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My Crazy Journey to Fit and Fabulous 05.04.2021

Tuesday A Little Obsessed - Booty This morning was tough to get up. I had little sleep but didn't wake through the night like usual. I was tender from physio but felt okay.... The temperature was so nice today but as usual it was windy. I struggled to stay awake after school drop off even though I really wanted to get my workout done early so I could curl up with Brooklyn. Turns out I ended up doing that anyway. I woke myself up and drank my Energize while starting my next book. Today was BOOTY day and it helped with my sore legs. I had to pause the workout just over halfway through because Brooklyn got her finger caught in a toy and couldn't get it out. I tried wiggling it free but ended up pulling it ... possibly too hard ... but it was off. Her poor finger was purple, skin scraped and bleeding. She was crying so much. Our wonderful neighbour brought over some bandaids because we had run out and she let me put polysporin on it along with the bandaid which was still on at bed time. I gave her some tylenol too and she wanted more. I cuddled with her and once she was a little better feeling I finished my workout. Once I changed I fixed a sandwich and curled up on our bed with her. I ended up dozing though little Miss didn't lol. She did nap in the vehicle later. Dinner was homemade tacos and stirring the meat caused some serious throbbing in my arm and shoulder. It's just after 9 pm, the girls are sleeping and I am sitting on the couch with ice on my shoulder hoping it alleviates some of the pain. I was close to tears from the ache that shoots all the down my arm. I know that you always feel worse after the first assessment but ugh! #proudmama #mumofgirls #csectionmama #myjourney #mywhyishuge #weightlossjourney #familytime #noexcuses #autumncalabrese #alittleobsessed #beachbody #beachbodycoach #energize #beachbodyperformanceline #shakeology #TeamBeachbody #365er #FourYearsofLove

My Crazy Journey to Fit and Fabulous 25.03.2021

Monday A Little Obsessed - Total Body Core It was tough to wake up this morning. Brooklyn woke up and came out of her room around 11 pm last night and said she had a bad dream. We got her settled back in bed and I hung out in her toom until she was sleeping. Crawled into bed after midnight. Short sleep for sure. ... It was also still fun to move due to my achey legs but I did. Both girls were good this morning and Hailey was looking forward to seeing one of her friends who returned to school from remote learning today. This is going to really help her come Wednesday when her other friend has to say goodbye to the class. With walking so tenderly I kept delaying my workout but knowing it would make me feel better after I pressed play. I had to pause for Brooklyn one time and another to fix my loops. I went up in weights from last week and doubled blue with green. It was tough, sweaty and involved a lot of huffing and puffing but it felt good when I was done! I sat down to take a breather before changing and when I went to our room Brooklyn had fallen asleep curled up against our pillows again. Poor thing. She slept for about and hour and a half before I got her ready to go get Hailey and because we leave so early she fell asleep at school then kept sleeping until we pulled up at Darryl's work. Before we left home I curled up and read my book. Going to finish this one tonight. This evening I had my physio assessment and the therapist said because my shoulder pain is chronic I actually have rotator cuff tendonosis which is more than just tendonitis. The tendon is inflamed and it's impinging the nerves. So..... working on reducing the inflammation before we dig into the tendon issue. Tomorrow I am going to hurt good but was given the okay to work out still but to be careful of over head moves and I have a bunch of stretches and moves to do at home. It's 10:30 and I am going to make my way to oir bed with the hopes of falling into a nice deep sleep. #proudmama #mumofgirls #csectionmama #myjourney #mywhyishuge #weightlossjourney #familytime #noexcuses #autumncalabrese #alittleobsessed #beachbody #beachbodycoach #energize #beachbodyperformanceline #shakeology #TeamBeachbody #365er #FourYearsofLove

My Crazy Journey to Fit and Fabulous 22.03.2021

Sunday Rest day and rest we did. It kinda helped that I could barely move lol. My legs are so bad that it takes me a minute to get moving once I finally manage to get up. It's funny but painful too. Darryl tried to help me stretch and massaged me as much as I could handle. It hurt that much . Both girls slept in a 'bit', not as much as they should have but it's better than 6 am. Hailey had time on the tablet and phones and wasn't very nice after all three died on her. We had... it out with her then a long talk where hopefully we worked things out. I ran to the dollar store for lunch snacks and the wind was so very uncomfortably cold. So glad winter is almost over though we really can't complain as it hasn't been as bad as it could be for us. I spent the afternoon working on my diamond painting and trying to stay warm. I was cold from the tip of my nose to the tips of my toes including my hands. I seemed to be the only one that was cold though. Tomorrow is hopefully our last cold day for the winter and warmer weather is coming our way. Yay! I am going to do another week of A Little Obsessed and see how I improve maybe even do three weeks of it before moving on to A Little More Obsessed. Since I am not doing 80 Day Obsession I will use these two programs and do them as stand alones. #proudmama #mumofgirls #csectionmama #myjourney #mywhyishuge #weightlossjourney #familytime #noexcuses #autumncalabrese #alittleobsessed #beachbody #beachbodycoach #energize #beachbodyperformanceline #shakeology #TeamBeachbody #365er #FourYearsofLove

