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Health&Wellness with Dr.Vanessa, D.C 19.09.2020

Am I your doctor? Meeting a new patient is just like an interview process. Not only is that patient going to decide if im the right doctor for them, but I also take into account if this patient is the right fit for my practice. Now im about to get real and honest here. If youre only looking for a quick crack and only wanting to come back when the pain comes back, I am not your doctor. ... If youre looking to get down to the root cause, get some answers and invest in your health to correct the underlying issues, I am your doctor. If you want preventative and wellness care once your symptoms go away to live a long healthy life, I am your doctor. If you want someone who is passionate about chiropractic, helping people get well and that will do everything it takes to make sure youre reaching your health goals, I am your doctor. There are so many chiropractors out there who all practice completely different but are all AMAZING in their own way. This profession gives you so many avenues to choose from and we have all chosen what we love to do. Choose the doctor that you connect with the most because it is going to make the world of a difference when it comes to your healing. See more

Health&Wellness with Dr.Vanessa, D.C 05.09.2020

When we are dealing with symptoms for such a long period of time it becomes our normal, and just like when we are no longer dealing with the headaches, sleep issues, neck pain, fatigue, etc. we tend to forget where we came from. When it comes time to check in on a patients progress I always hear this common phrase when I ask them about the symptoms they originally came in with. Oh wow! Now that I think about it, I actually havent had any issues with that! ... Sometimes we need to be reminded where we came from to realize how far weve come. Adjustments can be so powerful in allowing the body to heal and function the way it was designed to. Click the link in my bio to schedule an appointment to get your spine and nervous system checked!

Health&Wellness with Dr.Vanessa, D.C 02.09.2020

Are you taking good quality supplements? Everyone loves a good BOGO deal, Wal-mart savings kind of purchases but that shouldnt be the case when it comes to your supplements. Supplements is a great way to fill in those nutrition gaps that youre missing in your diet and we all have good intensions when it comes to buying supplements, but are you throwing your money away? ... Swipe over to the second photo. This is an X-ray of someones abdomen, and those white dots are non digested vitamins! When we take low quality supplements our bodies are not able to digest them and most of the time these vitamins may contain more filler than the actual ingredient. With good quality supplements your body is able to digest the nutrients that it needs then gets rid of the excess. This is why it is so important to read your labels! Its all about QUALITY over QUANTITY. If you have any questions about supplements or supplement brands please feel free to reach out and email me: [email protected]

Health&Wellness with Dr.Vanessa, D.C 21.08.2020

I dont do the healing, you do. Chiropractic adjustments remove the interference to allow your body to function the way it was always supposed to. Your body is SELF HEALING, all it needs is no interference.

Health&Wellness with Dr.Vanessa, D.C 15.08.2020

I have degeneration in my spine because im old I get told this a lot in the clinic with new patients which is why I think it is important to address. Degeneration does not happen because of old age. Degeneration happens because of abnormal wear and tear and stress we put on our spines throughout our lives. The scary thing about that is degeneration is IRREVERSIBLE. ... The cool thing about chiropractic is that were able to take X-rays of your spine and determine what phase of degeneration youre in, what the structure looks like to then figure out WHY. With chiropractic adjustments and spinal exercises we can then work on getting that abnormal stress off of the spine to prevent that degeneration from worsening and restore proper function. We have ONE spine, take care of it!! Do you know what your spine looks like? Schedule an appointment and get some answers! See more

Health&Wellness with Dr.Vanessa, D.C 24.07.2020

My dad has high cholesterol and cardiovascular disease so thats why I have it. My mom has a lot of degeneration so thats why I have it too. We are not victims of our biology. Take a seat because Im about to hit you with some science... The international Agency for Research on Cancer and the World Health Organization have concluded that 80% of cancers are due to LIFESTYLE and not genetics. When I read that research it confirmed what I already believed. Yes genes may create an environment which a problem or disease can grow but it does not produce the problem, our choices do. Our lifestyle and decisions have the ability to TURN GENES ON AND OFF. Only 5% of cancer and cardiovascular patients can attribute their disease to hereditary factors - W.C. Willett. So many of us have the mindset that because something is hereditary, we have no way of changing it. This thinking removes the accountability of our choices and lifestyle. The choices we make have the biggest impact on our overall health so take CONTROL over your future. Artist: @genefyart See more

