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Creative-Wellness 21.12.2020

Over the next few weeks I will be closing this Facebook page. Like many of you dealing with the impact of Covid-19 has put a strain on business. Although this page has many followers that has not translated to clients, which was one of my hopes creating and sharing on this page. In an effort to grow I will be turning my energy to other media forms and rebranding. Thank you to you all for checking in , stay safe and please do not ignore your mental health during these unprecedented times .

Creative-Wellness 02.12.2020

In this crazy world where we feel we have no control, many things can overwhelm. Small steps to find peace. Forgiveness can be difficult, how do you forgive a wrong. Acknowledging your feelings is a place to start.

Creative-Wellness 04.10.2020

If you are looking for help changing the formula pick up the phone and call.

Creative-Wellness 17.09.2020

With the introduction of stage 3 the office space for sessions is open. However, we appreciate that some clients still feel uncomfortable with close contact , for this reason video sessions will continue to be offered to those that prefer.

Creative-Wellness 07.09.2020

Month five and although life is slowly getting back to normal, normal constantly being redefined, we can find ourselves struggling to regain our personal power. We feel lost , confused and uncertain. If these feelings are overwhelming you reach out , friends , family or one of the many help lines available .

Creative-Wellness 19.08.2020

We are still living in chaotic times and a lot of our energy is focused on what will happen next , what will the next normal look like. Remember to continue to focus energy on your wellbeing , start by loving yourself.

Creative-Wellness 31.07.2020

I know many people who find themselves looking for work due to layoffs . It is easy to become downhearted, especially as for many individuals finding themselves jobless was not something they ever imagined . With emotions already high , the task of job searching may seem insurmountable .

Creative-Wellness 26.07.2020

During the pandemic we are dealing with new issues including isolation and heightened inability to access services but there are many new services being offered in light of the pandemic. I will continue to post resources as I become aware of them.

Creative-Wellness 10.07.2020

We are all undergoing a shift in our normal and a shift in our mental health is also possible . It is okay to find any of the following part of what you are experiencing . If you need help reach out to one of the many organizations listed on this page . Or find a health care professional if things become too overwhelming.

Creative-Wellness 26.06.2020

For those dealing with the loss of a loved one due to Covid-19 . A volunteer-driven resource created by Derek Scott, Founder of IFSCA, Certified IFS Therapist and Social Worker (www.IFSCA.ca). The Grief Corps is a Canadian initiative that will be available for free to any resident of Canada who has lost someone to COVID-19. All of the resources on the site, however are available to anyone that may wish to make use of them. All groups are run by volunteer mental health professionals who have experience running support groups. These groups are not providing therapy, nor are they intended to replace individual therapy if that is what you require. The forums are where you have the opportunity to share your experiences and offer and receive support from people who are living through similar experiences to yourself.

Creative-Wellness 28.05.2020

Anyone needing help, call and use this service. I am not affiliated with the service, but during this crisis it is not about me , it is about individuals using all resources available to them to help them navigate these uncertain times.

