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Courtney Quinn Health & Life Coach 09.01.2021

I hope you love yourself enough to stop being available to anything that no longer serves you. - That’s it, that’s all

Courtney Quinn Health & Life Coach 07.01.2021

Oh 2021, I am SO ready for you. - The first Monday, and first full week into this new year. It’s time to leave 2020 behind. Leave what you don’t want back there, take what you’ve learned and continue the changes you have made into this new year! -... No, you don’t have to set New Years resolutions, or think you have to change your life today, but this is a beautiful opportunity to set new intentions and goals for yourself. - The biggest thing I want you to remember is that nothing changes if nothing changes. You can set all the goals, All the intentions, And think about all the things you want, But unless you are consciously working at it every single day, it’s not going to happen. - It’s actually surreal to take things off your vision board, or watch things come true that you have been manifesting and working on for so long, but trust me when I say it works. If you believe in yourself, you act out of alignment, and surrender to the universe, be prepared for your dreams to come true - How do you want to feel this time next year? What do you want to be proud of for yourself? What kind of energy do you want to be in? - Ready? Set. GO See more

Courtney Quinn Health & Life Coach 03.01.2021

FULLY SELF EXPRESSED - That’s what I want my 2021 to be about. In every aspect of my life. - In my body.... In my business. In my clothes. In my words. - Every year I learn more and more about myself, as we should. And looking back, there have been too many times I have hid the truest parts of me. The parts that would be too much, Too emotional, Too HAPPY, Too positive, Too PINK, Too ambitious, You name it. - The more I learn about myself, the more I step into myself, the more I want to BE myself. The only limitations we have are the ones we put on ourselves. - I’ve shown up more for myself in the last year than ever. Stepping into my power. Setting my boundaries. Going for what I want and know I deserve. And now it’s time for me to step into that even more - I know I will continue to find myself on this journey called life, but I can truly say that I believe I have found the most important parts of me, and I can’t wait to be fully expressed in that, moving into 2021. - Not only for myself, but for all of you. I hope to inspire you to step into your power, and to stop hiding your true self. I hope you can show up for yourself this year the way you deserve to, And that YOU are not afraid to become the fully expressed version of YOU too - 2021 is going to be amazing. I feel it in my bones. I’m ready for it. And I know you are too. Take this week to celebrate yourself. You made it. We made it. 2020 is ending, and you are here, alive and well. Celebrate yourself for just being here, and get ready for 2021 to be absolutely incredible! - Cheers, Coach Court See more

Courtney Quinn Health & Life Coach 30.12.2020

MERRY CHRISTMAS to all of you! - THANK YOU. Thank you all SO much, for being here. Thank you for loving my content,... For vibing with me, Dancing with me , And for SUPPORTING me on this journey, always. - Thank you to all of my beautiful clients. For trusting me on your journey to a healthier body, mind, and soul. it means the world to me to be able to work with such incredible women every single day, and to be able to watch them transform in so many ways, fulfills me more than you could ever know. - Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. - I wish you all the most amazing Christmas , Whatever it looks like this year. Make the most of it, Be present, Enjoy time off work, And embrace the little things. - Time to log off, Take a step back, Totally relax, And get ready to come after 2021, stronger than ever - Merry Christmas , Love Courtney + Leo See more

Courtney Quinn Health & Life Coach 25.12.2020

What if I told you that everything you feel is happening TO you, is happening FOR you? And that every single thing is truly working out FOR you, the way it’s supposed to? - In life, we go through shit. A lot of it. And sometimes it feels like everything is happening TO us and its impossible to feel anything other than why me? Why is this happening to me? Right? - When things don’t work out, or we get rejected, it really affects us and the way we feel about our worth...... When relationships don’t work, When jobs don’t work out, When you out the offer on your dream house and it falls through, When you want to move somewhere and it can’t happen, It all feels like a huge bummer and like WHY - But the truth is, all this is, is the universe saying, hey, I have a better plan for you. Something better for you is coming your way - And in the moment it’s hard to trust that, It might even be hard to believe it. But it’s the truth. When your plan doesn’t work out that you pictured, it just means that something better for you is coming your way, because YOU are worthy of it. I promise - As I reflect a little bit on my life, and especially the last year, every little thing has lead me to where I am today. I’m so grateful for the things that never worked out, The lessons I learned, The hard times I went through, It all lead me to what was meant for me, in every single way - So, next time you feel like the world is against you, and that feeling of rejection, Know that it’s just a redirection for what was meant for you. And I can promise you it’s SO much better than you could ever imagine. - Trust and surrender to it See more

