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Dr. Veronique Theriault, ND 20.03.2021

I do what I do for YOU! (And so that I can have super powers ;) Everyone deserves to feel awesome and it’s possible. I’m an example of that. I also believe that it doesn’t have to be hard and this is where I work with you on not only healthy habits but mindset as well so you can have long lasting success. ... I have this idealized view that if everyone was happy and healthy that we would have a much kinder world and a better human experience. Want to work with me on getting super powers? Book now! Liked this video? Please share it with the people you are about. Having community and support system around you makes it much easier to be stay on track and be accountable! #naturopathicdoctor #cornwalnaturopathicdoctor #cornwallontario #mtllife #westislandmontreal #westislandmommies #burnoutrecovery #burnoutprevention #thyroid #hashimotosdisease #hypothyroid #hypothyroidismweightloss #menopause #PCOS #pmsproblems

Dr. Veronique Theriault, ND 17.03.2021

Many people have heard that people with thyroid issues should avoid "goitrogenic" foods like cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, kale, etc). I tend to disagree and don't see a big difference in how people feel. So what food should you avoid? GLUTEN! Removing gluten is one of the many powerful changes you can make to improve thyroid health and reduce symptoms. ... Gluten can cause leaky gut which can cause many health issues like IBS and brain fog. It can also worsen autoimmune conditions - like Hashimoto's disease, the most common cause of low thyroid. Eating a gluten-free diet has been shown to reduce anti-bodies (what attack the thyroid), reducing thyroid autoimmunity, and can reduce symptoms. Gluten also worsens thyroid health due to molecular mimicry. Gliadin - a protein in gluten - also looks very similar to the thyroid gland. When someone has a leaky gut, and gliadin gets into the bloodstream, the body is primed to attack the thyroid, thinking it's gliadin. Going gluten-free was of the biggest game-changers in dealing with my Hashimoto's and IBS. I see the same results with my patients - people just like you. Suffering from thyroid issues? Want to know if removing gluten is right for you? Book in today! I can't wait to help you feel your best again. Know someone suffering from thyroid issues? I would be honored if you shared this post with them. #thyroidrescue #cornwallnaturopathicdoctor #naturopath #hypothyroid #hashimotos #glutenfree #paleo #keto #autoimmunewarrior #lowthyroid

Dr. Veronique Theriault, ND 10.03.2021

Hello Again. I've been quiet here for a few reasons. 1) I deleted all social media from my phone. It's been so FREEING! I cannot recommend this enough. Do it now (once you are done reading and share this post of course) and then thank me later. 2) I've been taking in and navigating what is happening in the world. ... 3) I've been buckling down and really focusing on myself, my health and my resiliency - physically, mentally, and emotionally. This mantra that I posted a while ago has been truly serving me through this past year: kindness, ease & resilience. . Kindness: Not only to others but to myself. We all need it. We are all winging it and trying our best. Let's not make it any harder and support each other with kindness during these confusing times. . Ease: Lessen the pressure on myself and others. Approach life with grace. . Resilience: taking this time to make my mind and body more resilient to tough times and hard things. . I have been repeating this to myself when I need a reminder to be present to be calm and of our humanity. It's not always easy to do but it sure does help. And when I get really annoyed I go do something active like squats and pull-ups so I can become "harder to kill". Don't forget, I'm here for you, this is only temporary and together we will get through it. I would be honoured if you saved this post for when you need some support and shared it with your friends and family to give them support. We need each other now more than ever. Want my help and support? I'm taking new patients in person @epione.health and virtually. Booking link is in profile. I can't wait and would be honoured to help you. #cornwallnaturopathicdoctor #naturopath #naturopathy #thyroid #hypothyroid #stress #burnout #infertility #vitamind #sleep #insomnia #hormones #PMS #PCOS #perimenopause #menopause #hotflashes #HRT #selfcare #happiness #bestlife #beawesome #weightloss #keto #intermittentfasting #hardertokill