Health&Wellness with Dr.Vanessa, D.C 05.07.2020

Dr.Vanessa, ever since getting adjusted my digestion is better, im sleeping better, my allergies arent as bad and Im not always tired anymore.. why is that? If you havent already noticed, I am very passionate about chiropractic and what I do. I want to use this platform to educate you about what chiropractic truly is because a lot of people have a big misunderstanding that we can only help with neck and back pain. YES chiropractors help you get out of pain bu...t theres a HUGE part of chiropractic that most people dont know. Your spine LITERALLY protects your nervous system, which is why a chiropractors focus on the spine. Your nervous system controls EVERYTHING. If you have a spinal misalignment, your nervous system is compromised. Swipe over and take a look at this chart. This is not a chiropractic chart, this is anatomy and physiology. So imagine going your entire life without taking care of your spine? Years and years of pressure on your nervous system not allowing proper connection to all of those vital organs? How will your body be able to function and heal? I don't know about you but I don't want to wait around and find out. If youre interested in learning more about how I can help you reach your health goals please email [email protected] or schedule an appointment with the link in my bio!

Health&Wellness with Dr.Vanessa, D.C 25.06.2020

Have you ever heard of the Arc Of Life? The arc of life is the C shaped curve in your neck. This is your lifeline. Our bodies were created to function and heal through the connection of your brain to all of your vital organs through your spinal cord and nerves. Throughout life we have traumas, stressors, toxins, poor posture etc. These stressors cause our spines to lose these crucial curves due to adaptation and compensation. When that happens, we no longer have proper com...munication from the brain. We then start to develop symptoms due to the lack of communication and movement of the spine. SWIPE over to the second photo. This is a young 23 year old girl, active, healthy, no major issues other than headaches, allergies and neck pain that she contributes to being a student. She came in for a wellness check up. What we found was that her neck was going in the OPPOSITE direction and at 23 years old she was already in phase 2 degeneration. You dont need to be a chiropractor to realize that thats not good. Imagine if she never got checked? She may be dealing with minor issues now but what do you think her life might look like 10 years from now? This is why I specialize in spinal reconstruction getting the spine back to its natural position. The last photo is what the cervical spine is supposed to look like for optimal health and healing. Do you know what your spine looks like? Have you ever had an xray before? Click the link in my bio to schedule your appointment and get checked! *This patient has given me permission to share these xrays* Art by: Erzebetth

Health&Wellness with Dr.Vanessa, D.C 09.06.2020

Heres your Monday Motivation to start your week off strong. I hope you accomplish all of your goals this week!!

Health&Wellness with Dr.Vanessa, D.C 02.06.2020

Do chiropractors get adjusted? Have you ever heard the phrase Practice what you preach?. Well I preach that your spine and nervous system is your lifeline and that every single person should take care of it. I get adjusted once to twice a week. I started my chiropractic journey at 15 years old and have been getting adjusted ever since. ... Honestly, I am very thankful that I DONT EXPERIENCE ANY PAIN or symptoms that suggest that I should see a chiropractor. So why do I still get adjusted then? Heres why: To give my body the ability to FUNCTION and HEAL at 100% with brain to body connection Increases my energy levels during the day and helps me sleep at night. PREVENTION: Why wait for something bad to happen? I workout and live an active lifestyle so I want to make sure that I can perform at my best and prevent possible injuries. Allows my body to better handle my daily stressors and environment (physical and mental). It puts me in a GOOD MOOD and makes me feel like I can conquer any obstacle that comes at me (not even kidding ) Big shoutout to @dr.katrinagreer for my amazing Friday adjustments! See more

Health&Wellness with Dr.Vanessa, D.C 17.05.2020

If I could go back in time I would do it different Why do we live in a society where we only take action towards our health when we dont have a choice? Or when that headache turns into migraines or that mild low back and neck pain is now affecting your daily activities, your job/school or your ability to be that mom/dad you want to be for your kids. Take charge of your health. Dont wait for something bad to happen to give you that push to make a change.

Health&Wellness with Dr.Vanessa, D.C 13.05.2020

By the first glance, a chiropractic adjustment can look scary and intimidating. Are you one of those people who is terrified to get adjusted because of what youve seen on tv/ YouTube or read on Facebook? People are scared of the unknown so I am here to clear the air and tell you WHY a chiropractic adjustment is so important!! . When chiropractors adjust the spine we are removing interference within your nervous system to allow proper communication from your brain to y...our entire body. Your brain controls EVERYTHING and the human body has an amazing power to function and heal! By getting a chiropractic adjustment youre allowing your body to do just that . #canada #womeninchiropractic #adjustments #immunesystem #ottawa #nervoussystem #wellness #health #nature #chiropractor #healthandwellness #chiropracticadjustment #wellnessjourney #healthylifestyle #healthandfitness #healthfirst #healthgoals #healthtips #healthychoices See more

