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Website: www.danharrisonconsulting.com

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Dan Harrison Consulting 19.11.2020

I struggled with money and debt for most of my life. - I’ve been in over $500,000 in debt - I’ve played poker to make a mortgage payment - I’ve numbed my feelings of inadequacy and low self worth because of no funds with drugs and alcohol... I have also... - work with Bob Proctor as a certified mindset wizard - became a CFP and was a financial planner for 13 years - learned digital marketing and have earned $100k in 1 month And yes... there is a secret to getting rich. It is the secret mentioned in Think And Grow Rich no fewer than a thousand times although never directly mentioned. Riches come when one develops mastery over their mind, their money, and marketing skill sets. If you want to develop mastery around these 3 core ingredients of wealth creation - A Course in Conscious Wealth is for you and if you drop any emoji in the comments below I will send you the deets of this offer shortly.

Dan Harrison Consulting 30.10.2020

Your thoughts become things. What’s your focus this week? * *... * * See more

Dan Harrison Consulting 20.10.2020

It’s not your marketing... It’s your offer. This ever happen to you... You go to launch a new offer, facebook group, campaign, group coaching program, live training (like this one) or whatever new idea you have to grow your business as a coach or consultant and although lots of people say they are interested only a few people actually register... if anyone at all.... Well you aren’t alone on this one. Even after 15 years as a coach and 4 years as an online entrepreneur I still make offers that totally flop... Despite spending thousands of dollars on coaches, courses and having all the guides, frameworks and formulas... If you don’t know how to craft an irresistible offer for your ideal clients ... you will forever spin your tires and struggle to make consistent income. And your main offer is arguably the most important part of your entire business and something you absolutely NEED to get right if you want to succeed. But if you haven’t nailed your main offer yet don’t worry, I’ve got you. After building a 6-figure, fee-only financial planning practice (and then selling it), Creating a 6-figure Course called A Course in Conscious Wealth and now a multi 6-figure business consulting agency ... I have learned a thing or two about creating irresistible offers and have developed a process for creating transformational products and programs that people actually want to buy! (Imagine that... Having an offer people actually want) And I’ll be sharing my secret 3 step offer creation process and providing all live attendees with my S.S. Framework for developing irresistible offers this Saturday at noon, inside my private Facebook group: 6-Figure Intuitive Entrepreneurs. LINK IN BIO But please use step 2 responsibly... Join 6-Figure Intuitive Entrepreneurs to register for this LIVE training... (Recording only available to members) https://www.facebook.com/groups/6figureintuitiveentrepreneur

Dan Harrison Consulting 13.10.2020

Every week I go live inside A COURSE IN CONSCIOUS WEALTH to answer questions about Mindset, Money & Marketing and coach the people in my community... (This is a 1 minute clip from last week.) If you are an intuitive entrepreneur (or want to be) but not sure where to start or how to build a 6 figure business ACICW could be a good fit for you. We have lots of students who have had massive breakthroughs and created real results like paying off $16,000 of debt or doubling their m...onthly income from $5k to $10k. If you want more details type in the comments. * * * * * #acourseinmiracles #heartcentered #soulpurpose #spiritualenlightenment #intuitivecoach #akashicrecords #awaken #highvibrations #presentmoment #soulwork #spirituallife #innerlight #possible #suffering #honesty #beliefs #lifepurpose #speakyourtruth #soulworker #radicalselflove #consciousentrepreneur #authenticlife #intuitiveliving #betheseed #acourseinmiraclesworkbook #painandsuffering #spiritpreneur #intuitiveentrepreneur #lovethehustle #miracle