My Crazy Journey to Fit and Fabulous 18.03.2021

Saturday A Little Obsessed - Legs Little Miss Brooklyn woke me at 5:20 by climbing on to the end of our bed and curling up in my legs. I got her back to bed and lay curled up on her floor. I closed my eyes and came close to falling asleep. Kind of a doze state. I crawled out just after 6:30 but Brooklyn joined me in our bed just after 7. Paw Patrol was obviously turned on and I tried to get back to sleep. Hailey was awake before 7:30 too. I really just didn't want to wake u...p today and struggled for a bit. I finally dragged my butt out of bed and made toast for us all, blended our Shakeology and mixed up my Energize. I read my book while reading. My calves were and are super tight from yesterday's workout and it is so much fun to walk. Once moving though, I does get easier. Leg day sucked the life out of me lol! Seriously! I had to stop to breath numerous times and even paused the program so I could fill up my water bottle with ice and water. I drank more than half before I finished. I was so achey and I guess tired that most moves I could only do 10 reps instead of 15 BUT I still did some. I also could only use my 12lb dumbbells when I would normally use 15s for leg day. I was shaking, sweating and breathing hard. 30 minutes after I was done I was STILL shaking. I am feeling all the feels and it's not even the next day yet. #proudmama #mumofgirls #csectionmama #myjourney #mywhyishuge #weightlossjourney #familytime #noexcuses #autumncalabrese #alittleobsessed #beachbody #beachbodycoach #energize #beachbodyperformanceline #shakeology #TeamBeachbody #365er #FourYearsofLove

My Crazy Journey to Fit and Fabulous 15.03.2021

Friday A Little Obsessed - Cardio Core Hailey's school was off today because of student Conference last night. Thought the girls would sleep in...... WRONG! Lol. Darryl was getting ready to leave for work when Brooklyn said hi to him.. BEFORE 6:30. So... she curled up in our bed with me and Paw Patrol was turned on. I tried oh so hard to fall back to sleep but it didn't last as Hailey woke early too. She did leave us and she was in her room working on one of her diamond pa...intings. Thinking it was way later than it actually was, I gave up trying to sleep as the girls didn't want to let me. It was only 8 am. I hung out in the bed scrolling my phone and reading my book for just over an hour. Made toast for the girls and I, blended my Shakeology and fixed my Energize. Then I sat down to eat and read. Our morning actually passed by slower than it usually does and it was nice. Hailey did her diamond painting and then was on her phone which turned into a video chat with her best friend (she killed the batteries of TWO phones lol). My workout was earlier and I loved it though this particular workout is not my favourite. Cardio Core is a lot of 'skipping' moves with HIIT moves then a core move. It's quick and it's been a long while since I have done it so I struggled and paused a lot. I was a sweaty mess when I was done and that's always good. I wanted a shower but worked on my diamond painting and started my new one because I was expecting a delivery of The Body Shop items. Unfortunately it didn't show up. I did a quick clean up and Hailey even tidied up her room again (she really wants a new theme for her room) then I vacuumed because little ones like to get crumbs everywhere lol. Sat and enjoyed the cleanliness for a bit then had a nice hot shower. Tomorrow is hopefully our last cold day with warmer weather back on Sunday. Dreaming of summer nights! #proudmama #mumofgirls #csectionmama #myjourney #mywhyishuge #weightlossjourney #familytime #noexcuses #autumncalabrese #alittleobsessed #beachbody #beachbodycoach #energize #beachbodyperformanceline #shakeology #TeamBeachbody #365er #FourYearsofLove

