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Address: 4438 W 10th Ave Suite 196 Vancouver, BC, Canada

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Heidi Stokes Counselling for Depression & Anxiety Vancouver 28.03.2021

You are beautiful if you will honestly look inside of yourself, we all are. Inner felt beauty comes through having enough compassion to see who you are behind the defense, who you are at your essence. Allow yourself softness to look inside with the clarity of your heart’s energy. HeidiStokes.com Vancouver BC Canada #essence #heartfelt #compassionateliving #compassionatecommunication

Heidi Stokes Counselling for Depression & Anxiety Vancouver 14.03.2021

If in the relationship you did not get what you needed, be assured the energy has changed form. You have new opportunity although the opportunity is now at a less physical, more subtle, or energetic level. You can remain engaged with the energy, holding good intention, loving thoughts and memories. You can heal your connection, by creating relationship energetically, in a more positive way. If the relationship was all you ever needed, you were part of that energy. It was bui...lt between 2 circuits. It lives on in you. It is ok to grieve the change. It can be helpful in those moments of grief, to call in the exact feeling you are missing. Be still with it, it is subtle and it is still there. It’s okay to both hold the feeling of what was, and grieve the loss of its physical presence. This cycling of reality from what was to what is, and will always remain, can help you adapt to the new reality. Much love. HeidiStokes.com Vancouver, BC, Canada image by CorrineWolcoski See more

Heidi Stokes Counselling for Depression & Anxiety Vancouver 24.02.2021

Enjoying the blessings of the moment is not always readily available. Making a practice of experiencing gratitude or awareness of small daily pleasantries will however, bring you more present moment happiness. It is important to have an eye on your future but not to the extent that you are missing the small, beautiful details of the present. Smell the coffee, feel the air, listen to the wind, take in the colors and notice the love. HeidiStokes.com Vancouver, BC, Canada

Heidi Stokes Counselling for Depression & Anxiety Vancouver 27.12.2020

For sure boundaries are meant to keep us safe. Boundaries are about clear communication regarding what needs to happen in relationship for us to feel protected within our personal space. Secondly, setting boundaries is about containing our own emotions. When individuals repeatedly cross our boundaries ie. Kids repeatedly do not pick up after them selves, spouses or roommates ignore our requests for courtesy, then we need to set firm boundaries. If something is happening rep...eatedly we are likely letting our boundary slide. In this case we need to use the boundary to resource ourselves for clear communication, sooner. In this case the boundary is a preventative measure. It allows us to regulate and contain ourselves from overwhelming emotions so that they don’t get away from us in ways we might later regret. Thirdly, boundaries operate as a screen that facilitates our ability to be mindful or more impeccable with our words. When we commit to setting clear and compassionate boundaries it becomes easier to think about who we want to be in a given situation. This tips will be helpful if you take a moment to contextualize them within your own life circumstances. Did you ever set a boundary that communicated self protection, containment of emotion or facilitated your ability to screen your words? Can you imagine committing in the future, to find boundaries that allow you to be congruent with a desire for clarity, self compassion and of course, felt senses of safety? Taking online clients in Canada. HeidiStokes.com Vancouver, BC, Canada

Heidi Stokes Counselling for Depression & Anxiety Vancouver 11.12.2020

Music matters. Not because it is matter but because it’s vibration effects your matter. Notice what you listen to on repeat. Through vibration, the music you listen to creates a felt sense experience. ... Start to notice the various forms rhythm that you are drawn to. What are the messages you choose to sing along with? If you were being intentional, would you choose different messages? If you haven’t already, or lately, you can choose to make a healthy habit/practice of using music as a re set. When you become aware that your current moment experience could be improved upon, take a moment and think of a song that has a feel or vibe you would rather cultivate. Listen to the music. If you are hoping to move away from a negative felt sense, set your sights on something positive. Moving from pity, listen to strength, moving from shame, listen to love and acceptance... Choose lyrics that lift you to a higher resonance. Lyrics are mantras, they can be used like prayer or affirmation to change your outlook. Songs that you like, will have you repeating them. Humming, singing or thinking about lyrics that are meaningful, supportive, acknowledging or loving makes a difference in your cognitive mindset. It’s a small thing to add to your day, being intentional about music, and allowing it to be your medicine. Music is very old medicine. HeidiStokes.com Vancouver, BC, Canada #musictherapy #musicastherapy #therapymum #resonancescience #kundaliniyogi #yogaastherapy #vancouveryogacommunity #vancouvermoms #vancouvertherapist

