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Counter-Information 07.11.2020

Cyberspace Social Network and the Reconfiguration of the Space-Time Continuum in the Human Condition By Prof. Ruel F. Pepa Global Research, November 13, 2020 The social network is the third-wave (1) redefinition of the concept of society via the highest stage of technological evolution achieved so far in the present era which is also known as cyberspace age. It is the actual realization of what Marshall McLuhan calls the global village in his... https://counterinformation.wordpress.com//the-role-of-soc/

Counter-Information 22.10.2020

Efforts by the Trump administration requires us to remain mobilized and vigilant By Abayomi Azikiwe Global Research, November 13, 2020 Note: These remarks were delivered by Abayomi Azikiwe at the Michigan Coalition for Human Rights (MCHR) Virtual Forum held on November 12, 2020. The event was entitled: What Now? A Post-Election Town Hall Meeting. The program featured Abayomi Azikiwe, editor of the Pan-African News Wire and former Chairperson of the MCHR Board of Directors, now a board member-at-large, as moderator.... https://counterinformation.wordpress.com//implications-fo/

Counter-Information 08.10.2020

By Andrew Korybko Global Research, October 17, 2020 Unlike fellow former Soviet Republics Belarus and even neighboring Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan’s latest elections didn’t result in any turmoil even though one might have expected it to have due to some similarly discernible risk factors, but that wasn’t the case (at least not yet) for five primary reasons. *** Tajikistan’s latest elections came and went without any turmoil unlike the recent ones in fellow former Soviet Republics Belarus and even neighboring Kyrgyzstan, the first of which is now in the midst of an [ 886 more words ] https://counterinformation.wordpress.com//why-wasnt-there/

Counter-Information 06.10.2020

By Johanna Ross Global Research, November 13, 2020 Russian President Vladimir Putin is no stranger to changes in the US administration. In the last couple of decades, as a member of Boris Yeltsin’s office, then as both President and Prime Minister he has dealt with Republican and Democrat administrations in equal measure. And every four years, around the time of the US elections, he is asked what he expects from the new American President and his government.... https://counterinformation.wordpress.com//with-biden-dont/

Counter-Information 04.10.2020

By Paul Antonopoulos Global Research, October 17, 2020 After Turkey downed a Russian jet operating in Syria in late 2015, there was a major risk that the Syrian War could explode into a greater conflict between the two Eurasian countries. The Turkish attack resulted in the death of two Russian servicemen and relations between Moscow and Ankara were again tested in December 2016 when Russian Ambassador to Turkey, [ 1,162 more word ] https://counterinformation.wordpress.com//war-in-nagorno-/

Counter-Information 02.10.2020

To the Final Battle! By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel Global Research, November 13, 2020Global Research 10 April 2020 Important and timely article, first published on April 10, 2020 The International is the world-renowned battle song of the socialist labor movement. The English version of the original French text reads: Wake up, damned of this earth, who are still forced to starve! () Army of slaves, wake up!... https://counterinformation.wordpress.com//the-secret-agen/

Counter-Information 24.09.2020

By Johanna Ross Global Research, October 16, 2020 Mayor of Manchester, Andy Burnham, is furious. In a dramatic spectacle, the mayor spoke with anger at how the Westminster government was ‘treating the north with contempt’ in its approach to Covid-19. The mayor has reservations over Boris Johnson’s three tier system which came into force this week; he argues that it is unfairly penalising the north of England. [ 820 more words ] https://counterinformation.wordpress.com//uk-covid-crisis/

Counter-Information 20.09.2020

By Paul Antonopoulos Global Research, November 13, 2020 Less than a year after being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed launched a military operation against the country’s northern Tigray province. Ethiopia is often described as the Horn of Africa’s pillar of stability and has become a hub of Chinese infrastructural and economic expansionism into Africa but this can all be threatened now with the descent of what appears to be a civil war.... https://counterinformation.wordpress.com//war-in-ethiopia/

Counter-Information 13.09.2020

By Stephen Lendman Global Research, October 16, 2020 What’s happening in the US with no significant relief in prospect is unparalleled in the the nation’s history. Unemployment, growing poverty, food insecurity, and overall deprivation are growing, not easing while politicians in Washington prioritize war-making and self-interest over essential aid to needy households, small businesses, as well as cash-strapped states and local communities. [ 1,012 more word ] https://counterinformation.wordpress.com//30-straight-wee/

Counter-Information 08.09.2020

By Donald Monaco Global Research, October 16, 2020 Joseph Biden was asked during a recent interview on MSNBC whether he thought domestic unrest would occur in the streets of the United States if all votes were not counted on November 3, throwing the outcome of the upcoming presidential election into question. He replied by saying, I’m not going even to entertain that, because I’m not anticipating that will happen. [ 1,107 more word ] https://counterinformation.wordpress.com//american-coup-d/