Courtney Quinn Health & Life Coach 05.12.2020

Are you feeling UN-ALIGNED, Or just facing RESISTANCE to growth and change? - Your body wants to create safety, naturally. It wants comfortable. It doesn’t want change.... It wants to keep you SAFE, of course! - So when you are experiencing growth, change, getting uncomfortable, or going for something that seems really scary, it may sometimes feel like you don’t want to do it and you can get it mixed up with it not being meant for you - When things are not aligned for you, when it’s time to take a step back, it feels like you constantly have to force it, Like nothing is flowing or coming naturally. It feels like it’s constantly draining your energy instead of adding to it... - When things ARE right for you, and in alignment, it can also feel scary. You start to face resistance because you become afraid of the uplevel, the change, the success, and what you might have to let go of. It’s scary, Feels anxious in your tummy, But also like this is so for me. - This is all completely normal to feel. That resistance is going to try to keep you safe and comfortable. I’ve been there so many times, telling myself I don’t need to move forward, I don’t need the change, but I couldn’t NOT any longer. - Don’t let RESISTANCE keep you from taking the leap on yourself. Don’t let RESISTANCE be the reason you don’t see what’s on the other side. Just leap, The universe will catch you See more

Courtney Quinn Health & Life Coach 08.11.2020

The 4 Pillars to RECLAIMING RADIANCE - Over the years of stepping into my power, I have noticed that there are a few main ways we do this and have to acknowledge BEFORE we get there. - Over the next few days I’m going to be sharing with you the 4 pillars we will be focusing on in the mastermind and how YOU can begin to step into YOUR power and start showing up as your most radiant self ... - Pillar 1 GAINING CLARITY - How do you get to where you want to be if you don’t even know where that is? So often we know we want change, we know we want more out of life, but we aren’t sure what’s missing, Or know what it is we want. - A lot of this stems from not believing you can have what you desire, And blocking out your big goals and dreams because a person like you can’t have that... - But you can, And once you get clear on what you truly want (which we may have to dig for), You can create a vision, And then a plan, And start taking aligned action and going after your dream life - What are you NOT clear on right now2? Where do things feel blurry? - Early Bird enrolment is closing in 6 DAYS! What are you waiting for ? How long are you going to stay, exactly where you are , before you have had enough? - Click the link below to apply! https://courtneyquinn.typeform.com/to/GeMF19

Courtney Quinn Health & Life Coach 24.10.2020

IT’S HERE! - Reclaiming RADIANCE, The mastermind experience is officially open for EARLY BIRD enrolment! -... This 4 month mastermind container is a high level, intensive coaching program for the woman who is READY to Step into her power , Reclaim her radiance , And start living a life of complete fulfillment - Imagine this, waking up every day to a life you are EXCITED about. having CLARITY on what you want in life and taking ALIGNED action to get there. listening to your BODY and trusting yourself and your decisions. showing up as your most RADIANT self at home, in friendships, at work, and even in the BEDROOM. saying GOODBYE to the limiting beliefs that have continued to hold you back from stepping into your power. - 4 month mastermind, beginning January 4, 2021! 2, 45 minute 1:1 zoom coaching calls/ month 1 monthly group training weekly 1:1 Voxer talk + text support BONUS 2-3 guest speakers for your group trainings! - If you are ready for this, Don’t wait. If you are ready but afraid, don’t wait. There are only 7 spots remaining ALREADY! - The level up will feel uncomfortable, Scary, And your mind will tell you to stay small and safe. Push past the resistance babe, You are ready for this, The world is ready for you. - To APPLY, click here https://www.courtneyquinnfitness.com/reclaiming-radiance-ma

