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Daily Biblical Study Ministry 14.01.2021

The story of Ruth and Naomi...Chapter 1... Elimelech's family moves to Moab, Ruth returns with Naomi... Today Introduction to Ruth...We should follow her examples......Continue reading

Daily Biblical Study Ministry 11.01.2021

Today's biblical studies Jeremiah Part 19 of 50... We continue our biblical studies of Jeremiah 16... Jeremiah's lifestyle as witness against Judah, Israel's future return, imminent punishment, nations will come to know God!...Continue reading

Daily Biblical Study Ministry 26.12.2020

~"Take time out...even a short trip out of the city!"~~ "Our biblical study on family spending time together!" "We live in such a fast-paced world that it is es...sential to schedule breaks from our routine. Taking time to rest is not an option in today's world; it is a necessity! Yet more people struggle here than in almost any other area of their lives. It is perilous not to take time to rest! Getting with family members on a trip is time well spent!!! ..."Even Jesus-Christ and His apostles felt this need. Notice one such occasion in Mark 6:31: Then Jesus once said, 'Let's get away from the crowds for a while and rest...there were so many people coming and going that Jesus and his apostles didn't even have time to eat!... "For mental rejuvenation and avoiding stress overload, we need daily rest. Especially as we get older, an afternoon nap can even rejuvenate us. We also need "regular vacations" if our financial circumstances and work situations permit. And even if one does nothing but stay at home on holidays, breaks from our routines can be beneficial..." ..."And in addition, God tells us we need to schedule one day in the week for rest. After completing His work of creation, God rested on the seventh day. Genesis 2:2...The Hebrew word for rested is shabbat, the verb form of the noun translated as Sabbath in Exodus 20:10-11, where God gave the Ten Commandments to Israel and commanded the Israelites to keep His Sabbath holy by resting on the seventh day of every week!"... "God rested on the seventh day From the outset, the Bible presents us with the idea that rest is important, and furthermore, that a specific time has to be set aside for rest especially with your family members!!! ...I really happen to believe and a lot of scientific evidence is accumulating to support this belief that we were designed for camel travel, not supersonic jet behavior Today, however, we are exceeding these limits, not just barely, but by a huge margin. The penalty is an epidemic of stress disease and anxiety disorders, especially panic anxiety!... "Confront your fears. Everyone is afraid of something. Some fears are healthy, but some are not. When a fear becomes persistent and irrational, it is a phobia. Specific phobias strike more than one in ten people. Some major fears are agoraphobia, fear of being in public places, and claustrophobia, fear of confinement or crowded places!" ..."Confront anxiety with confidence. Although most people are not phobic, almost everyone has to struggle against worry, which is a form of fear. Our age is the era of anxiety. Everyone experiences some anxiety, and it can be a useful emotion when it triggers us to act to avoid danger. But, if it impacts our life seriously, we must take action to overcome it. Every anxiety sufferer must learn new ways of thinking and develop methods for changing their former thinking patterns... "The Bible verifies that this kind of thinking is essential, telling us to be renewed in the spirit of your mind! Ephesians 4:23...And even a short 3 days vacation trip usually fix your moral, lift up your soul" ..."How do we do this? One best anxiety-reducing technique is to cleanse your mind at day's end. Evening is a good time to do a 'mental wash' when you review anxieties that are cluttering your thinking and dump those that are not important Just get out of town for a few days...relax your mind, your spirit and your body!"... "The Bible confirms that this is sound advice in a passage that tells us what to do at day's end. Meditate within your heart on your bed, and be still Psalms 4:4... ..."Sometimes anxieties relate to meeting our basic needs. Jesus once said, Do not be anxious then, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'With what shall we clothe ourselves?' Jesus also recommended a cure for these worries: Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added to you! Matthew 6:31,33...The point is that, when our priorities conform to God's will, we can live in confidence that He will help us meet our other needs...go out and enjoy life to the fullest!" "A relationship with God is fundamental to overcoming our thinking The Bible exhorts: Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus Philippians 2:5, and, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me 4:13. The only way we can develop the mind of Christ is to first repent of ignoring God's biblical instructions, then be baptized and receive God's Holy-Spirit Acts 2:38. In doing so we can cleanse our minds and develop new mental habits. For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind! 2 Timothy 1:7... ..."The healing power of humor and relaxation of a good little trip. As simple as it sounds, the ability to laugh is an aid to mental health. Joy is akin to laughter, and relaxation and it, too, is part of the fruit of God's Spirit Galatians 5:22. A merry heart also makes a cheerful countenance! Proverbs 15:13, and a merry heart does good, like medicine! See Proverbs 17:22... "Physical activity such as gardening, walking and other regular exercise can also benefit your mental health!!!!! Woe to him who is alone when he falls, for he has no one to help him up, says Ecclesiastes 4:10. No man is an island. Good mental health requires contact with other people. One of the first revelations of the Bible is that God designed us to need other people: It is not good that the man should be alone! Genesis 2:18 "And also the need for emotionally supporting family and friends is scientifically established!"...What happens if we have no close relationships? The message that emerges loud and clear from scientific evidence is that having a reasonable quantity and quality of social relationships is very essential for mental and physical wellbeing Go ahead if you can...get out of town for a bit..." ..."Human interaction spawns growth and is essential mentally and physically. Proverbs 27:17 tells us that as iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another...Be one with your family, interact for a few precious days, enjoyed each others in the Lord and keep on building good everlasting memories of being "together" and also laughing and sharing the best time with each others!!!"...

