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Dr. Pip Penrose 29.09.2020

These are my two most recent reads this month. Two VERY different books and very different stories. But there are similarities you wouldn’t know going in. Stories of not being defined by anyone else. Stories of being true to yourself, of doing hard things, and maybe even challenging who you think you are. Worth checking out. And as an aside - Fanfare books in Stratford got them in for me within a week! Quick email and voila there they are! Shop local friends! Totally worth it! We CAN do hard things! #bookworm #inspiration #challenge #canthurtme #chanelmillerknowmyname

Dr. Pip Penrose 27.09.2020

If you know me, you know I’m SUPER sentimental. This lovely old brass lamp was at the front door of our home when we moved in 7 years ago. We chose a new one, but this one is so great, I made Jason keep it. It has waited all this time in our garage. This summer it got a facelift and is now lighting up a long hallway to the office bathroom. (What else did I have to do other than tape and spray paint an old fixture? What can I say? It was a very satisfying project!!) It’s these small things filled with love and connection that will be throughout the office. Making this space full of great vibes, even just to walk to the loo! Another few weeks and come Nov 1, I will be opening the doors. #connection #DIY #chiropractic #sentimental www.ConnectionChiropractic.ca

Dr. Pip Penrose 12.09.2020

I might be a little excited in this video! I’m late posting this... but it’s fun to share the progress! Thanks to @rogersconstructionmaintenance for the amazing work! I love seeing this vision take shape and can’t wait to share it with everyone for real!

Dr. Pip Penrose 30.08.2020

I have been trying to figure out how to put this in words for you. The conversations I’m having on repeat the past month in the office. Do you know how many of us have fallen off the wagon? Do you know that SO many people around you (all of them likely) are carrying more tension than they are aware of? If you picked yourself up in January, and plopped yourself into your now, you would feel the instant tension! But it’s been a slow creep. Or rather it was a crisis and panic ...and then a slow creep of chronic. I am seeing people become aware of it both after an adjustment or when they re-enter this life after holidays away in the woods. Some of the discussion has been how to get back on the wagon of self care? First, stop beating yourself up for falling off. Maybe you NEEDED the break to catch your breath and get a different perspective, including reassessing what you need now. Second, what do YOU need? Many people are burned out from the decisions and changes, they have lost their next gear in terms of exercise and how they can or want to push themselves. For me, with getting the new practice ready and taking care of my practice and family, my self care isn’t a run right now, it’s a walk (especially a walk in the woods like the picture). Time to catch my breath, move my body and recharge as opposed to pushing through a run. Don’t get me wrong - I love a good run, and i’ll be back to that soon, but right now my body NEEDS restorative movement and exercise. So pay attention to where you are at not what you SHOULD do. Third, crying, needing a hug, taking a break are NOT signs of weakness, but strength. It’s ok. It’s good. It’s needed to honour what you need and ask for support. Some people are asking to come a bit more often for adjustments. Others need a hug with their adjustment. Some share some tears with me. Others are going home and asking for support with their circle which is good and needed. There is a lot of cumulative stress AND we all have our own lives with its own ups and downs. Be good to you and where you are at. #selfcare #forestwalk #takeabreak #getadjusted #breath

Dr. Pip Penrose 21.08.2020

As the renos started, we told our kiddos about this being mom’s new office. Check out their exploration and the mid Reno updates. As they head back to school tomorrow it’s fun to see how excited they are that I will be so close to their school.

Dr. Pip Penrose 04.08.2020

This is all I have this morning. It’s what I keep reminding myself. None of us will get any of this 100% right. That was never our job. We do our best. We show up with our best. We learn we are resilient. We learn we can do hard things. Hopefully we even learn kindness. I’m pretty sure our kids will be teaching US this in the coming weeks. To all of the teachers, this year may be more about life lessons than academics... and that’s ok. I’m certain I want a kind, resilient person on my team rather than someone who always got straight As. We got this. #resilience #kindness #connection #backtoschool2020