Heidi Stokes Counselling for Depression & Anxiety Vancouver 07.12.2020

HeidiStokes.comVancouver,BC,Canada #vancouverhealth #healthyvancouver #vancouvertherapist #vancouvertherapy

Heidi Stokes Counselling for Depression & Anxiety Vancouver 18.11.2020

HeidiStokes.com Vancouver,BC, Canada #vancouverhealth #healthyvancouver #vancouvertherapist #vancouvertherapy

Heidi Stokes Counselling for Depression & Anxiety Vancouver 03.11.2020

Prayer is the purest form of self expression. It is when you allow yourself to rest and be heard by the part of you that is, the beloved. HeidiStokes.com Vancouver, BC, Canada #prayerful #prayerworks #prayers #selfhealing #christianity #spiritualhealer #spiritguides #soulspath #soulspeak

Heidi Stokes Counselling for Depression & Anxiety Vancouver 18.09.2020

In case we needed a reminder... breathing is important. That is the real reason we all want to wear a mask. Sorry Mother Nature, are you trying to tell us something? #tryingtolisten... HeidiStokes.com Vancouver, BC, Canada #

Heidi Stokes Counselling for Depression & Anxiety Vancouver 05.09.2020

Increase your daily dose of mindfulness with hand washing. Paying attention to your senses brings your awareness to the present moment. Being present, not in the past or future is what mindfulness is about. We are all washing our hands more. Why not use the time to practice mindfulness? Its really simple. Give it a watch. If you want to add that last sense in, have a drink of water when youre done. Taste it. Then, Youve covered all 5 senses and done 2 great things to keep you healthy. HeidiStokes.com Vancouver,BC, Canada #bekind #safe

Heidi Stokes Counselling for Depression & Anxiety Vancouver 01.09.2020

Tattoos that cover scars. Mine literally covers a scar and, of course, it has a story. Its a childs story. The tattoo has been there since I was 16 but, the scar that led me to want the tattoo was from a time earlier still. At the root of the story is shame. Shame that was inherited from another person who thought it was okay to tell me my birthmark looked like shit. It is the first time I remember being cognizant of the threat of being unbeautiful. The tone of the words ...carried disgust that was until then, foreign to me. The tattoo was designed to cover that little piece of shame. My tattoo fixed the fear that that my birthmark could cause me to be seen as unbeautiful. My sixteen year old self chose a red rose to symbolize true love. The story of unbeautiful however, is a story that threatens every little girl. Even the ones who are told they are beautiful, will meet the socially imposed desire and confusion about external beauty. That is something that no tattoo will ever cover up. We need real answers to address socially imposed desires that leave our girls and boys, women, men, and all the alternatives in between, feeling unbeautiful. The answers lie in remembering our whole, magnificent, beautiful and unbound selves. In touching, holding and savouring moments of experience that connect us to authenticity. My tattoo is faded, it no longer sufficiently covers the scar left behind from the removed birthmark. It reminds me that beauty is more than skin deep. That beauty is in a life lived and, in the the quest to see right through the myth of unbeautiful. HeidiStokes.com Vancouver, BC, Canada #selflove #devinefeminine #devinelove #tattoomeaning #beingisbeautiful #wholeheartedcoaching #livewholeheartedly #unboundwellness

Heidi Stokes Counselling for Depression & Anxiety Vancouver 25.08.2020

The goal of talking about past experience in therapy is to bring awareness to the somatic responses, emotions or thoughts that co-exist with the memory. Implicit or felt sense aspects of memory are unconscious, lightning fast, and anchor present moment experience in the past. Getting deep into a traumatic memory without mindful awareness of present safety can elicit unnecessary reliving of trauma. It can reinforce old coping patterns preventing new growth.... The result is no change. Ignoring or avoiding the memory all together also leaves old patterns to continue. Therapy aims to create a balance where stories are touched upon with the intent of noticing the present moment sensory motor, emotional and cognitive responses. We explore their sensory qualities and work with them to develop personal resources that allow change. Yes, touching on the past is helpful. It is helpful because we use it to integrate the fact that it is over. The acknowledgment of present moment safety allows us to learn from the experience. We can notice what our body needs to create new responses. Out of those needs, we develop personalized resources. Resources that will be called upon the next time that we become aware of cognitive, emotional or somatic markers that are holding our present moment experience hostage to the past. We do not need to re-live every detail of a trauma story in order to heal. However, we can benefit greatly by touching on the past with the intention of creating resources that elicit present moment change that empowers us to view our future from a place of choice. HeidiStokes.com Vancouver, BC, Canada #somaticresourcing #patogden #traumarecovery #traumainformed #empoweredwomenempowerwomen #somaticawareness #somaticpsychology #sensoriomotor #resources

