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New Westminster DPAC 27.10.2020

Do you have a child in the new Online Learning program? If so, this parent group is for you! https://www.facebook.com/groups/950336102131873

New Westminster DPAC 14.10.2020

How do you feel about the return-to-school experience? How would you prioritize new federal funding to keep our kids safe in schools? Fill out this survey today: https://forms.gle/mRk9YomtQiN4TKXZ6

New Westminster DPAC 05.10.2020

Back to School Update for K-12 Education - September 13 A number of documents were released on Fri Sept 11 and it's important for families to be aware and to re...view them: a) Updated Public Health Guidance: The BCCDC has updated their guidance on K-12 School Settings. Key changes include updated physical distancing definitions, enhanced explanation of contact tracing, and revised return to school protocols following symptoms of illness. See doc here: https://bccpac.bc.ca//covid-19_k-12_school_guidance_Sept-1 b) The Operational Guidelines for School Districts & Independent School Authorities have also been updated with new information regarding communications, supports for students with disabilities/diverse abilities (pg20-21 specifically) and student attendance reporting requirements. See the full doc here: https://bccpac.bc.ca//K-12-Operational-Guidelines-Sept-11. c) Additionally on Sept 11 - - the Ministry of Ed issued a protocols resource document for school and district administrators regarding management of symptoms and confirmed cases of COVID-19 in a school community. Doc is here: https://bccpac.bc.ca//covid-19-protocols-for-administrator - School districts were reminded by the Ministry to update their District Stage 2 plan to remain in alignment with any updates to Ministry of Education, BCCDC or WorkSafeBC guidelines. Updated plans are to be posted on the district's website. - School district leadership teams have been asked to complete a Ministry Education Restart Survey summarizing the health and safety protocols, staffing practices, remote learning options and mental health supports they have put in place as part of their September restart plans. In the Survey, 2 key questions are asked re remote learning options and student's retaining their connection to school. On Sept 4, these documents were released if you missed them: 1) FAQ document from BCCDC - http://www.bccdc.ca//di/covid-19/childcare-schools/schools 2) FAQ document from the Ministry - https://bccpac.bc.ca//MoE-COVID19-BackToSchool-Factsheet.p 3) Update to the K-12 Health & Safety Guidelines -https://bccpac.bc.ca//k-12-covid-19-health-safety-guidline 4) Modelling Update from the PHO - https://bccpac.bc.ca//COVID19_Modelling-PHO_Going_Forward_ On Sept 3, the Minister of Education gave an update on the federal funding announced last week and expanded on back-to-school plans for the 2020-2021 school year. The announcement/briefing can be viewed here: https://youtu.be/QV96vYUkdGwPlease have a listen as many key points were emphasized. (It starts at about 5min 50 sec and runs approx 25min) All documents and materials and our updates are posted on our resources page: https://bccpac.bc.ca//resources/21-advocacy/861-c19-updates

New Westminster DPAC 28.09.2020

Do you have questions about 2020-21 return-to-school plan? Superintendent Karim Hachlaf will be at our next General DPAC meeting on September 17 @ 7pm. This will be a virtual zoom meeting, and you will need to register in advance (details in link below) https://facebook.com/events/330808941568022

