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Dyadanac 23.11.2020

Licenses ‘Once I got my driver’s license everybody treated me like I was an adult.’ Candace Cameron Product licensing involves obtaining permission from the licensor to manufacture, sell or use one or more of the licensed products within a defined market area. When a licensee obtains a license it normally involves an agreement and a royalty fee for an official affirmation or certificate issued by the proprietor (licensor) granting authority to an identified entity (licensee...). Licensing requirements are determined by federal, state, county and local rules. A license created under a ‘practice act’ requires a legislated license before performing a certain activity regulated by an authority, like a license for a car and another for a driver on public roads. Another type of license is franchise agreements, with the franchisor hold brand licenses on a successful business model, intellectual property and an associated name, and the franchisee needs to obtain and maintain such a license. ‘I have a big responsibility to mu licenses. All my licensees draw from and take ideas from mu runway.’ Anna Sui See more

Dyadanac 21.11.2020

Clarifications ‘Sometimes the very struggle of getting the words down on paper results in unexpected discoveries or clarifications.’ David McCullough Communication or requests are not always clear. Paraphrasing a statement or request by repeating the essential meaning as it was understood will clarify issues with respect any differences in meaning or confusion. It can also be querying items that are unclear or missing in the original request that will have to be redefined t...o clear up omissions or to enhance the understanding sufficiently to be able to respond with a proposal. Clarification is a form of active manifestation to eliminate ambiguity, error or misinterpretation. It is a tool to ensure the best indulging in fact. It can be further enhaced to get more out of the communication by going into probing questions to promoted critical thing or to get a understanding of the objectives behind the communication. ‘Every clarification breeds new questions.’ Arthur Bloch See more

Dyadanac 07.11.2020

Permits ‘Never complain about what you permit.’ - Mike Murdock A permit is an official or written document authorization or providing consent to do something, conditional or unconditional. Permits are normally issued by an authority or the person accountable for the activities or the area in which the activities will take place. Authorities may issue building permits once they are satisfied of compliance with statutory requirements, and an operator may issue work permits for activities in an operational area once they are satisfied that area is secure and accepting, and that the resources all know what is expected from them and what will be happing. ‘We have never operated outside permit levels at the plant.’ - Tom Robinson

Dyadanac 23.10.2020

Alternatives ‘The most successful people are those who are good at plan B.’ James A Yorke Presenting one or more available possibilities, options or choices, other than what was requested or specified is proposing or providing alternatives. It is an offering of a choice or ignoring the denying the original request and proposing a more appropriate solution instead. It needs to be clear what the basis of the alternative is, and what the implications of the alternatives will be. ‘Absence of alternative clears the mind marvelously.’ Henry A Kissinger

Dyadanac 20.10.2020

Declaration ‘I have never had a feeling politically that did not spring from the sentiments embodied in the Declaration of Independence’ Abraham Lincoln When a condition or disclosure is important enough to make a formal announcement or explicit statement, make a declaration. It draws special attention. It is read and understood as taking precedence over other statements or is of higher importance. When you read: ‘I hereby declare that all the information is true and correct’, the implication is that it evokes with the reader an understanding that due care was exercised to check the facts and the presented content. The use of declarations should be limited, and when it is used, make sure it warrants the importance. ‘Declare the past, diagnose the present and foretell the future.’ - Hippocrates