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Dr. Emily Freistatter, ND 25.02.2021

This is just a gentle reminder that everything that you eat touches your digestive system. It passes through multiple digestive organs and interacts with your gut microbiome. This is both a good thing and a bad thing. It’s a good thing because we can support our digestive system by eating foods that ADD to the gut. Things like prebiotic fibres, fermented foods, and phytonutrients from fruits & veg.... It’s a bad thing because we can easily hurt our digestive system by adding foods that TAKE AWAY from the gut. Things like processed foods, sugar, and too much gluten & dairy. If you’re gut’s not feeling great the first place you should look is at the food that you’re eating. It’s the closes we get to actually touching our digestive system. I’m by no way saying that food is the ONLY thing that affects gut health. But it definitely can’t be missed. I’ve heard one to many time by patients that they were told that it didn’t matter what foods they ate - they were going to have to live with their gut issues forever. And this is just not true. . . . . #naturopathicmedicine #naturopathicdoctor #kelowna #bc #okanagan #vancouver #kootenays #entrepreneur #digestion #gutbrainaxis #lifestylemedicine #rootcause #medicine #virtualmedicine #virtualdoctor #gutbrainaxis #energy #mood #stress #bloating #microbiome #beatthebloat #ibs #sibo #guthealth #leakygut #lowfodmap #bloat #bloated

Dr. Emily Freistatter, ND 06.02.2021

Does eating out make you panic? Stressed about what you’re going to be able to eat? I love food. And I love trying new things. But there was a time when the thought of trying something different or eating at a new restaurant was stressful for me.... Eating something different meant the possibility of ending up bloated. Eating somewhere new meant repeating the annoying questions about whether there was dairy in this or garlic in that to try and avoid my food triggers. Eating out also meant temptations. Especially when I was with my friends. They always seemed to be eating my favourite things that I couldn’t eat anymore because they would make me bloat. So the question would come up. Do I eat the food and deal with feeling like crap? Or do I skip the food and deal with FOMO instead? This became so normal for me that I stopped asking myself the question of whether this needed to be my normal, or if there was something I could do about it. If this is you send me a DM there is definitely something we can do about it. . . . . #naturopathicmedicine #naturopathicdoctor #kelowna #bc #okanagan #vancouver #kootenays #entrepreneur #digestion #gutbrainaxis #lifestylemedicine #rootcause #medicine #virtualmedicine #virtualdoctor #gutbrainaxis #energy #mood #stress #bloating #microbiome #beatthebloat #ibs #sibo #guthealth #leakygut #lowfodmap #bloat #bloated

Dr. Emily Freistatter, ND 25.01.2021

I have talked about LOW stomach acid so much this week! In my practice, low stomach acid is WAY more common than high stomach acid. Did you know that heartburn can be caused by both low stomach acid and high stomach acid? I remember learning this in school and having my mind blown a little bit. When you think of the feeling of heartburn or acid reflux it suggests that there is too much acid and that’s why its going back up your esophagus and causing your discomfort.... It makes sense that that is the cause, but it is definitely not the only cause. If you - Focus more on fruits & veg than fast food - Are female - Don’t smoke or heavily consume alcohol - Are otherwise healthy but experience heartburn, LOW stomach acid could be the culprit. Want to learn more about low stomach acid & heartburn? Click the link in my bio & head to my Facebook group - I’m going to be going LIVE on Thurs @ 4pm PST to talk all about it

