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Dr. Janina Duliunas, DC 22.03.2021

Endometriosis is COMMON yet many of us have no idea what it is The pain associated with endo has been compared to child birth I have never given birth yet the pain I have experienced with endo is unbearable and awful and can also come with nausea, vomiting, screaming, fevers, numbness, shock and exhaustion once the episode is over... My goal is to bring awareness about this disease To bring hope To share solutions that have worked for me To help women who do have endo to feel like they are not alone - BC you're not If you're an endo woman and need support plz reach out See more

Dr. Janina Duliunas, DC 05.03.2021

INTERMITTENT FASTING... Start slow, at your own pace. The benefits are endless.... My experience with IF is that you become more trusting in yourself and your body and are not run by food and the choices you make. It is time restricted eating, without caloric restriction. Most often you tend to eat less anyways. What is your experience with intermittent fasting? See more

Dr. Janina Duliunas, DC 01.03.2021

1/10 women have endometriosis This number is likely even higher due to the lag time in diagnosis (could be as much as 10-12 years!) I AM 1/10... March is endometriosis awareness month Endometriosis is an Estrogen Dominant disease where tissue that is meant to line the uterus implants and grows outside of the uterus and can affect every organ system. It typically finds itself on the ovaries, uterus, rectum, bowels etc but can even affect organs such as the lungs! It comes with debhilitating pain and can severely affect quality of life I have probably experienced every symptom of Endo I will be posting more about endo this month to create awareness and offer support to other endo (or suspected endo women) Have you heard of endometriosis? See more

Dr. Janina Duliunas, DC 10.02.2021

Creating a body that you love and honor is actually a journey back to your true self It goes far beyond what you’re eating and the exercise that you do It’s deeper then that... Your body is your temple And when we feel disconnected from our bodies we become disconnected from ourselves I’ve felt this with my endometriosis journey, through weight gain, through injuries, emotional and physical traumas - all of it When we do the deep work and connect back to our true self it is then that we truly connect back to our body The limiting beliefs that are holding you back are just that they’re limiting and need to be looked at to move forward This is why I always work through nutrition and movement goals with my coaching clients but most importantly is the mindset piece The deeper internal work to get the physical results The mindset piece guides the other pillars of nutrition and exercise We often work hard on the other pillars and forget about mindset and connection Can you relate?

Dr. Janina Duliunas, DC 02.02.2021

Sleep is essential to the way... You Look You Feel... To your overall health Add in these simple yet effective tips and notice how your life changes. You will feel more energized You will feel more connected to your body You will feel happier Which sleep tip do you get to lean into most? See more

Dr. Janina Duliunas, DC 13.01.2021

It’s not ALL about what you’re eating How much you move your body These things are essential to wellbeing ... AND It’s also about what you’re thinking and feeling Nourishing your MIND, BODY and SOUL is where the work comes in. Getting to know our deepest parts of ourselves and healing the parts we don’t want to look at or ignore So yes .. We get to put nourishing, loving foods into our bodies DAILY We get to move our sexy powerful bodies DAILY AND we get to nourish our mind and soul DAILY I do this through Therapy (bi-weekly non-negotiable) Life/business coaching (@iamhailamacedo) My morning routine (meditation , journaling , gratitude ) Reading Connection with friends and family With the 3 pillars of health : nutrition, movement and mindset - it is typically the mindset piece that in my experience is neglected most Do you Nourish your mind and soul daily? What does this look like for you? Mindfulness moves and guides the other pillars of health. If you’re struggling with this and need support DM me and let’s chat See more