New Westminster DPAC 23.09.2020

COVID-19 Update for K-12 Education - August 26 Today there was a significant announcement which is due in part to our continued advocacy for families. Per the a...nnouncement today, remote learning and flexible options are expected by the Minister by all school districts to those families who need it. It may look differently across different districts. We have posted all materials and information on our resource page: https://www.bccpac.bc.ca//reso/21-advocacy/861-c19-updates On behalf of parents, President Sinclair thanks the ministry, and specifically Minister Fleming, for stating his clear expectations that all school districts will provide remote/online options for parents, while ensuring all children will have the opportunity to remain connected to their school community. This is the position BCCPAC has continuously been stating at the provincial tables since June. I thank Minister Fleming for his willingness to listen and to provide flexibility for families which is in the best interests of our children. Please read today's full announcement AND the informative backgrounder - https://bccpac.bc.ca//Resources/MoE-Aug-26-Back-to-school- You can watch the recorded announcement from Minister Fleming here: (starts at 5min, runs to 17min when media ask questions) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NgA314vw16Q&feature=youtu.be The Ministry also released a Technical Briefing which we are now sharing with you - https://www.bccpac.bc.ca//MoE-Aug-26-Back-to-school-Techni Additionally the Back to School website which houses information for families was updated today: - https://www2.gov.bc.ca//edu/k-12/covid-19-return-to-school We strongly recommend that parents/guardians/caregivers and our members read their school district plans and these materials to gain a better understanding of how it will look in your district. Flexibility and Remote Learning The ministry understands that some families who for medical, health or other concerns, are looking for options. Minister Fleming has now today set the expectation that school districts be flexible and work with families to provide remote options that keep children connected to their school community. The Minister has directed school districts to contact all families in their school communities to share their safety plans and to confirm if they are planning for their child to attend school classes in September, or if they need alternative learning options. The Ministry has given school districts the flexibility and funding certainty to find options that work for families. This includes the authority for all school boards to offer remote options to students within their districts, as well as the tools they need to increase their existing programs to meet demand. It is not based on demand but on need. If it's needed, it's to be provided. Parents can expect a call from their school district or school to find out if your child will attend in-class or will need alternative options. Flexibility will be key for a safe school restart and schools will work to support student needs. If you don't hear from your district or school in the coming days, it may be they don't have accurate contact details for you. Contact your school to provide updated information. School District Plans All 60 school districts have posted their current Restart Plans to their websites. These plans were submitted last week so they won't specifically address today's newly announced information. It's now likely that district plans will get updated. We strongly encourage families, PACs and DPACs to read and review their District plans as they will inform individual school plans. Students with Diverse Abilities/Disabilities Per instructions from the Ministry to all school districts on August 10 and as should be evident in all 60 District plans -In alignment with the Equity and Inclusion Guiding Principles, describe how your district is planning for students with diverse abilities/disabilities ensuring students and communicating to parents on the following, to ensure students will: -be able to attend school full time or have a plan to ensure supports and learning continue if a student needs to learn at home -have access to the necessary health and safety supports -continue to receive supports and services as identified in their IEP, including 1:1 supports -not be grouped in segregated settings as a part of the establishment of cohorts There is more details in these documents: https://bccpac.bc.ca//k-12-covid-19-health-safety-guidline https://bccpac.bc.ca//K-12-Operational-Guidelines-Aug-17.p Students with Complex Medical Conditions Parents of students who are immune-compromised or have underlying medical conditions are encouraged to consult with their health care provider to determine their level of risk regarding return to school. Parents with children (or families) who are immuno compromised will receive accommodations and don't have to pull their child from in-class instruction/local school. There is more details in these documents: https://bccpac.bc.ca//k-12-covid-19-health-safety-guidline https://bccpac.bc.ca//K-12-Operational-Guidelines-Aug-17.p Cohorts and Learning Groups To maximize the number of students who can return to in-class instruction while also reducing the number of close, in-person interactions, the PHO has recommended the use of cohorts, or learning groups, for students and staff. This will reduce the number of people each student or staff member comes into contact with, thereby reducing the risk of transmission and ensuring quicker contact tracing by health authorities.Learning groups will be no more than 60 people in elementary and middle school and no more than 120 people in secondary school. Learning groups can be larger in secondary schools due to the increased ability of older children to be able to consistently minimize physical contact, practice hand hygiene, ensure physical distance where necessary and recognize and articulate symptoms of illness. Read more about Cohorts in doc from BCCDC - https://bccpac.bc.ca//covid-19_k-12_school_guidance_JULY-2 See examples of Learning Groups in this doc - https://bccpac.bc.ca//k-12-education-restart-plan-July-29.

New Westminster DPAC 07.09.2020


New Westminster DPAC 25.08.2020

Have questions or concerns about the return to school plans? Join Superintdendent Karim Hachlaf for a virtual townhall. When: Monday August 24, 7-8pm... Join online: (best option as we will have a few graphics) https://zoom.us/j/98263401630 Join by Phone: (+1) 778 907 2071 Meeting ID: 982 6340 1630 Passcode: 681321 Questions: Please submit your questions in advance to [email protected]

