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Down to Earth Wellness 22.03.2021

Do you need a hormone clean up? My hormones became way more wonky at two different times in my life. One, when I started taking the birth control pill. It totally messed with my gut and digestion. I started to notice more hormonal headaches over the years, jaw line acne, mood fluctuations, PMS! etc. ... I've since been off the BCP for over a decade and have really done some good work supporting my hormones + headaches + digestion. So much better! The other time my hormones were really affected was when I was under a lot of stress and burning myself out several years back with schooling, working full time, life, fitness etc. I've bounced back from burnout over time but I still have to be careful and manage stress and my energy wisely. Stress, energy and your sex hormones are intricately connected and this Sunday at 6:00pm MST, I am doing a Free Masterclass - The Hormone Clean Up - all about it! If you'r ready to tame your stress, boost your energy naturally and support your hormone health this Masterclass is for you. Comment below if you're joining! Link in bio on my IG profile to register and learn more. Hope to see you there! #tameyourstress #hormonehealth #hormonalharmony #masterclass #womenshealth #nutrition #nutritionist #functionalmedicine #functionalnutrition #functionalhealth #nutritiontips #health #healthy #healthynewyear #fatigue #burnout #adrenals #fried #burntout #stressed #stressrepair #womenshormones See more

Down to Earth Wellness 12.03.2021

Pressing snooze how many times? Comment below if you can relate! I feel you .. Fatigue is no joke. From struggling to wake up in the morning to feeling like I could stay snuggled up in bed forever. I have felt this way in the past as well. ... Or maybe you're jumping out of bed but dealing with fatigue and energy crashes in the afternoon? Like a nice nap would be so good at 3 pm? Let's get to the bottom of it. What's causing your fatigue? Things to consider: ~High stress (how are your adrenals doing?) ~Imbalanced blood sugar ~Exercise before bed ~Too much screen time, blue light ~Bedroom isn't set up for a good sleep (too hot, too much light, noise etc) We've got to dig deeper to explore what's going on and then we can take action! Be sure to follow me on IG and grab my fatigue fix checklist to help you bounce back from fatigue pronto - link in my bio #adrenalfatigue #burnout #burntout #burnedout #womenshormones #hormones #healthyhormones #hormonehealth #tired #stress #stressed #beatstress #stressrepair #womenswellness #womenshealth #feelgood #energy #energized #sleep #poorsleep #icantsleep #tiredinthemorning

Down to Earth Wellness 08.03.2021

Do you want to have more energy naturally? By tuning into your natural rhythms and energy cycle you can do just that. What does that really mean though? Do you notice that you have more creative energy at certain times of the month or more energy to exercise while at other times of the month you feel zapped and you're not feeling it! ... By tuning in and following our monthly cycle and hormone fluctuations (men have a 24 hormone cycle, while cycling women follow a monthly cycle) we can really impact our energy levels. You're not meant to push on and grind on every day the same same. Our daily energy and monthly energy fluctuates (same with our mood, sleep, stress hormones, temperature, cravings) each month. If we can start tuning into our natural rhythm we can actually cultivate more energy and ebb and flow much easier. Want to learn how? Sign up for my free Hormone Clean up Masterclass (It's FREE and happening Feb 14th - link in bio on IG) I will help you to have more energy, tame your stress and + support your stress + sex hormones so that you can have endless energy #hormonehealth #energy #burntout #fatigue #burnout #adrenalfatigue #hormoneworkshop #womenshormones #wellness #womenswellness #womenshealth #feelgood #holistichealth #holisticwellness #holistic #northernnutritionist #healthyliving #healthylifestyle #holisticnutrition #functionalnutrition #nutritionist #nutritioneducation #doseofwellness #healthtips #wellnesstips #functionalhealth #nutritionist #selfcare

Down to Earth Wellness 30.01.2021

Sometimes the things that are the biggest game changers for our health are super simple.. but not necessarily easy.. Eg. Drink more water. Go for a walk. Get into nature. Meditate 5 min/day. Have breakfast. They're fairly simple right but do we actually make time for them? Do they happen on the daily?... Consistency is where the magic happens. Consistency is where the day to day small boring habits lead to a healthier lifestyle and transformation over time. When it comes to making health changes. I try to not over think it.. I can make up tons of goals and lists for myself or my clients but what I have found works best is simplicity. Small little habit changes that feel simple .. and when we stack those on another small change over and over .. now we've got magic! Now we have a healthier lifestyle that feels easy and not like a short term program we're on, and then we ditch. And I like the sounds of that. That is how I've made my own gradual health changes and helped many of my clients. Give me a thumbs up if you dig where I'm coming from! PS: Would you like to get started this year on the path to more energy and feeling your badass best? Time to ditch the fatigue and burnout - book a free strategy call with me today (link in bio on IG) Cheers to wild energy #habitchanges #adrenalfatigue #burnout #burntout #burnedout #womenshormones #hormones #healthyhormones #hormonehealth #tired #stress #stressed #beatstress #stressrepair #womenswellness #womenshealth #feelgood #energy #energized #intuition #intuitivewellness #intuitivehealth #intuitiveenergy #womenswellness #womenshealth #feelingstressed #stressed #fatigue #beatburnout #functionalnutrition #functionalhealth

