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Daryl Ralph Acoustic Lifestyle 12.02.2021

This sure isn’t pretty, but it’s unrehearsed real drumming on insta!

Daryl Ralph Acoustic Lifestyle 05.02.2021

Relapse begins way before the actual use. I think of it more as a state of mind than a physical action. The action is a result of complacency.

Daryl Ralph Acoustic Lifestyle 19.01.2021

My view on relapse may be a little different than what you hear else where. In my opinion, anyone with a goal (yes even you normal people) relapses everyday. There is never ever ever ever just one straight path to what we determine success. ... Guess what? That’s the good news! The fact that we have to work, learn, and grow to succeed means that the success is soooo worth it! But even better, it means we are stronger than ever when we truly achieve these things. What that means is that, we will value what we have, and be ready to receive and embrace our growth, change, and successes! I personally am very comfortable relapsing, failing, falling, accepting that I came up short. Whatever you want to call it. The sooner I identify and accept my reality, the closer I am to my strength and truth! Don’t get me wrong. I don’t go out of my way to fail. I have just sharpened my tool of knowing that the combination of Honesty, Openmindedness, and Willingness is the best equation to achieve happiness and success! So please do not waste another second denying, or beating yourself up. Instead , embrace the set back. Understand that you have learned a lot to this point, however still have a ton to learn and that is okay. This just made you and your journey SO much more important, because now you can help someone else that is inevitably going to go through the same pain. You got this!

Daryl Ralph Acoustic Lifestyle 10.01.2021

Learn and keep growing. You are strong!!!

Daryl Ralph Acoustic Lifestyle 01.01.2021

What are your sources of strength?

Daryl Ralph Acoustic Lifestyle 20.11.2020

The message that recovery is hard everyday must feel defeating to the newcomer. It’s tough just like anything else at first. However, once you begin changing your perspective, and meeting new supportive people, and start seeing results. Recovery becomes motivating. Soon you find yourself waking up excited to try new things. After a while you find yourself in maintenance stage. It’s a way of life, and so much more exciting than when you used. ... You begin to feel like you can take on more things in life that you always wanted to. So you do. Sometimes you fail, and that gives you opportunities to practice using your tools, and building yourself up even more. You realize that change is a way of life that you welcome. That you are change. That you have the strength to support and help others. This feeds your spirit. You look in the mirror and can’t even imagine the life you came from. Inside you have healed that scared little child that was afraid to live life without the comfort of being numb. That scared child is now a strong peaceful warrior! You are ready to live your true life, and that thought only excites you. Fear is still present, but is easily faced because you are no longer alone. Take the step today to start changing. Tomorrow you will thank yourself!!! See more

Daryl Ralph Acoustic Lifestyle 09.11.2020

Love is my higher power. The energy of love. The excitement of gratitude! The warmth of joy. The power of forgiveness. Try and live with love. I don’t always achieve this. Some days I get down on myself. At times I realize I’m building resentment. I ALWAYS call back on love. Love and acceptance of myself is truly endless, and no one or thing can take that from you! ... Accepting yourself is love. Do you accept yourself today? #overcomingaddiction #recovery #rehab #addiction #healthylifestyle #recoveryrudiments #acousticlifestyle #12steps #AA #drugaddiction #alcoholism #sobriety #soberlife #lifeisgood #honesty #opedmindedness #willingness #higherpower #spirituality #acceptance #howtobesober #livingsober #happiness #love #livingwithaddiction

Daryl Ralph Acoustic Lifestyle 31.10.2020

#Repost @rangilphoto with @get_repost In the blink of an eye, a killer writing session comes to a close. - -... - #bondsofmara #BoMSquad #BoM #newmusic #newalbum #sonicenvymusic #SalCosta #DaveBenedict #DarylRalph #BryanCrouch #mydarkestdays #default #sonsofbutcher #hailthevillain See more

Daryl Ralph Acoustic Lifestyle 13.10.2020

Hope everyone has a happy and healthy holiday! Please be aware of the reality of your situation. Are you new to recovery? Are you becoming complacent? Are you in denial about things in your life?... Are you staying in contact with your supports? Don’t let the day of the week, time of year, or holiday, determine your recovery. Know your sources of strength! Utilize them everyday to the best of your ability! Please be safe! You are not alone! See more