New Westminster DPAC 13.08.2020

COVID-19 Update for K-12 Education - August 13 Today we sent a detailed email to members - Check your email. School District Plans Timeline On August 12 the Min...istry of Education announced a change in the start date for children in school to September 10. School districts must submit a Stage 2 Restart Plan for the 2020/21 school year to the Ministry of Education no later than Friday August 21. They must use a restart reporting template to complete their school district’s plan.Districts must also follow the Expectations by Stages (https://www2.gov.bc.ca//sa/planning-framework/expectations). Aug. 17 - Release of updated K-12 Operating Guidelines and final K-12 Education Restart Steering Committee materials Aug. 17-21 - School districts finalize their Restart Plans w stakeholder input incl DPACs & PACs and submit to the Ministry Aug. 21-26 - Ministry reviews and approve Restart Plans Aug. 26 - School districts communicate information to parents on Stage 2 Plans. Final versions to be posted online DPACs and PACs Involvement The K-12 Restart Plan released on July29 is a high-level framework and the place from which more discussion and work begins. We know there are many questions yet unanswered and many school and district level details to be worked out. The work is far from over and will continue into the fall even after our children are back into school. The discussions are continuing at the provincial level but as of August 10, more work is now occurring at the district and school level. DPACs should have already been in regular communication with their district staff but now it’s essential you proactively connect as they begin their stakeholder consultations as they develop their district plans for Stage 2. As admin staff return to schools next week, PACs too should be proactively contacting their admin to begin the conversation and give input on behalf of your parent community as plans for your individual school are being developed. This consultation at the DPAC and PAC level and communication directly with parents is part of this next phase of work.Per instructions from the Ministry to all school districts on August 10 (which all education partners including BCCPAC had input into), districts are required to engage in consultation with all stakeholders including DPAC, PACs and parents and report back on same in their plan by Aug 21. The template states: -Outline the engagement process that occurred with your DPAC in the development of your Stage 2 Plan. -Describe any additional engagement directly with parents/guardians/caregivers and PACs at the school level that occurred in developing your Stage 2 Plan. Describe the summary of feedback received. -Describe the process for continued consultation and collaboration with the DPAC, PACs and parents during the school year. School Restart re Educational Options Parents/guardians always have choices regarding their child’s educational program. Parents who do not want to their child to attend in-person classes have the option to register their child for online/distributed learning (which is NOT what happened in June -that was remote learning) or home-schooling (which was not what parents did in June). Families should be aware that where schools are close or at capacity, if they withdraw, they may not be able to get back into their current school for the next school year. Additionally, for parents of children in high school, the option of some classes through distributed learning and some in-class continues to be an option . However it’s important that families make an informed choice and understand each option. Full information on classroom alternatives is online. Parents should speak to their school admin team before making their decision. School Restart re Students with Diverse Abilities/Disabilities Per instructions from the Ministry to all school districts on August 10 the template states: -In alignment with the Equity and Inclusion Guiding Principles, describe how your district is planning for students with diverse abilities/disabilities ensuring students and communicating to parents on the following, to ensure students will: -be able to attend school full time or have a plan to ensure supports and learning continue if a student needs to learn at home -have access to the necessary health and safety supports -continue to receive supports and services as identified in their IEP, including 1:1 supports -not be grouped in segregated settings as a part of the establishment of cohorts Documentation & Resources We strongly recommend members read and share key documents and updates to them with their parent communities. All relevant documents regarding K-12 can be found on our resources page. The Ministry of Education has updated the Return to School web pages (https://www2.gov.bc.ca//edu/k-12/covid-19-return-to-school) and it answers many of the questions raised by parents/guardians. There is a new "What Parents Need to Know" section which released today. Please also read and share. Work by the Restart Steering Committee Continues With support of the Education Steering Committee, the Ministry is finalizing detailed operational guidelines (Aug17) to further assist school districts and schools with their planning for 2020/21 school year. The Steering Committee and Working Groups (which has representation from all the education partners including BCTF, CUPE, FNESC, BCSTA, BCSSA, BCSTA, BCPVPA, BCASBO and FISA) will continue to meet throughout August to discuss operational and implementation planning. Cohorts and Learning Groups To maximize the number of students who can return to in-class instruction while also reducing the number of close, in-person interactions, the PHO has recommended the use of cohorts, or learning groups, for students and staff. This will reduce the number of people each student or staff member comes into contact with, thereby reducing the risk of transmission and ensuring quicker contact tracing by health authorities.Learning groups will be no more than 60 people in elementary and middle school and no more than 120 people in secondary school. Learning groups can be larger in secondary schools due to the increased ability of older children to be able to consistently minimize physical contact, practice hand hygiene, ensure physical distance where necessary and recognize and articulate symptoms of illness. Read more about Cohorts in doc from BCCDC - https://bccpac.bc.ca//covid-19_k-12_school_guidance_JULY-2 See examples of Learning Groups in this doc - https://bccpac.bc.ca//k-12-education-restart-plan-July-29. COVID-19 and Children (See https://bccpac.bc.ca//covid-19_k-12_school_guidance_JULY-2) COVID-19 virus has a very low infection rate in children (ages 0 to 19). In B.C., less than 1% of children tested have been COVID-19 positive, and even fewer are suspected to have been infected based on serological testing. Most children are not at high risk for COVID-19 infection. Children under 10 comprise a smaller proportion of the total confirmed child cases compared to children between the ages of 10 and 19. Based on published literature to date, the majority of cases in children are the result of household transmission by droplet spread from a symptomatic adult family member with COVID-19. Even in family clusters, adults appear to be the primary drivers of transmission. Children under one year of age, and those who are immuno-compromised or have pre-existing pulmonary conditions are at a higher risk of more severe illness from COVID-19. Children who are at higher risk of severe illness from COVID-19 can still receive in-person instruction.Parents and caregivers are encouraged to consult with their health-care provider to determine their child’s level of risk. Children typically have much milder symptoms of COVID-19, if any.

New Westminster DPAC 04.08.2020

Our "Virtual" Annual General Meeting is tomorrow (June 18) at 7:10pm via Zoom. Pre-register at this link: https://us02web.zoom.us//tZModOyuqzMoE9EEIQfP1xrodKS1yqN2c... After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.