Heidi Stokes Counselling for Depression & Anxiety Vancouver 15.08.2020

Focus on it! There are aspects of your personality that are relentlessly working to hold you together. The hopes, persistence and grit that keep you going should not be undervalued. Next time your tempted to tell the story about how you did something wrong, remember the good things you do to hold it together. Remember the kind gesture, the healthy meal or activity, time spent cleaning up, or focused on career, the relationship issue you went back to repair... Whether it is hope, action, grit or grace, acknowledge the parts of you that consistently show up for good. You deserve to acknowledge the good efforts you are making. Put your focus there. HeidiStokes.com Vancouver, BC, Canada #feelingblessed #goodvibes #acknowledgement #somaticawareness #partswork #therapyworks #feelblessed #selfcompassion #selfcompassioncoaching

Heidi Stokes Counselling for Depression & Anxiety Vancouver 06.08.2020

This close? Yep. Thats close enough. Talk to your significant attachment relations in close proximity. There, you can accurately read each others non verbal cues. Youve heard that eyes are the portal to the soul? Well, theyre also the portal to your nervous system. Either way, its good for your relationship to talk in close proximity, with as much eye contact as you can manage.... For this reason walking, driving in a car, and being busy moving around the house are not great times to have serious conversations. You don't have eye contact in these scenarios. Eye contact matters, it conveys trust, loyalty, and risk, all things you want to know about during important conversations. Notice, I didn't say talk to your attachment relations in close proximity only during stressful conversations. Do it during playful conversations too. Another benefit of secure relationships is that it's safe to play because when jokes are told with friendly eye contact there is less reason to be defensive. When you sit further apart than this you can miss out on important cues that let you know if your partner is feeling threatened by your conversation. In secure relationships, partners attempt to read the subliminal cues of each others face and physical body. When they see their beloved struggling to communicate, they know theres a good possibility they are struggling to reconcile more than one point of view. Because their relationship is secure, they don't get defensive. Instead they behave as though, or assume that, their partner Is doing their best. That they have each others back. Secure means you choose each other, and you both know it. Even though you might be mad right now, you know you have a long time to figure this out. You don't have to agree on everything. It's ok that you both be yourself. Just work together to be kind to each other while you get to the other side of it. There's always more than one side to an argument. HeidiStokes.com Vancouver, BC, Canada #securerelationships #stantatkin #lifepartners #couplestherapy #loveadvice #attachmentparenting #attachmentstyles #nervoussystemregulation #nervoussystemreset

Heidi Stokes Counselling for Depression & Anxiety Vancouver 03.08.2020

When a relationship is feeling insecure or challenged, saying Im out., can provide a momentary, false sense of security or protection. The words might feel like a safe harbour from the threat of being dropped, unseen or all together left behind. However, if your goal is to develop a secure relationship in which both partners can experience a reliable, trustworthy and respectful connection, Im out., is a deal breaker that will require considerable repair. . Wh...ats often happening in these scenarios, is a feeling, right or wrong, that you are the only one invested in the relationship. There is a lack of connection between yourself and the other party that is not easily being bridged. Not knowing how to bridge the disconnect is frustrating and can lead to the exasperated claim, Im done. A more accurate statement might be, I cant be the only one thats in this. While this might not be the exact phrasing that works for you, rather than closing doors, invite your partner back in. Let them know that you are feeling alone in the relationship. Convey that you want to work towards solutions that are good for both sides of the relationship. Relationships that are one sided wont work. Showing your partner that youre in, and youre not going anywhere, might help both of you to calm overly active fight, flight or freeze responses. Remember that signs of threat will often hijack your nervous system and theirs. Then the conversation will be mitigated from a less conscious, more reactive place. Learning to calm yourself and your partner, is a first step in developing that dependable, reciprocal, trustworthy and respectful relationship. Best of luck on your journey forward. HeidiStokes.com Vancouver, BC, Canada #Stantatkin #relationshiprepair #saferelationships #relationshiprules #secureattachmentstyle #secureattachments #gottmanrelationshipblog #secureattachment

