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Derek Colvin 30.12.2020

Just in case you need to hear this right now on whatever journey you are on...

Derek Colvin 12.12.2020

I missed my workout yesterday (crazy busy day with appointments), so I did it right today. First thing before anything else had a chance to get in the way. Short sweet and complete. 6 MINUTES: 20 split squats per side (50% intensity) 20 inverted rows (10 reps in reserve)... 20 pushups (10 reps in reserve) 5 plank position knee to elbow/side (3-5 reps in reserve) 20 single leg hamstring raises (5 reps in reserve) 20 leg assisted ring chinups (5 reps in reserve) 3 rounds of forward and back crawls 5 steps per hand (2 rounds in reserve) This is actually a slightly modified version of the original 5 minute fat loss workout when I first put together this program for myself. (It was the first half of this workout repeated twice.) I didn't kill myself (in fact my performance was kind of low because I didn't drink enough water when I first woke up.) I didn't need much time (this post is taking longer to write them the workout) I didn't make myself dread tomorrow. (How you feel about your next workout is actually more important than the current workout you're doing because consistency matters more than intensity - intensity is important, but only once consistency is happening) I didn't wait for later. (A key rule if you're someone who often gets busy and misses workouts) I did refresh my brain. (I woke up super tired, stressed and overwhelmed this morning because of two long days and all of the work still remaining) I did enhance my health. I did give myself an early win to break the overwhelm and start the day with momentum. Some days it's a walk, some days it's simple bike intervals, some days it's a workout like this, other days it's literally 2-3 exercises. But every time it makes me feel better. (That's the key to sustainability) P.s. I will note that this is not my ideal, I'd much prefer to be doing 30 minutes, but it's far better than nothing at all and sometimes you need to do the next with what you've got at your disposal, so don't be perfect, just get it done!

Derek Colvin 10.12.2020

[Input Wanted] I'm thinking about starting a FREE 7-Day permanent results challenge. Instead of the typical 7-Day nutrition and workout challenge that really doesn't end up helping anyone unless they sign up afterwards, I've been contemplating running a 7-Day challenge that works on some of the deeper mindset, habits and beliefs. This would be done with worksheets and education that will help to create long-term sustained results and permanent changes to your fitness and heal...th regardless of what workout and nutrition program you follow afterwards. This is not a fitness and nutrition program but rather a program to help you become aware of and change the deeper underlying factors that make it impossible for any nutrition or fitness program to work for you. The truth is many nutrition and workout programs will work, however most of them do not come with the necessary habit, belief and mindset work necessary to get results because habits mindsets and beliefs are not sexy topics that people want to sign up for. If you are someone who's tired of the hamster wheel of seven day challenges and 30-day resets, this could be the perfect thing for you. If this sounds like something you might be interested in, comment "interested" below or send me a message and I'll get you details if it ends up going ahead :)

Derek Colvin 20.11.2020

Overthinkers Listen Up! If it's easy to do, it is also easy NOT to do. One phrase I like to tell myself, staff and my clients is this: ... "Don't think just do". (I literally just told someone this tonight ha) It is SOOO easy to convince yourself why you shouldn't do something. Don't let the overthinker in you win. The SECOND you have the tiniest bit of action, GO!! Don't give yourself a chance to talk yourself out of it. When it comes to staying comfortable, being lazy or taking the way way out, you're way too persuasive!

Derek Colvin 18.11.2020

QUICK FEEDBACK: What's the biggest thing on your mind right now? (I.e. What's the biggest problem you see our there? What do you want to see happen in the world in the next 30-90 days? What about in your own life?) For me, the things that are heavy on my mind are protecting the healthcare workers and those who are most vulnerable and making sure I take advantage of this time off and come out of it better for it. (I.e. Maximizing time with Rachel and my new son, taking care o...f clients, developing new services while were forced to be out of the gym, etc.) I'd love to hear what you're focused on right now. Let me know :)

Derek Colvin 05.11.2020

99% of people who struggle to get in shape (totally arbitrary estimate, not actual percentage), struggle because they've mixed up their standards. They have high standards (and judgement) for the past and get down on themselves, but then have low standards (and weak actions) for the future. As a result, they feel like sh*t about themselves AND they fail to get results because they're so busy feeling awful that they don't plan for next time. They just sit in guilt and shame an...d think they're a terrible human. It's awful and it pisses me off that so many of us have been conditioned this way. It's not right and it doesn't work. You succeed with momentum. To have momentum you can't he dwelling on how much you suck for screwing up yesterday. Sure, it would be great if you hadn't screwed up, but you can't change that now, so focus on what you did well and commit to doing better going forward. That's what you can control. And if you keep it up, improving 1% each day, you'll have exponential growth. So forget the past. Adopt a goldfish memory and set your sights on the future You've got this!