Dan Harrison Consulting 24.09.2020

Hey I’m Dan. Been a while since I’ve introduced myself to IG so let’s make this fun. . Enneagram: 3 Myers Briggs: ENFJ Astrology: Gemini / Taurus ... . Birthplace: Kelowna, BC Canada . Band: Dermot Kennedy, Chance the Rapper, Logic and Post Malone. . Biggest game changer in my life over the past couple years: Becoming a Father . Last meal before death: Cajun Chicken and Ribs with Mash Potatoes and Vegetables. . How I make my living: I Teach people it’s ok to pursue their dream career as a coach or creator, then teach them how to sell and market themselves with what to say (I LOVE it) . How I left corporate: I was consulting with a financial firm, helping them hire and train advisors but in December of 2016 I had heard from the Founder that they were in trouble with the securities commission and may have to shut down. I jumped ship immediately... took that as a sign from the universe it was time to do my own thing ... so I launched a digital financial planning practice. I did that for 3 years before selling it to focus full time as a course creator and business mentor to intuitive entrepreneurs. . Greatest failure: Going $500,000 in debt at the age of 21 . Fave book: A Course in Miracles, The way of the peaceful warrior, The saint, the surfer and the CEO, the Alchemist. . Fave actor: Leo Dicaprio . Teen celeb crush: Jennifer Aniston, . Sports teams: Vancouver Canucks . Most beautiful place I’ve ever been: Positano, Italy . Weirdest thing I said to a coach I hired: I think I’m an alien. . What I TRULY believe: We are spiritual beings having a human experience. Relationships are the containers for growth and healing. Money is a mechanism for spiritual growth. The financial system is mechanism for modern day serfdom. Time is our greatest asset, Love is our power and shadow work is what frees us and makes us whole. See more

Dan Harrison Consulting 15.09.2020

The Why? What is yours? Do you know what you are working for? How does your why show up in your business and life?... Before having our little girl I struggled to connect with my purpose. I mean I had goals and motivation... but those are different than purpose. Your why is the big idea. Your why is what inspires you to do work when you don't feel like it. Your why means something to you Your why matters and becomes like your Polaris star. For me part of my purpose is providing a safe and abundant space for my wife and little girl to become fuller and fuller expression of themselves. And... They have shown me that my purpose can extend beyond just my family... and into THE collective family. I sob instantly when I connect with horror stories I've heard about women and children being abused, raped, and sold like commodities. This is not ok. This is not the world I choose to live in. And is why creating a world where women and children feel safe, protected and provided for has become a big part of my WHY. The details of HOW I will contribute to solving these problems is not yet clear but in the meantime I will give my time, money and resources when I can. So today I am going to donate $900 to Safe Haven Women's Shelter Society on behalf of my clients who make this donation possible by supporting me and choosing to work with me. Deeply grateful for all of you. Thank you. #familyadventures #ilovemyfamily #familyfun #family #dadlife #dadsofinstagram #daddydaughtertime #daddytime #entrepreneurlifestlye #ownyourownbusiness #buildinganempire #bossmindset #entrepreneurlifestyles #entreprenuership #millionaireinthemaking #newcareer #thinkbig #growthmindset #trustyourintuition #socialgood #givingback #helpingothers #socialenterprise #helpothers #forsocialgood #givebacktothecommunity #nonprofitorganization #donations #womeninbiz #womenpower

Dan Harrison Consulting 12.09.2020

Did you know I have a private Facebook group for intuitive entrepreneurs where I do regular trainings and coach entrepreneurs on how to grow a multi 6-figure business? As well it is where I house all of my best free content, cheat sheets, guides, webinars etc. The link is in my bio.... Come join us :)!

Dan Harrison Consulting 03.09.2020

Can you unapologetically say "I Love money."? How do those 3 little words make you feel? Do quickly reach for disclaimers or explanations? Or could you just say I love money, sit with it and let it be true all on it's own?... I was reading "You are a Badass at Making Money" by Jen Sincero over the weekend and she said something that stood out to me and also made me laugh. (She is pretty funny and her book is awesome - go check it out) She invites us to take back the word "money" and decriminalize it, because until we do, we aren't going to be terribly motivated to let ourselves make much. She says: "I also love pizza and I can say that without tacking on a bunch of disclaimers like: I love pizza, but, you know, it's not everything, spending time with people you love and being of service are important too..." Which is hilarious in that context but so true!! How quick are we to rationalize away our desires for money? And why do we do that? Likely because somewhere in our programming we learned that money is bad, poverty is godly and rich people are greedy, selfish or bad people.... but if those ideas exists anywhere in our psyche how and why would we ever want to become rich? We will self sabotage our success time and time again ... because at an identity level we would never want to be wealthy out of fear of becoming selfish, greedy and bad. But can you see how this is not true? Can you unapologetically say "I Love Money"? Practice by typing It In The Comments Below #businesswisdom #entrepenuer #thinkbigger #leadershipskills #10x #creativemindset #bossladiesmindset #ceomindset #boss #growthmindset #wealthbuilding #moneytalk #investingtips #moneytips #hustle #enterprenuership #moneymoves #networking #entrepreneurlife #moneymindset #creativemarketing #salesfunnel #marketingstrategist #marketingquotes #marketingexpert #biztip #growthhacking #marketing #digitalmarketer #marketingtips