Heidi Stokes Counselling for Depression & Anxiety Vancouver 19.07.2020

Walking on the ocean floor where, mere hours ago there were upwards of 100 feet of water, is somewhat of a mystical experience for me. The thought of all that water above me grounds my foot steps. The newness of the terrain where each step is on sand that no other foot print has marked, feels refreshing and adventurous. The vast space full of small groups of friends, families, dogs and birds brings forth in my mind an experience of interconnectedness that is unbarred an...d totally free. Warm pools of water, soft sections of clay and fuzzy clumps of bright green seaweed massage the soles of my feet providing a physical release that reminds me, my soul is totally unrestrained. Walking at low tide is one of my favorite self care activities. Alone in silence, with good music, accompanied by my kids, my dogs or a good friend it is always an amazing treat. If you havent been lately, give it a try. HeidiStokes.com Vancouver, BC, Canada #stressreduction #findingease #naturerelief #selfcare #lowtide #vancouverlowtide #vancouverhealth #showingupformyself #somatichealing See more

Heidi Stokes Counselling for Depression & Anxiety Vancouver 04.07.2020

These mantras are for the moments before an argument erupts. They are for creating repair in your nervous systems reaction when your beloved is driving you bonkers. They are for the inevitable times when you can feel yourself being triggered, moving toward disconnect and, you dont want to step into it. The kind words are intended to remind you of the security and connection that you aspire to attain in relationship with your loved ones. They are mantras of solace, rem...inders of safety and love. If you say them gently in your own mind, and allow them to alter your physical response, inviting love, your body will guide you. It will create both body language and energy that signal safety. When your body/mind is feeling less defensive your cognitive functioning will work better, allowing you to consciously choose words or actions that lead to connection. It may take a few rounds if the other person is feeling defensive. Remember, their reactions are also informed by the past. You are choosing to create a present and future based on security and safety. If you love them, let them know they are welcome in your presence. You live to exist in their gaze and you find rest in your relationship. HeidiStokes.com Vancouver, BC Canada #connection #secureattachment #securerelationship #lovingkindness

Heidi Stokes Counselling for Depression & Anxiety Vancouver 29.06.2020

This is why the yogis have created mindful movement practices. Your unconscious mind is first reflected in your soma, or body. Getting to know how your soma reacts to stress, and then finding somatic ways to mediate the stress reaction, has traditionally been called yoga practice. This practice is the impetus for all the interesting poses, mudras, mantras and pranayama or breathing exercises. The yoga is a set of practices you use to become mindful of creating contentment, n...on violence toward self and others, compassion, truthfulness, honesty and simplicity. All of this, by noticing how your unconscious reactions to stress draw your awareness away from practicing the things you consciously choose to value. Make the unconscious, conscious to create your own fate. HeidiStokes.com Vancouver, BC Canada #becomingconscious #carljung #carljungquotes #yogaofconsciousness #lifeforceacademy #lifeforce #yogapractice #somaticpractice #somatics See more

Heidi Stokes Counselling for Depression & Anxiety Vancouver 20.06.2020

Healthy boundaries are felt as an internal experience and communicated primarily non verbally. Pat Ogden What physical actions signal a boundary for you? Try these out: cross your arms in front of your chest, notice how it feels? Lean back and away, is that a familiar stance? Do you use it? If so with whom? Try holding both hands up as you speak, signaling a, stop, wait a second. Maybe you can feel the support of the gesture and think of a time that the gesture would ...be helpful. Sometimes it might be helpful to hold a steady but open gaze while repeating the word no in your mind 3 times. These are just a few options to try. Notice what non verbal boundaries you use. If youre not consciously using any, you may find that trying some on is helpful to support your felt sense of communicating and living with healthy boundaries. Keep this top of mind next time you need to assert yourself. HeidiStokes.com Vancouver,BC Canada #boundaries #healthyboundaries #nonverbalcommunication #patogden #sensorimotorpsychotherapy See more