My Crazy Journey to Fit and Fabulous 14.12.2020

Day 27/42 Dirty 30 Extreme. Hailey was awake just before 8 and asked me for my old phone so she could listen to music while she washed dishes . I dozed for a bit longer and then Darryl and both kinda made ourselves wake up for the day. I got up around 9:15 to go pee and put my workout clothes on. Brooklyn was still sleeping but woke while I was finishing brushing my teeth. ... I finished putting away the dishes Hailey washed, drained the cold water that she used and got ready to get my Energize on. After I drank it all up, I pressed play on today's workout. I really liked Dirty 30. Full body workout that left me huffing and puffing with sweat dripping. I also did just over half of tomorrow's Yoga. A big package arrived today from BC with gifts for the girls! I vacuumed under and around the tree and we opened the big box and put the first gifts under the tree! Going to be fun this week keeping Brooklyn away from them lol. She did great though once they were out. Then Darryl and I dug into our cleaning. He took our laundry downstairs and started it while I finished all the dishes, washed a bunch of masks. While Darryl was downstairs he started on cleaning it. Going to be a doozy of a job but it will get done. I put away clean towels and fix the linen closet. I also cleaned the baseboards in the bathroom with a magic eraser then cleaned the bathroom. We are making a dent slowly but surely and will be once again able to use our kitchen table soon. With both of us doing something it's making things a whole lot easier. Hailey even managed to get her dresser, book shelf and nightstand cleaned up (with some help); her room is almost done not counting the dump her closet is. I also have boxes of clothes that are ready to donate when we are able to do that again. We ate dinner watching The Incredibles then all got geared up to go outside to wait for Santa! It was so AWESOME. The girls played with their new friends and we met their parents finally! Nice to make new friends especially in such a weird time of our lives. The girls and I followed Santa to the corner after he rode past our house and then Brooklyn and I ran through the path to see him on the next Bay. The kids all played together for a while longer and then our girls played in the backyard until I got Brooklyn in for a bath. Hailey stayed out for another hour. Mama and Daddy are super achey tonight and I was SERIOUSLY going to wrap gifts but oh man am I sore!!!! My legs are J E L L O and my back is super tender. A job for tomorrow night then. Hailey was working on some of the school work that she didn't do this week! She really wants those robucks lol! #proudmama #mumofgirls #csectionmama #myjourney #mywhyishuge #weightlossjourney #familytime #noexcuses #21dfxert #autumncalabrese #beachbody #beachbodycoach #energize #beachbodyperformanceline #shakeology #TeamBeachbody #365er #FourYearsofLove #transconaoptimusclub #Santa

My Crazy Journey to Fit and Fabulous 01.12.2020

Day 26/42 Cardio Fix Extreme and 10 Minute HardCORE Oh wow. Last night sucked! Stayed up a bit late, had a hard time falling asleep with being over tired, finally fell asleep, Hailey woke me up at 2:20 complaining about her radio alarm clock and what sounded like batteries dying (she had it plugged in AND batteries in it so she removed the batteries and it seemed fine). Unfortunately she didn't want me to leave so I curled up and watched Friends. Left her room around 3:30, fi...nally was almost asleep when I decided I needed to close our window because the wind was crazy and kept banging our door. I looked up and noticed a light on in the hallway, thinking it was Hailey I got up only to find Brooklyn's door wide open and her light on. Not sure what she was doing but ugh! Gave her a melatonin and told her to get back to bed. She crawled in and I lay on her floor watching Friends. I tried to leave twice with no luck. The first time she cried out and the second time I got out with door closed only to have her get out of bed and open the door. It was 7:04 when I got back to bed...... . I got around 2 hours of sleep after that. Today was basically a low key day after that. I kicked Hailey off the laptop for a while and she played with Brooklyn. She tried to do her workouts (doing 21 Day Fix) but stopped during the Pilates one. It took me quite a bit of motivation and extra Energize to press play on my workout but I did it! I waited until after Hailey's classes. The dang corn on my toe KILLED me! I almost stopped because it hurt so much. The pain eventually numbed out a bit and I finished! Holy Toledo! That was a crazy sweat session! My heart was going bonkers! And Cardio AFTER leg day!?!?!!? Man oh man! So not nice lol. Hailey was chatting with her friend and playing a game and Brooklyn hung out in our bedroom most of the day watching Netflix so I grabbed my Shakeology, Energize, book and phone and curled up on the bed with her. It was a pretty nice way to spend the afternoon. I had plans to get some wrapping done tonight but nope! Not happening. Going to bed right now. Tomorrow I will get some done. #proudmama #mumofgirls #csectionmama #myjourney #mywhyishuge #weightlossjourney #familytime #noexcuses #21dfxert #autumncalabrese #beachbody #beachbodycoach #energize #beachbodyperformanceline #shakeology #TeamBeachbody #365er #FourYearsofLove

