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Phone: +1 519-671-4118

Website: coastalcoffeecompany.ca/

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Coastal Coffee 31.01.2021

Roast. Pack. Ship. Fresh roasted Coastal Coffee is heading to @Sobeys on Wonderland Road in London this week. #getafterit #thankyou #londonontario

Coastal Coffee 27.01.2021

Winter has arrived! Stay safe at home and let us send the fresh roasted Coastal Coffee right to ya! Order online anytime. www.coastalcoffeecompany.ca

Coastal Coffee 10.01.2021

On the TWELFTH Day of Coastal Coffee Christmas we have our final brew of the series from Finca La Esperanza in San Juan Del Rio Coco, Nicaragua. In 2013 we visited Armando and his crew at Finca La Esperanza during harvest. This was our first coffee origin trip as a roasting company, special thanks to Green Haven Imports. The trip was truely life changing. For a week we travelled around visiting farms and learning about coffee production in Nicaragua. We loved it so much w...e returned to Nicaragua again at the next year’s harvest to learn more. We are proud to say we have purchased, roasted Finca La Esperanza’s coffee for 7 consecutive harvests now. Finca La Esperanza has Caturra, Yellow Cataui & Typica varietals. The best is harvested for specialty grade export to Canada. All the coffee is washed and dried on raised tables then milled before export. So what’s it like? This brew has tasting notes of raw sugar and almond. More! La Esperanza is a farm that is operated and owned by Armando Zeledon. This estate was inherited from Armando’s father during the peak of the Iran-Contra conflict and was in an abandoned state. Armando made it his mission to rebuild the farm and plant entire new lots and take advantage of the ideal growing conditions surrounding him. Armando has twice been a finalist in the Cup of Excellence competition and has built a reputation as one of the top coffee producers in terms of quality in the San Juan Del Rio Coco region. This estate uses traditional washing methods and Armando personally supervises the picking to ensure only the ripest cherries are picked; nothing is left to chance under his dutiful eye. La Esperanza represents the past, present and future for Armando and his family. In addition to growing exceptional coffee, Armando is also a leader in his community and has done many philanthropic acts to aid in the well-being and development of the local rural community such as, building a well and donating land for cultivation of vegetables and fruits. Green Haven coffee is proud to be working with such a well -regarded and influential leader in his community. @greenhaven_imports #coastalcoffee

Coastal Coffee 08.01.2021

Coffee. Is. Essential. THANK YOU everyone for your continued support during this lock down. The Coastal Roastery is OPEN here on Kintail Line every SATURDAY from 9am-1pm and ONLINE anytime! #supportsmallbusiness #huroncounty #coffeeisessential #coastalcoffee #getafterit

Coastal Coffee 31.12.2020

On the ELEVENTH Day of Coastal Coffee Christmas we have tasting notes of Clementine, Brown Sugar & Molasses. This coffee is a Yellow Honey processed, Estate Lot from the Minor Esquivel Family in Tartarus, San Jose, Costa Rica. The Tarrazu region is located in the interior mountains of Costa Rica and is known to produce distinguished coffee. Tarrazu is a market name for coffees produced and processed within the region.

Coastal Coffee 28.12.2020

On the TENTH Day of Coastal Coffee Christmas we have our first CHINESE COFFEE! This is a very unique, naturally processed coffee from Shingaqing, Yunnan, China. Yunnan historically is famous for the production and processing tea. Today you may be surprised to discover they can also produce an impressive cup of coffee. Just make sure you are sitting down for this brew folks. #yesitsthatgood... This coffee from Yunnan is outstanding in quality. It boasts a heavy body, balanced acidity with tasting notes of Kiwi, Navel Orange Brown Sugar and Ripe Dark Fruit. Coffee has a relatively young history in China. French missionaries first planted coffee in the late nineteenth century, but production didn’t take off for nearly 100 years, despite a government initiative in the sixties. It wasn’t until 1988 that coffee began to be commercially developed on a large scale, as part of another government-led project, assisted by the United Nations Development Program and the World Bank. Coffee predominantly grows in three regions of China: Yunnan, Fujian, and Hainan Island. Fujian and Hainan Island are known for growing robusta, and only account for about 5 percent of the country’s total production. Yunnan dominates the rest of the market, producing mostly arabica plants. Yunnan province shares a border with Vietnam, Laos, and Myanmar, adding to its diversity. With an average altitude of 2,000 meters, catimor (a caturra-Timor hybrid) is the varietal of choice for most farmers, thanks to its high yield, heartiness, and resistance to leaf rust. #yunnancoffee #chinesecoffee #specialtycoffee #coffeeroaster #coastalcoffee #CanadaEh