Heidi Stokes Counselling for Depression & Anxiety Vancouver 05.06.2020

How do you wind down at the end of the day? As parents, we know how important it is to give kids bedtime rituals but, are we remembering to set our own rituals that support us to sleep well? Beyond washing your face and brushing your teeth, you might also try writing, leaving your thoughts on paper can create clarity and self acknowledgement. Rubbing foot butter into the soles of your feet relaxes your legs and helps you feel grounded. A fast absorbing spray skin oil, can ...help to smooth out and rub off daily tension in your skin. A nice smelling spray with lavender or other flowers can calm your chest and nasal passages. Nyasa oil, blended for you nasal passages, can help release tension in the head and relieve accumulated stress by bringing further awareness to breathing. Reading can transport your mind to a different story, providing new perspective and breaking negative thought loops. Lying on your back and listening to calm music followed by mindful breath 3 in 5 out can switch your nervous system over to rest. If youve been neglecting you night time rituals or are looking for some, try one of these out. If you have an awesome peace inviting ritual, please share. HeidiStokes.com #bedtimeritual #nyasa #banyanbotanicals #rockymountainsoap #sajewellness #puppylove #5senses #sensorimotorpsychotherapy #peterlevine See more

Heidi Stokes Counselling for Depression & Anxiety Vancouver 03.06.2020

#blackouttuesday #blackoutday2020

Heidi Stokes Counselling for Depression & Anxiety Vancouver 29.05.2020

Pat Ogden defines it as the capacity to direct somatic energy toward the ground and bring awareness to legs and feet in order to increase the felt sense of a physical base of support. Acknowledging the physical resource of grounding is a way to stay present and calm in moments where you feel overwhelmed. You could do this by standing and feeling the weight of an exhale all the way down through your legs and feet. You might do it sitting with both feet square into the ground... while noticing a level balance of weight in your sitz bones at the base of your pelvis. Or you could do it by minding your breath while you massage the muscles of each leg from the foot to the hip. Dont forget to spend some time noticing the effects of guiding your awareness to grounding. Practice it if you find yourself reflecting on a nervous or disconnected moment. The more you practice, the more likely you are to remember to use the resource of grounding in moments if overwhelm. Try it or tell me what is your method for grounding. HeidiStokes.com Vancouver, BC Canada #somatictherapy #findyourground #feelgoodinyourbody See more

Heidi Stokes Counselling for Depression & Anxiety Vancouver 17.05.2020

Is the the feeling of powerlessness uncomfortably familiar to you? Do you find yourself playing it safe and then experiencing the same crappy, disempowered relationship dynamic with your boss, romantic partner or person in authority? If so, swipe the image to explore what you might do to renovate that habit. HeidiStokes.com Vancouver, BC

Heidi Stokes Counselling for Depression & Anxiety Vancouver 10.05.2020

Feeling connected. Thank you Mother Nature. The Mother that takes care of all of us, when we let her.

Heidi Stokes Counselling for Depression & Anxiety Vancouver 04.05.2020

For all the moms who are struggling to do their best in the face of obstacles, I honour you for showing up, doing the hard work, taking the deep breaths, pulling it back together, repairing the ruptures, wiping the tears off and starting again. This day is for you! Enjoy it and be kind to yourself. Also, for all the moms who are feeling proud of their parenting skills and enjoying the bounty of their efforts, this day is for you! Enjoy it and be kind to yourself. HeidiStokes.com Vancouver, BC #vancouvermom #vancouvermoms #momlife #love #gratitude

Heidi Stokes Counselling for Depression & Anxiety Vancouver 20.04.2020

Listen to the sub text. While negative thoughts might be misleading, it doesnt mean they are without reason. Allow yourself to become curious about the protective factors of your negative thoughts. There may be an instinctive, adaptive drive hidden behind that negative thought. For example if you have the repeated thought,I am not enough, is it possible that listening for the motivation behind that thought you will find some fear, trigger or need for defense? If you listen... careful enough to discover what you are defending against, you may find another, gentler voice that says you are more than enough, you are worthy of love. There is no part of you, body or mind, that should be eliminated. The part that says you are not enough, is an adaptation from past experience. It is not living in the present moment as your grown self. It is living in a defensive state, created by trauma or developmental wounding. It is part of who you are, your lived history. However, there is another part of you, the part that wants to engage in daily life, the part that cares if you succeed, that wants you to live a life of meaningful connection. If you listen and acknowledge the defender, it can ease off and create space for the part of you that knows you are enough, you are worthy. Rather than trying to eliminate parts of you, it can be helpful to give voice and acknowledgment to both sides of the argument. This way there is is room for exploration and integration. Let each side know that the other exists. Let them share their purpose so that you can discover where they are opposed or in agreement. In this way you can come to appreciate your internal complexity. You are not simple. None of us are. We are more than the sum of our parts. HeidiStokes.com Vancouver, BC #partswork #negativeselftalk #listentoyourheart See more