Dr. Janina Duliunas, DC 06.01.2021

BABY CHIRO *PRE-mask * I LOVE caring for these little angels ... Being born is tough work for both moms & babies There are a lot of pressure & forces on both mom & baby during the birth process. It is estimated that 80-90% of babies have some sort of misalignment just from the birth process alone Chiropractors use specific & gentle adjustments to correct the spinal misalignment Some possible causes could be: short or long birth restricted birthing positions pulling or twisting of infants head use of forceps or vacuum c-section Some potential signs: nursing difficulties (latch or possible tongue tie) baby prefers to tilt and/ rotate their head 2 one side difficulty settling down or sleeping soundly constipation I see many baby’s for wellness care too! If you haven't had yourself or your baby checked and would like to take this opportunity to do so give us a call @gigglypandababyspa 905 232 3522 Let me know if you have any questions See more

Dr. Janina Duliunas, DC 30.12.2020

INTERMITTENT FASTING FOR WOMEN This will be 1 of many posts! IF is time-restricted eating without caloric restriction.... Women respond differently to men with IF. Women needs to take things slow and not do anything to drastic at first. Doing things to fast can cause hair loss, irritability and hormonal changes LESS IS MORE. Some tips: Start slow. Try 12 hour fasts 3x/week at first and add an hour every 2-3 weeks. Aim for 14-16 hrs. Pay attention to whether you feel HUNGER or if you're just CRAVING. If you feel Hungry EAT. Hunger can affect hormones as it can shut down the fertility process. During menstruation do more gentle or less fasting. Or don't fast at all during this time. Creshendo fasting is great for women, it is fasting every other day for 12-16 hrs *As always before you do any type of IF consult your health care provider* What is your experience with intermittent fasting? I teach my coaching clients and patients about IF regularly, DM if you’d like to know more! See more

Dr. Janina Duliunas, DC 27.12.2020

HUSTLE & FLOW During the week I 'Hustle' in an aligned loving way & ON ON SUNDAYS I FLOW!... Chillen out, maxin, relaxin all cool What does your perfect flowing Sunday look like ? See more

Dr. Janina Duliunas, DC 09.12.2020

Post-Partum Chiropractic Care IS ESSENTIAL & RECOMMENDED I care for many momma's in my chiropractic practice @gigglypandbabyspa Let's face it, there is not a lot of support for post partum women, especially now in this pandemic... Your body has changed drastically from before you were pregnant, during pregnancy and postpartum. & now we have lack of sleep , poor posture from nursing /bottle feeding & healing from labour to add into the mix I always encourage momma's to get checked by a chiropractor In my initial assessments we dive deep into what your needs are including - physical , nutritional, mindset, exercise and stress. & more. Have you been checked by a chiropractor? If your a momma and would like to know more about how chiropractic care can help you feel free to DM me for support See more

Dr. Janina Duliunas, DC 10.11.2020

WE DON'T EVER HAVE TIME FOR: Things, relationships, jobs etc that don't bring us: Joy... Happiness Calm Love Peace Freedom Anything that threatens this we get to step away from and choose differentl Where in your life do you get to choose differently?

Dr. Janina Duliunas, DC 22.10.2020

80/20 RULE You don't always have 2be perfect in your health journey You actually NEVER have 2be... In my experience when working w. patients & clients is that going 0-100 w. any aspect of ur health is not sustainable long term We become 2regimented &feel guilt when we 'fall off track' I eat healthy , minimal 2no sugar . I move my body 5x/wk I meditate &journal daily. & theres times I don't. I enjoy wine on the weekends. I like sugar on occasion. I sometimes miss a workout depending on the wk (&also where I am @in my menstrual cycle). I have learned a balance that works 4me. I am on track w. my habits closer to 90% of the time. & I do give myself grace when I would like 2indulge With support &years of listening 2& figuring out what my body needs My point is... YOU DON'T NEED 2BE PERFECT 2achieve ur health goals Is there a time of being more strict in your habits to actually create the habit? YES. IS this 4forever? NO If you're struggling 2find a balance of what works 4 you & feel guilt when U 'get off track' I SEE YOU & I HAVE BEEN THERE Do you feel guilt when you get 'off track' w. your health habits? See more

