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Dr. Rachelle Vanderheyden-Jug 27.12.2020

Packing up for 10 days away in the with the fam jam. Anyone else take 5 times as long to pack when your kiddos are at home with you??!! . . . I’m super excited for our adventures but I’m dreading the travelling part to get there just a bit! Keeping two active boys occupied in a confined space is not my idea of fun! ... . . Parents, please help this momma out with your go to travel tips!? . . . #travel #travelwithkids #busyboys #disneyherewecome #lifestyle #momofboys #wishmeluck #519 #226 #ldnont #ldnontario #chiropractor See more

Dr. Rachelle Vanderheyden-Jug 16.12.2020

this beautiful weather, nature and birds and that kid has his head glued to the phone.hmpft Overheard by me this morning by two elderly women at Springbank. The first time i’ve outwardly heard someone criticize my parenting. I mean I’m sure it’s been done lots of times before, but this was the first time I actually heard it. Oh man, did that make me mad! Like, really really mad.... Don’t they know I’ve been glued to a 5 year old for for past 3 days straight as he’s been processing a fever, don’t they know my youngest was up 7 times last night screaming at Mommy for milk which i gave him every time, don’t they know that getting the kids out the door for school this morning was an epic battle where Ari had a Chernobyl sized meltdown because I wanted to wipe the bacon grease off his face before school, and Veddie followed suit because Ari opened the car door first before him.. don’t they know, don’t they know, don’t they know... I wanted to keep going...here I was judging them for judging me! So I just took a few deep breaths, continued to enjoy the sunshine and peace and quiet and used this as a reminder to myself to be more kind. I mean, let’s be real here we all judge, but telling another mother that they are doing it wrong or that their way isn’t the right" way is just downright .. jerk like. And full transparency here, before I was a parent I had it ALL figured out, I knew exactly how I’d parent and exactly how I would raise my children and I knew exactly what I’d feed them. I knew that there would be no iPads, no sugar, no McDonalds, no TV, no bribing with Timbits. And let’s just say... that now that I have kids all of those things have happened, and some of them on the daily. Just trying my best over here! Sometimes that iPad and YouTube buys me time to work on the business I own, get dinner on the table, laundry, or just 5 minutes of peace and quiet so that we all make it to the end of day alive, fed and with smiles on our faces. So just because we are different or parent differently doesn’t mean one of us is better or wrong. In the end, we all want what’s best for our families! End rant thank you See more

Dr. Rachelle Vanderheyden-Jug 14.12.2020

Today was a Mommy & Ari day it was so great to spend some one on one time today with my little dude. He’s really not a baby anymore and as much as I’m loving it, in a weird mom way it makes me sad!

Dr. Rachelle Vanderheyden-Jug 06.12.2020

I’ve been a mom for 5 years and I love it! But I also love being alone. Yet, as every parent knows I’m sure, carving out time to savour one’s individual identity, whether for a day or a week, is challenging. There are logistics and more logistics, But it’s not impossible. I truly believe that alone time is essential for the overall health of both parents and kids. I think it’s healthy to spend some time away from your kids. And figuring out what that looks like for you o...r how to make that happen is something I highly recommend! Here’s why 1. You can think your own thoughts. 2. You see things through your own eyes. 3. You can do things on your own time. 4. It’s refreshing to hear people say your name. (instead of mommy and daddy all day long). 5. You can honour your true self by doing what you love. 6. Your kids benefit too! (it’s good for kids to spend time with another trusted caregiver) 7. It’s important to show kids your identity. (it’s good for them to know their parents are individuals too with their own wants, needs and passions). 8. Your kids will leave you someday. (the point of parenthood is to raise children who will live independently in the world. So they will need to be able to function as an individual when they go!) 9. It makes you a better parent. (after honouring yourself for a while, you will feel more re-energized, ready to jump back into parenting!) 10. The reunion makes you feel thankful! . . . . What kinda things do you plan for yourself to keep you energized and recharged? See more

Dr. Rachelle Vanderheyden-Jug 03.12.2020

I read a study last week that indicated that girls trips are actually great for your mental health. Thank you science! The nitty gritty in this 2016 study I read from Southern Living it explained spending time with friends boosts the production of oxytocin, which is often called the love or cuddle hormone. Oxytocin is released when you’re in a positive social situation and will make you feel trusting, empathetic, and all-around very happy. Spend more time, with people you love and value. Spend the weekend with your friends where things get fun and a little weird. Do it in the name of science.

Dr. Rachelle Vanderheyden-Jug 15.11.2020

If this is Over the Hill I’ll take every second of it! 41 years young today and grateful for all the love!