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PatriciaWallace.Online 19.02.2021

The Power Of Your Words Have To Create The Love Life You Desire

PatriciaWallace.Online 15.02.2021

One of my favourite ways to quiet my mind & connect to the higher self...for those who get stuck in their heads & overthink things to death

PatriciaWallace.Online 07.02.2021

I was recently challenged to make a timeline of my love life, to pinpoint the pivotal moments that took me from trapped in cycles of toxic love, to enjoying a d...ream relationship with the love of my life (despite him not wanting to date me when we first met). What I discovered was mind blowing. If you’re looking to recreate your love life in 2021 you’re gonna want to read this. I am sharing the secret to finding your soulmate & it can work in times of covid too! I had to go right back to the beginning of my love journey...to my first boyfriend in grade 7. At the time I had no plans to find a boyfriend. I was open to discovery & trusted in myself. He took me to the roller rink, told me I was cool & bought me a ring. We held hands & walked around the fields at recess & lunch. Super cute...until he told me about another girl who liked him & said she’d kiss him. He wondered if he could be both our boyfriends as I wasn’t ready for smooching. I gave him back his ring & told him no. I was okay walking away. The next boyfriend was super nice, from a good family & asked me to the movies. We dated for 6 months & I was ready for smooches. He dumped me because I didn’t fit in with his friends. I was the poor girl from the wrong side of the tracks & to be fair, didn’t fit in. Early love taught me that I wasn’t enough. I either didn’t smooch or smooched too much; didn’t swear or swore too much. Piled on top of childhood trauma, I did what anyone else would do I tried to find external validation. I tried to find love by doing what I thought others would want. Fast forward to my longest relationship, I latched on to an abusive prick that treated me like shit. He gave me what I wanted, someone I could work hard to prove my worth to. He loved all I did for him...just not me. It was a one-sided codependent, narcissistic dynamic. It kept my inner truths alive...that I wasn’t enough & this is what relationships look like (I’d never seen a healthy relationship thus far). But early motherhood challenged me to become better. I started to study natural healing seriously (I was taught basic plant medicine as an aboriginal youth) & began my journey into being a holistic healer. I developed new skills, created new growth opportunities by starting small side businesses. I started teaching other women & began to find my worth. But as the years rolled on, I was miserable in love. My whole life revolved around placating my ex, to the point that I had no friends & no real connection left with the few decent family members I had. I was alone, isolated & so embarrassed about my position. I was teaching health & wellness yet emotionally I had a very dark existence. Coworkers would invite me to join in on girls nights, pampered chef shows, movies...but I wasn’t allowed to go. I felt powerless & angry. I’d never had a girls night. Never been to the bar or a club or a concert. Why did others get to live normal happy lives but me? I got to hear about what their lives were like & discovered a whole new way of being. I learned that men could be loving & supportive; it wasn’t always a one-sided affair. My eyes were open & now I knew what was possible. Accepting possibility is a great moment of power. It’s a transitional opportunity but not the transformation itself. It took me 15 more years to leave. I was held in place by fear & inner beliefs that I would lose my kids if I left. That even if love was possible for others, I was too damaged, so why break up a family for nothing. Until one day he started to attack all my learning. I had amassed many certificates & diplomas in healing & was getting certified in rescue work at the time. He attacked one of my core values, an intrinsic part of who I am. In a single moment something clicked inside of me. I was done. There was no argument, no tears, no need to argue my point. Even when I said it out loud, it was a quiet statement of surprise... we’re done. I had no money saved, no plan, knew I would have to leave everything behind just to get out of that door & would risk losing my kids in court (I won, but his manipulations destroyed my relationship with 2). But I was done. So there I was; single & starting over with nothing but a 50/50 child care plan, my books & crystals and a ruined body from birthing many large babies. I had no plans to find love, was open to discovering life anew & trusted in myself...just like I had before I began dating. That’s when I began to meet new people & listened to my intuition when it told me to get to know a particular person. Friends first, but love grew. Of course, I still had a lot of inner healing & belief releasing to do as I fell in love, but you can’t heal these issues outside of love, as they don’t exist on your own. Love was the final healing process. Getting back to the open & curious state I had before heartbreak & disappointment tainted my views on love was they key to finding my soulmate. Learning to trust my intuition led me along the path to love, regardless of what other experts said to never do (like never invest time in someone who says they don’t want a relationship with you or never talk about deep emotional stuff with an FWB.) I am happily married now, despite thinking I would never be married in my life. I have a man who dotes on me & thinks I’m the greatest person on earth, despite having been told I was trash my whole life. It’s time to step away from the old paradigm of strategies & limiting beliefs that keep us labelled & stuck repeating the same bs over & over again. It’s time to say no more to the oversimplified idea that all you need to find love is to stay high vibe, know your worth & make him work for it. Let’s get back to just being. Human to human. Love is about connection. Open up, be curious, create opportunities to connect with all around you, judgement free. Just start to get to know people, listen to your soul & follow the flow of energy. You WILL meet your love. And the strangest thing happens when you do...regardless of what either of you thought you wanted in life...regardless of what you thought love would look like When you meet your person, you just never stop making plans. If you feel as stuck as I did, but know you can have more, reach out. I can help you get back to that carefree open state so you can meet your soulmate & give you tools to step out of the old patterns so you can build the relationship of your dreams. If I can do it, with my background of abuse & trauma, anyone can. The world needs more love.