Dr. Janina Duliunas, DC 14.10.2020

IN MOMENTS OF STRESS WE GET RID OF WHAT WE NEED MOST Of WHAT GROUNDS US Our nutrition goes out the window - we fill up on processed foods and sugar ... We stop moving our bodies We stop doing the mindfulness routines that help create calm and stability - meditation , journalling etc. We stop connecting to and reaching out to our people We drink more alcohol to cope and less water We sleep less and DO MORE We literally get rid of all the things that are essential to our being ESPECIALLY in times of STRESS When in times of stress we get to pivot and step into these self-love practices even more I help women step into their power and self-love EVEN when their world is in chaos. BC this is the secret sauce of getting the life and body you are craving and calling in And I have been through it first hand Can you relate? If this resonates with you, DM me and lets chat See more

Dr. Janina Duliunas, DC 02.10.2020

THE 1ST TIME YOU DO ANYTHING IS SCARY The first time I did an IG post, a story, my 1st practical chiro exam, saying 'I love you' to a partner for the 1st time, starting a new job Can you relate?... &then the next time we do that thing, It becomes less scary It becomes easier We gain confidence & flex those muscles 2create the body& soul2 become better @ the exact thing we were scared of doing for the 1st time The point is 2START. 2be SCARED &do the damn thing anyways I invest in coaching, support CONSTANTLY &it still scares me. I am on the brink of investing again. & even though I am scared. I know that every time I invest in me the ROI is worth it Where in your life do you get 2lean into ur edge &move the needle? To GET OUT of ur comfort zone Do you get to invest in that wellness coach 2help U FINALLY get the mind, body &soul youve always dreamed of? Do you get2 invest in that gym membership/class? Where do you get 2lean in? I am a women's wellness coach.I help women break free from damaging health habits so that they can experience infinite self love &physical &mental freedom. If any of this msg resonates w. you, DM w. the word 'LOVE' & lets chat See more

Dr. Janina Duliunas, DC 30.09.2020

YOU’RE NOT ALONE You are not alone in your experiences Now more then ever we need to hear this bc EVERYONE is going through something. Their worlds are being literally rocked. ... I’m in this too. I see it with patients. I see it with clients. You’re not alone in feeling insecure about your job security or finances You’re not alone in struggling to find the motivation to move your body especially with gyms being closed You’re not alone in turning to sugar, alcohol etc to self soothe You’re not alone in your grief in mourning what was You’re not alone in your heartache and pain You’re not alone in craving connection and social norms I see you, sis. And I got you. You’re not alone in your experience and you also do not have to be alone in breaking down the barriers that are stopping you from eternal joy in your mind, body and soul. I help women feel good from the inside out. Bc I have been In their shoes and can resonate. Where do you feel alone in your current experiences?? DM me and let’s chat See more

Dr. Janina Duliunas, DC 29.09.2020

Give yourself an EXTRA 30 MINS each MORNING & witness your life change How do you start your day?... Is it to a loud alarm clock that startles you out of bed? Do you give yourself just enough time to get to work on time? Does the day seem rushed and stressed for the most part? Give yourself an extra 30 minutes each morning I use this time for meditation , journaling , gratitude and oracle cards I listen to a podcast in mindset or business while I get ready When I start days like this my day is almost always better I am grounded, centred and calm I set the tone for my day I get to decide what day I will have when I start it from a grounded, peaceful, happy and calm place. What are your mornings like? See more

Dr. Janina Duliunas, DC 13.09.2020

It’s UNCOMFORTABLE getting what we want It can take sacrifice It can take time ... It can take sleepless nights It can take money I know that when my body changed due to endometriosis with weight gain, pain, hormonal issues etc & I couldn’t figure out why I had to dig and fight for answers. I invested time and money, I researched, I got support. The result: I have a body that I have gotten to know, love and honour more then I ever have before This experience was uncomfortable It was painful & it was worth it If you’re in a current season of wanting to get your health on track, to change habits, to have a body that your love and honour, that works for YOU What is stopping you? The hard satisfying work it takes to get there? The ‘comfort’ of not shaking things up? The investment and time it may require? What is it costing you to NOT put your health first and achieve your health goals NOW? See more