Dan Harrison Consulting 14.08.2020

The point is to fall in love with the process. Because guess what. Entrepreneurship is hard. Building a business that solves real problems, is actually profitable and is something you are passionate about might be one of the hardest things you ever do...... - Not because you'll come face to face with rejection countless times - Not because you'll experience failure and frustration countless times - Not because you'll need to do brave things - Not because you'll need to commit and invest a lot of time and money - Not because you'll l need to take on risk - Not because you will need to overcome your own limiting beliefs about what is possible But rather when you come up against these inevitable experiences.... The only way to win is if you can find a way to keep moving forward with a spirit of enthusiasm, excitement and expectancy amidst seeming chaos and challenge. How do we do that? By falling in love with the process... not the outcome. Fall in love with the unfolding of a beautiful idea that serves people. Fall in love with the connections you make. Fall in love with learning new things Fall in love with failure Fall in love with being uncomfortable Fall in love with your self Fall in love with the process... And in doing so .... In that very moment...You Win. Tag the entrepreneurs in your life and show them some love! #betheseed #acourseinmiraclesworkbook #acourseinmiracles #heartcentered #soulpurpose #spiritualenlightenment #intuitivecoach #akashicrecords #awaken #highvibrations #presentmoment #soulwork #spirituallife #innerlight #miracle #possible #suffering #honesty #beliefs #painandsuffering #lifepurpose #spiritpreneur #speakyourtruth #soulworker #radicalselflove #consciousentrepreneur #authenticlife #intuitiveliving #intuitiveentrepreneur #lovethehustle

Dan Harrison Consulting 28.07.2020

Sales is a service. It is something you do FOR a person ... not to them. Remember that. And while I'm dishing out straight up advice... Don't sell people shit they don't need... please. * * *... * * * #sales #saleslife #salesforce #salestrainer #salesteam #salesfunnel #salestips #salesmarketing #businessconsulting #salesstrategy #wolfofwallstreet #wolfofwallstreetquotes #businesstip #moneyideas #businesslifestyle #jeffbezosquotes #entrepreneurtips #hustlemode #thehustle #successfulbusiness #intuitiveentrepreneur #lovethehustle #intuitiveentrepreneurship #inspireher #thinkbigdreambig #consciouscoach #soulpreneurs #liveyourpurpose #abundantmindset #subconsciousmindcoach See more

Dan Harrison Consulting 16.07.2020

This morning I woke up and felt the nudge to go slow. To not go to the gym and cram a work out in before my first call. So I listened. ~ I sat in my chair, with eyes closed, and sat with all that was swimming around within me. There is a lot. ~ I ask for insight, connection, and to communicate with the great I AM... And in an instant all that is floating... falls... and there is only silence... there is only... nothing.... ~ I am transported to a space in my mind where I can see and hear deeper truths... beyond my own thoughts. ~ I hear: I am forgiven. I am guiltless. I am free... and then I am reminded of some words from A Course in Miracles ~ Miracles occur naturally as expressions of love and when miracles show up in our life it is to teach us that we have chosen guiltlessness, freedom and joy. ~ The world that exists outside of us is not as it seems. It is a mere reflection of our own mind being projected outwards. Your perception is not a fact. You can change your perception... and in doing so... you can change your life. #betheseed #acourseinmiraclesworkbook #acourseinmiracles #heartcentered #soulpurpose #spiritualenlightenment #intuitivecoach #akashicrecords #awaken #highvibrations #presentmoment #soulwork #spirituallife #innerlight #miracle #possible #suffering #honesty #beliefs #painandsuffering #lifepurpose #spiritpreneur #speakyourtruth #soulworker #radicalselflove #consciousentrepreneur #authenticlife #intuitiveliving #intuitiveentrepreneur #lovethehustle