Coastal Coffee 25.12.2020

Coffee is essential. The Coastal Coffee Roastery is OPEN online anytime. Our shop on Kintail Line is OPEN SATURDAYS from 9am-1pm for curb side and in store purchasing. We are roasting a few more fresh batches this morning so we will have lots of fresh coffee for you to take home. NOTE- We are just allowing one group at a time into our shop to keep everyone safe. Thank you for your support everyone. The reason we are in business is because of YOU.

Coastal Coffee 13.12.2020

YES The Coastal Roastery is OPEN this winter SATURDAY’S 9am-1pm for take out and curb side pick up. To keep everyone safe we are only allowing one group at a time into the retail shop. See ya all here! #coffeetime #happysaturday #coffeeroaster #coadtalcoffee

Coastal Coffee 11.12.2020

Welcome to the FUTURE May we introduce to you The Coastal Coffee Traveller - 10 pack! NOW AVAILABLE online anytime and at the Coastal Roastery Retail Shop OPEN Saturdays 9am-1pm. #coffeeisessential #drinkgoodcoffee #anywhere #pourovercoffee #thefuture

Coastal Coffee 28.11.2020

On the NINTH Day of Coastal Coffee Christmas we have a fruit bomb! Todays brew has tasting notes of white chocolate covered strawberries from this natural processed, heirloom varietal. Ethiopia is widely renowned as the birthplace of the coffee. This Ethiopian coffee is from Guji, Anasora area. This is a new coffee production area with a high altitude of 2100 meters above sea level which results is a super high quality coffee. Kerchanshe is the washing station this coffee was processed at. Kerchanshe has a strong base in Anasora of working with farmers to improve quality which directly affects the financial sustainability of these small farms.

Coastal Coffee 21.11.2020

On the EIGHTH day of Coastal Coffee Christmas it’s A NEW YEAR! To celebrate we have a coffee from Bugoyi Rwanda! Shout out to Semilla Coffee for their commitment to Emmanuel’s incredible work and for providing an opportunity for Coastal Coffee to be a part of the story! More info...... Bugoyi is located in the Western Province of Rwanda - near the border of the Democratic Republic of Congo and directly on the shores of Lake Kivu. In fact, a handful of farmers in this area live on islands and actually deliver their coffee by boat to Bugoyi. This region generally receives very soft sunlight and cool winds coming off the lake, which Emmanuel praises as the driving force behind the particularly even drying at Bugoyi. Buogyi is Emmanuel’s largest station producing predominantly specialty coffee, with an annual production of around 4 containers (1300 60kg bags). It was built in 2012 and purchased by Baho in 2016. Along with Fugi, this is the first station that Emmanuel focused on when starting Baho. Bugoyi employs 187 people at the peak of the season - there are rotating seasonal/part time workers in addition to a core staff. On top of their standard wages, Baho pays into both health insurance and pension plans for all workers at Bugoyi. Production on the small plots (on average, 170 - 220 trees per farm) surrounding this station are quite low at only ~1.5 kg per tree. This is mostly attributed to the extremely old trees in the area; many have been in production for nearly 30 years. Emmanuel focused heavily this year on growing Baho’s seedling distribution program - 16,000 were distributed to the Bugoyi farmers. Emmanuel has found that with his higher cherry prices, producers are becoming increasingly more interested in investing in their coffee farms and growing future production. There are plans to develop a post harvest premium program for this group, and everyone is excited to see this station continue to thrive.

Coastal Coffee 08.11.2020

On the SEVENTH day of Coastal Coffee Christmas NEW YEARS EVE we have selected a coffee from Paicol, Huila, Colombia This brew has tasting notes of panela, honey, caramel with a medium body and a clean, clean finish. We have had the privilege roasting this coffee for 7 years now and have been to Coffee Land aka Chalo’s farm in Colombia twice over the years. ... On the first visit we cupped over 100 individual farm lots of coffee from the community! On the second visit we got to be a part of setting up the first roasting and cupping lab, right on the farm. When Chalo’s parents and brothers visited Canada for the first time they came to visit our family farm. Wanna learn more? Check out Chalo’s Colombian farm profile on our NEW WEBSITE www.coastalcoffeecompany.ca