Dr. Janina Duliunas, DC 02.09.2020

Move WITH your KIDS *This is not my child in the picture just the cutest little hiking side kick anyone could ever ask for! * If you’re having trouble finding time to MOVE due to mommy duties... Have your kids move with you No I am not a mother. However in clinic and with my coaching clients a huge block that comes up is finding the time to move. Moms typically move less after they have children. What I do know is that IF your children see Mom exercising they are more likely to do it as well even when they get older. This create better habits for YOU and for your kids So if possible move WITH your kids Make it a game Get outdoors Have a dance party Not only does this help you get your movement in but your kids will get the benefit of moment too AND will start to create the amazing habit of having movement in their lives daily! Do you move with your kids? What’s been your experience ? See more

Dr. Janina Duliunas, DC 13.08.2020

Bye Summer Yesterday marked the 1st day of Fall We’re in a new season ... Just like there are seasonal changes in the yr based on weather & climate there are also seasons in life I am in the season of focus, surrender & GRIND I am focused more then ever on enjoying every moment now AND putting in the work 2truly create the life I am calling in In building my chiropractic practice & online women’s wellness coaching biz I feel so aligned & excited about this! This does mean certain social sacrifices I’m okay w. that This doesn’t mean I put my health on the back burner. My nutrition choices, gym time & sleep does not change EVER. The GRIND doesn’t mean we get 2have the excuse of letting our health go What season are U in? 1.Is it the season of deep personal work 2 create the body & soul that you deserve and crave? 2. Is it the season 2create the life & financial freedom you’ve been calling in? 3. Is it the season 2focus on surrendering 2 what is &just being in the now? 1, 2 or 3 ? See more

Dr. Janina Duliunas, DC 07.08.2020

YOU DO HAVE TIME One of the biggest excuses I find with women reaching their health goals is that they don't have 'time' to move their body or prepare nourishing meals THEY ARGUE FOR THEIR LIMITATIONS... This feels safe Instead Figure out if you are a 'morning or night' workout person. What is the best time of day to move your body based on how you feel and based on your schedule Schedule out your week. If you commit to 3 workouts- scheuled them out and have an alternate time if one day does not work out Organize- if you need a sitter or to sign up for a class DO IT so that you have no excuse BUT to crush your goals PREP your meals. The best way to hold yourself accountable is to get ahead of your week. This create confidence and empowerment in your meal choices. Just doing these 4 things will get you closer to your goals and within reach of your dream life. It is within reach. Is time your limitation for not getting the life and body your deserve and crave?

Dr. Janina Duliunas, DC 21.07.2020

Your POTENTIAL is ALWAYS bigger then the 'PROBLEM' you're going through 3 TRUTH BOMBS The Universe NEVER puts more on your plate then you can handle... You are worth every bit of goodness and abundance coming your way (trust that it is ALREADY HERE & more is coming) Nothing lasts forever. So if things are 'not so good right now or your feel like you're in a rut' IT WON'T LAST. Breathe That's better Understand that every experience creates expansion whether its 'good or bad' You got this Where are you holding yourself back in your life bc of FEAR & UNCERTAINTY? Body Goals? Self Love? Relationships? Career? Finances? I am accepting 1 more woman for 1:1 wellness coaching (mind, movement, nourishment) DM me the word LOVE and let’s chat See more

Dr. Janina Duliunas, DC 12.07.2020

TRUST & SURRENDER It’s so easy to keep focusing on the future and what will be Instead of WHAT IS RIGHT NOW... Gawd I can relate Living in the future causes anxiety Living in the past causes pain Living in the now causes peace and empowerment We have everything we need in this moment The art and practice of surrendering to what is, truly does take work and when you step into this way of being you become grateful for EVERYTHING that is RIGHT NOW in your life So tell me... Do you find yourself worrying about the future, your past or do you live in this beautiful moment RIGHT NOW? See more