Dan Harrison Consulting 07.07.2020

The mind spirals thought after thought in an onslaught of distraction... Anxieties and fears of future and past going nowhere fast with an untrained mind breathe. One moment of silence is all that is needed to change the direction of thoughts being seeded. The mind must be silenced to hear the soul so let's loosen our grip of imagined control Breathe. What would it look like to live with more breath to fill up our lungs and offer more depth Breathe. #entrepenuer #thinkbigger #salestraining #creativemindset #mindsetforsuccess #growthmindset #entrepreneurlife #buisnesscoach #selfdevelopmentjunkie #businessmentor #setgoals #leadershipcoach #professionalgrowth #oppurtunity #selfdevelopmentquotes #brendonburchard #selfawarenessquotes #selfawareness #confidence #abundancemindset #createthelifeyoulove #manifestationbabe #growthmindset #consciousentrepreneur #meditationspot #gowithin #dailymeditation #mindfulmeditation #meditation #vibratehigher

Dan Harrison Consulting 17.06.2020

How often do we choose a small life we know instead of stepping into our unknown greatness. There is magic and miracles on the other side of the unknown. You don't have to see or know exactly how it is all going to play out but you do have to be brave enough to accept the possibility of your greatness... and then take inspired action in that direction.... We must be willing to shed the self that got us here. We thank it, we are grateful for it... and we know this version of ourself that got us here... won't get us where we want to go. Life is a constant process of letting go and releasing the parts of ourself that no longer serve us. Keep tuning in to your intuition. Keep listening to your internal guidance system. Keep unpacking your emotions. Keep seeking clarity and connection. Keep being brave. You are inspiring more people than you know. #grateful #excited #mastermind #meditation #infiniteintelligence #abundancemindset #freedom #personaldevelopment #soulpreneur #solopreneur #selfdevelopment #businesscoach #happy #purposedriven #goalsetter #businessmentor #keynotespeaker #leadershipskills #mindsetiskey #personaldevelopmentbooks #lifeworkbalance

Dan Harrison Consulting 04.06.2020

Turning theories into facts. The creation process really is a fickle beast. A constant ebb and flow of creativity and change. From Theory. To Fantasy. To Fact. ~... 3 Years ago I had a crazy idea. I was going to build a course. It was going to create passive income. So that my wife and I could earn money while traveling Europe on our honeymoon. I thought it would take me a weekend.... it took me 2 years. And no... we made $0 money while traveling Europe ha! ~ But... I learned so much going through that creative endeavor. Taking my knowledge and wisdom and turning it into a process for others. To help them avoid financial mistakes I had made. To help them get out of debt. To help them develop mastery over their mind. To help them sell in an authentic way. To help them build a 6-7 figure investment portfolio. To help them create offers that people actually want to buy... But something else happened too... By getting all of that knowledge and experience I had acquired out of my head... I created space. I could move on. I could recreate myself. I could step into the next higher version of myself. I created freedom and space inside my mind. And that new space and freedom in my mind began to show up in my life. Financially, emotionally, spiritually, creatively. ~ Helping people go through that process of pulling out their wisdom, their genius and develop a world class program for their communities has now become one of my favorite things to do. I love it. It's so rewarding to see the clarity and confidence people get by undergoing that creative process. And... additionally... They make a bunch of money too. ~ And Yes... it may have taken me 2 years to create that course... and it's not all passive... but in January of this year that course generated $53,891 in one month and is a digital asset I own and it will continue to generate dividends for years to come.