Heidi Stokes Counselling for Depression & Anxiety Vancouver 11.04.2020

I created this scavenger hunt for my daughters birthday party. We met with her friends on line before and after the hunt. We did prizes for funniest, most creative and beautiful pictures. It worked pretty well and the gift of it was, all the friends needed a parent to take them around and get the photos. As far as Social distancing goes, it was a good party idea. Also, it got us outside, created time with family/friends and it created a photo time capsule for this unprecedented time. Please share because sharing is caring HeidiStokes.com Vancouver, BC

Heidi Stokes Counselling for Depression & Anxiety Vancouver 09.04.2020

What we believe is not necessarily the same as what we think we want. Belief is conditioned over years of experience. It shows up in the way we speak to ourselves and the ways we respond to opportunity and challenge in life. One way to get a handle on what you believe is to start looking at the things you say you value and then compare your values to your behaviour. If you are praying and asking for a better life but deep down you do not believe you are worthy of ...better than what you have, its not likely to come. Changing negative core beliefs requires acknowledging their existence and development and integrating their discordance with the truth of who you are at your core today. You do deserve better, even if that has not been the message you have carried with you for years. The errors of your past can stay in the past while you begin to develop your own, adult perspective of who you were, who you are, and who you want to be. Dont let your past determine your future. HeidiStokes.com Vancouver, BC See more

Heidi Stokes Counselling for Depression & Anxiety Vancouver 01.04.2020

Ever have the experience where you keep going at something from different directions but are met with similar results over and over? One way to deal with this is to yield to the experience. To yield is to be relaxed, open and able to take in the nourishment of the moment. Swipe the image to learn more. HeidiStokes.com Vancouver, BC #happyeaster #christian #lettinggo #saved #savedbygrace #somaticexperiencing #somatictherapy #somaticcounselling #yogatherapy #yogalife #yogalifestyle #vancouverhealth

Heidi Stokes Counselling for Depression & Anxiety Vancouver 30.03.2020

You are always chanting something. The question is, what quality is the mantra you are continually vibrating? If the quality of your thoughts is negative, fearful, angry or defensive choose to sing a happy, loving song instead. Let the music help you. HeidiStokes.com Vancouver, BC #mantras #yogamusic #yogatherapy #yogatherapist #vancouveryoga #vancouveryogatherapist #yogavancouver #therapyforwomen #therapyfortherapists

Heidi Stokes Counselling for Depression & Anxiety Vancouver 11.03.2020

Encouraging gratitude is important. It is also important to be respectful when encouraging another to go there. True gratitude comes from acceptance, love and peace, not from shame. This circumstance we are navigating is new territory all around. There is loss happening on so many levels in every single persons life. Before you suggest gratitude, compassion is called for. Self compassion rests on the acknowledgement of common humanity. We are all suffering, without... hierarchy. Compassion is not about saying pull up your socks because others have it worse than you. Self Compassion rather, is in the acknowledgement that, I am in a moment of suffering and, like others who are suffering, I am worthy of compassion. Please dont encourage hierarchies of suffering. Suffering is suffering not relative. HeidiStokes.com Vancouver, BC #therapyiscool #therapyhelps #selfcompassionquotes #selfcompassion #selflove #noheirarchy #encouragingwomen #gratitudeattitude #gratitudepractice See more

Heidi Stokes Counselling for Depression & Anxiety Vancouver 24.02.2020

Do you ever feel at a loss for finding the pause in moments of intensity? If so, swipe right to learn how. Sent with love and compassion.HeidiStokes.com Vancouver,BC #selfregulationskills #pause #sensorimotorpsychotherapy #sensorimotor #womenempowerwomen #girlsunited #strengthinstillness #selfcontained