Courtney Quinn Health & Life Coach 08.10.2020

I have something to tell you. - And you’re gonna wanna save this one - You have been told all your life to not trust the one person you should fully trust,... And that’s YOURSELF - Yup. And that might be hard to hear,but it’s the truth. We are intuitive beings, and our intuition is so powerful, but we have completely forgot how to listen to it. - We have all these damn safety nets. When we are younger our parents decide everything for us, so as we get older we forget that we have the ability to make decisions for ourselves. - We rely on the scale to tell us if we are ‘doing good’ because we have been told for years now that losing weight defines our worth. - We rely on food trackers to tell us how to eat because how dare we be freaking HUNGRY and actually EAT! Like wtf. - We rely on society to tell us what to do with our lives and define what the hell is successful. Go to school. Marry a nice man. Get a good job with a pension. Buy a home. Save your money. You have to have kids or somethings wrong with you. - So when our body and soul is SCREAMING at us to do something different, we don’t trust it. we think someone else knows us better than we know us. - The truth is no one knows you better than you. You’re intuition will never steer you wrong. You don’t need to have the safety nets anymore, you are safe listening to your soul. - But , how do I listen ?! That’s the hardest part babe. But I can teach you, Inside RECLAIMING RADIANCE The mastermind is opening for EARLY BIRD enrolment on Monday, and spots are already being claimed. Do NOT miss it - See you in there , Coach Court - : @robinjennaphotos

Courtney Quinn Health & Life Coach 22.09.2020

The SHITTY part about personal growth - You notice that woman who is literally SHINING, She is vibrating RADIANCE She’s happy,... Healthy, Energized, And has the SELF AWARENESS like you have never seen... - You’re thinking to yourself, wow I wish I could be happy like her, Feel like her, Radiate like her. Everything seems so easy for her... right? - No. It’s not easy. The shitty part about personal growth and stepping into your true power, is it’s a never ending journey that is HARD as hell. - It’s hard as hell, and your body naturally doesn’t want to feel it, or go there, so it resists it. It wants to stay safe. - That woman has put in the work. That woman has probably spent hours and days crying. She’s lost a lot of people, but only to gain the ones who were truly meant for her She’s done things like invest in herself, take scary leaps, get up wayyy before she has to because that’s the only time she has for HER. She’s had trauma. And then opened up the layers to heal it. Released the pain she feels, instead of hiding it. - It’s way easier to stay put. It’s ways easier to stay comfortable, to put on the mask, to hide things, to avoid your emotions, to NOT do what you know you need to do. - And even when you think you’ve got past it, there’s another damn layer to unravel, to heal, to process. And that to me, is the most beautiful part There is no end destination. But, I assure you that just because it’s hard, doesn’t mean it’s not right - Push through the hard, babe. It’s worth it. - coach Court See more

Courtney Quinn Health & Life Coach 18.09.2020

Walking into this snow day like... - If you’re reading this living in Saskatchewan you know what I’m talking about. If you’re not, your probably living in LA or Vancouver, somewhere laughing at the snow storm we had this weekend -... I’m sure many people are frustrated today, Or maybe you’re feeling relieved, and happy. - This is just a reminder that we can only control what we can control. We can only control how we respond to situations. One thing we definitely can’t control is the weather, and yeah it sucks that you might have to cancel something today, or they you had to call in sick to work because your kids don’t have school, Or maybe you couldn’t get to work and your boss gave you grief - We can’t control what’s going on out there. We can’t control how other people react. But you can control how you respond. Flow with it. Embrace it. Put your feet up and throw on Christmas movies. Bake with your kids. Enjoy the hell out of it. - I’ve only witnessed a snow day 2x in my life (never while I was in school sadly ) But I know they are rare. So instead of worrying about what you can’t do or feel you should be doing ... Stop - This is your reminder to give yourself permission to just BE today - Stay warm and safe - Xo, Coach Court See more

Courtney Quinn Health & Life Coach 07.09.2020

Actually, you should be the only one that dictates your worth. - We give SO much power to things like: A number that tells us about gravity (the scale) ... How much money we make The likes we get on social media Bosses Others opinions that don’t even matter The opposite (or same) sex that we are interested in What society tells us we are worth. - We are all guilty of letting someone or something else dictate our worthiness and how we feel about ourselves. But I want to remind you that YOU are the most important dictator of that. - You dictate your worth by showing up for yourself. You dictate your worth by setting and keeping boundaries with others. You dictate your worth by NOT needing the scale to tell you how you are doing, YOU know how your body feels, listen to that - Your worthiness doesn’t come from a number, A man (or woman ), Not getting the job you applied for, The money you make, Or your likes on social media. - It comes from YOU. YOU are the prize babe. YOU are worthy of everything you desire. YOU are worthy just being YOU. It’s time to stop letting external factors tell you how you should feel about yourself, And start deciding for yourself that you are enough, you are worthy, just as YOU are - Tag a queen who needs to know this today See more