Health&Wellness with Dr.Vanessa, D.C 28.04.2020

Why should I see a chiropractor if I dont have pain? Spinal misalignments can cause a multitude of symptoms that dont always include pain. It is more common than not to have pain show up as one of the LAST symptoms to make you realize that something isnt functioning properly. Here are 7 reasons how proper spinal alignment can help you! ... 1. Increases energy 2. Better posture 3. Improves sleep 4. Increases range of motion and spinal movements 5. Fewer hospital visits and sick days 6. Natural approach to health care 7. Preventative health care to live a long happy life without limitations Pain is not the only thing a chiropractic adjustment can help with. Having your spine in proper alignment allows your nervous system to function the way it was designed to! Have you had your spine and nervous system checked? Click the link in my bio to book your appointment and find out whats happening within YOUR body. See more

Health&Wellness with Dr.Vanessa, D.C 08.04.2020

Stressed? Anxious? Depressed? The world is in such a weird place right now. A lot of us don't know how to act, how to feel or how to be. Sometimes we cant eliminate these uncomfortable situations or feelings but we can learn to better manage them. Here are 5 strategies to help you get through: ... Replace the negative with the positive: Positive reinforcement can decrease anxiety and worry. Instead of filling your mind with all of the negative and what if thoughts tell yourself something youre thankful for, or something good that happened that day. Focus on what you CAN control and stop focusing on what you CANT Get moving: Being active can improve your emotions in a positive way and releases the happy hormones. Turn obstacles into opportunities: Stuck at home? Go trough that to do list youve been putting off for months because You didnt have the time. Rekindle relationships: Call that friend youve been meaning to call (or facetime), get in touch with your loved ones and support one another. Red wine also contains antioxidants, so a little glass every once in a while wont hurt See more

Health&Wellness with Dr.Vanessa, D.C 29.03.2020

Cant sleep? GET AN ADJUSTMENT! Many times after an adjustment my patients tell me they had the best nights sleep! But wait.. how can a chiropractic adjustment help with my sleep? When the atlas bone (the bone at the top part of your neck) is misaligned it disrupts two major systems in your body.... 1. The sympathetic system: fight or flight (state of stress). 2. The parasympathetic system: rest and digest. If these two parts of the nervous system are out of sync stress becomes dominant down regulating the parasympathetic system which affects digestion, healing, your immune system, hormones such as melatonin (sleep hormone) and so much more! If youre frustrated and having a hard time sleeping it may be your spine and nervous system! I encourage you to take action towards your health TODAY and get your spine checked! #adjustments #chiropracticadjustment #sleepwell #nervoussystem #spine #ottawa #ottawalife #womeninchiropractic #womeninchiro #healthierchoices @ Ottawa, Ontario See more

Health&Wellness with Dr.Vanessa, D.C 24.03.2020

Headaches, allergies, asthma, digestive issues, acid reflux, fatigue, depression.Symptoms so common in your daily life that it has become your new normal. . Symptoms is your bodys way of expressing itself, telling you that there is some sort of dysfunction happening in your body that is not allowing it to adapt and heal. . Chiropractors perform specific spinal adjustments to the spine and remove the interference within the nervous system, taking pressure off of the nerves to then allow proper function of the human body. If you are experiencing any kind of symptom chiropractic can help you get down to the root cause.

Health&Wellness with Dr.Vanessa, D.C 06.03.2020

As a chiropractor my favourite adjustment tool is by far the use of my hands. Theres just something about that connection and feeling of an adjustment done by hand. There are so many different ways and instruments used to adjust the spine so I wanted to introduce my second favourite tool! This instrument pictured right here is called an arthrostim and I incorporate it into my treatments. It might look intimidating at first but the arthrostim can help in multiple ways!... One of them being to administer specific adjustments in terms of correcting the spines alignment and structure. In my office I specialize in structural correction using Petition and CBP techniques. This tool can also help with tight musculature that presents due to its repetitive input. The arthrostim is also a great tool to use when adjusting kids or for those who do not like the cracking noise that can come with an adjustment. See more