Daryl Ralph Acoustic Lifestyle 03.10.2020

Too many times in my life, I didn’t even start something, because I already told myself I was going to fail anyways. This philosophy does not work...PERIOD!!! Life will force you to set goals, and try to achieve things. By just existing there are actions and goals to achieve everyday. Either we accept that it’s wise to take these actions, and achieve these goals, or we don’t. For instance, it’s wise to:... - eat healthy - exercise - learn how to communicate, and build healthy relationships - educate ourselves - respect values in ourselves and others The list goes on and on. If we avoid developing these actions/goals for an easier path, then problems may develop. Health issues, addiction, feeling lost, and living a life you are never quite satisfied with. If we find ourselves lost in these life holes, we need to find support fast! The issue is that the fear, avoidance, lack of belief in ourselves, denial, and coping strategies that directed us to this life are strong. They feel like a death sentence. The good news is that they aren’t!!! Get support!!! Reach out to everyone and anyone who will listen!! Then, BE PREPARED TO SET GOALS SO AMAZING THAT YOU WILL FAIL! Yes!! Use your new found supports to wrap your mind around failing. What does it look like? How does it feel? What to do when you fail? Accept it!!! You will never PERFECTLY achieve a goal worth achieving! But you WILL achieve it. You will learn a ton of lessons along the way, and build resilience!!! Whatever you do. Don’t talk yourself out of even trying, because the possibility of failure. Failure won’t kill you. I cannot guarantee the same thing if we don’t try. I know I wouldn’t be alive today if I didn’t get support and create a plan. It took me 6 years to get my first year of sobriety. Those 6 years of failure made me one strong SOB! Please don’t get me wrong. I use the word fail because that’s how it feels, and that’s what we tell ourselves. The truth is, as soon as you reach out, create a plan, and try, you have already achieved!!! There’s no such thing as fail. The only place failure exists is in your perspective. Change your perspective. Change your life!!! See more

Daryl Ralph Acoustic Lifestyle 01.10.2020

When I was a child , I remember one of my friend’s mother telling us Life is full of ups and downs. One of the biggest truths ever told!!! What she forgot to add to that statement, was that we have a choice to make a wise decision, or an unwise decision for every up and down. That piece of knowledge is both scary and hopeful. It took me decades to understand that my unwise decisions made the downs worse. They also didn’t set me up for many ups. After consistently st...ringing many unwise decisions together, life became one big down. To the point that I couldn’t see a way that I would ever be up again. Except to use. I lied to myself that using fixed everything. This was the biggest lie to be told!!! I was in despair! It definitely didn’t happen over night for me to find myself living in recovery. It took a series of events. Lots of support, an open mind, willingness, and honesty. This sounds like a tough road. It is at first. However, the next day is just a bit easier, because by making a small wise choice , you set yourself up for a couple of ups . Now you have support, and a plan. You follow that plan to the best of your ability, just for that day. The next day is a little better. Maybe there are a couple of downs but that’s nothing we cannot handle, with our support and newfound education, and mentality. Before you know it, you have a month of wisdom. Turns into 3 months of wisdom. Turns into 6 months of wisdom. Turns into 9 months of wisdom. Turns into a year of wisdom, love , and support. Yes there are downs in life, but most are unrecognizable when we consistently choose to make wise choices that continually set us up for more ups! It really doesn’t matter how far down we find ourselves. As long as we allow ourselves to be found for just a moment, we can always get back up! Be honest about where you are in your life. Be wise, and ask for help!

Daryl Ralph Acoustic Lifestyle 23.09.2020

#Repost @happy.sober.free with @get_repost There's something extremely special about waking up with or before the sunrise. Stillness.... Quiet. Serenity. I've embraced the joy in early mornings and have zero desire to stay up late anymore. Things change when we get sober. We find joy in the little things. Our desires change. Sometimes our friends change. What we do for fun changes. Life begins to look different and it can make us feel uneasy and unsure at times. My mom always tell me, "Nothing changes if nothing changes." I welcome the change. I'm extremely grateful to walk this path of recovery! I'm anchoring into my truth. Stepping into my power. Connecting with the real me. Shedding layers. Continuing to let go of the shoulds and have to's and doing my best not to compare myself to others. I am not you and you are not me. Your story is not my story but maybe they are similar. My HIGH JOY is working with women struggling with addiction to find joy, abundance and freedom in sobriety! We each get to walk our OWN path.. but we get to walk along-side one another and it can be AMAZING! ?? p.s. Please DM me if you would like support with sobriety! I've created an amazing FREE community of loving humans supporting eachother! . . #soberaf #sobriety #soberwarrior #sobercurios #sobrietyissexy #soberisthenewblack #soberyogi #spiritualjourney #spiritjunkie #recoveryworks #recoveryjourney #sober #sobergirl #soberguy #noboozeneeded #alcoholfree #addiction #freedomfromaddiction #happysoberfree #soberfriends #sobrietyjourney #freedominsobriety #soberiscool #recoveryfromalcohol #recovertogether #growthmindset See more