Coastal Coffee 28.10.2020

WHAT A YEAR 2020 has bean. #coffeejoke Thank you everyone for the unbelievable support this challenging year. GREAT NEWS! We are working to serve you better ONLINE 24/7 and are EXCITED to announce our NEW website is now LIVE! ... Check it. www.coastalcoffeecompany.ca In other NEWS YES the Coastal Roastery is OPEN for retail of all the fresh roasted delights every SATURDAY from 9am-1pm for both TAKE OUT & CURB SIDE pick up. HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!! #coastalcoffee #byebye2020 #itsbeanfun #newyears

Coastal Coffee 20.09.2020

On the SIXTH day of Coastal Coffee Christmas we have a spicy brew from Murang’a Kenya. This washed SL-28 and Ruiru mix has tasting notes of cinnamon, pepper, clove. The silky and velvety body of this coffee truely is lovely. Kenyan coffee is recognized in the world market for its quality. It is also an important crop for the country's economy, which generates significant revenues for export and for small planters, and account for more than 50% of national production. Muranga... County is an important area for coffee production in Kenya, with rich volcanic soils and a favourable climate in the Aberdares range. More than 100,000 small-scale farmers are involved in coffee production and are members of more than thirty cooperatives, grouped within the Muranga Cooperative Union of Farmers. The cooperative is an important mechanism for supporting farmers and strengthening agricultural production. See more

Coastal Coffee 09.09.2020

On the FIFTH day of Coastal Coffee Christmas we have a bright and juicy yet complex light roasted coffee from Gitega, Burundi. This washed coffee is a mix of the varietals Bourbon, Jaskson & Mbirizi. This specialty grade lot was brought to us by the Kasozi Brothers who were born and raised in Burundi and Kenya. Here is a message from the brothers. Hello, We are a family-owned importer trying to change life in Burundi for the better and wanted to work w...ith like minded people to give information about the coffee, the farmers and ourselves in the hopes of building a great relationship and becoming your number one source for Burundi coffee. This micro lot of coffee hails from the Murimirwa cooperative in Gitega region that includes 26 women farmers who drop their coffee at the Muhororo washing station. The coffee is depulped, double washed and double fermented, then sun-dried. This is where we pick up the coffee from and we make sure a premium is paid back to the cooperative and help with education on finances and better farming practices to help ensure a better life which is the mission of Kasozi Brothers because we know that for great things to happen, great teamwork is needed. Burundi is a hidden gem in the coffee world due to lack of marketing but consistently produces stellar coffees. The land is very fertile, rich volcanic loam soil which produces a clean cup known for having great acidity, a full body and complex fruity notes.

Coastal Coffee 20.08.2020

On the FOURTH day of Coastal Coffee Christmas we are enjoying the sweetest and most balanced Tanzanian coffee we have ever had. In the dry aroma it is undeniably creamy butter sweet caramel AND this transfers into the cup along with notes of brown sugar, red fruit, papaya. This coffee varietal is technically a Bourbon derivative. It was pulped, fermented, washed and sun dried on raised bed. Here is more information about the producers and process. ... . REGIONAL INFORMATION + PRODUCER INFORMATION This coffee comes from the Igale AMCOS (the local term for a cooperative, abbreviated from Agricultural Marketing Cooperative Society) in the Mbozi district of Songwe. Specifically, 443 producers from the villages of Idiwili, Ilomba, Iyula, Idunda, Ipyana and Igale contributed the coffee cherries. During the harvest, farmers delivered cherry between 4 and 7 p.m. The pulper was usually turned on around 6 p.m. and would run until around 9 p.m. After being pulped, the parchment was graded into P1, P2, P3, P lights and pods in the washing channels. The P1 and P2 were then fermented for 24 to 48 hours before being washed. The beans then went into tanks to soak for 8 to 12 hours and finally were dried on raised beds for 7 to 14 days.