PatriciaWallace.Online 23.01.2021

I was listening to an abundance meditation today & it brought up the reality that abundance flows to us effortlessly; whatever it is we desire, more wealth, mor...e friends, more love, better health, it can flow to us with ease as the Universe seeks to provide. This sounds amazing, but it’s not what most of us experience in day to day life. But it is the truth...an energetic truth. Why then can it seem so hard to get what we want? Our minds create blocks to limit our openness to receive. Our inner beliefs make it so we don’t even notice the limitless opportunities that constantly flow our way. The earth provides all the nourishment we need to thrive. The Universe shines the energy of abundance (limitless love) & inspiration (to take inspired action) our way 24/7 but we just can’t see it. The mental phenomenon ‘belief bias’ puts blinders on us. It has us avoiding or ignoring possibilities that go against what we’ve accepted to be true. Our brains want to keep us safe & there’s nothing safer than maintaining what we know to be true. No matter how shitty our experiences are, they’re what we know. They’re predictable. The outcome is assured & it hasn’t killed us yet, so it’s safer than the unknown. In love, this means if you always choose assholes that treat you badly, because early on in life you bought into the idea that this is what love looks like, that is your safe zone. You could be surrounded by people to get to know & not even see them as a potential partner. You’ll come up with reasons why I have a type There’s no chemistry They’re all losers There’s no good ones in my area I everyone in my little town They’d never be interested in me Anything to dismiss the abundant opportunities & stick to what you know. Meeting new people & being curious to find out who they are is not hard; all you have to do is say hello, comment on what’s happening around you both in that moment & ask a simple question. It doesn’t matter if they want to talk or not, you created an opportunity for connection. Falling in love can be simple & flowy. As you get to know someone, you choose to vulnerably share deeper parts of you, which invites them to share deeper parts of them, causing an emotional bond to naturally form. Beautiful, simple, love. Choosing to have an established relationship is a piece of cake. I need this in a relationship, is this something you’re open to? Yes? Amazing, let’s do it. No? I’ve loved getting to know you, you’re a beautiful human, I hope you find what you’re looking for. It’s all our inner beliefs & fears that make everything so hard. It’s when we internalize other people’s preferences or decisions as a commentary on our worth or desirability that makes us hurt & suffer. This is the Law Of Mentalism & how our mental processes create our personal reality. When we unlearn all the bs that fills our minds & recognize a piece of the Universe lives within us all, that at our core we are pure love, we learn to be fully open to share & receive all we desire. It’s then that we tap into Universal creative energy & create the life we envision. I’m going Live in my Facebook group today at 11am pst to dive into this subject & answer any questions you may have about how to break free from your inner programming & step into the ease & flow of creating the love life you desire. Join me HERE.

PatriciaWallace.Online 08.01.2021

This really spoke to my heart. It reminded me of the massive healing I underwent when I chose to open up my heart to love again. So many people hope to find the... perfect person that makes them feel safe, secure & good 24/7. They fear that feeling triggered means they’re with the wrong person, but I experienced the opposite. When I had met my husband, I felt like I did all the work & was healed. I was feeling empowered & free to create my dream life...and was dead set on being blissfully alone for the rest of my life. It’s like I knew you could only do so much healing on your own. My desire to live alone forever was a desire to avoid further pain. And the reality is, you can’t heal relationship trauma outside of a relationship. Think about it this way you can feel like a goddess & think you’re all that BUT when it comes to love & wanting to be wanted by another, they have a preference & it may not be you. Even if you feel great about yourself, you can still be rejected. This means you have to be brave enough to be vulnerable & accept potential rejection if you want to explore the possibility of love with another. Not that being rejected means you weren’t great, just that they weren’t your person, but it hurts nonetheless & can make you momentarily doubt yourself. I had a lot of inner fears & trauma to overcome & was able to face it all, while being open & vulnerable. My husband’s energy made my soul feel safe enough to revisit those old wounds. It was that which set him apart from others, which told me I met someone I was meant to know. I didn’t know it meant he was my soulmate at the time, but I knew it was significant. I still had to decide to face the past & take responsibility for how I showed up in love. I still had to decide to release my attachments to those wounds & choose a new path. Love didn’t heal me, but it gave me an opportunity to heal myself. It was the healing & growth I had within that created the space for love to grow between us. It inspired him to grow & release things from his past so he could meet my love in the middle. **side note, being emotionally triggered is an opportunity to heal BUT there’s a difference between having unhealed issues being triggered & currently experiencing pain from things happening in the moment. To tell the difference you have to take a step back & look at the things actually happening right now. Is it equal to the pain you’re experiencing or are you having an emotional reaction way out of proportion that doesn’t make logical sense? If so, your past is being triggered. This also holds true in the healer/patient relationship or coach/client. The healer or coach is there to provide support, offer skills or techniques that can help the patient or client on their healing journey & encourage them, while holding them accountable to keep taking inspired action & stepping out of their past patterns. But in the end, healing is an inside job. Just like with a doctor, they can provide the medicine & recommendations but in the end you have to be open to taking the medicine & following the guidelines back to health. I give my clients all I have...teach them every technique that helped me heal & find love, provide an outside point of view & help them go deeper into their subconscious to completely transform how they view & connect to themselves & their approach to love. I empower you not only with the knowledge to heal & transform your life, but the tools to fully embody it. KNOW IT, BE IT, LIVE IT. It’s all yours & you get to maintain lifetime access to the video lessons to refer back to them anytime. You learn not only how to quickly identify & release past emotional & mental blocks, but also how to approach love from an energetic point of view, the secret to getting amazing clarity into what to say & do in any situation. You also learn how to become magnetic & radiate confidence, while learning key communication skills to develop strong emotional bonds to create a relationship foundation you can build a life upon. You learn to love yourself inside & out, how to create more opportunities for connection, how to recognize true compatibility early on & then how to deepen those connections to create the relationship of your dreams. If this is your goal for 2021 book a call to see if this is right for you. CLICK HERE to book.