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Locality: Quebec, Quebec

Phone: +1 418-842-1540

Address: 250, place Chef Michel Laveau, local 102 G1A 4V0 Quebec, QC, Canada

Website: www.cssspnql.com/

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[Job] The FNQLHSSC is looking for a Childcare and Early Childhood Centres Compliance Agent! This person will have the important responsability to manage the permits of the childcare centres under agreement with us and to carry out inspections. For more details, visit our website: cssspnql.com/en/about-us/job-offers.


Thank you to all of you for participating in so many in our five contests for the Early Childhood Week. Without waiting any further, here is the list of our winners (randomly selected): Newborn contest: - Sheena Rock (for Enrico Fontaine) - Wanda Crépeau-Etapp ... - Lindsay Napess Sports contest: - Fanny Jomphe - Angel Snow Rodgers Family night contest: - Mélissa Picard - Caroline Duchesne - Shania Polson Mathias Learning contest: - Julie Malek - Kim Chevrier - Marie-Hélène Canapé Creative contest: - Samantha Chénier - Amélie Courtois - Josiane Bellefleur We will contact you shortly to get your postal details to send you your prizes.


[Learning contest] For this fifth edition of Early Childhood Week, despite the pandemic but also because of the pandemic, we must now more than ever promote the development of young children. The discontinuation of educational childcare services, the wearing of masks in schools and stress are among the various factors that may have an impact on children’s desire to learn. In order to add a little joy to your day and allow your children to learn while having fun, our four...th contest of the week features several prizes valued at $100, such as books, educational games and memory cards. , . . You have until November 22 to participate. Good luck! (*) (*) Only First Nations people are eligible for the contest.


À l'occasion de la Semaine nationale de sensibilisation aux dépendances, voici un bel événement pour les professionnels qui interviennent auprès des personnes autochtones et des aînés. Kayla Gedeon du Centre Walgwan est l'une des invitées. À ne pas manquer!


[Family night contest] One of the lessons we will have learned from COVID-19 is the importance of appreciating and cherishing family time. Since it is not possible this year to celebrate Early Childhood Week in all of our communities, we are offering you this third contest under the family night theme. By participating, you could win one of the prizes valued at $100 including, for example, board games, blankets, puzzles, etc. , ... . You have until November 22 to participate. Good luck! (*) (*) Only First Nations people are eligible for the contest.


From November 22 to 28, 2020, it's National Addictions Prevention Week. For the occasion, we want to highlight the efforts and dedication of all the interveners working with people with substance use disorder, especially during this time of pandemic. Your contribution is essential to the wellbeing of our communities! To support you in doing your work, note that the FNQLHSSC has recently produced three addiction tools: Hope Card: centredoc.cssspnql.com/cgi-bin/koha/opac-d...etail.pl Access to Naloxone: https://centredoc.cssspnql.com/cgi-bin/koha/opac-detail.pl Memory aid regarding the legalization of cannabis: centredoc.cssspnql.com/cgi-bin/koha/opac-detail.pl See more


On Early Childhood Week, watch and share this video where 8 First Nations elders express their vision of early childhood and talk about the role they play in their lives.


Don't forget! Today is your last day to participate in our various contests set up for the Early Childhood Week. Good luck! Newborn Contest: facebook.com/csss/photos/a.477903745556130/3755687554444383 Sports contest: facebook.com/csss/photos/a.477903745556130/3764618356884636 Family night contest: facebook.com/csss/photos/a.477903745556130/3764614373551701... Learning Contest: facebook.com/csss/photos/a.477903745556130/3764610453552093 Creative contest: facebook.com/csss/photos/a.477903745556130/3764605066885965 See more


À l’occasion de la Grande semaine des tout-petits, visionnez et partagez cette vidéo dans laquelle 8 aînés des Premières Nations expriment leur vision de la petite enfance et parlent du rôle qu’ils jouent dans la vie de ces derniers.


[Sports contest] As you are surely aware, it is good to remember the importance of an active lifestyle for the whole family, especially in these uncertain times. Among the many benefits of participating in regular physical activity are improved mood and self-confidence, as well as the alleviation of anxiety- and depression-related problems. This is why, for our second Early Childhood Week contest, we will randomly draw gift boxes valued at $100 containing various sportin...g goods such as jump ropes, balls, a sled, etc. ’ : . (*). You have until November 22 to participate. Good luck! (**) (*) Please note that, by submitting a photo to us, you are consenting that it can be used to promote Early Childhood Week, or any other subject related to physical activity. (**) Only First Nations people are eligible for the contest.


As more and more Quebecers unite to fight discrimination and racism against First Nations, let's remember that in 2018, a poll revealed that the majority of them felt that First Nations Nations and Inuit children do not have the same chance to develop their full potential as children in Quebec. Among other things: Nearly two in three Quebecers (64 %) think First Nations and Inuit children face discrimination in Quebec. 64 % says First Nations and Inuit children have fe...wer services in Quebec. 75 % of survey respondents want Quebec society to do more to help First Nations and Inuit families. More info: centredoc.cssspnql.com/cgi-bin/koha/opac-detail.pl


Looking for an activity to do with your little ones? We invite you to discover the legend of Kwikwici with Cheryl Tenasco-Whiteduck from Kitigan Zibi. Do you prefer a French version? Click here to hear a a reading of the children's story ' À la recherche des oiseaux d'été by Alexandre Bacon, an Innu from the Mashteuiatsh community: facebook.com/207408135939027/videos/1725033280843164.


Stress chez les femmes enceintes, isolement à la maison sans les grands-parents et la famille élargie, précarité financière des familles Les effets collatéraux de la pandémie sur les enfants en âge préscolaire sont nombreux, et il faut s’en soucier pour défendre ces petits qui ne peuvent pour la plupart pas s’exprimer, a souligné Élise Bonneville, directrice du Collectif petite enfance, dont la CSSSPNQL fait partie, et porte-parole de la Grande semaine des tout-petits.