Dr. Veronique Theriault, ND 17.02.2021

I am an abstainer and I call BS on this magical idea of "moderation". It doesn't work for me or for many of my patients. It's OK if you CHOOSE not to eat (not can't eat - but choose not to eat) whatever junk "food" is your kryptonite because you won't be able to stop yourself. This doesn't make you a bad person! Or less capable, or smart, or worthy or whatever negative thing you are telling yourself. It's a product of super-smart scientists and food companies investing milli...ons of dollars in researching and producing addictive franken-foods and hijacking our dopamine. For a great book on this, I HIGHLY recommend Wired To Eat by @Robbwolf. I am in awe of those that can pull off moderation but that just doesn't work for me. If that is you, congratulations on that superpower, and eat to your heart's content but please don't shame others or give them a hard time, for not being able to moderate as well as you. We all have struggles, let's support each other instead. We could all use some more kindness. Moderation in all things, especially moderation. Ralph Waldo Emerson . . . . . . . . #cornwallontario #cornwallOn #Downtowncornwall #choosecornwall #community #SDGCounties #integrativemedicine #health #easternontario #naturopathicmedicine #integrativemedicine #hawskeburry #vankleekhill #alexandriaontario #williamstown #ingleside #longsault #massenany #brockville #montreal #vaudreuil #dorion #healthcare #westislandmontreal #mtl

Dr. Veronique Theriault, ND 02.02.2021

As grown-ups, many of us don't PLAY anymore or experience pleasure or joy or have hobbies! I want to change that. Play is how children learn. Humans are meant to play and it can do wonders for our mental, emotional, and physical health. Knitting pretty much every day brings me joy! I learned a few years ago and I can't get enough. I actually made the toque, scarf, and sweater in this photo. Knitting is hard yo! And I love the challenge of learning something new, the creativ...ity of the endless color and stitch combinations, and the sense of accomplishment of making something and getting to wear it. Not only does knitting bring me pleasure, but it's also a great stress reliever! And it's cheaper than therapy and better for me than wine. With winter break right around the corner and not much to do, I suggest you try different hobbies and see which one you like best! Go outside, play in the snow, be silly. Take time for yourself. Let loose. Have a dance party. Find your inner child. 'Tis the season for joy. This year, it's as important as ever that we try and spread some cheer. Comment below if 1) I should start a knitting group lol and 2) what hobby brings you joy or wanted to try but never have. Find three hobbies you love: one to make you money - I'm lucky enough that I LOVE my job and got to turn a passion into a career one to keep you in shape - I love lifting weights, and my newest obsession is climbing and one to be creative - I love knitting! #joy #knittingaddict #knittingismytherapy #knittingmachine #joy #joyinthejourney #joyfulliving #hobbiesareimportant #hobbiesarefun #healthmatters #play #fun #naturopathicmedicine #thyroidhealth #stressrelief #stressmanagement #stressreliever

Dr. Veronique Theriault, ND 19.11.2020

Stressed out AND struggling with hypothyroid | low thyroid | Hashimoto’s? (If you raised your hand, then this is a must-read for you) . While we all know being stressed out all.the.time. is no fun at all, it can actually be disrupting your thyroid function. .... When you’re stressed, you pump out copious amounts of your main stress hormone cortisol. . Cortisol then interferes with various thyroid hormone functions: . It can block the conversion of T4 to the active T3 hormone...very important It can increase reverse T3 (aka rT3) . Why does this matter? In order for your thyroid to work properly, it must have proper ratios of all the different thyroid hormones (TSH, T3, T4, rT3, etc)...aka it’s a delicate balance that can be easily disrupted. . Fun fact (well actually it’s not so fun...but still) . Many of my patients (& studies back this up) report that their low thyroid symptoms (or Hashimoto’s diagnosis) occurred during or shortly after an extremely stressful time in their lives. . So if you’re struggling with hypothyroid | low thyroid | Hashimoto’s then prioritizing stress-reduction activities in your life is a must. . Whether that’s meditation, a long nature filled walk, yoga, etc, make sure to include at least one of these activities into each day. . Questions about thyroid health? Let me know below . . . . . #thyroidhealth #thyroiditis #anxietyhelp #anxietyattack #lifestylemedicine #rootcause #functionalmedicine #cornwalnaturopathicdoctor See more

Dr. Veronique Theriault, ND 04.11.2020

You may not have a thyroid problem. It may just be a nutrient deficiency. Or a nutrient deficiency may be making your thyroid symptoms worse! 3 key nutrients that play an important role in thyroid health are:... 1) Iron Iron is required for an important enzymes in thyroid hormone production (thyroid peroxidase). Low levels of ferritin (the storage form of iron) are associated with Hashimoto's and lower levels of T3 (active thyroid hormone). It can often have VERY similar symptoms to low thyroid like fatigue, hair loss, and heavy periods. Like everything else, we need context so it's important to get a full picture of iron in your body and have a full panel that includes: iron, ferritin, TIBC, and % Saturation. 2) B12 Low B12 is also associated with Hashimoto's and ~40% of people with hypothyroidism have a B12 deficiency and boosting B12 improved symptoms. 3) Vitamin D You probably guessed it, low Vitamin D is associated with Hashimoto's. Vitamin D plays a large role in our immune system and preventing autoimmunity. By no means are these the ONLY nutrients that are important in thyroid function. There is a long list. However, these (should) be part of standard testing and easily available. (Yes I know Vitamin D isn't free in Ontario for most people. It's $35. Well worth the cost). Save this post for when you need to get blood work done so you can be informed and your own advocate. #hashimotos #hypothyroidism #cornwallontario #cornwallnaturopathicdoctor #naturopath #healinghashimotos