Coastal Coffee 17.08.2020

On the THIRD Day of Coastal Coffee Christmas we have a WASHED Ethiopian Yirgacheffe YIRGZ. This coffee is very tea like and delicate with notes of floral, cherry, jasmine. This is not just any Yirgacheffe folks! We have hunted for years to find the best and here it is. ... YirgZ is Keffa Coffees trademarked washed Yirgacheffe Gr 1 coffee. Here is more information from Keffa Coffee. On an early morning in Yirgacheffe late in the harvest season, workers arrive at the washing station and line up alongside the drying beds. Bundles of washed coffee in parchment are untied and opened wide. Dozens of hands reach into the beans, spreading them out flat to greet the rising sun. Mill managers pay close attention to the weather during the drying process. The coffee is re-covered from 11 am-3 pm, the hottest part of the day, so that the beans not dried out quickly before reaching the desired water Activity. The coffee-growing region of Yirgacheffe is small but fertile, producing some of the world’s most well-known beans. Our patented YirgZ takes the classic Yirgacheffe taste profile to the next level by ensuring zero defects. The coffee is rigorously sorted in a process that includes mechanical sorting by size and density, then careful hand sorting that takes three times longer than conventional coffee. To show appreciation for this work, we pay sorters THREE times higher than the average wage. Workers say the extra income helps them support their communities and send their children to school, highlighting the importance of specialty coffee premiums and direct trading practices.

Coastal Coffee 02.08.2020

On the SECOND day of Coastal Coffee Christmas we have a fresh micro lot from Bernardo Pacheco’s farm in Mataquescuintla Guatemala. This is the second crop we have had the opportunity to purchase from this same farm. This lot is a mixed varietal of San Ramon, Yellow & Red Catura with tasting notes of light Berries, Banana like sweetness and a hint of Peanut as it cools. The following is a letter from Bernardo. ... My name is Bernardo Pacheco Reyes from the Sansupo, Mataquescuintla, Jalapa community. For the last 15 years I have been cultivating this plot of land that was left to me by my mother Melecia Reyes, who together with my father, Jesus Pacheco, taught me to work and grow coffee, one of the blessed essences of mother earth. Since then up until today I grow the Pache San Ramon and yellow and red caturra varietals at the elevation of 1700m above sea level. We are people who take care of the environment, the flora and the fauna and since 2012 have supported the pacific resistance against chemical mines - that which is destroying our habitat. I remember April 11, 2013 when men and women from my community came out to support the protest against the pacific resistance. I collaborated by lending my vehicle which was driven by my nephew. At 4:30pm the police from the mining company came out to destroy our camp and arrested 26 men and women including my nephew and took away their vehicles, including mine. Thank God we overcame these bad times and today continue to strive to defend our mother Earth. We are grateful for you who acquire my coffee and wisdom.

Coastal Coffee 13.07.2020

Yes the Coastal Coffee retail shop is CLOSED this weekend for the Holidays. We will be busy drinking delicious coffee and working on our snow angels! #seeyanextweekend

Coastal Coffee 23.06.2020

On the FIRST Day of Coastal Christmas we have a specialty grade, cooperative lot coffee to kick off the celebration. This delight is from The Eastern Highlands of Papua New Guinea. It is quite a collective varietal mix of Arusha, Red Bourbon, Typica and Blue Mountain. In the dry aroma you will smell sweet citrus. In the cup the citrus is there along with malt and Caramel. #merrychristmas #coffeetime

Coastal Coffee 14.06.2020

Merry Christmas from our family to yours! Thank you for the overwhelming love and support this holiday season. Reminder... TOMORROW we officially begin the Twelve Days of Coastal Christmas. Each day’s coffee will be posted starting on Christmas Day for the consecutive twelve days. Stay tuned right here! #merrychristmas2020 #freshcoffee #holidayseason #christmastime #coastalcoffee Photo credit Hannah Dickie.

Coastal Coffee 04.06.2020

ALERT HOLIDAY POP UP SHOP is happening TODAY at the Coastal Roastery here at 86252 Kintail Line. The shelves are stocked up again with MORE Coastal merch. We have lots of fresh roasted coffee READY including sample package stocking stuffers. OPEN TODAY until 4 pm. #stockup #freshcoffee #holidayseason #coastalcoffee

Coastal Coffee 27.05.2020

YES the Coastal Roastery ais OPEN for all your Christmas shopping needs ONLINE ANYTIME www.coastalcoffee.ca Select local pick up and we will let you know when it’s ready or we can ship it and it will eventually get to you. Don’t see what you need on our store? Just send us a message and we can do up a custom order for you. #christmastime #coastalcoffee