Daily Biblical Study Ministry 23.12.2020

The Only Solution to Idolatry...Part 2 of 10... A story from the apostle Paul's ministry teaches us how we can turn from idolatry... Have you ever wondered about the modern idols that might plague our world today? If you read the Bible, you read about idolatry, where people bow down to wooden images and stone idols. And God taught very strongly through Moses and the prophets against idolatry. But what about today? And, how might we overcome that?... Some worship their cars or motorcycles...Anything you loved dearly could be an idol to you!... I was going through the book of Acts in a youth bible class and teaching a group of children recently about preaching. And in Acts 19:20, this scripture kinda caught my attention, where it talks about the apostle Paul in the city of Ephesus and the preaching he did there for over 2 years and the success rate that he had... People turned away from the idols at the city of Ephesus, and they began to obey God, followed the teachings that Paul was giving them from the Word of God. It created a great riot. It actually but into the economic structure of the city when you read the story there... But verse 20 tells us something about, really, how this came about. It wasn't just the preaching of Paul. In verse 20, it says, "The word of the Lord grew mightily and prevailed." The word of the Lord the preaching of that word, the bible the scriptures! What Paul had in his possession at that time, he preached the word. And that word was so powerful, so compelling, reaching into the hearts and to the minds of people who knew nothing but stone idols and silver images of a goddess named Diana, that they actually turned away from that and began to worship the true God... And what it says here in verse 20 is that the Word of God prevailed. Now, what that word means is it had a force and a power. It wasn't Paul's power, and also wasn't the force of his personality, it was the power of the Word of God! That's what prevailed and that's what turned people from the idolatry in the city of Ephesus in that day... And, think about that. I think we all should as we apply it to our own minds today. We have idols, different types of idols in our world today... Some writers say that the biggest idol is ourselves. We really just worship ourselves today, and I also think that's always happened, but it seems to be more prevalent today. And it may be a good place to start... But the Word of God is what we really should be sinking our mind and our heart into, and turning to God in that way and letting it, at least, have a force and a power prevail, if you will, in our own life and change our lives. And when we do, it can actually make a world of difference, just as it did with the apostle Paul and the people in that ancient city of Ephesus, where God's Word prevailed by its force and by its power!!! Tomorrow, we will continue this subject of Idols in our weekly biblical studies...with part 3 of 10...See you all then...

Daily Biblical Study Ministry 06.12.2020

The Importance of Encouragement for Others... How does encouragement tie into kindness and God’s way of life? We probably all agree that encouragement is a Godly trade, something that we should illustrate in our life. But as we think about that, it’s more than just kindness. It should be something we think of as an everyday opportunity to highlight the hope that we have! Because I think there’s a vital connection between encouragement and really holding fast to the truth, and... maybe even a connection with fellowship as well. I was reminded of that in the book of Colossians... Colossians 2:1 says this, For I want you to know how great a struggle I have for you and for those at Laodicea Paul writes, and for all who have not seen me face to face. Now he goes on. He says that their hearts may be encouraged, being knit together in love, to reach all the riches of full assurance of understanding and the knowledge of God’s mystery... Now that’s a mouthful of words. But what Paul’s talking a lot more than just kindness when he points to this out, in a sense when you think of Godly encouragement or biblically being encouraging, he’s talking about the fact that we’re urging one another, encouraging one another, to be truthful, to stand in the truth, to stand strong for the faith, reminding each other, that God is infinitely good, and He is amazing... And that’s what we’re striving to emulate. We’re pointing each other then. When we’re encouraging each other, we’re pointing each other right to God, and His word, looking to the word of truth, so that we can find hope, and we can find a connection then, in a sense, passing on the hope of God and encouraging one another to really refocus and recognize what is most important in our life... And so when we think of encouragement, we can encourage one another about our ultimate hope, the kingdom of God eternal life in God’s family, which isn’t just simply brightening one another’s day but recognizing our true eternal hope lies in God and His plan, and His purpose. And His love is one that will never fail... And so we can all take courage then. We can find encouragement. And so let’s do just that. Let’s make encouragement an everyday fact and take that opportunity to encourage someone else today in your march of life toward the soon coming kingdom...