Daryl Ralph Acoustic Lifestyle 22.09.2020

#Repost @besoberandquit with @get_repost When you get rid of unwanted baggage you become lighter, you have more space in your life and find yourself free to move forward much faster... What baggage can you let go of right now?... #baggage #toxicrelationships #toxicpeople #lettinggo #lettinggoquotes #reachinggoals #selfcare #selflovetips #exesbaggage #lovingyourself #inspirationalquotes #sobriety #climbinghigh #lightentheload #excessbaggage #peaceinlife

Daryl Ralph Acoustic Lifestyle 15.09.2020

If you haven’t heard me say it before, I’ll say it again DON’T DO THIS ALONE! The perceptions, ideals, beliefs about myself, and the decisions that were made based on my addicted mindset, were the reasons I was in a giant hole in the first place. So why would I think that I would suddenly be able to start doing things differently, when I have not changed my mindset? Behaviour change is tough because at first you are asked to consistently do new actions that probably don’t ...make any sense to you. They most definitely feel foreign, and aren’t what you would choose to do in the first place. I chose to use every time!!! The trick to changing your life is to surround yourself with a group of people that have the same goals. These people should also have a proven plan, and know how to carry out that plan. You should jump on that train, and let those people make your decisions for the next little while. By all means ask about the process, and educate yourself along the way, but at first you really need to try and get out of your own way! Chances are, you may not like this new process because you were so comfortable in your other world. The truth though,is that the other world was full of spiritual death, shame, lies, deceit, and destruction. The world of recovery builds you up EVERY SINGLE DAY FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE!!! Recovery will continue to build your body, mind, and spirit as long as you are in it. Each day more resilient. No it’s not a straight line, or an easy path, but it is so fucking worth it!!! Now go!!! Get out of your way, and find your peeps! See more

Daryl Ralph Acoustic Lifestyle 10.09.2020

It hit me why so many people relapse. I mean there’s a ton of reasons why people relapse. Unfortunately for the people that relapse, it seems like it came out of nowhere. In my own experience, and working with others, this is simply not the case. Even though relapse is a term used in addiction and recovery, it can be used for anyone trying to deal with behaviour change. So if you are human, chances are that you have relapsed. So listen up!!! In my opinion people relapse , ...because they do not recognize when their goal is complete. Therefore not setting up the NEXT goal. Let’s take drinking for example. If someone is trying to stop drinking, and they wake up today and don’t take a drink, then today, right now, they have achieved the goal of not drinking. The issue arises when they don’t take next steps like, get support, talk therapy, morning routine, detox, rehab, meetings, get a sponsor, do the 12 steps, healthy nutrition, exercise, learn CBT, meditation, mindfulness, etc,etc,etc... Instead they focus on the obsession of drinking. In other words , they are not drinking but they WANT to. Life to them does not exist without a drink. So the goal that they have completed is short lived, and they eventually pick up a drink. This is the same for eating, gambling, exercise, sex, smoking, the list goes on and on. So the most important thing is to create not just one goal, but a plan. A plan of many small achievable goals that are recognized. Recognizing when a goal is achieved is just as important as achieving the goal itself. That way you can move onto the next wise goal. Sometimes more than one goal gets achieved at the same time. We build integrity, spiritual strength, learn to reach out, forgive, learn new coping strategies, and a ton of other things that are releasing us from our obsession of our addicted mind, just by doing any one of the above next goals I mentioned. Once we have a plan and support, our focus is more on the overall actions that create the behaviour change, rather than on the behaviour that we are trying to change. The old behaviour. Even if it’s just a couple of hours old, it’s of the past and we need to keep it there! What’s next? See more