Dr. Veronique Theriault, ND 29.10.2020

What do all my successful patients have in common? They prioritize themselves, and they do the work! Living your best life isn't a spectator sport! Participation is required. It's time to not only show up for everyone else but to also show up for yourself.... You are worth it, you deserve it. I believe in you as I believe in me. I'm here to show up for you too and guide you through it. You aren't alone in this. I would be honored if you shared this post with other women in your life who's health is holding them back. I KNOW first hand what it's like to feel that way and my mission is to spread the message that it doesn't have to be that way. You can and deserve to be happy, healthy, and live your life on your terms. #womensupportingwomen #healthmatters #hypothyroid #hashimotos #naturoapthicmedicine #successmindset #youcandothis #cornwallON #explorecornwallON #ontarionaturopathicdoctor #cornwallnaturopath #healthymomlife #badasswomen #badassbabe

Dr. Veronique Theriault, ND 22.10.2020

I STRUGGLED for a long time with Hashimoto’s and IBS without actually knowing what was wrong with me or why I always felt like . Here is a bit of that story. It took me WAY to long to get my health and my life back. ... Let’s not let that be your story too. Book now (link in profile) and let’s get you back to your life and doing what you love. #hashimotosdisease #cornwallontariocanada #hypothyroidismweightloss #hypothyroid #hypothyroidism #healinghashimotos #autoimmunewarrior #invisibleillness #ibsdiet #downtowncornwall #cornwallnaturopathicdoctor #naturopathicmedicine #functionalmedicine #proactivehealthcare

Dr. Veronique Theriault, ND 09.10.2020

Come into my office with fatigue, weight gain, constipation, low libido, cold all the time, hair loss, heavy periods, anxiety, dry skin, headaches, and/or migraines? I'm running a FULL thyroid panel to see EXACTLY what is happening with this master gland. You can leave the nerdy stuff to me, but for those who are curious read on... I discussed TSH and Free T4 in my last post go check it out ... A FULL thyroid panel should also include: Free T3 - Free T3 is the "active" form of thyroid hormone that can then act on your cells and make the metabolic magic happen. It is not uncommon to see good TSH and free T4 levels but low Free T3 levels, which causes thyroid symptoms. Antibodies - Hashimoto's, an autoimmune thyroid disorder, is the most common cause of low thyroid. This is why I always run BOTH antibodies, anti-TPO (the most common), and anti-TG at least once to figure out if the root cause of your low thyroid is autoimmune (which requires a different approach to treatment). *Reverse T3 - This is a bit of a controversial test and I don't run it with every patient to start. rT3 is the DE-ACTIVATED form for Free T3 and sits on the thyroid hormone receptors, blocking the active form from working. High reverse T3 is often seen in people with high stress, and it acts as a protective mechanism for your body because of CELL STRESS and wants to lower metabolism. It's another piece of the puzzle that can help us get a full picture. As a Naturopathic Doctor, I can run these tests for you and get results in 2-3 days! You don't need to feel like you are missing out on life because of your thyroid any longer! Book now - Link in profile. Save this post and share it with someone who is struggling with their thyroid health . There is hope and there are solutions. My story is proof of that and you can do it too. #hypothyroidism #functionalmedicine #cornwallnaturopath #ontarionaturopathicdoctor #ontarionaturopath #rootcausemedicine #hashimotos #resultsdriven #personalizedmedicine #cornwallontario #vaudreuildorin #beaconsfield #pointeclaire #pointeclairevillage

Dr. Veronique Theriault, ND 03.10.2020

How is it November!?! At this point in this crazy year, we could also use some self-care. Did you know that most health insurance plans cover Naturopathic Medicine? With time running out to use your plan, this is the perfect time to make your health a priority. ... Book your FREE 15 Min consult today so we can get clear on your needs and how we can help you! Let's make the best of the rest of 2020! https://epionehealth.janeapp.com/ #hypothyroid #hashimotosthyroiditis #cornwallON #alexandriaontario #selfcare #naturopath #naturopathicmedicine #naturopathicdoctor