Creative-Wellness 19.05.2020

COVID-19 resources - reproduced in part from a posting by the American Psychological Association The Great Unknown: 10 Tips for Dealing With the Stress of Uncertainty... Most people are creatures of habit. When things go as planned, we feel in control. But when life throws a curveball, it can leave us feeling anxious and stressed. Research shows that people react differently to uncertainty, and that those with a higher intolerance for uncertainty may be less resilient and more prone to low mood, negative or down feelings and anxiety. No one can avoid the unexpected. But these simple steps can help you better face life’s uncertainties. 1.Be kind to yourself. Some people are better at dealing with uncertainties than others, so don’t beat yourself up if your tolerance for unpredictability is lower than a friend’s. Remind yourself that it might take time for the stressful situation to resolve, and be patient with yourself in the meantime. 2.Reflect on past successes. Chances are you’ve overcome stressful events in the past and you survived! Give yourself credit. Reflect on what you did during that event that was helpful, and what you might like to do differently this time. 3. Develop new skills. When life is relatively calm, make a point to try things outside your comfort zone. From standing up to a difficult boss to trying a new sport, taking risks helps you develop confidence and skills that come in handy when life veers off course. 4. Limit exposure to news. When we’re stressed about something, it can be hard to look away. But compulsively checking the news only keeps you wound up. Try to limit your check-ins and avoid the news during vulnerable times of day, such as right before bedtime. 5.Avoid dwelling on things you can’t control. When uncertainty strikes, many people immediately imagine worst-case scenarios. Get out of the habit of ruminating on negative events. 6. Take your own advice. Ask yourself: If a friend came to me with this worry, what would I tell her? Imagining your situation from the outside can often provide perspective and fresh ideas. 7. Engage in self-care. Don’t let stress derail your healthy routines. Make efforts to eat well, exercise and get enough sleep. Many people find stress release in practices such as yoga and meditation. 8. Seek support from those you trust. Many people isolate themselves when they’re stressed or worried. But social support is important, so reach out to family and friends. 9. Control what you can. Focus on the things that are within your control, even if it’s as simple as weekly meal planning or laying out your clothes the night before a stressful day. Establish routines to give your days and weeks some comforting structure. 10. Ask for help. If you’re having trouble managing stress and coping with uncertainty on your own, ask for help. Contact a mental health help line or seek out a counselor or therapist .

Creative-Wellness 16.05.2020

With everything we are facing, we likely feel we do not have control over anything in our lives . What we do have control over is constantly changing but there are things we always have control over. One of the most important ,especially now, is the control we have over taking care of ourselves it might look different but it is still in our control.

Creative-Wellness 09.05.2020

Those on the front line of essential services during Covid-19 and even those that have stepped up to volunteer in some capacity or tending to the needs of an isolating family member or friend will find themselves facing compassion fatigue. Good 30 minute podcast . Be well and stay safe https://www.rickhanson.net/being-well-podcast-compassion-f/

Creative-Wellness 24.04.2020

‘FACE COVID’ How to respond effectively to the Corona crisis by DR RUSS HARRIS, AUTHOR OF THE HAPPINESS TRAP F = Focus on what’s in your control... A = Acknowledge your thoughts & feelings C = Come back into your body C = Committed action E = Engage in what you’re doing OVID O = Opening up V = Values I = Identify resources D = Disinfect & distance

Creative-Wellness 22.04.2020

A 5 minute video about maintaining relationships during Covid-19 social distancing https://youtu.be/-H0BYi8_juY

Creative-Wellness 19.04.2020

Based in New York but as it's all online that isn't an issue , this pandemic is making the world a smaller place. If you are looking for peer support and your usual support group has not transitioned to online. https://www.forlikeminds.com/

Creative-Wellness 13.04.2020


Creative-Wellness 11.04.2020

For any youth experiencing mental health issues https://kidshelpphone.ca/

Creative-Wellness 09.04.2020

During these uncertain times, when mental health is constently changing and anxiety is high I will be posting some local resources. I am still offering video sessions for those that need them with reduced rates while we get through this crisis. Stay Home when you can and Stay Safe. www.anxietyfocuscards.com

Creative-Wellness 27.03.2020

It is with regret that I have decided for the safety of my clients, myself and others to discontinue face to face sessions. I did not arrive at this decision easily because this is my baby and it means a lot to me. I know for some clients this is upsetting as video sessions might be difficult and I appreciate that however, faced with the reality we have I could not see any other recourse . Those that are interested can contact me for video details. There will be a reduction in fee . Those that choose not to shift to online sessions I wish you well, stay safe and if needed contact me once this has passed because together we can and will get through this .

Creative-Wellness 14.03.2020

Due to the corvid 19 virus I am offering current clients the opportunity to have their sessions by video. The office remains open , where cleaning is done before and after each visit with disinfecting sprays. Handsanitizer is available to clients that do prefer to come to the office. I am asking clients to please inform me if they become ill . If I or one of my clients become ill , I will post here and inform clients individually. If you are not a client but would like ...a session pm me and we can set up a video session. Fees based on ability to pay and payable by e-transfer. Take care everybody , while you will be caring for others remember to care for yourself too. See more

Creative-Wellness 06.03.2020

I am asking for feedback. I habe been approached to consider facilitating a womens group , specifically for those in a caregiver role. Would there be an interest in this group ? And how often ?