Dr. Emily Freistatter, ND 08.01.2021

We all know exercise is good. True. But is all exercise good in all situations? No. There are definitely situations in which your exercise may be doing more harm than good for your (gut) health. Exercise can be perceived by the body as a stress. Stress is not good for the health of your gut. Stress causes cortisol to be released, which can make your gut leaky and inflamed. Exercise can also directly increase inflammation levels in the gut (and elsewhere).... Exercise increased stress inflammation. So what, I’m never supposed to exercise again? NO The research shows that these effects are mostly noticed with high intensity and/or long duration exercise. So the type of exercise that you’re doing matters. And, your current state of health matters too. If you’re in tip top shape your body is going to be able to handle the increase in stress & inflammation more effectively. Whereas if you’re already mentally/physically stressed and then you add more stress to the mix in the form of exercise, your body is not going to handle it well. So in summary, if you’re wanting to heal your gut completely you need to consider your exercise. Here’s what I suggest: Choose low-to-moderate intensity activities (ie. walking, yoga, mod-intensity jogging & biking) over high intensity ones (ie. HIIT, circuits, sprinting, heavy weight training) Choose shorter duration over longer duration Tune into your body before you decide your exercise Take rest days; but do move your body (lightly) everyday! . . . . #naturopathicmedicine #naturopathicdoctor #kelowna #bc #okanagan #vancouver #kootenays #entrepreneur #digestion #gutbrainaxis #lifestylemedicine #rootcause #medicine #virtualmedicine #gutbrainaxis #energy #mood #stress #bloating #microbiome #beatthebloat #ibs #sibo #guthealth #leakygut #lowfodmap #bloat #bloated #constipation #exercise

Dr. Emily Freistatter, ND 29.12.2020

Story time This photo is from 8 years ago. I remember this trip so clearly. Yes because of my amazing friends that I got to visit (@mimiheav @michellellec ) But ALSO because of the diet that I was following at the time. This was 2nd year naturopathic school. My gut symptoms were BAD. Pretty much everything I ate made me feel worse. Bloated was my constant state.... The ND that I was working with at the time diagnosed me with SIBO (small intestine bacterial overgrowth). One of the treatment options for SIBO involves a very restricted diet (the SCD) where you essentially eliminate everything but meat and veg. I had just started this diet when I planned this trip to visit my friends. So what did I do - I prepped and packed meals to bring with me. Every other student on that bus probably had a 6-pack in their cooler. Not me, I had spaghetti squash and turkey meatballs. I’m so grateful to my friends for being supportive of my journey. They may have thought I was slightly crazy but they did everything they could to make sure I had what I needed. Now what’s the point of this story? The gut journey can be incredibly isolating. It sucks to feel like you have to miss out because of your restricted diet. Or not wanting to socialize because of your (embarrassing) symptoms that no one understands or talks about? Community is so important. Surround yourself with people that get you. If you’re struggling to find a gut positive community, send me a DM . . . . #naturopathicmedicine #naturopathicdoctor #kelowna #bc #okanagan #vancouver #kootenays #entrepreneur #digestion #gutbrainaxis #lifestylemedicine #rootcause #medicine #virtualmedicine #virtualdoctor #gutbrainaxis #energy #mood #stress #bloating #microbiome #beatthebloat #ibs #sibo #guthealth #leakygut #lowfodmap #bloat #bloated #constipation

Dr. Emily Freistatter, ND 11.12.2020

Have you thought about the stress-gut connection? The relationship between food & gut health makes sense. The food you eat directly touches your gut, so it makes sense that it would influence the health of it. But the stress-gut connection is a little less intuitive. Your brain (the thing that processes your stress) is directly connected to the gut by the vagus nerve.... So your stress is (almost) as connected to your gut as the food you’re eating is. This is why so many people feel the effects of stress in their gut. That queasy feeling or the increased need to visit the bathroom - it’s your gut feeling your stress. If you haven’t thought about the connection before, think about it now. Does your bloating get worse when you’re stressed? Do your bowel movements become more or less frequent? If you just had an aha moment leave me a below . . . . #naturopathicmedicine #naturopathicdoctor #kelowna #bc #okanagan #vancouver #kootenays #entrepreneur #digestion #gutbrainaxis #lifestylemedicine #rootcause #medicine #virtualmedicine #virtualdoctor #gutbrainaxis #energy #mood #stress #bloating #microbiome #beatthebloat #ibs #sibo #guthealth #leakygut #lowfodmap #bloat #bloated #constipation