Dan Harrison Consulting 31.05.2020

Most coaches, consultants and Intuitive Entrepreneurs really struggle with the online business thing... It's either an internal battle of self doubt and limiting beliefs or an entrepreneurial battle to find dream clients and sell their offers online... without feeling like a total salesy weirdo. I struggled with all of the above too when I was just getting started online back in 2016, (I've got some good stories to prove it!) and...... What I have come to discover after personally scaling 3 of my offers past 6 figures online over the last few years is that there are 6 Internal shifts that happen before you hit 6 figures. There is a ton of information out there about how to build an offer, and a funnel and email sequences... but do you know why most of those don't really work? Because those programs don't address the psychological blocks, limiting beliefs and narrow paradigms that keep people stuck. The last thing we need is more information... what we need is transformation. These are the 6 internal shifts I will be walking my clients through who join me in my new CT6 Mastermind & High Performance Coaching Program. Which... Up until now I've only offered this program to my 1:1 Clients, however on September 14th I will be taking on 10 Intuitive Entrepreneurs (Who Qualify and want to hit $10k per month consistently) through my CT6 Method. I've turned away a few applications already because they just weren't the right fit for this group and so we still have 2 spots left open. If you want to check out the details and/ or apply just shoot me a DM or Comment Below. #entrepenuer #thinkbigger #salestraining #creativemindset #mindsetforsuccess #growthmindset #entrepreneurlife #buisnesscoach #selfdevelopmentjunkie #businessmentor #setgoals #leadershipcoach #professionalgrowth #oppurtunity #selfdevelopmentquotes #brendonburchard #selfawarenessquotes #selfawareness #confidence #abundancemindset #createthelifeyoulove #manifestationbabe #growthmindset #consciousentrepreneur #meditationspot #gowithin #dailymeditation #mindfulmeditation #meditation #vibratehigher

Dan Harrison Consulting 12.05.2020

"The thought of driving my car off a bridge crossed my mind at least a couple of times...." when I was just getting started as an entrepreneur I made some epic mistakes. I went deep into debt ($500,000) and I messed up bad on a land development project, in 2008 right before the last recession because I had no clue what I was doing ... I spent the next 10 years of my life trying to get out of debt and avoid going bankrupt. I started to learn everything I could about how to ma...ke money, how the financial systems work and how to find and transform the hidden unconscious beliefs and psychological thought patterns that had created my results and messy situation in the first place. It was really hard, I had so much debt, I felt so much shame and guilt and embarrassment about my money, my career and situation that it impacted every area of my life. My health, my relationships and my mental well-being. I numbed myself out with drugs and alcohol to avoid thinking about the mess I had created for myself... which only made it worse. I was lost, broke, unhealthy and truthfully I don't share this often but the thought of driving my car off a bridge crossed my mind at least a couple of times... So how does one come back from that? What changed? How did I transform from that guy into a happily married, sober, dad who works from home, has multiple passive income streams and is doing meaningful work he loves while impacting lives all around the world. Honestly... it’s the same way you might, or ANYONE would. I had to DIG DEEP. I had to open myself to LEARNING again. I had to seek NEW MENTORS. Most of all, I had to see a different kind of future for myself and my family, and I had to get to work. Maybe you can relate. Maybe you are in a spot where you are looking to create a breakthrough in your life, business or finances? If there is one thing I've learned about creating radical transformation in any area of life it's that it only comes after digging deep and doing the work. (Continued in Comments )

Dan Harrison Consulting 01.05.2020

"It's in the moments of decision that our destiny is shaped" - Tony Robbins Making the decision to invest in yourself can be scary... especially if you have past experiences where your investments did not pay or you lost money or time. But we can't let our bad investments from our past stop us from continuing to invest in our dreams and our future.... I remember the first time I invested into a high level coaching program. It was a year long Coaching Certification program and mastermind with Bob Proctor back in 2009 and it cost $10,000USD. I was 23 I didn't have the money so I opted in for the payment plan of 12 x $1,000/m... I was totally freaking out! It was the same price as my rent... What was I doing?! My friends and family thought I was totally nuts... and for the first 6 months with that payment I REALLY struggled. I struggled because I let my focus be the payments that I had... I went into a scarcity mindset vortex... and I was missing the lessons from the program... I remember after about 6 months I was getting pretty frustrated with Ol Bobby P because I was in a WORSE financial situation than before I started his program and I decided I was going to let him know about it... So I unmuted myself on the mastermind call and let Bob Have it lol. He listened... and all he asked me was... Do you have your goal card on you?" Creating a goal card and carrying it around with us was the first exercise he had us do. I skipped it. So I replied: "No..." And all he said was... well this program does not work if you don't do the work. I heard that. I saw that I was not doing the work like it was designed to be done. I was sitting in scarcity and then blaming Bob and The Program for my situation. So I took his advice... "as stupid as it seemed at the time.. a goal card ? I mean come on... But I did it... along with all the other coaching he threw at me... (continued in comments)