Dr. Pip Penrose 16.07.2020

I am looking for a Superstar Chiropractic Health Assistant to start at the end of October, 2020. My new office, Connection Chiropractic, opens November 2! We are designed for health. It is our normal state. In this office I am focused on connection to each other and to ourself. Optimizing function of our brain and nervous system through chiropractic so health becomes our normal state. Does that resonate with you? Do you love growing personally and learning constantly? Do you ...love connecting with and helping people? If, and only if, you answered yes to all of the questions above you may be the superstar chiropractic assistant I’m looking for to work at my front desk. I am looking for a very special person, someone who is energetic, caring, and efficient; someone who loves to connect, who is the friend others can count on, and who loves taking care of others, all while keeping a schedule and me on track. This involves a fast pace and lots of organizing and boundaries. If you feel that you fit the bill, and you’re looking for more than a job, something that will truly make a difference in people’s lives, entire families, and ultimately your whole community, please email your resume and cover letter to [email protected] by Friday September 18. I will be phoning to follow up and schedule interviews. Specialized training provided. Computer and internet skills are a must. This is not a normal desk job, you will be on the go. This is a permanent part-time position, some early mornings and some evenings. This job is not for everyone. I need a fired up superstar! www.ConnectionChiropractic.ca #hiring #chiropracticassistant #teambuilding

Dr. Pip Penrose 12.07.2020

And so begins the exterior transformation. The blue/grey trimmed windows are now trimmed in black and there will be more updates to come! Slowly seeing this place and my visions come to life. Opening Nov 1. Thanks @rogersconstructionmaintenance www.ConnectionChiropractic.ca I’m still @stratfordchiropractic_wellness until the end of October. #chiropractic #renos

Dr. Pip Penrose 09.07.2020

Hoping you all made the most of our last summer long weekend. The fall brings new changes and new challenges. This weekend feels like we sat and truly savoured all that the summer gave us. It was windy and cooler and even a bit rainy. So we napped, we read, we cuddled... and still swam! It was the most relaxing weekend and we treasured the time before things get more routine (and colder). Here’s hoping you also filled your souls with some time well spent on the weekend. #cottagelife #georgianbay #naps

Dr. Pip Penrose 26.06.2020

So many questions have come up about the new office space. We are under renovation, but here is where we started!! The building as we bought it! Wait til you see what Rogers Construction and Maintenance does with it! And yes, I’m still at Stratford Chiropractic & Wellness Centre until the end of October! www.ConnectionChiropractic.ca

Dr. Pip Penrose 06.06.2020

Well friends... here we go! Another adventure and another change for 2020. This one though is awesome, exciting, and full of purpose. It’s taken me a LONG time to come to this decision because the crew @stratfordchiropractic_wellness are so dang awesome. We have been friends since school. The hardest thing in following your own heart sometimes is knowing you might miss other relationships. But follow my heart and create a space for patients with the fullest expression of who ...I am and all that I can give is where my heart has led me. When I saw this building on mls, the light was so right. It was JUST the place to create a new space. And it is becoming a great space. I’ll share renos and updates soon! Most of all, I want all my patients to know, for the next 2 months I am still at SCWC just the same as always and still covering for Mike which also gives me the chance to say goodbye to so many I’ve seen over the years when I have covered holidays etc! The most frequent question so far: can I follow you? YES!! All of my patient files (including all future appointments and accounts) will port over using the same computer program. Hours and fees will remain the same. Please reach out if you have any individual questions! Looking forward being with my friends for another 2 months and then welcoming you all into a new space!!! www.ConnectionChiropractic.ca #chiropractic #newbeginnings #connection See more

Dr. Pip Penrose 27.05.2020

Wednesday was a tough day with this mask on. It was feeling SO difficult to communicate. I felt like I couldn’t get my message across to people and that our connection was more difficult. Then I went to bed early. Took some time to meditate and savour my coffee the next am and re-fill my tank. I got adjusted and that helped! Later, with the same mask, communication was back to being easier. It made me realize this: Though masks limit some aspects, the biggest limiting factor ...in anything is me. My own physiology and state of being. The mask was the same but I was not. Since day one the mask has had very little energy from me. It was simply something I have to do to take care of the people in my office. But ME on the other hand, I need a lot of my own focus to stay healthy and strong. Wednesday and Thursday was a great reminder. Focus your energy on what is in your control, there is so much we CAN do and so many ways we can still make a difference, even when we feel out of control. We got this. #selfcare #connection #changewhatyoucan #focus #sleep #chiropractic See more

Dr. Pip Penrose 18.05.2020

Finally back into the swing post holidays and wanted to share some pics of the people and place that fill my heart. Best moments were watching the meteor shower and started gazing on the beach with Jason. And the many many moments of sitting on the beach under the tree watching the water with both kids on my lap contentedly chatting away. Those are the simple moments that fill my cup the most. I’m immensely grateful to be able to retreat with these guys to this place and savour the simple pleasures of being with them.