Daryl Ralph Acoustic Lifestyle 22.08.2020

I was recently listening to a podcast with Mike Tyson on my morning run. He is making a comeback. During his explanation on the mindset that it took to be a champion boxer, he expressed that he is willing to die for it. That you have to be willing to die for it!!! At first I thought how extreme that sounded. It is!!! Very extreme! But then I thought about how I have had that mindset in my own life.... No, I will never know what it’s like to walk down towards a ring in a crowded stadium. Knowing that there is a trained assassin waiting to fight me for the heavyweight championship, while the world watches. That’s a pressure only a very few people in history experience. I’m talking about needing or wanting something so bad, that I am willing to die for it. Yes, I have put myself in unhealthy situations in order to pick up drugs, or taken hits where the outcome could have literally been the death of me. However yesterday Tyson’s words meant so much more to me then the end of my breathing. I thought about when I was finally so sick and tired of failing myself and everyone around me. When I was fed up waking to sickness, the feeling of defeat. Tired of feeling anxious, guilt, shame, and fear! I was ready to die for sobriety! But not die in the way one would think. Instead I was prepared to let that lifestyle die. The way I thought while in active addiction needed to die. The actions I took day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute, needed to die. The addictive mindset of suffering needed to die. In order to sober up, I had to be willing to let that lifestyle die. Then I thought about life, and all the accomplishments I have made. There are positive accomplishments, and negative accomplishments. Both take the same focus and drive. Daily commitment. Daily priorities. Daily decisions. Daily actions. Daily sacrifice. However, the positive accomplishments serve my values. Serve my sources of strength, and serve my balance. So while I write about being willing to die, the real focus of anything truly worth achieving is living. Or a certain rebirth. Life is all about rebirth, reinvention,shedding our skin, letting go, and even death. When something dies, something else is b

Daryl Ralph Acoustic Lifestyle 16.08.2020

#Repost @recoverydailymotivation with @get_repost Truth... .... . .

Daryl Ralph Acoustic Lifestyle 01.08.2020

I hear all the time ( not just people in Addiction) about how people want to change. They need to eat better. Want to begin working out. Need to lose weight. Want to be in a healthy relationship. ... Need to repair their relationship. And yes, need to quit drugs and alcohol. The issue is learning to accept help. People want the change, but they don’t want to change the actions that got them there in the first place. They aren’t willing to actually heal the pain that has been with them for years, in order to forgive themselves or others, and allow them to live the life they dreamed. Most people would rather do the bare minimum in order to get out of their current hole that they are in. Slap a band aid on it, be fine for a day, or a week, or even a few months. The problem is that unhealed pain always rises to the surface in the form of grief, anger, anxiety, depression. Then old perspectives return. With the perspectives come thoughts and feelings, and here we are, finding ourselves returning to the same actions that dug a nice big hole in our life in the first place. Good old fashioned relapse. We return to the places, people, and things that co sign our bullshit. What happened? I have no idea. I just wanted______ is the number one answer to that question. True change begins with the proper support. Then consistency of daily practices. - group support -talk therapy -spiritual practices -education of coping strategies and why -nutrition -exercise Your new life becomes your new life. It doesn’t become the new life when we want it to. We don’t live this way only on Sundays. We adapt and be humble to new ways, and strategies. With this, comes motivation and goal setting that you could never imagine!!! Change is amazing!!!! Do not fear what you CAN be. Suffering has become normal for too many people. Living is learning to love yourself. Living is loving others. Yes there can be pain in love, but there is no suffering. Make the choice to truly live today!!!

Daryl Ralph Acoustic Lifestyle 19.07.2020

#Repost @soberexperiment with @get_repost There is always someone that will understand your story. Don’t be afraid to come out of your shell.... Don’t be afraid to interact with people. Don’t be afraid to be who you are. Dare to dream, Explore, and Love. The outcomes are worth it. - Hina Yu