Dr. Veronique Theriault, ND 22.09.2020

Feel this way? Yeah me too! That was totally me a few years ago from multiple "pro-active" and "preventative focused" doctors. Apparently, "normal" blood work means feeling like . Well, I'm here to tell you that doesn't have to be the case. First, let's talk about testing. The problem with standard thyroid testing is that it often only included:... TSH - the "thyroid" hormone that goes from your (the pituitary gland specifically) to your thyroid to tell it to make thyroid hormones. This tells us if your brain is sensing enough but NOTHING about the rest of your body. Free T4 - The most abundant form of thyroid hormone that the thyroid makes but is actually INACTIVE! BUT knowing how much T4 your thyroid is important because then we know that your thyroid is doing what it's supposed to do which is make T4. It doesn't include testing for Free T3, rT3, or the antibodies to get a full picture of thyroid function. BUT MOST importantly "normal" doesn't mean optimal. I've had "normal" ranges of TSH but had ALL.THE.SYMPTOMS of hypothyroidism. I was told that was the cause of my symptoms but like magic, once I fixed my thyroid health, all my symptoms DISAPPEARED. We can work on making your symptoms disappear too. Not with a bandaid but by treating the root cause and co-creating a personalized plan that sets YOU up for SUCCESS! Book now (or link in bio): https://epionehealth.janeapp.com/#/staff_member/1 I see patients virtually all over Ontario and Quebec as well as in-person @epione.health Save this post and I would be honored if you shared it with your friends and family. You don't need to be suffering from all this thyroid madness. There is hope. #hashimotos #fatigue #hypothyroid #cornwallnaturopathicdoctor #naturopathicdoctor #functionalmedicine See more

Dr. Veronique Theriault, ND 18.09.2020

Have a safe, healthy, and happy Halloween everyone!

Dr. Veronique Theriault, ND 06.09.2020

I get a lot of questions about what I do and what it’s like to work with me so I made a video about it. Still have some questions? Comment them below! Ready to prioritize your health? Me too! You can book online at www.epionehealth.janeapp.com or link in bio. ... #thyroidproblems #thyroidhealing #fatigued #tiredmom #weightloss #thyroidrescue #healthyliving #healingtools #naturopathicnutrition #naturopath #cornwallontario #hawkesbury #sdg #healyourself #thriving #naturalhealthcare #naturalhealthandwellness #exhaustedmom #ibsdiet

Dr. Veronique Theriault, ND 03.09.2020

Thank you to all the brave humans that risk their lives for ours. Let’s not forget. Let’s learn from them, live in gratitude, gain some perspective and be kind to one another (including ourselves). From my friend @girl.gone.good. ... Trauma + Growth: It's ok to be ok. This little one would stop by often. We sit in silence and curiousity. He taught me a lot. This picture was taken just a few days before my first mass casualty event. When I originally wrote the post on girlgonegood.com, it was so raw/choppy/real that I felt vulnerable AF sharing it. So I clicked that magical 'publish' button and went to bed. Feel more "ugh" than anything. What I woke up to was the likes of @northamericanrescue, @danpronk, and @strengthelite reading/sharing it. Over 4k views in 12 hrs. And a hell of a lot of "me too", "thank you for making it normal", and boat loads of trauma stories from soldier and veterans from the US, UK, and Australia. They instantly felt like family. It's ok to be ok. That was the kicker in the story. "It’ll likely be hard to read for some, however it speaks towards an important aspect of life trauma and our ability to grow from it. It really does feel like a lifetime ago yet it with one glance at the picture above I can remember every moment of it. The feelings, words, emotions, sights, and smells. The panic. Most of all, I remember her big brown eyes staring at me in pain as she took her last breaths. And to be brutally honest, I felt relief. Let me start at the beginning" Read the full story of 'Trauma and Growth: My First Mass Casualty" at girlgonegood.com/mass-casualty-trauma/ It's left unedited, choppy, and real. Tomorrow I'll be off social media to reflect out of respect in my own way - in nature. #WeRemember #LiveWellInTheirHonour TF 3-09 Afghanistan Corporal Joshua Caleb Baker Private Garret William Chidley Corporal Zachery McCormack Sergeant George Miok Sergeant Kirk Taylor Michelle Lang (journalist) : An unknown child and myself, taken by an Australian officer. Op Toucan. : Dilli, Timor Leste. #remembranceday 3/3 #lestweforget #lestweforget #veteranlife #mindset #posttraumaticgrowth #w