Coastal Coffee 23.05.2020

Oh YES we are OPEN TODAY here at the Coastal Roastery for all your Christmas coffee needs. We have lots of fresh roasted coffee, Coastal shirts, toques, mugs, home brewers and tasty treats. OPEN till 1pm #Christmas2020 #coastalcoffee #freshstuff

Coastal Coffee 17.05.2020

We are now in this great tourist area! Check out the beautiful sights and stock up on our coffee in Stratford at the Sobeys and the Foodland St Mary’s! #coastalcoffee #drinkgoodcoffee

Coastal Coffee 11.05.2020

Coastal Coffee is it surrounding London! Find us now at Foodland Komoka, Glencoe and Dorchester!! #coastalcoffee #drinkgoodcoffee

Coastal Coffee 21.04.2020

Hey KW! You can now buy Coastal Coffee at two locations! Sobeys Columbia and Sobey’s Cambridge! #coastalcoffee #drinkgoodcoffee

Coastal Coffee 02.04.2020

Christmas is coming! We have lots of fresh roasted coffee ready to go. This Saturday the Twelve Days of Coastal Christmas boxes are officially ready for pick up. Swing by the Coastal Roastery on Kintail Line this Saturday OR shop ONLINE anytime. We are shipping orders out daily. #christmas #gifts #beanbusy #freshcoffee #coastalcoffee #thegoodstuff @goderichtourism @goderichon @engagegoderich @huronchamber @huroncountyecdev @visitkincardine @mykincardine @eatlocalgreybruce @ontarioswestcoast @southernontarioeats @blyth_ontario @bayfieldontario @hensallontario @zurichontario @buylocalontario

Coastal Coffee 26.03.2020

Looking for unique gift ideas? Christmas production 2020 is in full swing here at the Coastal Roastery. We love custom orders this time of year, big and small we do them all. Coastal sample packs of super fresh coffee make great gifts too. Just sayin.

Coastal Coffee 23.03.2020

Yup. See ya’ll tomorrow. The Coastal Roastery is OPEN with loads of fresh roasted Coffee, Coastal Merch AND @Blake.street.bakery bakery TREATS 9am-1pm #spreadtheword #coffeeroastery #freshroasted #goodcoffee

Coastal Coffee 09.03.2020

THANKFUL!! Christmas has come early here at the Coastal Coffee Headquarters. Our NATURAL WOOL loose fill insulation arrived in the snow storm on Tuesday and is now almost all into the attic now. What a year this week has bean. #woolinsulation #ohnaturale #wool #nochemicals #thisstuffworks #truelyamazing #dreambig #getafterit @sommerbrothers

Coastal Coffee 21.02.2020

Last chance folks! . This year’s Twelve Days of Coastal Christmas have Bean a hit. Twelve sample packs of very unique, fresh roasted, specialty grade, whole bean Coastal Coffee in one holiday gift box. The Coastal Crew will be roasting, packing and shipping these boxes starting Dec 8- across Canada! DM for pricing and details.

Coastal Coffee 11.02.2020

YUP! The Coastal Roastery is OPEN Saturday’s 9am-1pm with loads of Coastal merch and fresh roasted coffee. This week we ALSO have pastries from the FIG Studio Kitchen to go with your delicious coffee. #getfresh #holidayvibes #coffeegifts #ohyes

Coastal Coffee 09.02.2020

Looking for unique Christmas gift ideas? We are roasting and shipping fresh coffee out daily folks. Check out www.coastalcoffee.ca to see all the coffees available. If you need a custom order just let us know. #yawedothattoo #coffeegift #

Coastal Coffee 06.02.2020

We are so proud to supply our fresh roasted Coastal Coffee to this AWESOME RESTAURANT! This place is truly a gem in Ripley!

Coastal Coffee 01.02.2020

Today’s orders. Christmas production is happening here at the NEW Coastal Coffee Digs. Need fresh coffee for gifts? We can do that. #samplesize #retailbags #wholebean #groundcoffee #christmascoffee #freshcoffee #coastalcoffee #somuchcoffeeee

Coastal Coffee 18.01.2020

Christmas is coming.... OPEN till 1pm today and online anytime...

Coastal Coffee 31.12.2019

Getting into the Christmas spirit here at the Coastal Roastery as we collect orders for the 12 Days of Christmas sample boxes. The Coastal retail shop is stocked with holiday gift ideas and we are OPEN TOMORROW &!every Saturday 9am-1pm.