Daryl Ralph Acoustic Lifestyle 04.07.2020

I needed my life to change. I could no longer go on living the way I was. I was alienating myself from my friends and family. Calling into work everyday. When I did go to work, I had to drink and shoot up just to be normal enough to be productive. After work, I would step it up, and get inebriated so that I could sleep. I had no food in the fridge. I weighed 150lbs at 6’3. ... I wasn’t paying my bills. My whole paycheque went to my dealer. I was alone. Things needed to change. I knew it, and I told myself everyday that I would change. That’s the problem. Most people make this mistake. We focus on the massive result that we want, but don’t pinpoint the actions that get us there. So in order to change my life, I needed to change the smaller daily actions that created my life. Supports, sleep schedule, morning routine, living environment, mindset, nutrition, exercise, daily chores, support groups, educate myself, embrace fear, take accountability, have an open mind, be willing. At first this new life we want will feel like it’s being run by our supporters, because at first we really don’t know what we are doing. The way I knew how to run my life, had me knocking on death’s door. If we just say we want change , but don’t actually make change. Any change. Call someone. Talk to someone. Go to a meeting. Reach out. No change happens. It’s simple, but maybe the hardest thing you can do. The only thing stopping you is your relationship with fear. So start there. Reach out to someone today, and simply express what your fear is to them. Then take the next wise step, because... No change equals no change!

Daryl Ralph Acoustic Lifestyle 23.06.2020

I remember feeling impending doom on Sundays. The party was coming to an end. My obsession was physically painful. I felt dread, despair, and overwhelming fear at the thought of returning to work, and facing life responsibilities on Monday. I would promise myself ( and convince myself) that I would just have enough alcohol to calm the nerves and get to sleep at a reasonable hour, in order to be rested for the early Monday shift. Every Sunday would end the same. Me wasted.... Counting on my one hand how many hours of sleep I would get if I go to bed after this next drink/or hit. Then inevitably calling in sick early enough, in order to only get the answering machine. Then waking up Monday full of fear and guilt. Well the only way to get rid of fear and guilt was to drink more... I am so grateful to not be caught in that viscous cycle of obsession and fear anymore!!! Today I’m going to wake up. Have morning coffee, and great communication with my loving wife, and then get shit done, and live my life!!! Make no mistake , I absolutely know without a shadow of a doubt that one drink,toke, or hit can wrap me right up into that obsessive cycle of need and fear again! The key is to do the work, and peel back the layers until you KNOW exactly what adding those ingredients to your body will do to your life. We all have different stories , but the recipes that create addiction and recovery require different ingredients. Stick with the recipe that creates long lasting mental, physical, and spiritual sources of strength! What are some of your sources of strength? See more

Daryl Ralph Acoustic Lifestyle 17.06.2020

Sobering up is hard because every decision is made from the perspective of a victim. Recovery requires damaged spirits to be heroes. This seems like an impossible task. How could anyone so far down in a hole be asked to make wise decisions that will better their life? The starting point is to seek support. The opposite of addiction is relationships. Relationships with others who have the same goals as us. Relationships with people who have time under their belt, and underst...and spiritual principles. Or even just listen to the family member we already have a relationship with, who are begging us to go to a rehab or meeting. Sometimes the greatest heroes simply need to listen. From there we can begin to learn, and apply our coping strategies in order to take new actions. Some actions may seem small like writing a morning gratitude list of only 3 things we are grateful for. Other actions may seem massive like forgiving those who have wronged us. On that list might even be ourselves. Make no mistake ....ALL these actions are massive. ALL these new coping strategies are life changing. They are what shifts our addicted minds from being a victim to being heroes and thriving with a mind of recovery. With a mind set in recovery we find it physically uncomfortable to live without honesty, integrity, love, empathy, and accountability. We cannot stand by and watch others suffer. A mind full of recovery passes on their story and spiritual principles in order to help others save themselves from being victims. If you are struggling, please reach out to someone that can help you take one single step in a wise direction. Stop being trapped as a victim and begin living as a hero! See more

