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Dawn Friendly 20.03.2021

Dear Dawn: What Happens To People When They Pass Away? Important Message From Dawn: Check-in next week for the continuation of this post and AD’s mom’s validations from the Afterlife! Q: Hi Dawn: Hope you are well...someone in my family passed away today and it got me thinking to ask a weird Q (if you are able or know and can explain ) what happens to people when they pass? Like the hours after? Is there any conscience awareness of it happening as their souls leave their bo...dies? Are they somehow in a transition between here and heaven? I wonder if they actually meet their loved ones when they pass away and go to heaven. - A.D. A: Hi AD. Let me try to explain what happens to our Energies, or souls, when we pass away. I’m going to write it as simply as possible without going into the Hereafter itself. My insights come from the Energies themselves, and their many years of Connecting with me, which I am grateful for everyday. In regard to this topic, most of their experiences have been fairly similar. I have been shown, and I believe it’s true, that we are never alone when it is our time to pass into the Afterlife. We are usually met by familiar Energies of Loved Ones, who help us navigate this transition and also lead us to many other Energies who have shared their lives with us. Energies of Loved Ones may even keep us company before we pass. For instance, if we are in and out of consciousness or in a coma, we often visit an inbetween with them. In fact, during a Reading, the Energy of a dying Loved One who is incompacitated and unable to communicate may try to Connect in order to get across their thoughts and wishes, for short periods of time. And to answer your question, there is absolutely a conscious awareness of our soul’s Energies leaving our bodies, although the initial crossing over experience may differ. As an example, for those who have excepted their end of life and are ready to leave, I’ve been told that the transition to the Afterlife feels like coming home again. For some of those who have been taken unexpectedly, there may be an initial sense of confusion, however their Loved Ones easily help them through until they also recognize and feel that they are home. As well, very often during a Reading while Connecting with Energies who have passed, I feel an overwhelming feeling of love and protection around them. I hope this has helped answer your questions. Take care my dear.

Dawn Friendly 10.03.2021

A message from Dawn: As I’ve always said to my clients - please write down whatever you wish during your reading. Especially write down what does not make sense to you because most often the meaning of the message will become clear in near future. Here is another example: TESTIMONIAL Dawn did it AGAIN!!! I’m sitting with her and out of the blue she interrupts me to say Your mother is here. OK, not the first time it’s happened, and from a lot of previous experien...ce, likely it won’t be the last! Dawn tells me my mother is showing her a ‘large and very fancy key’ and then she asks me if I know what that might be? I have absolutely no idea, no fancy keys, not a clue as what that might mean or what it might be about. Dawn assured me that while I might not make the connection immediately, that indeed it would come. And boy did it EVER! The very next day I’m in the Master Washroom and as I open the lid of my Jewellery Box to retrieve a particular pair of earrings there it is! A LARGE AND VERY FANCY KEY, inserted into the Jewellery Box and hanging off the end of the key a huge silk tassle. It’s been there forever --- I just never noticed or thought of it! So, I take the jewellery box, empty it’s contents (it’s been close to 15 years since I’ve gone through the contents in any meaningful way.) Amid the assortment of baubles collected and inherited over the years I see two small velvet pouches I haven’t used in years. I was certain they were empty but lodged in the bottom of one was my mother’s wedding band --- THE ONE I WAS CERTAIN I HAD LOST. THE YEAR SHE DIED I PUT IT ON ONE DAY AND WHEN I LOOKED DOWN IT WAS GONE. I felt guilty and heartsick for YEARS having lost that special treasure. And yetthere it was! I had absolutely no memory of putting it in that beautiful wooden box, the one with the large fancy key. Thank you Mom for getting the message to me through Dawn. My guilt has been finally vanquished, my heart has been healed, and my enormous respect for Dawn (a tried and true empath/medium) only grows and grows!!!