Dr. Janina Duliunas, DC 02.07.2020

HEALING requires PATIENCE We all have a past of traumas that have affected the way we’ve grown up, we’ve had past painful relationships, & may have had body image or health issues I am taking time 2really heal every relationship & not HOLD on2 unwanted energy or trauma ... I am still healing... My childhood traumas (we all have them) From my divorce &the trauma that came w. that My relationship w. my body My relationship w. me By being kinder2 myself Getting the support I deserve &require2 be my best self So that I can show up as a better Chiropractor Coach Partner Friend Daughter Sister A better me Healing takes time& I am taking the steps by looking at my deep wounds so that they do not run me When we up-level in our lives & stop hiding behind our traumas that’s when healing truly happens & then we get to live our most zesty lives which we all deserve Where are you in your healing process ? With your body? With yourself? Be patient sis, dm me 4 support See more

Dr. Janina Duliunas, DC 22.06.2020

It’s FRI - YAY ! It’s time to ‘Let our hair down’ and enjoy the upcoming weekend ! With Summer coming to an end let’s take advantage of this weather and get outdoors ... when it’s not raining ! ... My weekends always consists of: Something active Something Social Self Care Rest and relaxation This weekend I have a girls night, clinic, wedding @drlaurabelus , workout and relaxation planned What are your weekend plans ? Are you taking enough time to recoup from the week? See more

Dr. Janina Duliunas, DC 09.06.2020

D R E A M B I G Be UN-REALISTIC ‘Being realistic is the most common path 2mediocrity’ ... W. every dream there's always going 2be resistance You get 2 declare I WANT THIS & if its for you, you can have it - Preston Smiles The ego tries 2 keep us small She keeps us scared 2 do the things we’ve always wanted 2 do Up leveling in our: Careers Health Finances Relationships Joy Self love IS NECESSARY & ESSENTIAL 4 growth & expansion So hush that little voice in your head AND/OR those opinions of those around you... & live your most zesty life My growth is not even close 2 finished in EVERY aspect of my life I get 2 be a fitter &stronger version of me I get 2 show up better in my relationships I get 2 create as much financial abundance as I CHOOSE I get 2 be unapologetically Happy I get 2 further up level in my career I get 2 love myself more & MORE Where do you get 2 UP LEVEL & DREAM bigger? & How can I support you? See more

Dr. Janina Duliunas, DC 31.05.2020

HOW I FEEL AFTER A WORKOUT STRONG POWERFUL ... EmpowHERed ENERGETIC ACCOMPLISHED No one ever says ‘I regret that workout’ Moving your body produces those feel good yummy hormones that become addictive It takes 66 days to make or break a habit I have so many patients and clients alike that are interested in becoming more active yet they only commit to it for maybe a couple weeks and then 'life' gets in the way What is your main excuse for not committing to an active lifestyle? Time? Money? Accountability? See more

Dr. Janina Duliunas, DC 21.05.2020

It feels good to be back To lifting heavy things daily To pushing my limits... To Pushing my body This amazing machine that I love and honour It feel good to feel somewhat normal To do the things that light me up once more So much has changed, I know Change is hard So we get to celebrate when we get some semblance of normalcy And right now this feels f*%king amazing IT FEELS GOOD & I’m celebrating the s%*t out of that. Moving your body in a way that feels good to YOU is THE BEST MEDICINE. It’s a high like no other I recommend it daily What feels good to you right now in our current climate? And What is your favourite way to move your sexy bod? LMK! See more

