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Locality: Chilliwack, British Columbia

Phone: +1 604-792-4412

Address: 9310 Williams st V2P 5E7 Chilliwack, BC, Canada

Website: www.mychilliwackchurch.com/

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Cross Connection Church 02.04.2021

Do you ever remember being a kid and having your parents tell you to jump in the car? You would get up from what you were doing and get your shoes and coat on and jump in the car, maybe not even realizing where you were going. Maybe there were other times when you were a kid when your stomach would start to growl and immediately you would know supper was right around the corner. In our lives there are many different types of systems, pathways, and structures in our lives that... helps direct us toward accomplishing a goal the most efficient way possible. The same thing happens in the church. At Cross Connection Church we are working towards creating pathways that will help you intentionally grow as a more mature Christian. This Sunday we invite you to join us at 10 AM online at mychilliwackchurch.com as we walk through scriptures that will help us create pathways towards full maturity in Christ.

Cross Connection Church 27.03.2021

A Miracle's Gotta Happen! This week at Cross Connection Church, we will look at the second of our five values, Intentional Outreach. If you have come to know Jesus, I mean, really know Jesus, you know that life is so much more free and full with Him than without Him. Because of that, you have a reason to tell others about Him. ... As you look at Ephesians 2:1, you will recognize that something miraculous happened to you one day. You went from being dead to alive. That same transformation needs to occur in many others. The only way for it to happen is for you and I to show others the change that has happened in us. Join us online at https://mychilliwackchurch.com/ at 10 am this Sunday as we see the need for miracles to happen!

Cross Connection Church 08.03.2021

"The word joy has so much emotion tied to it. People work so hard to find happiness and maintain a state of joyfulness. They believe that it will bring about a sense of security once it is found, a security that is more or less circumstantial. Fortunately for the believer, joy is not an emotion to be discovered and maintained based on circumstance. It is a way of life that can be chosen. It is something that far exceeds any circumstance for one reason alone, they are an offspring the Lord has blessed. (Isaiah 61:9b) I was able to learn the weight of this truth in a rather remarkable way. In late 2013 my mother..." Read the rest of Alyssa’s Story at mychilliwackchurch.com

Cross Connection Church 25.02.2021

You are created in the image of God. You are created to have a relationship with Jesus. You are created to reflect the glory of God to others. The problem is that the sin we engage with dims us, and we stop reflecting Jesus the way we should. If we do not deal with the sin in our lives through repentance and confession, and if we do not get back into a relationship with God, we will not live up to the potential God created us with. This week at Cross Connection church, we will look at what it takes to be renewed. How do you move from being broken to walking in freedom? What effect will that have on others? Join us this week at 10 am at https://mychilliwackchurch.com/. We look forward to walking with you through Romans 12:1-2.

Cross Connection Church 07.02.2021

Spring Forth will consist of circuit of five different stations that focus on reflection, thanksgiving, confession, communion, and testimony. You will spend twenty minutes at each station, individually meditating on Christ and preparing for the next forty days leading up to Easter. It will look very similar to the prayer stations we had a few months ago. There is limited availability in each time slot. Sign up by Friday, February 19th at 12:00 pm is required to participate in this event that was prepared with you in mind.

Cross Connection Church 05.02.2021

Why should you know your story? So you can tell it! If you are a Christian, you have gone from death to life, hopeless to hopeful, broken to whole because of Jesus' work in your life! There are many people you know who would benefit, eternally, from you sharing your story of transformation with them. And sharing your testimony does not have to be hard. ... Well, that’s wonderful, Pastor Rob! But how do I even begin to start talking about my story?! I am glad you asked that because that is what we will be talking about this Sunday at Cross Connection Church. Join us online at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCl5ZGLGE3fVnjiCMJn7tmyg as we go through 1 Peter 3:15. We will talk about how to write and tell your story. My prayer is that you would all use this practical message to help equip yourselves to share with others the work God has done in you!

Cross Connection Church 16.11.2020

If I were to describe 2020, I would probably describe it as a very, very long night. Throughout its course, it seems as though we’ve all been stumbling through it. Bumping into things, trying to find our way to the light switch. Or maybe some of us have been staying in bed, tossing and turning just waiting for the sun to peak out so that we can get on with our day. Whatever it may have looked like for you, I think that one thing we can all see when we look around is a general... heaviness and darkness hanging over things. Whether its in an article headline, or a light hearted attempt to joke about the craziness happening around us, there seems to be this overarching lack of hope. It feels like a time that’s kind of familiar. If we think about the Old Testament, there is quite a lot of similar heaviness and hopelessness felt. Whether it is by their own doing in disobedience, or the doing of political powers greater than they, the Israelites faced their share of long nights. And yet in the midst of darkness and judgement, YHWH was so faithful and so kind as to promise them a new dawn. A new hope. The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned Isaiah 9:2 A light HAS dawned. As in, it’s already happened. We have hope because the Light of the World has dawned. Soak in the warmth of His light friends. I invite you to meditate on Isaiah 9:2-6 over this next week as we prepare for the first day of Advent. Slow down, reflect on this last year and allow yourself to just come before Jesus. Without agenda, without needing to get anything from Him. Just sit in awe of His light.

Cross Connection Church 10.11.2020

If you haven’t already heard, our in person gathering is canceled for the next couple weeks. Please join us online. We will be going live with the on Sunday at 10:00am. https://youtu.be/mrErJKIMEDs

Cross Connection Church 31.10.2020

I remember the time I first experienced Jesus on my own. No one else was around. Growing up in a Christian home and attending church each Sunday meant I had seen Him move in my family many times, and I praise God for that. But this night, when I was about 13, I remember for the first time being in the presence of Jesus. I was undone! I couldn't get enough. I soaked Him in as long as I could stay awake! The strange thing is, since then, I can recall many times when I did not ...live like I believed that experience ever happened. His presence is where we are created to live. That is where true life is found. What would have to change in your life for you to live like you believed Jesus conquered death? Join us this week as we look at the resurrection of Jesus in John 20:1-18. Sign-up for the service at mychilliwackchurch.com or watch online when it is posted at https://mychilliwackchurch.com/category/sermons/

Cross Connection Church 16.10.2020

Earlier today Bonnie Henry announced that all group gatherings of 50 people must be put on hold for the next 14 days. After further digging, we found out that this ONLY applies to groups that don’t already have COVID-19 protocols in place. That means this order does not apply to us and church will be continuing as normal- following protocol. See you all tomorrow!

Cross Connection Church 10.10.2020

As we continue our trek through the Gospel of John, we find ourselves here, in John 19:16b-42, at the crucifixion and death of Jesus. Meanwhile, our church has just gone through a powerful weekend of prayer. We have begun to see some of the things that God needs to change in us so we can be as effective as possible for the Kingdom of God. Join us in the service or online at https://mychilliwackchurch.com/category/sermons/ as we see how we can go from death to life just as Jesus did!

Cross Connection Church 04.10.2020

This week we are asking a tough question. Most people either ask or struggle with not knowing the answer to this question at some point in their life. As you look through the Bible, especially the Old Testament, there are a number of times where God commands things that just do not make sense to us. Take some time to think through this before answering. It is not an easy question to answer but it needs to be addressed.