Counter-Information 06.09.2020

By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida Global Research, November 13, 2020 A new era is beginning in bilateral relations between Brazil and the US. Unlike Donald Trump, who demonstrated greater neutrality in environmental and humanitarian issues and always avoided pronouncements about the Amazon, the presumptive president-elect, Joe Biden, is marked by a much stronger ideological aspect with regard to the great agendas of contemporary times, such as Human Rights and the Environment.... https://counterinformation.wordpress.com//biden-defends-s/

Counter-Information 05.09.2020

Impact on other areas of physical and mental health too damaging. By Paul Joseph Watson Global Research, October 16, 2020Summit News 13 October 2020 The World Health Organization’s Regional Director for Europe Hans Kluge says governments should stop enforcing lockdowns, unless as a last resort, because the impact on other areas of health and mental well-being is more damaging. [ 462 more words ] https://counterinformation.wordpress.com//who-europe-dire/

Counter-Information 27.08.2020

OHCHR foreign employees left in limbo amid Israeli crackdown on rights monitors By Joe Dyke Global Research, October 16, 2020 Middle East Eye 15 October 2020 Israel has stopped granting any visas to employees at the United Nations’ human rights agency, effectively forcing the body’s top staff to leave, Middle East Eye can reveal. In February, Israel announced it was suspending ties with the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) after a report highlighted more than 100 companies that work in Israeli settlements in the West Bank. [ 700 more words ] https://counterinformation.wordpress.com//israel-stops-gr/

Counter-Information 23.08.2020

A large part of the "Recovery Fund" is destined not to the most affected economic and social sectors, but to the most advanced sectors of the war industry. By Manlio Dinucci Global Research, October 16, 2020Il Manifesto While the Coronavirus crisis continues to cause devastating socio-economic consequences also in Italy, a large part of the Recovery Fund is destined not to the most affected economic and social sectors, but to the most advanced sectors of the war industry. [ 605 more words ] https://counterinformation.wordpress.com//from-the-eu-cov/

Counter-Information 03.08.2020

Global Research, October 16, 2020 Video: "Crimes Against Humanity": The German Corona Investigation. "The PCR Pandemic"Reiner Fuellmich, October 7 , 2020 Chief Science Officer for Pfizer Says "Second Wave" Faked on False-Positive COVID Tests, "Pandemic Is Over"Ralph Lopez, October 11 , 2020 Medical Doctor Warns that Bacterial Pneumonias Are on the Rise from Mask WearingJohn C. A. Manley, October 6 , 2020 [ 663 more words ] https://counterinformation.wordpress.com//this-weeks-most/

Counter-Information 26.07.2020

By Orinoco TribuneGlobal Research, October 16, 2020 Orinoco Tribune 13 October 2020 Today Cuba obtained a new and resounding victory in the UN Human Rights Council, gaining election to the body for the 2021-2023 period. Despite the aggressive campaign by the United States against the Cuban candidacy for the Council, the General Assembly elected Cuba as a member with 170 votes out of 193 possible. [ 558 more words ] https://counterinformation.wordpress.com//victory-for-cub/

Counter-Information 16.07.2020

Transcript of an Interview with Press TV By Peter Koenig and Press TV Global Research, October 16, 2020 Background The fourth batch of Yemeni detainees has arrived the in Sana’a as part of the largest prisoner swap between the country’s warring sides. The residents in the capital received 112 prisoners after their plane landed in the Sana’a international airport. 1-thousand 81 men will be released in two days. [ 2,043 more words ] https://counterinformation.wordpress.com//yemen-prisoner-/

Counter-Information 09.07.2020

By Pepe Escobar October 16, 2020 "Information Clearing House" - The whole planet is enthralled, appalled, shocked and awed by the spectacle of democracy as enacted under the shadow of messianic imperialism complete with a slew of slimy, smoking gun October Surprises. We’re in total Frank Underwood territory. And as befits the ultimate society of the simulacrum pictured by Baudrillard back in the swingin’ 1980s, all those similarities with a [ 1,810 more word ] https://counterinformation.wordpress.com//potus-punk-vs-d/

Counter-Information 21.06.2020

By Caitlin Johnstone October 16, 2020 "Information Clearing House" - Mainstream media and social media platforms are actively blacking out an October surprise published by The New York Post which purports to show smoking gun emails from the laptop of Hunter Biden, son of Democratic nominee Joe Biden. Both Twitter and Facebook have censored the story on their platforms, the first time we’ve seen the powerful social media giants deplatform a mainstream news media article, both citing concerns about the origins of the emails and an uncertainty about the veracity of the claims. [ 1,329 more word ] https://counterinformation.wordpress.com//imagine-if-msm-/

Counter-Information 07.06.2020

By Finian Cunningham October 16, 2020 "Information Clearing House" - The arrogance of the European Union towards Russia has gone too far after the bloc slapped sanctions this week on Moscow over the dubious Navalny affair. The innuendo has been building for weeks that the Russian government was somehow responsible for the alleged poisoning of opposition figure Alexei Navalny. [ 788 more words ] https://counterinformation.wordpress.com//russia-should-r/