Coastal Coffee 21.12.2019

You can now find Coastal Coffee at Foodland Essex! #drinkgoodcoffee #coastalcoffee

Coastal Coffee 05.12.2019

It’s Saturday folks! We are OPEN till 1 pm here at the Coastal Coffee Roastery on Kintail Line. #coffeetime

Coastal Coffee 18.11.2019

Today and everyday we remember.

Coastal Coffee 01.11.2019

Check us out! Another new store alert! Foodland St Thomas.

Coastal Coffee 25.10.2019

What a week! Thank you to everyone who came out for a serious Coastal Brew on Saturday. So fun serving all you this direct trade Colombian from our friends at @chaloscoffee. Shout out to @brauncam for workin his magic capturing all this!

Coastal Coffee 21.10.2019

Coffee time! OPEN here at the NEW Coastal Coffee Headquarters until 1 pm SATURDAY’S ONLY! #seeyasoon #espressotime #getafterit #freshstuff #coastalcoffee

Coastal Coffee 19.10.2019

Film set or coffee fanatics brew bar? YUP! #coastalcoffee #seriousbrew #coffeeroaster #specialtycoffee #canadaeh

Coastal Coffee 06.10.2019

3 new store alerts. Coastal is coast to coast! Foodland Dutton, Foodland West Lorne and Foodland Ridgetown!

Coastal Coffee 30.09.2019

AAAND THAT’S A WRAP! TODAY we were filming here at the Coastal Coffee Headquarters = SUPER fun!! Stay tuned folks........

Coastal Coffee 12.09.2019

Happy Halloween from all of us at Coastal Coffee!

Coastal Coffee 08.09.2019

TODAY IS THE DAY! As promised here is a tour of the new INSIDE retail set up here at the new Coastal Coffee Headquarters!

Coastal Coffee 23.08.2019

ALERT Tomorrow is the BIG DAY FOLKS! We are almost READY to serve you here inside the new Coastal Coffee Headquarters. We will do a video in the morning showing you around. #pouroverbar #espressobar... #coastalmerch #newshirts #pastries Please spread the word folks. OPEN 9am-1pm Saturday

Coastal Coffee 15.08.2019

Kincardine Sobeys is restocked with fresh Coastal Coffee! Look for it in the natural food section - isle 2 #freshroasted #coastalcoffee Kincardine Kincardine, Ontario Kincardine Record Kincardine News Lakeside Downtown Kincardine Kincardine Chamber Municipality of Kincardine Kincardine Pride

Coastal Coffee 30.07.2019

Happy Friday!! This means tomorrow is SATURDAY & WE ARE OPEN 9am-1pm. Tomorrow is the last Saturday we are slinging serious Coastal brew out of the green tent. Next week.......we move inside!

Coastal Coffee 14.07.2019

You may have noticed MORE ACTION around the Coastal Coffee HQ these last few weeks. Shout out to high flying friends from West Coast Renovations in Goderich for being our awesome roof and building envelope specialists! #beautifulwork #dreamteam #heritagerenovation #smalltown #community #historic #church #builtin1906 #coastalcoffee #headquarters @ontarioculinary @ontariotravel @ontarioswestcoast

Coastal Coffee 07.07.2019

Espresso machine is on! #itssaturday #weareopen #coastal #coffeeroastery #ACW #Goderich

Coastal Coffee 24.06.2019

We are spreading our coffee love! You can now find Coastal Coffee in Sobey’s Amherstburg! #drinkgoodcoffee #coastalcoffee

Coastal Coffee 14.06.2019

New store alert! Sobeys at Wonderland Road and Oxford in London Ontario. Find us in the local food section at the back of the store.

Coastal Coffee 02.06.2019

Happy Thanksgiving EVERYONE! #staysafe #bethankful #bekind #drinkgoodcoffee #coastalcoffee #thanksgiving2020

Coastal Coffee 24.05.2019

Yes! We are OPEN SATURDAY 9am - 1pm here on Kintail Line at the Coastal Coffee Roastery. #thanksgiving #2020 #freshcoffee

Coastal Coffee 20.05.2019

Rain or shine it’s COFFEE TIME! The roaster is going, smoke is flying and WE ARE OPEN here at the Coastal Roastery for drive through coffee service on Kintail Line until 1 pm today! #getafterit #specialtycoffee

Coastal Coffee 09.05.2019

Yes we are still OPEN EVERY SATURDAY here at the Coastal Roastery on Kintail Line with fresh roasted beans and brew. Put your goin out pants on and swing by. See ya all tomorrow 9-1pm #pullingshots #espressoyourself #flatwhitetime #cappuccinolove #latteartheart #saturdaycoffeeplace

Coastal Coffee 05.05.2019

Coastal Coffee has hit the coast of Lake St. Clair in the Windsor area! Now available at this Sobeys location!