Down to Earth Wellness 31.12.2020

Growth mindset. We're resilient And the little things make all the difference. That's what 2020 has taught me. We're getting through this Year, and I think that we are becoming more resilient due to it. Thoughts?... Stress is higher, and this can take a toll on our energy, moods, sleep, appetite and mental health. I think that self care is more essential this Year than ever before. Here are a few things that helped me feel alright and have solid energy and a 'fairly' calm brain this Year amidst the stress : ~More nature and less news ~More quality relationships + good convos ~More getting lost in a book and less getting lost in the SM rabbit hole ~Creating a zen den at home (relaxing environment) ~More time at home enjoying the little things (hello sunrises and sunsets) ~Focusing on what is in my control and accepting what is not ~Focusing on nourishing food (with room for moderation!) ~Doing stuff that makes me happy eg. movement, fresh air, NATURE!, animal cuddles, friends, journalling, meditation, yoga oh.. baby even 15 minutes of yoga! ~Feeling sad if I am sad And a key thing for me, has been to focus not on what I can't do right now, but what I can do eg. lots of outdoor activities to try out and simple pleasures like exploring our town.. These little things really did add up this Year and kept me feeling overall pretty good. I think 2019 was a tougher Year for me honestly due to big life changes. It's crazy how resilient you become and how perspective is so important. Let me know - What has helped you to feel good in 2020? Do you have any lessons to share from this Year as well? Let's moonwalk our butts into a better Year. xo Thanks for this @spiritdaughter See more

Down to Earth Wellness 18.12.2020

Xmas ideas for the wellness junkie in your life. I wrote this blog post a couple years ago and it's still a gem full of good ideas! Check it out :) https://getdowntoearthwellness.com/xmas-gift-ideas-for-the/

Down to Earth Wellness 09.12.2020

Does this sound like you? Energy crashing in the afternoon, you find yourself needing a coffee, a pick me up, a snack, some sugar to get through the day? Maybe you feel exhausted by the end of the day or maybe it feels impossible to jump out of bed in the morning. Maybe you feel like "Oh geez... I suck.. I just need more will power for those cravings.. or I need to push through and find the energy"... Don't feel bad. It's not your fault. Our society rewards busy with a badge most the time. It definitely doesn't encourage rest or balance! It's normal these days to have a million things on the go and to be busy all the time, but the body doesn't like that. It will let you know, like with the things I mentioned above. So what can we do about it? Prioritize rest. Prioritize healthy meals. Sleep. Consistent movement. Fun. Prioritize these small but powerful things as they are the game changer when it comes to how we feel a day, a week, a year from now. Want more energy this Winter? Grab my fatigue fix checklist (link in bio) and start naturally boosting your energy today. #adrenalfatigue #burnout #burntout #burnedout #womenshormones #hormones #healthyhormones #hormonehealth #tired #stress #stressed #beatstress #stressrepair #womenswellness #womenshealth #feelgood #energy #energized #intuition #intuitivewellness #intuitivehealth #womenshealth #feelingstressed #stressed #fatigue #beatburnout #functionalnutrition #functionalhealth See more

Down to Earth Wellness 26.11.2020

Current winter mood The snuggle is real. Garv knows how to get into the winter groove to feel his best. ... He follows my tips to a tee. (he's a good listener ) Here's his recipe for good winter vibes: . ~Rest. ~Good quality sleep. ~Live in the present moment. ~Deep breaths. ~Eat consistent meals. ~Enjoy the small things (aka dog treats ) ~Quality time with his peeps! ~He knows that getting daily sunshine, daily movement and fresh air is good for the soul. Want more energy this winter? Be like Garvey .. he truly is a winter wellness ninja. PS: I will be sharing some energizing tips to help you feel good this winter so stay tuned! What have your pets taught you lately? They are great teachers aren't they? #winter #winterseason #winterblues #winterfatigue #wintermood #winterenergy #winterhibernation #winterSAD #hibernate #dogsofinsta #doggo #dawg #wintervibes #energy #feelgood #womensenergy #womenshealth See more

Down to Earth Wellness 07.11.2020

Chai there . Comment below if you're a lover of chai! Chai is a wonderful tea that originated in India. It has a spicy flavour and a ton of health promoting spices in it!... . This week over on the ol'e down to earth wellness email list to my awesome readers, i will be sharing a tasty chai recipe that my pal meg from @kindwholefoods created years ago for our collab workshop! Yup back in ... 2016 we collaborated and did a food creation and nutrition lecture workshop called "Nourished - Whole Foods Workshop" It was awesome and I still have the handouts with all the tasty recipes that Meg created, and she gave me permission to share the yummy chai recipe. You can also find one of Meg’s similar chai recipes in the cookbook from @therootedtable too! Hop on my email list if you're not on it yet so that you don't miss that recipe! (comment below to be added or shoot me a dm) Thanks for this cute pic @keeperofthesuns #chaitea #chai #chailover #chaithere #nutritonist #healthyliving #healthyrecipes #healthyfood #feelgood #energized See more