Dr. Emily Freistatter, ND 25.11.2020

Have low B12 levels but don’t know why? Your gut health may be involved. I always test vitamin B12 in my patients. It’s pretty important (involved in making red blood cells & building DNA ) and it’s commonly low in those with gut issues. Why? Let’s talk about how it’s absorbed.... << Ps. If you don’t read my post yesterday about where vitamin B12 comes from check that one out >> The B12 in our food is usually bound to protein. We need stomach acid & pepsin to be released from our stomach to break the B12 away from the protein so that it can be absorbed. The absorption is done in the small intestine. Here’s how poor gut health can prevent this process from happening: Low stomach acid: If you don’t have enough acid in your stomach not all the B12 will get released from the proteins, and thus not all will be absorbed. Acid reflux: if you have acid reflux and are taking proton pump inhibitors (ie. any other drugs that end in -azole) you will not have enough stomach acid to release B12 SIBO: if you have bacterial overgrowth in your small intestine much of the B12 will be stolen by the bacteria (they need it to!) Leaky gut: if your intestinal lining is damaged & inflamed (as in leaky gut) it will be harder for B12 to be absorbed. Want more amazing gut info? Head to the link in my bio to join my Facebook group! . . . . #health #healthy #nutrition #wellness #nd #naturopath #naturopathicmedicine #naturopathicdoctor #kelowna #bc #okanagan #vancouver #kootenays #entrepreneur #guthealth #digestion #gutbrainaxis #lifestylemedicine #rootcause #medicine #virtualmedicine #virtualdoctor #gutbrainaxis #energy #mood #stress #bloating #microbiome #leakygut #vitaminb12

Dr. Emily Freistatter, ND 15.11.2020

Is your gut causing your low iron? It just might be. Low stomach acid - non-heme iron (plant foods) need acid to be absorbed. If there’s not enough stomach acid being produced the pH will not be low enough for iron absorption.... Incomplete digestion: heme iron (animal foods) requires mechanical & enzymatic digestion to be released from the foods it’s so that it can be absorbed. If your stomach is not digesting completely and insufficient enzymes are being released this process can be blunted. Leaky gut and inflammatory bowel disease: in these conditions the absorptive surface of the intestine is altered leading to less iron being absorbed. Dysbiosis: bacteria love iron just about as much as we do. If there is an overgrowth of bacteria in the small or large intestine the bacteria may steal the iron and prevent us from using it. NOTE: overconsumption of iron can worsen some gut conditions so please speak to a licensed healthcare practitioner before supplementing with iron. Send me a DM if you are ready to get your GUT under control. . . . . #health #healthy #nutrition #wellness #nd #naturopath #naturopathicmedicine #naturopathicdoctor #kelowna #bc #okanagan #vancouver #kootenays #entrepreneur #guthealth #digestion #gutbrainaxis #lifestylemedicine #rootcause #medicine #virtualmedicine #virtualdoctor #gutbrainaxis #energy #mood #stress #bloating #microbiome #leakygut #irondeficiency

Dr. Emily Freistatter, ND 04.11.2020

Why am I iron deficient? This is a BIG question but let’s talk about the role that GUT HEALTH plays. If I had to guess I would say 75% of the patients that I work with (who have had their iron tested) are deficient.... Why is this a problem? Well iron is necessary for a healthy immune system (very important) and a vital part of hemoglobin - that transports oxygen around your body (very, very important). Iron is mostly absorbed in the upper small intestine, and to a lesser extend in the large intestine. If your gut is not healthy the iron that you consume in your foods will not be absorbed properly. If you have chronically low iron levels it may be time to consider the role of your gut health. . . . . #health #healthy #nutrition #wellness #nd #naturopath #naturopathicmedicine #naturopathicdoctor #kelowna #bc #okanagan #vancouver #kootenays #entrepreneur #guthealth #digestion #gutbrainaxis #lifestylemedicine #rootcause #medicine #virtualmedicine #virtualdoctor #gutbrainaxis #energy #mood #stress #bloating #microbiome #leakygut #irondeficiency