Heidi Stokes Counselling for Depression & Anxiety Vancouver 04.02.2020

Having compassion means, in part, that you acknowledge that ignorance is a precursor to learning. There is so much to adapt to right now. This circumstance is new and challenging to everyone in different ways. Be gentle with yourself if your learning curve is not as steep as you would like. Growth often happens in fits and starts. Just keep going, it doesnt need to be fast, just steady. Keep adapting, maintain your self care and you will keep learning new ways to cope, man...age and be strong. Life is simultaneously happening very fast and very slow. Acknowledge your gains, even the small ones are worth noticing. Be kind to yourself and from there you will develop the resources to be compassionate for others. With love and understanding, HeidiStokes.com Vancouver, BC #learning #hanginthere #selfcompassionquotes #compassionateyou #vancouverhealth #healthyvancouver #vancouvermentalhealth #vancitymoms See more

Heidi Stokes Counselling for Depression & Anxiety Vancouver 17.01.2020

Frustrated with people? So much change requires a huge amount of consciousness that most people, including myself, can not consistently maintain. Let your trip to the grocery store be a meditation in which you hold consciousness of space and acknowledge that others may be distracted. Maybe they lost their job today or their sick parents care giver decided they can no longer come to work. Its tough out there, walk softly. You get to choose whether you get through this in anger, or in compassion. When you you lose your compassion, find it in your self. A deep breath, your hand on your sternum or arm. Self compassion is the starting place. Again and again, start over. HeidiStokes.com Vancouver, BC #startover #selfcompassion #livingmeditation #kindness #lovingkindness #vancouvertherapist #springvibes #copingcovid

Heidi Stokes Counselling for Depression & Anxiety Vancouver 09.01.2020

Do I believe in god? Well theres a loaded question. The answer is too long for this space but swipe right to continue reading. HeidiStokes.com vancouver, BC

Heidi Stokes Counselling for Depression & Anxiety Vancouver 24.12.2019

Anxiety? There may be more than one benefit from consciously choosing social distancing. Social distancing has been recommended to decrease the spread of COVID 19. You may also find some mental health benefits from being clear about your choices regarding social connection during this pandemic. Swipe right to learn more. HeidiStokes.com Vancouver, BC #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #vancouverbusinessbabes #reducinganxiety #choices #covid_19 #selfcare #socialdistancing

Heidi Stokes Counselling for Depression & Anxiety Vancouver 19.12.2019

Anxiety? You may find more than one reason to choose social distancing during this pandemic. Social distancing has been recommended to decrease the spread of COVID 19. In some circumstances, you may find mental health benefits from making conscious choices your about social connections. Swipe right to learn more. HeidiStokes.com Vancouver, BC #mentalhealthawareness #reducinganxiety #selfcare #covid_19 #counsellingpsychology #vancouverbusinessbabes #vancouvermomblogger #momlife

Heidi Stokes Counselling for Depression & Anxiety Vancouver 06.12.2019

Living with depression can be like being caught in a fog of isolation and helplessness. Fortunately, there is a way out. I know this because Ive been there. I have accessed therapeutic support to come out and I have trained to help others, both before and after my own experience. Swipe right to learn more. HeidiStokes.com Vancouver, BC #thereisawayout #vancouvercounselling #marieforleo #therapistlife #therapistlifestyle #depressednomore #hypoarousal

Heidi Stokes Counselling for Depression & Anxiety Vancouver 24.11.2019

Depression can leave you in a fog of isolation with a felt sense of helplessness. There is however a way out. I know this because Ive been there. I have accessed therapeutic support to get out and I have trained to help others do the same. Swipe right to learn more. HeidiStokes.com Vancouver, BC #thereisawayout #vancouvercounselling #depressednomore #womensupportingwomen #marieforleo #isolated #therapistlife

Heidi Stokes Counselling for Depression & Anxiety Vancouver 15.11.2019

International Womyns Day Much love and good will to all feminine energy that is rising up to create a more nurturing and creative home for all beings. Acknowledgement of Womyns Day is important. Gender equality will not happen until giving birth and taking care of others is universally accepted to be as valuable as creating goods and running business. Ours is not an easy job, it can be isolating, degrading and overwhelming but we do it and smile because we are Womyn. W...e are strong in our softness, we are persistent in our kindness, receptive in our nurturance and we are still in our actions. The strongest thing a womyn can do is face the world as it is and still resolve to love herself. HeidiStokes.com Vancouver, BC #womensday2020 #womensupportingwomen #vancouverbusinessbabes #lovingher #womensupportingwomen #flowersforher #internationalwomensday2020 #genderequality #genderequalityforall See more