My Crazy Journey to Fit and Fabulous 27.11.2020

Day 25/42 Lower Body Fix Extreme This morning I let the girls watch last night's season finale of The Masked Singer. Hailey was giddy when the Crocodile was unmasked and it was Nick Carter! She loves the Backstreet Boys! She was even more excited when the Sun won and was unmasked because we were right on who it was! Leanne Rimes! ... After the week we have had I just didn't want any issues. I couldn't bear it anymore, so I left the school work that needs doing alone. She will get it done and submitted. I drank up my Mixed Berry Energize and pressed play on lower body. Whoooowee! 30 seconds doing each move (and each leg!) with a 30 second hold. Dang it my legs were jello before we were done! Going to be fun walking and sitting tomorrow! After my workout I brushed out Hailey's rats nest and she jumped in the shower. While she was in it I pressed play on day 4 of the Relaxation and Meditation program. I think this may actually help me if I continue it and repeat often. Her class today was good. ELA she did 10 minute quick write (or quiet write) and in social studies they did art and drew a gingerbread house. Tomorrow is the last day of school! Yay! I SERIOUSLY hope and pray that Christmas break is going to be good. #proudmama #mumofgirls #csectionmama #myjourney #mywhyishuge #weightlossjourney #familytime #noexcuses #21dfxert #autumncalabrese #beachbody #beachbodycoach #energize #beachbodyperformanceline #shakeology #TeamBeachbody #365er #FourYearsofLove

My Crazy Journey to Fit and Fabulous 25.11.2020

Day 24/42 Pilates Fix Extreme I thought today was going to be better but I am just going to say that Friday can't come soon enough.... I was so overtired last night that I struggled to fall asleep. I think I was sleeping when I felt a gentle touch at 1:20 am, Brooklyn was by my bedside, then she grabbed the blankets and crawled in beside me and curled up. As much as I loved it and was in awe of the fact that this was the first time she's come into our room during the night with our door closed, I got her up, went pee and got her back to bed. She said yeah when I asked her if she had a bad dream but was okay now, though I am not sure if she knows what I meant. Gave her hugs and kisses and wished her good sleep. Then I lay on her floor by her side and put Friends on (under her bed lol). I was crawling out after about an hour. Today was Pilates and I started off barefoot as I prefer to workout that way now, but we use the resistance bands in Extreme and it started to hurt my feet. I put my runners on reluctantly and cried out because of the evil corn on my baby left toe! Dang thing hurts like mad today now. Workout was not to shabby. I pressed play on Relaxation and Meditation day 3 right after. I like this program. 10 quick minutes to slow your thoughts down. Tonight we watched Santa Clause 2 and the girls seem to really like them. Yesterday was The Santa Clause and tomorrow is part 3. I haven't watched these movies in a few years and pretty excited to share them with our girls finally! They have already watched the original How The Grinch Stole Christmas numerous times along with the Smurfs Christmas Carol, Mickey's Twice Upon a Christmas ansd The Veggie Tales Christmas shows. #proudmama #mumofgirls #csectionmama #myjourney #mywhyishuge #weightlossjourney #familytime #noexcuses #21dfxert #autumncalabrese #beachbody #beachbodycoach #energize #beachbodyperformanceline #shakeology #TeamBeachbody #365er #FourYearsofLove

My Crazy Journey to Fit and Fabulous 13.11.2020

Day 23/42 Upper Body Fix Extreme and 10 Minute HardCORE Since Hailey didn't have anything due today I left her and Brooklyn to their thing in the morning. After yesterday I just didn't have the energy to get into with Hailey. ... I made our Shakeology, drank my Energize and eventually pressed play on my workout. Today was Upper Body and I modified the side plank t moves because my shoulder is tender. I also skipped a couple of moves in the 10 minute core bonus. It just didn't feel right after all the upper body works. Hailey had her crappy attitude throughout the afternoon and Darryl has spent time with her the last couple of days talking with her about how she's treating me. She's all good for a few minutes then poof! He witnessed it tonight. The end of this week can't come fast enough. I really need a break. Brooklyn's eye was definitely still swollen today but the swelling and redness went down significantly by bedtime. She's aware of it but says it doesn't hurt. After Hailey's class, which she kept muting the teacher because she said she was bored and then she said she didn't like her math teacher (not her regular teacher). She did do her math homework though. Anywho... after her class I pressed play on day 2 of the Relaxation and Meditation program. I may end up using this program often. #proudmama #mumofgirls #csectionmama #myjourney #mywhyishuge #weightlossjourney #familytime #noexcuses #21dfxert #autumncalabrese #beachbody #beachbodycoach #energize #beachbodyperformanceline #shakeology #TeamBeachbody #365er #FourYearsofLove