Dawn Friendly 04.03.2021

Dear Dawn: Is There A Heaven & What Is It Like? Q: Dear Dawn: Is there really a Heaven and, if so, have you ever been shown what it is like? A: My answer to your questions could be very controversial. However, in my opinion and because of what I’ve experienced, the simple answer to both questions would have to be Yes. ... I realize everyone has their own belief system, be it religiously based or otherwise. As well, each of us may envision what Heaven looks like differently. And although I greatly respect this, I can only explain some of what the Energies have shown me and what I have been told in order to give you a glimpse into what Heaven is like. Heaven is known by many different names. For instance: the Afterlife; the Hereafter; the Great Unknown; the Beyond; just to name a few. No matter what name we choose to use, most of them describe a similar transcendent place. I know this place as an infinite realm that has always existed, and will always exist. Although it may be hard to comprehend, there is absolutely no such thing as time or borders. Energies can visit and influence multiple timelines and matter at once. Within this expanse Energies may reunite with other Energies who they have spent their lives with. However, during a reading, the Energies will mostly communicate as the person they were here on Earth. They generally tell me whose Energies are with them, what they are experiencing, their thoughts and feelings. So often, I feel pure love and see the beauty of light everywhere. And, although they are without body, they show themselves as they looked in life. There is so very much more to Heaven which is literally indescribable and not meant for us to know at this time. Many Energies send a common message through me, which is that we all have a finite time here on earth and we should strive to be happy, embracing the positive, rejecting the negative. I hope my tiny perspective into what Heaven is like has been comforting to you. Take care. Share this post:

Dawn Friendly 24.02.2021

Dear Dawn: Protection Against Negative Energies dawnfriendly.com Q: Dear Dawn: I have been an empath for as long as I can remember and I have always been able to sense what people around me are feeling. This has proved helpful to me throughout my career. I basically help people sort out their lives and turn negatives into positives. But lately I have been feeling very little positivity and much more negativity when I speak to people. I sometimes feel as if I am bringing this... negativity back with me into my home. How can I get rid of these negative entities? I have tried saging but it hasn’t helped.- D A: Hi D. Thank you for your question. I’ll tell you what I do and what I highly recommend that you and everyone should do when feeling overwhelmed by any type of negative energy: ask for Protection. It’s very important and powerful, and I believe it works better than saging. Here is a simple way to ask for Protection whenever you feel threatened and feel that negative Energies are near or around you: find somewhere safe to sit or lie down, close your eyes and proceed to ask your Highest Power for Protection. Note: One person’s Highest Power can be very different to who or what another person’s may be. For instance they could be the G-d you believe in; your higher self or, perhaps, a guardian angel. For this example I will use G-d, whom I ask Protection from. As you say the following imagine and try hard to see within your mind’s eye what you are asking for. PROTECTION: Please G-d, shine your white light of love and protection over me. [With your eyes closed, imagine a white light shining down from above doming over you]. Thank you G-d. Please G-d do not allow any negative Energies in. [Imagine negative Energies as minus signs outside the dome of light unable to get in] And please send any negative Energies in or around me far, far away. [Imagine minus signs leaving you and the entire area around you traveling upwards and through any walls, far away until you can no longer see them] Please God do not allow any negative Energies to return. Thank you G-d. Please God only allow positive energies in with love. [Imagine positive Energies as plus signs and love as hearts , floating down, through the dome and all around you] Thank you G-d. As I have often said, I want nothing to do with negative Energies, whatsoever. I only work with positive Energies so I ask for the safety of Protection as often as needed, for myself and for the clients who come to me. And I hope this helps to bring positivity to you. Take care .

Dawn Friendly 16.02.2021

Reminder: The Gift of Connection Ends January 31st - Book Your Reading!

Dawn Friendly 29.12.2020

A Message From Dawn: I want to wish everyone a happy, healthy and safe New Year! I believe 2021, as the saying goes, will come in like a lion and will go out like a lamb. Meanwhile please remember how important connection is and reach out to your loved ones. And if you are the one who is in need of connection then know you are not alone, you have loved ones, both present and past, who are around you to tell you that you are special and you are loved. Take care my friends .