Dr. Pip Penrose 08.05.2020

I’m on holidays, tapping into nature, myself, and our family. It’s bliss. And then, a life lesson gem comes from Ollie this am pre-breakfast that I just have to share. Doesn’t matter what it is, if you think you can’t do something you just keep on trying. Thanks Buddy. We all need to remember that one, especially in these crazy times. Keep trying friends. #keeptrying #kidwisdom #cottagelife #yougotthis

Dr. Pip Penrose 24.04.2020

I’ll just leave this here as a reminder for all of us. I remind myself everyone is doing their best. I remind myself that it’s more important to learn than to be right. I remind myself to take care of me. I totally practice that love and compassion on me so I have more for others. We are in the same storm, different boats. Sending out some good love today.

Dr. Pip Penrose 18.04.2020

These two photos really helped yesterday. I was struggling with uncertainty and overwhelm, having made so many decisions and changes, I was finding it hard to anchor myself. Hard to ground myself. Then this lovely circle of life photo came up from @mbdakini @meredithebrown and reminded me that after the flower blooms, what looks like things get worse is really just the next evolution of new growth. This was such a powerful reminder to my heart yesterday. And then @soulinspi...redgurl posted this lovely photo reminding me to feel ALL the feels, reminding me that I’VE GOT THIS. Thanks for the boost ladies. And thank goodness I have awesome souls around me to remind me. This week I have worked really hard on being present and adding play to our days (my days really, our kids already have it mastered), and it’s helped. This weekend I’ll rest and anchor myself in I’ve got this and that the bloom isn’t the peak of growth. You’ve got this too. Hang in there friends. There will be good coming too. #inspiration #growth #ivegotthis See more

Dr. Pip Penrose 05.04.2020

The weight of the world is heavy. And sometimes my heart feels it more than others. Often that means I double down on self care. Yesterday it meant I needed some fun! I got to be the fun mom that says let’s go for ice cream in the afternoon to @jennandlarrys . A carefree, ice cream loving, river walking, playground playing mom. It was such fun and these two were my leaders. We ended up playing in the shade on a hill for a bit, just making up our own fun. It was awesome. No guilt about ice cream or letting projects slide... that would defeat the purpose. Just FUN. Charlie is right, parents have kids so they can have fun . Sometimes no agenda is the only agenda! #icecream #kids #balance #fun #chiropracticlifestyle #connection

Dr. Pip Penrose 27.03.2020

Challenge Accepted. Thanks @drmelissalongo #womensupportingwomen

Dr. Pip Penrose 07.03.2020

This weekend I was part of a small group zoom mastermind dedicated to personal growth. We each had to present and I chose to talk about Integrity. Two books I read this spring (The Speed of Trust by Stephen Covey and Braving the Wilderness by Brené Brown) discussed Integrity not as a synonym for honesty as it’s often thought of, but as far more. Walking your talk. Speaking your truth and living your values, even when it is hard. These quotes were in my presentation and they serve to remind me to step into being the best me possibly by living and walking and talking my truth and honouring my values. I hope you like them! #integrity #stephencovey #brenebrown #walkmytalk #personalgrowthanddevelopment

Dr. Pip Penrose 17.02.2020

Saturday morning workstation! Prepping for a zoom seminar tomorrow focused on personal development and growth and can’t think of a more inspiring place to gather my thoughts. #alwaysgrowing #alwayslearning #chiropractic #georgianbay

Dr. Pip Penrose 31.01.2020

Mask wearing. It’s never fun while having heartfelt communication in a very active job. These two oils have been my absolute saviours! EasyAir drops on the inside of my mask down by my jaw makes my airway feel much more open through a shift at work. Peppermint goes on the back of my neck to help keep me cool as temperatures rise and when I’m busy moving a lot. I hope this tip helps you! So many of my patients have tried it and loved the difference it’s made for them! We can all use something to make life easier right now, right? Remember these oils won’t make it easy for some, so above all else, be kind. #doterra #essentialoils #bekind #peppermint #easyair #masks #chiropracticlifestyle

Dr. Pip Penrose 19.01.2020

Take care of yourself they say. Sometimes the to-do list is so long, including the list of to-dos that we should do to take care of ourselves. When I creep into overwhelm and that list feels long and heavy this is the self care and to-do I go back to. My journal. Here I sit and reconnect and watch my inner self pour out what I really need. We can’t do it all (I’m writing this to remind myself than anyone ). So I start here to prioritize me and what that means to me. Sometimes it’s not more exercise. Often it’s more sleep. Always it’s take a quiet moment. What is your favourite piece of self care? #selfcare #journalling #chiropracticlifestyle #momtime