Dr. Janina Duliunas, DC 09.05.2020

ISOLATION, QUARANTINE, SOCIAL DISTANCING Importance of CONNECTION for your mental health!! The #1 thing I have noticed with my patients and clients alike is how much this pandemic and social isolation has affected the mental health of so many ... Where we’ve become disconnected from each-other We’re not allowed to hug To touch each other We speak from a distance hidden behind a mask We can’t see emotion Of happiness, sadness, excitement, joy This is a basic human need. I understand that this is our ‘new normal’ I also encourage you to CONNECT regardless. In a safe, nourishing way I am seeing more then ever- women who are completely stressed out and feel totally alone I encourage you to CONNECT This can be done safely... Phone calls FaceTime Distancing walks Distancing get togethers If you’re in the same household and it is safe to do so hug everyday for 60s This releases oxytocin the feel good hormone that helps calm the nervous system Get support. Talk to a therapist (I do at least 2x/month) Get a coach (I am a women’s wellness coach and I have a coach) Coaches help you see what you can’t see You’re not alone. How are you taking care of your mental health during these chaotic times? Do you connect daily? DM me for support sis See more

Dr. Janina Duliunas, DC 21.04.2020

I AM PRACTICING COURAGE BY... Showing up even when I don’t want to Showing up even if it’s uncomfortable and it terrifies me... Having the hard conversations Stepping into my power and not playing small Speaking for and standing up for those who are unable to do so or need support Speaking up for myself Being my word. I walk the walk and talk the talk By knowing when to say NO and not feeling guilty about it Sharing my experiences the good, and the messy Getting vulnerable and deep with others The courage to be vulnerable is not about winning or losing, it’s about the courage to show up when you can’t predict or control the outcome - Brene Brown & I get to share more about my experiences bc that’s where connection happens. And I am a light leader here to help other women step into their self love and optimal health. I get to share more about my health journey-my Endo, body obstacles My heart breaks Abuse I’ve gone through in my life I get to share about the ups and the downs Because these experiences are what have shaped me and have helped me become the powerful woman I am today It’s takes courage to show up and share your messy. Life is about every experience and how they shaped us and what we have learned from them... How do you practice courage in your life ? How do you show up for you? For your health? LMK See more

Dr. Janina Duliunas, DC 19.04.2020

It’s easy to stay ANGRY, BROKE, SAD, LETHARGIC, UNHEALTHY... We know these emotions and habits very well There are our go to’s... Like our default setting It’s much harder to step into JOY, LOVE, ABUNDANCE, HEALTH. I know I can be my own worst critic and fall into the first emotions very easily... Most of our thoughts are actually negative I’ve learned to shift my thought process by switching up my language and using affirmations. How to shift your emotions First Catch yourself in that ineffective thought pattern Change your language: for example instead of saying ‘I can’t... say I can (even if you don’t believe it yet), instead of saying ‘I’ll try’ you either will or you won’t. Choose an affirmation to switch up the thought process my go tos are: I love and accept myself I am and abundant in all areas of my life everything is always working out for me. Express gratitude bc no matter how bad things get we can always find the good Redefine what’s possible by stepping into these habits and emotions that may not be so familiar to you UP UNTIL NOW... Such as JOY, ABUNDANCE, INFINiTE:SELF LOVE and HEALTH Does this resonate ?? See more

Dr. Janina Duliunas, DC 10.04.2020

DAYS... Less hustle MORE flow ... After a long week of grinding with work and life I love taking my Sundays to reset To sleep in (just a bit!) To prep my meals for the week To see friends To move my body TO CHILL & NOT feel guilty about it What is your ideal Sunday? See more

Dr. Janina Duliunas, DC 31.03.2020

What’s the best diet to follow??? THE ONE THATS BEST FOR YOU In all honestly short term diets are bulls*%t... You’re better off making small sustainable lifestyle changes over time that WORK FOR YOU Instead of short term changes in order to get quick results Go back to the basics How do you feel after you eat certain foods? What are your vices and go-to foods that RUN you? You know the things you ‘Can’t live without’ Sugar, sweets , chips, coffee , alcohol etc It’s not easy to figure out what works best for you I get it There’s... Keto Vegan Gluten Free Paleo Macros Etc. Start somewhere Whether it’s decreasing your sugar intake, or increasing your water intake or both! And get support There is so much information out there and what works for one person may not work for you It will save you a lot of time , confusion and money By getting the right support for lifelong changes. If you are someone who’s been struggling with your relationship with food and figuring out what works best for you.. DM me the word LOVE and let’s chat See more