Derek Colvin 04.11.2020

Did you get out for some fresh air today? One of the big features of our high performance fat loss program is getting daily structure and routine. ...and now with everyone working from home it's more important than ever.... If you need some help getting structure and routine in place so you can get in shape, get more confident and be more productive, send me a message and we'll set up a no pressure strategy call to see if any of our programs are a good fit.

Derek Colvin 26.10.2020

Music is definitely one of my biggest ways for getting emotion out. I can tell this stuff is heavy on my heart because I haven't had the desire to play guitar since my last breakup before Rachel. For me, playing guitar seems to be a way of getting emotions out. "Sad" chords are cathartic for me. I feel like a weight is lifted and almost a "happy sad" kind of feeling. A lot of people will run from feeling sad or melancholy, but at certain times I think I actually kind of li...ke it. It's almost soothing. In a way like there's beauty in tragedy... I think it's the harsh reminder that life is short, and to hold the ones you love closely, because you don't know what tomorrow will bring. So go hug your loved one at home, spend some time with them and cherish this life that we've been given.

Derek Colvin 16.10.2020

THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU TRAIN WITH ME AT DESTINATION:CHANGE. Today I've got a story for you... It's my own personal fitness journey over the last 2.5 months. And honestly, I have to confess... My nutrition has been a train-wreck the last month and a half. ... Even before Christmas I kept procrastinating it. Life has been insane... I've been working crazy hours to get gym set up Bouncing between 5 completely different mental states (reno, clients, management, marketing, business system building) - Which is extremely stressful for me because I don't task switch well and I have high standards for every area Stress of preparing two gyms for us to be less available when baby comes Speaking of baby, I've been living with a pregnant woman with very stereotypical pregnant cravings (aka not great for keeping the house free of junk food haha) Bringing on 5 new team members between the two studios and starting 10 new 1-on-1 clients in the past month. Working extra and hustling to bring in new clients to cover the new added expenses of having a team that relies on the business I bring in for their income... It's been a LOT! But look... Actual REAL progress and visible noticeable change. It's crazy. I feel so out of shape. (Again, high standards) I felt like I was failing at this because I know I'm not sticking to things the way I want to... I'm not at the body composition I want to be at... And yet I'm still WAYYY beyond where I was before. I can't believe I had lost that much muscle mass prior to this most recent focus period. Here are just a few of the areas where I've noticed improvement... SLEEP: I've been sleeping more. STRESS: My stress has been lower and I've felt more in control despite all of the chaos involved in this phase of life ENERGY: I've had better energy and drastically reduced my caffeine intake as a result (ESPECIALLY since adding morning workouts the past few weeks) WORKOUTS: I've worked out consistently, rarely missing a day and getting more 10, 15 or 20 minute workouts rather than previously scraping together a quick 5 minutes or getting none at all

Derek Colvin 12.10.2020

There's a lot of misinformation out there when it comes to what it takes to get in shape. Worst of all is that you have to kill yourself exercising and go so hard that you hate it. Honestly, do you think anyone would be in shape if you had to be miserable doing it?... What's their secret?? ...And no... You're not uniquely broken or "just aren't an exercise person." That's more misinformation. The truth is... Anyone can love exercise. You just need to fix the false beliefs you have about what's required AND learn to train your focus to focus on the parts that feel good. PART 2 - TRAINING YOURSELF TO FOCUS ON WHAT FEELS GOOD: A couple of years ago I did a survey of people who loved and hated exercise and asked them a series of questions... The results of that survey were shocking! SO here's the thing... With exercise (and anything else in life), there are both positive and negative elements. And get this... EVERY SINGLE PERSON who said they HATED exercise answered with negative parts of exercise!! AND... EVERY SINGLE PERSON who said they LOVED exercise, answered with the positive parts!! BOTH were true! THE ONLY DIFFERENCE WAS WHAT THEY WERE CONDITIONED TO FOCUS ON! Isn't that crazy??? 30 People. And EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. I could have predicted their answer just based on knowing whether they had a positive or negative association with exercise. So what does that mean for you? It means you HAVE FULL CONTROL over whether you LOVE or HATE exercise simply by what you focus on. Focus on how "inconvenient it is" to interrupt your routine? You'll hate it! Focus on how you have two extra hours of energy instead of crashing on the couch exhausted? You'll love it! It's really that simple. PART 2 - WHAT'S REQUIRED FOR RESULTS: (It's probably less than you think!) The other big issue out there is that people think they need to work so hard that they're miserable and exhausted to get results. But that's simply not true. The truth is you need to STIMULATE your muscles to get results, not ANNIHILATE them. [Continues in first comment]