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Canadian Lifestyle Coaching 20.03.2021

Tomorrow. 9:30am.

Canadian Lifestyle Coaching 12.03.2021

Artificial Dopamine is turning us into Wall-E characters. For the sake of this post, my definition of artificial dopamine is Dopamine that your brain released ...from a man-made creation (HFCS, porn, Facebook) It might have been used before, but I'm rolling with this as an original idea, lol. We are currently outsourcing our own ability to produce dopamine to 20-year-olds in silicon valley, figuring out what to show us next on our news feed. And therefore, the things that bring us true organic happiness are falling by the way side. We are users; we are the product the big dogs sell to companies to advertise to We are the product. How do you keep the product valuable? Keep them on the platform. Make sure they have every possible reason to stay here. Give them: Community (Groups) Belonging (Likes) Connection (Messenger) Basic human needs Made by other humans To fulfill a beautiful magic chemical response in our brain. Used against us To sell us Read that again and tell me you don't want to throw your smartphone into the ocean. Mindless consumption Mindless dopamine responses -------------------------------- Dopamine used to mean you were getting closer to an apple tree. Appletree is way the F over there. Walk a little bit closer, get a bit of dopamine. stay on the right path, a little bit of dopamine ACHIEVE YOUR GOAL OF ACTUALLY BITTING THE DANG APPLE "Oh, my heavens, the beauty, the taste, the dopamine response!" Now, 2 clicks, and I can get a fridge, 3 cakes, and a stripper to my house in a few hours. No wonder we have such a hard time hitting goals we set out for ourselves. There's so much noise. So easy to obtain the same response without leaving my bed It's time to turn that shiz down. Awareness is always the first step. If this resonates with you, share this post.

Canadian Lifestyle Coaching 25.12.2020

' Why? Well, no one knew smoking until people .... Porn is at an all-time high when it comes to content being produced and consumed. On average, 40 million people are . 1/3 of those are women There are 37 new porn related videos uploaded each day to one website alone... It is far and experience porn. This is . No longer are we in the Joey and Chandler phase where it comes on the TV by mistake, and we REFUSE to change the channel. ; one quick google search, and you can . Porn addiction is a real thing, but it is not the same thing as sexual addiction. Porn addiction is similar to the addiction to alcohol, in a sense, that over time, what used to get you "drunk" or "intoxicated" no longer does. So you increase your dosage. So the natural conclusion to porn addicts would be that they just watch more porn, right? Not necessarily. The same stimulus that someone received watching porn the first time is no longer strong enough. So they have to find more aggressive, violent, or role-play type porn. It gets to the point where the desire becomes so strong, normal human beings can't carry out the desired action, so cartoons are used in place. . It causes , - , . ' . - , . 9/10 porn films have some to them, %92 of that is male to female Usually , , , / As you start to unpack this, I hope it is becoming easier to understand the significant , , . Porn is so easy to access, but in my opinion, can become ' , , ( ) I'm not saying you're a bad person if you're a porn addict or watch porn. My point is that you have to understand the consequences, and educate yourself on what it means to have an actual physical relationship, and not compare yourself to those on the screen, as that is for entertainment. This is a very slippery slope and can damage many elements of who you are, from a biological and physiological sense. , . Try to improve your fitness, knowledge, or learn a new skill. Fill the hole you are currently filling with porn with something that can bring you

Canadian Lifestyle Coaching 12.12.2020

' ' ' .. But you're probably feeling like you do something, you've tried a few times now a...nd haven't stuck with it long enough to see REAL change You might even be familiar with the feeling of " , ' " Or you feel external pressure to do SOMETHING Well let me break this down for you You can keep doing what you're doing, or hear me out... ' $ For real I'm betting on my program and the fact that it works... I also know people pretty well, and I know you like getting a good deal... Maybe you even tried to get your over aged kid in at kids movie ticket price a time or two(it's cool I won't tell anyone) So if you complete my 6-week challenge and you are NOT 10lbs lighter More Measurably Happy Down a size Feel like the REAL you again I'll refund your deposit, no questions asked. But here's the thing You need to show up So why do this for free then? Well, I have zero expenses.. Kidding, kidding, I'm just hoping you'll see the benefit and will want to stay around for more. I' s , I' , ' , s ' .. Why? Well you'll just be scratching the surface of who you know you can be So here's my offer $297 accountability deposit, you do what I recommend to you for 6 weeks and if you do not lose 10lbs don't feel happier aren't down a size don't feel like the REAL you again ' $ ' ($500 limit) as my way to apologize for wasting your 6 weeks. This is also a challenge, and we want to have some fun with it, so every pound you do lose.. I'll give a $50 dollar credit towards a future program of ours.. So I'm promising you 10lbs which means I'm going to $500 to lose 10lbs in the next 6 weeks. You won't find another health/lifestyle like this anywhere. No one else has the same confidence in their program that I do, and well, no one has the balls to bet on themselves as I do. So how do you sign up? Just DM me "6 weeks" and I'll get you started PS 86% of our clients keep ALL OF THE WEIGHT THEY LOST OFF 18 months after our coaching PPS because of how good this offer is, I can't promise I'll keep it open for very long

Canadian Lifestyle Coaching 10.12.2020

10 Foods that Fight Stress - https://mailchi.mp/8a6cc680beff/10-foods-that-fight-stress

Canadian Lifestyle Coaching 26.11.2020

Picture this: You have a coffee table in your living room, every day, three times a day, without fail you walk into it and cut your shin open Same thing every damn day... So now your shin is bleeding, what do you do? Put a band-aid on it. Well, why not just stop walking into the coffee table.... The situation above is how our current medical system works We are treating the symptoms, but not their causes. The causes are often sedentary lifestyle, high stress, and excess glucose Which brings me to my point of... Until we truly understand and diagnose the underlying issues, we will continue to have to put band-aids on our bloody shins It is my goal where everyone can find it within themselves to stop walking into the damn coffee table

Canadian Lifestyle Coaching 21.11.2020

Steven Smaridge takes his readers on a journey of unprecedented and exemplary success due to religiously incorporating some habits and internalizing a set of value systems. You are your boss.