Dr. Janina Duliunas, DC 15.03.2020

GIVE YOURSELF PERMISSION.. 2 do whatever the EFF you want to do when it comes from an inspired and loving place You get to...... PUT YOURSELF 1st, w/o feeling guilt and shame for doing so TAKE SPACE - & own your GODDESS power DREAM BIG - F%#K playing small, that is not working for you anymore. LOVE YOUR BODY UNCONDITIONALLY- NOW not when you lose the weight or when the time is 'right.' GIVE YOURSELF PERMISSION TO LEAN IN. REDEFINE WHAT'S POSSIBLE. I am accepting 2 more women into my 12 wk, 1:1 EmpowHERed Body Mentorship #linkinbio A mentorship where we create a total mind, body and soul transformation focusing on lifelong habits & unconditional body love through mindfulness, nutrition and movement specifically formulated for YOU to love your body from the inside out Want more info? DM me the word LOVE and let's chat! See more

Dr. Janina Duliunas, DC 13.03.2020

WHEN THE BODY SAYS NO... Do you listen? OR do you keep ignoring the signs your body is giving you and HOPE that they'll go away... They won't The signs of constant stress, tightening of your chest, weight gain, constant fatigue, irritability, lack of motivation... These don't go away WITHOUT ACTION & SUPPORT. These are SIGNs that your body is SAYING NO You can ignore them, yes. & IS THIS WORKING? The answer is ALWAYS NO WHAT IS IT COSTING YOU NOT TO ACT NOW? Is it costing you... Your joy? Infinite self love? Physical and mental freedom? Relationships? Your dream job? THE COST IS TO HIGH Listen to your body, your temple your masterpiece. You only have one. If you're READY to finally make your goals bigger then your limitations then message me the words 'I'M READY' and let's chat See more

Dr. Janina Duliunas, DC 22.02.2020

I am learning I am listening I am using my voice ... I am donating I am supporting I am sorry I love you

Dr. Janina Duliunas, DC 31.01.2020

What's inside the 1:1 'EmpowHERed Body' Mentorship? GLAD YOU ASKED! Its the place where instead of your body obstacles & struggles OWNING YOU. You get to face them head on w. ease & grace ... Where you get 2 experience a total mind, body & soul transformation focusing on lifelong sustainable habits & unconditional body love through mindfulness, nourishment & movement specifically formulated 4 YOU You may be asking, How do I get there? You will get the exact blueprint & steps on how I navigated & healed my relationship w. my body through having major body image issues, wt gain 2 creating enough recovery & stability 2 not just survive but thrive in my body HERE ARE THE TOP 3 PRIORITIES DURING OUR 12 WKS 2GETHER 1MINDFULNESS - connecting w. YOU. Getting 2 know YOU. WHY your health struggles have come up & whats behind them 2 NOURISHMENT : Creating a healthier relationship w. food & what works specifically for YOU. W/O villifying food & restricting everything, we get 2 find out what your body loves & craves 3 MOVEMENT : Together we create a plan that works 4 you. A movement recipe that is FUN 2 follow and creates PLAY in your life EVERY SINGLE DAY These priorities are guaranteed 2 attract more self confidence, self love & joy into your life W. habits created 2 LAST A LIFETIME & not just 12 wks I have limited spots available! BONUS: If you apply w. in the next 24 hrs you get a FREE 1:1 coaching call w. me I wouldn't wait #linkinbio DM me the word 'LOVE' for more info See more