Daryl Ralph Acoustic Lifestyle 02.06.2020

I walked into rehab for the third time beaten, deflated, and feeling no hope. I sat one on one with the counsellor. We spoke back and forth for a bit. He could tell I was beaten. He asked me what I wanted from the program. I expressed just wanting to feel comfortable in my own skin. He replied, All you can do is try your best in that moment all the time. This statement changed my life. I explain it to others who are struggling with anything. We are very hard on ourselve...s. We are taught to just keep our head down and keep working, striving, creating ,producing,and moving. This is a first class ticket to burnout land! First we need to identify how we feel. Where’s our physical, mental, and spiritual being today? Then based on that, we can now set our boundaries for the day. Sometimes doing our best in the moment is laying in bed recovering if we have the flu. Even greats like Wayne Gretzky and Michael Jordan had games where they were under the weather, or turmoil in their personal life interfered with their mental, physical, or spiritual state, and their best wasn’t what we have all come to expect. However their presence was enough for the rest of the team to do their job. The key to the statement is In the moment. Understanding In the moment., allows us to let go of unrealistic, and unwise expectations. It allows us to think of ourselves. It gives us the opportunity to nurture ourself, and realistically set goals based on our resilience in the moment. Now by doing this, you will notice that maybe you might be more resilient in the next moment, or the next day. That’s amazing, and it builds on your self awareness in order to maybe take on goals that are a little bigger,maybe expect a little more of your best. It’s okay to try your best and come up short. After all it was the best you can do in that moment. If we keep trying our best, and therefore making wise choices, we will soon find that our life is made up of these amazing little moments and opportunities that we took, because we were wise and didn’t burnout. Our lives become the product of trying our best... whatever that looks like in the moment.

Daryl Ralph Acoustic Lifestyle 29.05.2020

#Repost @theaddictinside with @get_repost @bocarecoverycenter . .... . #wedorecover #thedryclub #soberisbetter #sobermode #theaddictsdiary #alcoholfreelife #alcoholfree #alcoholismrecovery #alcoholfreeliving #alcoholicsanonymous #narcoticsanonymous #thebasictext #friendsofbillw #billw #billwilson #sobrietyrocks #sobrietyquotes #addictionquotes #addictionrecoveryquotes #addictiontreatment #cleanandsoberliving #cleanandserene #cleanandsober #cleanandsoberlove #soberaf #sober #sobriety #recoverycommunity #recoveryquotes See more

Daryl Ralph Acoustic Lifestyle 24.05.2020

Dare to be great!!! This sentence means a ton to me! My whole life I held on to other people’s opinions of me. That I was ugly. I had no talent. I wasn’t smart. People didn’t like me. This hurt my self esteem big time. Due to the low self esteem, I began the habit of not doing certain things as good as I knew I could, because I didn’t want to hurt people that were around me. So if I did good, I could see that it hurt their ego. I was afraid they wouldn’t like me anymore. ...In fact the habit turned into verbally expressing my limitations at things. This was a way of bonding with people and keeping expectations low. All the meantime there was a desire in me to do great things. Everything I tried, I wanted to be the best. The greatest. I wanted to win!!! My actions were the opposite though. Fast forward, eventually I told myself that my fate was to die drinking and using. I truly believed this. Therefore my actions supported this believe about myself. Due to support , and a handful of people not giving up on me, I made it to my third rehab. During that time, a person handed me a book. On the inside he inscribed Dare to be great! This hit me smack in the face! I was tired of having to hold my dreams, desires, goals back from anything that wasn’t great! By this time I have done a lot of work on myself. My spiritual practices were strong. My story went from dying young due to drugs and alcohol, to helping others and living the best life I can imagine!!! I worked on my humility and ego. This allowed me to be my true self without worrying about what others thought about me. To this day, I wake up and tell myself that it’s okay to be great. After years of telling myself that it’s not, it’s still a fear of mine. However I have a ton of coping strategies today that allow me to look fear in the eye and laugh. I’m not afraid to meet new people, and try new things! I am confident to dare myself to be great! I am asking you to look at your life. Does the life you are living( addicted or not) line up with your goals, desires, and values? Be honest with yourself! You deserve to live your best life! BE GREAT... I dare you!!! See more

Daryl Ralph Acoustic Lifestyle 19.05.2020

#Repost @fromsobrietytorecovery with @get_repost Sobriety is a step. The step that brings us out of the fog. Without that decision all the rest is just a replay of the life we’ve already been living. To create our best life, to step toward our meant to be, we have to be able to say goodbye to our old way of thinking and living.... I know we all want to live a life of fulfillment. We desire to achieve a lifestyle that provides us certainty, safety, variety, love & connection, community supportiveness, and a sense of purpose. It’s no wonder we get lost in the fog. Society, TV commercials, the internet, and social media programs us every second to seek things outside ourselves in order to have the happiness and contentment we seek. Have no fear though. By consciously knowing these signals are being pushed on us we can actively deflect them and decide to think, feel, and act differently. If you’ve suspected that you’re just a cog in a machine you have little control over I’d bet you’ve really seen this play out as the economy, social order, cultural traditions, and life in general has been in disarray for longer than the pandemic has been here. So let’s change our behavior. Instead of throwing stones at one another, let’s support each other in the creation of our best selves. Our best life. Battling it out for space on this planet isn’t a solution, it’s the problem. There is plenty of space in this worldfor all of us to succeed and listening to the the 1%’ers, or the media, or any other source influence your thinking otherwise will be to the detriment of your growth-mindset, your individuality, and society as a whole. Let’s create this world together. Let’s create a life that gets us giddy at night and jubilant in the morning. It’s a choice to make. And you have to make it for yourself. No one can make you do it. No meme or caption I write has that power over you. Today is the day you decide to make that change.