Coastal Coffee 24.04.2019

So much awesome. First time we have had this many vintage Volkswagon’s at our new Coastal Digs. The Bayfield Volkfest Cruise stopped in for coffee on their way from Kincardine to Goderich! Cheers!! Volkswagen Volkswagen Waterloo Ryan Somers

Coastal Coffee 06.04.2019

HAPPY FRIDAY! You all know what this means. We are cleaned up and ready to sling serious brew. O P E N here Saturday at the Coastal Roastery on Kintail Line for all your Coffee needs 9 am - 1pm.

Coastal Coffee 01.04.2019

Karibu! (Welcome!) #burundi Today we received a NEW lot of coffee from Burundi- it’s complex, vibrant and JUICY! Gael was born and raised in Burundi and has a real passion for Burundi’s producers of specialty coffee. We spent hours talking today about all things coffee and his beautiful home county, Burundi. #daretocompare #coastalcoffee #specialtycoffee #sustainable #africancoffee #thegoodstuff #itscoastal #coastalcoffee @goderichon @visitkincardine @ontarioswestcoast @huronchamber @eatlocalgreybruce

Coastal Coffee 21.03.2019

YES we are OPEN tomorrow and every SATURDAY for your fresh roasted coffee needs. #specialtycoffee #roasterhustle #wholebean #groundcoffee #espresso #flatwhite #cappuccino #latte #filter #wehavethat #heritagedigs @goderichtourism @goderichon @explorethebruce @visitkincardine @localskincardine @mykincardine @lucknowambassador

Coastal Coffee 01.03.2019

YUP WE ARE OPEN for all your fresh coffee needs SATURDAY morning’s 9am-1pm. #tomorroweh #saturday See ya all tomorrow folks. #coffeetime #coastalvibes #freshstuff

Coastal Coffee 15.02.2019

We figured out the best way to move the Coastal Volkswagen Westfalia collection! #flatbed #forthewin #coastalcoffee @bayfieldvolkfest @vwcanada @vwcamper @volkswagentoronto

Coastal Coffee 31.01.2019

Patio is ready. See you all tomorrow! YES we are OPEN 9am - 1pm TOMORROW. Swing by and stock up on all the fresh roasted goodness. #freshroasted #specialtycoffee #coffeeroaster #longweekendvibes #CanadaEh

Coastal Coffee 26.01.2019

Shanahan’s Quality Meats is officially stocked up again with fresh Coastal Coffee #Goderich #getafterit Goderich Tourism "Canada's Prettiest Town"

Coastal Coffee 08.01.2019

WOW! Thank you to everyone who came out today in the rain and wind to get your fresh Coastal Coffee. We had a line up out to the road at one point and if you can believe it a trio of cyclists even rolled in. . If you missed this today we are OPEN ANYTIME ONLINE www.coastalcoffee.ca and or swing by next Saturday. Until then take care everyone.

Coastal Coffee 19.12.2018

Rain or shine it’s coffee time! OPEN until 1pm here at the Coastal Coffee Roastery on Kintail Line.

Coastal Coffee 11.12.2018

THIS! Come drink delicious coffee and take pictures with SUNFLOWERS!! We have a beautiful field of sunflowers now in bloom right across from the new Coastal Digs here on Kintail Line. OPEN Saturday 9am - 1pm for all your caffeinated needs.

Coastal Coffee 29.11.2018

OPEN SATURDAY’S from 9am-1pm for all your fresh coffee needs here at the NEW Coastal Coffee Digs - 86252 Kintail Line in north of Goderich in the municipality of Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh. #getfresh #gocoastal AshfieldColborneWawanosh

Coastal Coffee 12.11.2018

Coastal NITRO cold brew is hitting the spot this week. Shout out to @iceculturelocal for the sweet custom Coastal logo VW ice cubes. YOU BETCHA WE ARE OPEN SATURDAY 9am - 1pm serving up all the iced and hot caffeinated delights here on Kintail Line. Spread the word folks. #thankyou #roasterhustle #coastalcoffeeroasters