Heidi Stokes Counselling for Depression & Anxiety Vancouver 10.11.2019

From my mat this morning. When my kids were little, people would ask me if I practice with them. The answer was a staunch no! My practice was my only real me time. I felt guilty as my yogi friends shared the joys of practicing with their little ones. The guilt however was not enough to convince me to give up my me time. I needed it, for my own sanity.Now that the kids are older, (10 & 13) I have more time to myself. I hind sight, I see clearly now, that practicing on my own ...was not about keeping them out. It wasnt a boundary for them. It was a boundary that allowed me to spend the much needed time in. I still dont share my practice with my kids. Theyre usually still sleeping when I practice. I do however, fully savour the interaction that occurs on my mat between myself and my 2 terriers. No teaching, no talking, just snuggles, love, and movement. This is my savored moment today. Please share yours. HeidiStokes.com Vancouver, BC #parentingtips #momlife #momssupportingmoms #selflove #puppiesmakemehappy #savorthemoment #grateful #vancouvermom #vancouvermoms See more

Heidi Stokes Counselling for Depression & Anxiety Vancouver 22.10.2019

The smell of the coffee, the warm steam in my nose as I breathe the scent, the heat of the cup penetrating my often cold hands, the abundance of flavors, the cream in the texture. You get the point. I love to savor at least the first minute of my morning coffee. What was your simple pleasure this morning? If you didnt have one, I challenge you to find one tomorrow. HeidiStokes.com Vancouver, BC #simpleliving #bulletproofcoffee #senses #feelgreat #selfcare #vancouverselfcare #breatheitin #simplyyogavancouver

Heidi Stokes Counselling for Depression & Anxiety Vancouver 12.10.2019

Sunshine on the water looks so lovely. Ive been contemplating the simple pleasures in life. Ill be sharing some of my favorites here. I hope that seeing my simple pleasures will be a reminder to savor the sweet moments in the rest of your day. HeidiStokes.com Vancouver BC #savor #contemplatethis #goodfeels #kitsbeach #simplepleasures #cultivatethis #harmony #vancouverbc

Heidi Stokes Counselling for Depression & Anxiety Vancouver 05.10.2019

Your growth happens here and now. Experience from the past unconsciously influences your gut instincts. Often the past also permeates your projections for the future. Remaining in the reality of present moment experience requires a connection to body. Unlike the past and future, present moment is not called upon through your memory or imagination. In order to experience the growth you seek, stand down from cognitive exploration at least long enough to access your sense...s. Figuratively, come to your senses first. In order to find the current moment impulse, notice the sensation in your body that is drawing your current moment awareness. Focus on the sensation and explore. Does the sensation couple with an image, sound, texture or scent? If you continue to listen, is there an impulse to move or a shape to embody? What would the movement or shape feel like? Try it out, what does it actually feel like? Then once explored through sense, ask yourself, if that sensation had words what would they be? What is your body telling you that it needs? Try it. See what the current moment brings you. If you find it hard to remain focused in the present, it might be helpful to connect with a somatic based therapist. If you are a woman in Vancouver, BC, feel free to connect with me. HeidiStokes.com Vancouver, BC #patogden #somatictherapy #presentmoment #inyourbody #stayinghere #hereandnow #personalgrowth #awareness #sensorimotorpsychotherapy See more

Heidi Stokes Counselling for Depression & Anxiety Vancouver 16.09.2019

All meaningful effort requires a certain level of faith. What helps me is knowing my why, having a sense of my dharma or purpose. I know Im here to be a mom of two great kids and two feisty terriers. Im here to heal what ails me, and I know that healing has been hard work requiring self compassion and persistence. Clearly, my own healing has a ripple effect, not only for my little ones but for everyone I connect with. Yours will too. Inspiring others to find their cour...age, faith, self compassion, dharma feels right and true to me. Thats why Im a counsellor. If you are a woman in Vancouver, BC looking for someone to collaborate with on the rememberance of your own courage and why, feel free to connect. HeidiStokes.com Vancouver, BC #courage #inspiring women #faith #selfcompassion #dharma #persistence #vancouverhealth #connection See more