Dr. Emily Freistatter, ND 18.10.2020

Vitamin D can prevent leaky gut & improve the health of your microbiome. This is a bold statement for a humble vitamin - but the research backs it up. Researchers started to look at the role that vitamin D played in gut health as they found that people with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) tended to have low vitamin D levels - and those with the lowest levels had the highest disease activity.... Significant. Here’s what we know about the role that vitamin D plays in the gut: It maintains the integrity of the intestinal barrier (ie. prevents leaky gut) It decreases inflammation in the gut It regulates the immune system in the gut It promotes a healthy balance of beneficial to not-so-beneficial bacteria This is why vitamin D is always on my list of things to test during my gut health appointments. Interested in learning more? Send me a DM . . . . #health #healthy #nutrition #wellness #nd #naturopath #naturopathicmedicine #naturopathicdoctor #kelowna #bc #okanagan #vancouver #kootenays #entrepreneur #guthealth #digestion #gutbrainaxis #lifestylemedicine #rootcause #medicine #virtualmedicine #virtualdoctor #gutbrainaxis #energy #mood #stress #bloating #microbiome #leakygut #vitamind

Dr. Emily Freistatter, ND 07.10.2020

The health of your gut depends on vitamin D. And we’re at risk of deficiency just by living in Canada. Uh oh. This is why it is SO important to get your vitamin D levels tested. More than 50% of my patients that I test are deficient.... And the fix for this problem is easy. If it’s summer - sun exposure + supplement If it’s winter - supplement In the winter months (and early spring & late fall) the sun is too far away from us to get much vitamin D production from the sun. Side note: if you didn’t know, UVB light from the sun stimulates production of vitamin D in the skin. You can get vitamin D from foods like fatty fish, eggs, organ meats & fortified foods - but the majority of the vitamin D we get comes from the sun. Leave me any Qs you may have about vitamin D testing. And stay tuned to find out WHY vitamin D is so important for gut health. . . . . #health #healthy #nutrition #wellness #nd #naturopath #naturopathicmedicine #naturopathicdoctor #kelowna #bc #okanagan #vancouver #kootenays #entrepreneur #guthealth #digestion #gutbrainaxis #lifestylemedicine #rootcause #medicine #virtualmedicine #virtualdoctor #gutbrainaxis #energy #mood #stress #bloating #microbiome #leakygut #vitamind

Dr. Emily Freistatter, ND 27.09.2020

Stressed out? Let's talk about the vagus nerve. The vagus nerve is the main connection between your gut and your brain. It's one of the main ways that the gut communicates with the brain. And it's one of my favourite things in the human body. The vagus nerve is part of the parasympathetic nervous system - ie. the "rest and digest" or "rest and relax" system.... When the vagus nerve is activated it can push us from a stressed out state to a state of relaxation. Sounds like something we should be taking advantage of. I often work with patients to activate their vagus nerve before they eat a meal - because we digest best when we are relaxed. But, the vagus nerve can be called on whenever you need to CHILL out. Some of my favourite ways to activate the vagus nerve are: End your shower with cold water Wash your face with cold water Sing or gargle (the closest we can get to physically touching the vagus nerve is in the throat) Meditation, yoga & breathwork Lay on your right side Give me a if you are going to try vagus nerve activation this week! . . . . #health #healthy #nutrition #wellness #nd #naturopath #naturopathicmedicine #naturopathicdoctor #kelowna #bc #okanagan #vancouver #kootenays #entrepreneur #guthealth #digestion #gutbrainaxis #lifestylemedicine #rootcause #medicine #virtualmedicine #virtualdoctor #gutbrainaxis #energy #mood #stress #bloating #microbiome #leakygut #vagusnerve See more