folks i appreciate it!

HEX Fitness 12.08.2020

Walking the journey of many but becoming more then others, that is what separates the abnormal from the normal, be different be you #Theone #NotaSheep

HEX Fitness 27.07.2020

Writing out personal programs for clients if anyone is interested send me a message. Via Mail. Prices vary depending on the program and goals of the individual / Time spent creating it. Thanks :) Have a good night !

HEX Fitness 11.07.2020 Re-Share if you can folks I appreciate it ! :)

HEX Fitness 29.06.2020

Rep ranges and thoughts on it, 1-4 reps for strength, 6-12 for muscle building and 12-15 for conditioning. Be sure to look at your goals in terms of performance of a sport or if you want to look lean or bulky. Certain rep ranges will cater more then other for your specific goal so think hard and put it into your workout. That's not to say that both can be done together however. It's just difficult to be the best at all 3 attributes, you'll have to make sacrifices in terms of... performance or looking aesthetically. Needless to see if you like a certain look go for it, strong man physique is attained purely through strongman style training and you still look good, it's all up to the individual. make your own body don't idolize other people. Motivate to change you in a way that you see fit not into someone who think you want to be. When you idolize someone you gain great expectations of them and they eventually let you down. Look up to someone. But don't idolize them because when they do, disappoint you that won't be there fault, it's yours. Keep that in mind. Peace VOTE YES ! See more

HEX Fitness 18.06.2020

There is a lot of lies floating around within the fitness industry and I would like to address one or two of them. First of there is no such thing as target weight loss, Your body burns fat where ever it pleases, so continue to exercise until you have reached the desired effect. Secondly Abs are not obtained through crunches, yes it causes them to become thicker and it does give you a strong core which is extremely crucial to weightlifters or even any performance based sport. However if you want abs clean up your diet. Abs are made in the kitchen not the gym.

HEX Fitness 15.06.2020 Re-Share if possible folks i'd greatly appreciate it thanks you, its grown so much over the past couple of days and I really appreciate the help, lets see if we can keep the momentum going, Thank you :)

HEX Fitness 28.05.2020

For you ladies out there that look at the scale and it seems that you aren't loosing weight even though your training hard everyday. It could be a factor of two things, 1 your diet may not be on par, 2 you actually are loosing fat but your gaining muscle, so it's okay to look at the scales but don't obey by them. Take measurements / pictures take note of it write it down and track your progress that way. who cares if your 15 stone, if its solid muscle and you look great. Take it on bored that weight training wont get you massive it will tone you up and give you the power and strength to make every day life easy. Oh and also the added benefits in the long run such strong and healthy bones. #STRONGISTHESKINNY

HEX Fitness 13.05.2020

SMASH IT MONDAY .... When life hits you all you can do is hit back harder #FueltheBEAST #DontwaitforTomorrow

HEX Fitness 04.05.2020

Back to training abs seriously tonight hope to see good progress within the coming weeks stay tuned to see the results, I'll be explaining on how i'm doing them and how to achieve the best possible 6 pack you can imagine. As far as 8 packs go, it's actually a genetic trait you either have them or you don', If you do you're quite blessed :)

HEX Fitness 09.04.2020

Drop those who drag you down and hold those close to you that want you to succeed, There is no room for negativity only progression, #DreamBig #StayHungry #FeedTheBeast

HEX Fitness 30.03.2020 Reshare if possible folks id appreciate it, don't want to leave any stone unturned, Much appreciated for the support thanks a million :)

HEX Fitness 19.03.2020

Don't focus on the destination, Focus on the journey, the journey itself will bring happiness the destination will be the end of it. Continue to make goals to improve ones self worth and smash everyday for what its worth!

HEX Fitness 14.03.2020 Add me on twitter folks <3

HEX Fitness 28.02.2020

As a man changes his own nature, so does the attitude of the world change towards him. We need not wait to see what others do. -Gandhi "

HEX Fitness 27.12.2019

Wayne received a 10% stake in Apple but relinquished his equity for US$800 less than two weeks later,now its worth US$58,065,210,000 Dont let something go till you realize the true potential and value of something. Acting to hasty may be the difference between nothing and everything.

HEX Fitness 08.12.2019 Like and share again folks i know its annoying but it helps the page grow and I really do appreciate it :) remember any questions just private message me, I'll be glad to help.

HEX Fitness 01.12.2019

I work as hard as anybody will ever work and I like that. That's why I've been successful and that is when I feel good about myself. If I do my damnedest and don't succeed, I feel good about the effort." - Mark Wahlberg

HEX Fitness 25.11.2019

So im' half way through my bulk another 3-4 months and i'll start to cut to see my progress, then back to a bulk. you can only build muscle if your in a calorie surplus meaning, you eat more then you burn off. It's a win win situation because as you add mass it becomes easier to drop weight due to the fact that your moving more mass causing you to use more energy thus it being easier to drop fat and maintain muscle.

HEX Fitness 07.11.2019

New milestone reached tonight hit a Personal best of 190 kg deadlift, then bested it again for 200 kg deadlift, looking to get it up to 200 kg for 3 reps... all done raw no wraps and knee supports.

HEX Fitness 15.10.2019 Whos got that friday feeling!.

HEX Fitness 01.10.2019

If time is money then i'm going to take care of myself in the process so I can enjoy it longer then those who make it and perish young. There is no price tag on life remember that.