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DrKim Redman 22.01.2021

The Law Of Attraction Is SMART I was recently asked the following question regarding goal setting: I think I’m really good at goal setting, but sometimes I get my goal, and sometimes I don’t. Someone told me that Coaches can make a plan to get you from where you are today to any goal and that master Coaches can guarantee that. How is that possible?... That's a great question. It is really frustrating to have a goal fail. We always ask the following question: If the Law of Attraction works (and we know that it does) then how is it that we are using this law in a way that brings us what we don't want? It's all in how your goal is constructed. It turns out that there really is a formula after all. It's been used for ages with successful business leaders and I'll include it here so that you can use it too! In our Designing Your Destiny two-day training we teach the structure to people, along with how to blow out fears and install Read More http://bit.ly/thelawofattractionissmart If this article is intriguing to you then gain even more insights about the impact of NLP starting 2021 off brilliantly by joining us for our Virtual-LIVE Designing Your Destiny; Quantum Leadership And Empowerment Weekend where leading-edge mind-body tools will be revealed and...EXPERIENCED. Learn more here https://designingyourdestinywithdrkim.com #SMARTGoals #QuantumGoals #SMART #ConsciousMind #UnconsciousMind #FlexibleBehavior #LawofAttraction #NLP #NLPCoaching #NLPCoachingWins #CoachingSuccess #Creatrix

DrKim Redman 15.01.2021

For 2021...with love.

DrKim Redman 29.12.2020

What is NLP and Why Should I Care? Neuro-Linguistic Programming, or NLP, is the ability to put your message into a client's internal language in a way that assists the client in making changes in their behavior, or programming. Insiders define it as the way to quickly reproduce excellence. NLP was developed by John Grinder and Richard Bandler in the seventies. Since then it has become the niche of captains of industry, presidents and prime ministers; people who need to com...municate deeply and quickly and who are assessed on their ability to produce results. How's It All Work? It turns out that our conscious mind is the goal-setter, and that our unconscious mind is the goal-getter. Our conscious mind handles language, sequential thinking, and the present moment. The unconscious mind handles our...Read More http://bit.ly/2DuAKgk If this article is intriguing to you then gain even more insights about the impact of NLP starting 2021 off brilliantly by joining us for our Virtual-LIVE Designing Your Destiny; Quantum Leadership And Empowerment Weekend where leading-edge mind-body tools will be revealed and...EXPERIENCED. Learn more here https://designingyourdestinywithdrkim.com And HAPPY NEW YEAR! #NLP #ConsciousMind #UnconsciousMind #FlexibleBehavior #Modalities #NLPCoaching #NLPCoachingWins #CoachingSuccess #Avatar #TargetPopulation #Creatrix

DrKim Redman 21.12.2020

What is Quantum Business Mastery ? Wild, crazy, through-the-roof-success is not the result of a fluke accident, nor is it limited to a special set of people. It is the result of following a highly specific model or recipe for your field that guarantees reproducible results. Looking at this model holographically gives us Quantum Business Mastery. Three problems appear pandemic when it comes to reproducing this recipe; a changing recipe over the last five years, people using... the wrong recipe, and the predictable failing of raw talent if it is not backed up by skills. The recipe changed ten years ago and locked into a new format five years ago called the Expert Model. In this model you are an expert if you have lived through a hellish journey, come out the other side of it, and have the skills and credentials to use a reproducible process that guarantees results. There is a number of marketing products geared... Read Morehttp://bit.ly/WhatisQuantumBusiness If this article is intriguing to you then gain even more insights starting 2021 off brilliantly by joining us for our Virtual-LIVE Designing Your Destiny; Quantum Leadership And Empowerment Weekend where leading-edge mind-body tools will be revealed and...EXPERIENCED. Learn more here https://designingyourdestinywithdrkim.com

DrKim Redman 01.12.2020

Specialization IS ‘Profitization': I want to help everyone. Everyone needs me. I can help everyone equally. Not true. Not fair to your client. And poverty inducing for you. This may sound harsh, but it It makes sense that no one is good at everything. A laser beam has more power because of its focus. The more narrow your focus is, the greater your impact can be. This also applies to coaching, in the form of niche coaching.... I love coaches. I love their spirit, their compassionate hearts, their desire to serve. It frustrates me that most coaches don’t have the affluence to have the compassionate influence that they seek. So how do we get YOU the coach into more affluence? We need to integrate some business basics into our coaching paradigm. Traditionally coaches are great at wanting to...Continue Reading http://bit.ly/2FlMdRp If this article is intriguing to you then gain even more insights starting 2021 off brilliantly by joining us for our Virtual-LIVE Designing Your Destiny; Quantum Leadership And Empowerment Weekend where leading edge mind-body tools will be revealed and...EXPERIENCED. Learn more here https://designingyourdestinywithdrkim.com

DrKim Redman 24.11.2020

We invite you to our Gratitude Gift-Back, a complimentary Passionate Destiny Assessment. A real in person, 30-45 minute experience for YOU with our elite team and processes. Our Passionate Destiny process normally retails for $295 + HST and we are inviting conscious souls who are ready to manifest their legacy and destiny to come explore with us, on our tab. The Passionate Destiny Assessment will: Find, Open, and Align your Passion, and Purpose, for Mission... Provide Clarity on Moving Forward With Legacy Up-level Your Hero’s Journey Create Amazing Awareness on Your Own Needs and Purpose Create a Resource Plan to Move You Forward Hello, hello - it’s the Universe, calling YOU, right NOW! The team and I look forward to hearing from you and scheduling a REAL human-being-in-amazingness conversation over a Zoom tea or coffee. Click the link below! https://CreatrixGoQuantum.com/PASSION See you soon! Dr. Kim