Daryl Ralph Acoustic Lifestyle 17.05.2020

#Repost @recoverysurvey with @get_repost If your compassion does not include yourself, it is incomplete. #recoverysurvey #odaat #recovery #addiction #addict #recoveryposse #addictionrecovery #clean #jft #mentalhealth #recoverypodcast #wedorecover #alcoholic #drugaddiction #recoveryispossible #xa #spiritual #recover #podcast #soberliving

Daryl Ralph Acoustic Lifestyle 11.05.2020

Fear presents itself to me in many different forms. Sometimes it feels terrifying, and sometimes it appears as a bunch of excuses as to why I cannot achieve , or do something. In my addiction, my whole life was based on fear. Where I lived, who I hung out with, my job. Let’s change that wording for a second... where I DIDN’T live, who I DIDN’T hang out with, what my job was NOT. I fed into my fear, and didn’t live the life that allowed me to be the true me. Now it smacks ...me in the face when I contemplate an action different to the one I need to do because of fear. I also cannot help but notice this resistance in others. If you are not getting the results from the actions that you are taking, or more importantly, NOT taking. Get the support you need. You are already enough! You just got lost. It’s time to find yourself, and live your true life!!! See more

Daryl Ralph Acoustic Lifestyle 23.04.2020

#Repost @sobrietyisthenewdrunk with @get_repost #mywhy

Daryl Ralph Acoustic Lifestyle 18.04.2020

Who’s it going to be? Greatest heavyweight ever?

Daryl Ralph Acoustic Lifestyle 07.04.2020

When people find out I am abstinent from drugs and alcohol, they usually ask How? Then after explaining my journey, they usually follow that up with,You have a lot of willpower . I don’t have more willpower than anyone else. I was lucky enough to have people tell me the truth about my actions, and no longer co sign my bullshit. This forced me to then be honest with myself, get support, and learn a new way of living. I have learned to love myself, and have gratitude for... the opportunity to live with so many blessings. With this new perspective, It is easy to set priorities. To the point of waking up with an urge to jump out of bed and begin the amazing day ahead of me. Remember, this is a guy that use to wake up with a sigh because I woke up at all. Wishing I didn’t exist. Learning to love, and forgive yourself brings motivation to stop putting up with a life you don’t deserve, and allows you to start living a life full of love, gratitude, motivation, value, and integrity. Instead of taking from everyone and everything around you, you begin to motivate, inspire, and support. This goes for everyone, not just people in addiction. If you are stuck repeating daily actions that are not in line to the life you want to live. Don’t look at the action. Instead, look at how you treat yourself. Who do you hang out with? Who are you in a relationship with? Do you need to forgive yourself? What stories do you tell yourself that you believe? What do you believe you deserve? What are your sources of strength? Do your actions align with your values? After answering these questions, it may not be such a surprise that you aren’t motivated to change. Surround yourself with people who have your same goals and values, and begin with small steps. You WILL get there. The key is not to give up. NEVER GIVE UP! YOU ARE WORTH IT!!! The world needs to hear your story. You will save someone!!!

Daryl Ralph Acoustic Lifestyle 28.03.2020

#Repost @sobertwins_life with @get_repost Never be afraid of telling your story. There is no shame in addiction! It is the courage that we have to continue that counts!... To be able to fight for the right to live honest happy lives sober and clean. If we can you can. Hope you’ve all had an awesome day! #sobriety #sober#alcoholfreelife #noshame #tellyourstory #helpothers #grateful #giveback #gratefulheart #happy #cleanandsober #soberandfree #honesty #fight #keepfighting #youcandoit #youcan #reachout #mentalhealth #addiction #addictionawareness #twins #forevergrateful #thankyou See more