Health&Wellness with Dr.Vanessa, D.C 17.02.2020

One workout and youve achieved your dream body. One healthy meal and youre no longer sick. One chiropractic adjustment and youre healed forever. Wouldnt that be a DREAM? Next day delivery? Take my money and sign me up. But its time to wake up and face reality. We live in a world where we receive things instantly. With technology and everything being right at our fingertips, most of us are wired to expect things to happen right away because of the world that... we live in. In result many of us struggle with patience and have built up unrealistic expectations. We sometimes need to remind ourselves that good things and healing come with TIME, CONSISTENCY and HARD WORK. This could be you starting your fitness journey, changing your nutrition, or even healing from a pain youve been dealing with for years. Things dont just get better overnight so its important to enjoy the process, the hard work and be patient because I promise you it will be worth it. See more

Health&Wellness with Dr.Vanessa, D.C 01.02.2020

Hi everyone! Its been a while since we got a little personal so I wanted to share some facts about myself. Im originally from Sudbury, Ontario. I knew I wanted to be a chiropractor since I was 15 years old. ... I moved to Florida where I attended Palmer College of Chiropractic and received my doctorate. I also practiced in Tampa for a year before moving to Ottawa. I have a huge passion for health and fitness. If Im not working you can find me in the gym. During quarantine I taught myself how to play the guitar again. (Check out that little stud in the background) I have a major sweet tooth and am a huge snacker I LOVE my job and am thankfully every single day that I get to help people become the best version of themselves! Now its your turn, I want to know more about YOU! See more

Health&Wellness with Dr.Vanessa, D.C 03.01.2020

"Based on research from the Yale School of Medicine, patients who have visited a chiropractor for musculoskeletal pain and associated conditions are currently 49 percent less likely to be issued and to receive an opioid prescription"

Health&Wellness with Dr.Vanessa, D.C 24.12.2019

ORGANIC VS.NON ORGANIC: does it really matter? I get asked quite often WHY is it so important for us to eat organic products? But what does organic really mean? Organic: If a product is 100% organic, all ingredients must be certified organic and any processing aids must be organic, prohibited by synthetic fertilizers and pesticides.... Studies noted that there is huge evidence on the relation between exposure to pesticides and elevated rate of chronic disease such as different types of cancers, endocrine dysfunction, diabetes, Parkinsons, Alzheimer, reproductive disorders and the list unfortunately goes on. Now I get it, buying everything organic can get pricey $$$ so here are a few tips to keep you mindful of what to buy! When youre in the grocery store buying produce you want to look for the first digit code on the sticker: Number 4: Conventional product Number 9: Organic product Number 8: Genetically Modified (GMO) EWG is a non-profit organization that has come out with the Clean 15 and Dirty dozen list! The dirty dozen are fruits and vegetables that contain the most concentrations of toxins and pesticides. These are products that you absolutely want to buy organic. More than 90% of samples of strawberries, apples, cherries, spinach and kale were tested positive for residue of two or more pesticides. In the year 2004 kale was ranked on the lower scale of #8 to now a #3 with 18 different pesticides! So if youre on a budget and want to start reducing your intake of toxins and pesticides, only buying organic versions of the dirty dozen on this list is a great place to start!

Health&Wellness with Dr.Vanessa, D.C 16.12.2019

For all you new mamas out there, this one is for you! Please read the testimonial below. If your baby is having a hard time latching, colic, digestive issues, any type of symptom please contact me and I would love to find the best chiropractor in your area. If you would also like to know more about the benefits of getting your child adjusted please don't hesitate to ask. ... Hope everyone is having a fantastic weekend!

Health&Wellness with Dr.Vanessa, D.C 27.11.2019

But youre the good kind of fat What is the best thing you can do for your health, weight and longevity? Eat more fat! Healthy fats are the number one missing ingredient in our diets. So let me make something clear, fat DOES NOT make you fat. The reality is that the more fat you eat, the more fat you lose and the better your body functions. Now for me, the easiest way to get good healthy fats into my diet is by eating one of the top superfoods in the world, AVOCADOS!... So lets avo-talk about the benefits (see what I did there) Avocados contain oleic acid, a monounsaturated fat that can improve memory and brain activity. Avocados help provide you with a feeling of fullness and satiety, and will reduce your snack and food cravings later on. (I count on this one to keep my wandering stomach from snacking all day... GUILTY) Protein: Avocados are on the list of top protein foods having the highest protein and lowest sugar content of any fruit. Helps build lean muscle mass and burn fat. Avocados are loaded with good monounsaturated fats, and this helps reduce the risk of stroke, heart attack and even bad cholesterol. Other healthy fats you can incorporate into your diet are coconut products, raw nuts/seeds, olives, whole eggs, chia seeds and wild caught fish.