Dawn Friendly 13.12.2020

I wish Everyone a healthy, happy and safe holiday season and New Year! I’m here to help if you are looking to make Connections or to give a Gift of Connection to someone else in your life. Learn More About Dawn Friendly: www.dawnfriendly.com Learn More About COVID-Safe Video Readings: https://rb.gy/pbpcxv

Dawn Friendly 29.11.2020

I wish you a healthy, happy and safe New Year! I’m here to help if you are looking to make Connections or to give a Gift of Connection to someone else in your life. Learn More About Dawn Friendly: www.dawnfriendly.com Learn More About COVID-Safe Video Readings: https://rb.gy/pbpcxv

Dawn Friendly 26.11.2020

The need for Connection is more important this year than ever before! This 2020 holiday season has magnified our feelings of loss and isolation. We especially miss our Loved Ones who have passed and wish that they could be with us once again. It is meaningful to know that these dear departed souls are very often around us and wish to connect as well. I will be posting my (once a year) 2021 Gift of Connection within a couple of days. Included is a $20. gift towards the...Continue reading

Dawn Friendly 18.11.2020

Dear Dawn: Talk About Validation! dawnfriendly.com Dawn’s Insight: I always tell my clients to write down whatever they’d like to remember being said during a reading. But, more importantly, to make sure they write down the messages they can not make sense of or validate within their session because, more often than not, these messages will appear or end up being validated shortly afterwards. Take a look at B’s story... B’s STORY ... Hi Dawn, thanks again for the reading. You may recall you had sought validation regarding "butterflies" and neither my sister nor I could come up with anything and we moved on. Then right after it was about a pending trip and being careful. Why am I telling you all this? Well this weekend my wife, daughters and I went to Niagara for some wine tasting and then drove into NOTL for some strolling amongst the shops. It just so happened when we drove in, we found a metered spot on the street right in front of a little store called The Butterfly Gallery and we went inside to find everything butterfly from Covid masks to clothing pictures and jewellery and trinkets. Bought several beautiful butterfly key chains with charms specifically "the evil eye" which my mother carried on everything. Talk about a validation..... I shared my notes with my daughters and they freaked when we saw the store right next to where we parked. Not to mention the evil eye on the key chain. It was like my mother was there directing us. Spooky. One other thing, talking about signs. When I left the reading and turned on my car, a song immediately came on the radio that was the song that Ja***e and I talked about before his passing and of the songs and bands he liked, this one was the latest and when I hear it, always brings me back to Ja***e. Song literally just started right from the beginning as I started the car, on that station that I left on. Ja***e was there with me without question. - B. Dawn’s Reply: Yes! It's absolutely amazing how our loved ones from the Other Side can manipulate happenings in this world in order to show that they are around us. Thank you for sharing this with me and allowing me to publish it. Keep well and Take care.

Dawn Friendly 30.10.2020

www.dawnfriendly.com Dear Dawn: Am I Doing The Best I Can At Fulfilling My Purpose? Q: Hi Dawn: I am a musician, educator, empath, "spiritualist", and starborn. My intuition tells me my purpose involves music, but often I'm confused as to what extent or facet. Lately I've been feeling that I'm not in alignment with my higher self, and therefore not aligned with my purpose for this Earthly experience. Am I doing the best I can be at fulfilling my purpose? - D.S A: Hi D.S., a...s I begin connecting to your own energy, I am feeling that you have, for the most part, recognized your spiritual attributes correctly. I also believe that a large part of your purpose involves music. I see you, not only as you have described yourself, but in addition, as a metaphysical healer of sorts and I am sensing this is at least the one field in which your music belongs. Health studies have shown that music helps in areas such as: memory recall; overcoming anxiety; boosting immunity; enhancing intelligence; accident or illness recovery and so much more. And I believe that metaphysical healing only enhances these capabilities in music. In terms of your purpose, I believe you are here to help others. One facet that I am seeing available to you is the option to combine your music, together with your spiritual abilities and that of an educator. I’m seeing that certification may be needed in this regard. Finally, your ability as an empath is very strong. I suggest that you continually try to keep yourself grounded so that you don’t take in the negativity of individuals around you. I’d also like to say that you always have free will to make your own decisions. Whatever purpose or path you choose, follow it in positivity and light. Your own energy determines much of your success and happiness. I hope this has helped you. Take care.