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Green Witchery 13.05.2021

Good Morning all join me for a little drumming session this morn Bright Blessings tribe

Green Witchery 08.05.2021

Welcome This spot is devoted to witchcraft, divination,Tarot, oracle wisdom, God/dess,Ancient ways, Ascension process, Magick,Nature Spirits, Rock Spirits, practicing Shamanism and Root wisdom Be kind feel free to ask questions and enjoy ... Bright Blessings Starr Scrp See more

Green Witchery 23.04.2021

Happy Tuesday everyone So question for you all Do you ever wake up and miss home ?... But not your home, not this home that you live in on this planet. But you miss how things used to be that you still really cannot 100% remember or see. It is a longing in your soul for members who are just like you and understand how important magick is That part of you that understands the duality of living on the physical plane as well as contributing in a spiritual way I have moments where I miss home and the way things used to be in the Lemurian mu and Atlantis time frames I think my soul is just tired of all the fear mongering and anger and resentment that people carry. I long for the moments when we all work together and understand that we are truly interlinked not only with one another but with our land Photo is underwater sanctuary of Atlantis on Pinterest

Green Witchery 23.04.2021

Super excited about this next chapter on my journey. I’ve been dying to learn #astrology. I was looking for a course that I would be drawn to but I found a fellow Witch sister who recommended this book and it’s like a course in itself. It takes you right to the basics all the way to advanced. Literally 5 pound buck here, has everything in it. Sharing here in case anyone is interested it did take a few weeks to get here because it wasn’t in my area

Green Witchery 17.04.2021

Clear quartz crystal scepter Scepter Quartz Crystal facilitates the channeling of higher vibrations. Scepter crystal brings the spirituality of the higher planes into healing ceremonies and sessions; focusing healing vibrations on the root of the matter, on all levels physical, etheric, emotional, mental, and spiritual.

Green Witchery 09.04.2021

Super Full Moon grid This grid is on a flower of life and is holding the energies of clear quartz sphere, Labradorite, selenite, elestial Quartz, rose Quartz, amethyst Quartz We are utilizing this grid to help amplify and connect with the energies of the super full moon. We are also releasing anything that is not necessary out into our universal atmosphere to be neutralized and a gain balanced and available for us to pull upon, with the assistance of God/dess, creator and our I Am presence

Green Witchery 02.04.2021

Blessed Super full moon everyone Our moon is currently in Libra Today is a beautiful day to do some gratitude work, giving thanks for all of your blessings, wisdom, and the beautiful experiences you have on your dance of life. Acknowledging your manifestations that you have created thus far, giving thanks for all that is. Remember that our full moon amplifies our emotions, and bring forth things that we need to work on, so it can feel overwhelming at times. A full moon ...ceremony or ritual will help assist with harnessing what is meant to be and let go of what is no longer necessary. You can use this moons energies to harness the power itself to help with your shifts that you are making. Remember to do your release work after the peak of the full moon when it is starting to wane, this will help with your shifting energy that is no longer needed. It’s all about forgiveness. A lot of healing is taking place. And right now the full moon is making a special triangular alignment in the sky is called a Grand Trine, and this shares the energy about life flowing easily. The sun is loving Venus and healing Creon in the same place at the same time. Remember everyone life is about intention so if you’re willing to move forward from the past and let go now is the time Mercury the planet of the mind and Neptune planet of dreams and mysteries are together under this full moon as well, this making an even more auspicious time for surrendering. Blessed Super Full Moon *Artist unknown to me *

Green Witchery 01.04.2021

Our cards are up now here and on our original thread

Green Witchery 27.03.2021

Join us this eve 6pm if you are a Crystal lover

Green Witchery 19.03.2021

For those who are interested in cord cutting and comfortable with doing it on their own You can use a black candle and one white candle and add a thread (I use thin hemp cord) tie to both candles with it strung between the two. Light your candle and cast your spell using your intent. Now use it to burn any blocks and the cord will burn as well when the candles burn down. The release work is done Please be careful when working with fire

Green Witchery 12.03.2021

Let’s take a look at Amethyst It is a powerful and protective stone. Helps guards against psychic attack, transmuting energy into love and protecting the wearer from all types of harm, including geopathic or electromagnetic stress and ill wishes from others. Amethyst is a natural relaxant if you will, it helps relieve stress and strain, soothes irritability, balances mood swings, dispels anger, rage, fear and anxiety. It can assist with balancing emotions such as sadness... and grief, and dissolves negativity. Amethyst activates spiritual awareness, opens intuition and enhances psychic abilities. Overall ithas strong healing and cleansing frequencies. This amethyst crystal skull is a generator as well as you can see Crystal skulls have been used in certain cultures for a very long tine as a way to access or tap into other dimensions. By doing this, it is believed that you can see the connections between your being and the things around you. The totality of it all The skulls allow the user to awaken to knowledge that they may not have had access to otherwise But first one must be connected to their crystal skull and working on their personal relationship/consciousness to tap in to the consciousness of the skull and the specimen itself

Green Witchery 02.10.2020

Had this lovely sistar send me a beautiful write up for my website as I have been doing readings for her for many moons now. This is what she wrote lovely words Starr is a golden opportunity and a pure delight. I look forward to her insightful channellings at least once a year. It's like reinforcement to me. I'm on the right path moving beyond energies/situations that are no longer helpful while making space for something more purposeful. The guidance from... spirit aids me toward desires while shedding any fear. Drawing on my strength, reminding me to be real...myself...authentic. I've risen above old tendencies and see myself in a new light. I feel the shift in extraordinary ways. I highly recommend Starr, get a reading today you won't regret it. Grateful I am. Bren W. Thank you, Starr! See more

Green Witchery 16.09.2020

Healing with Fluorite It absorbs and neutralises negative energy and stress. An excellent learning aid, Fluorite increases our powers of concentration, self-co...nfidence and helps us in decision-making. It encourages positivity, balances the energies, and improves balance and coordination, both physically and mentally. When used with the Third Eye Chakra, Blue Fluorite brings spiritual awaking and clear communication between the physical and spiritual planes. Used with the Throat Chakra, Blue Fluorite aids in orderly communication of intuitive insights. The calm, serene energy of Blue Fluorite brings inner peace. Truth Consciousness Aura cleansing Intellect Protection Fluorite helps to assist with cleansing and stabilizing the aura. It also helps to absorb and neutralises negative energy and stress. An excellent learning aid, Fluorite increases our powers of concentration, self-confidence and helps us in decision-making. It helps to encourage positivity, balances the energies, and improves balance and coordination, both physically and mentally. Fluorite assists with boosting the immune system and stimulating the regeneration and restructuring of cells and DNA, particularly in the skin and respiratory tract, and helps heals ulcers and wounds. Fluorite is a gem known to help strengthens bone tissue, and alleviates rheumatism, arthritis and spinal injuries. It improves the discomfort of shingles and other nerve-related pain.

Green Witchery 03.09.2020

Morning all Love this Wonderful to appreciate

Green Witchery 23.08.2020

Ascension MorningLight Spiritual

Green Witchery 12.08.2020

Full Moon Blessings all

Green Witchery 27.07.2020

Big shifts yet again all ..

Green Witchery 06.07.2020

Good day Witchery Tribe Sharing here with you lovely beings This is one of the books I am reading at this time. So far it is fabulous This book is a tool for reawakening our essential humanity and are sovereign selves..seriously good stuff

Green Witchery 01.07.2020

#This Translation is very personal and people can only hear from where they are at on their quest.

Green Witchery 28.06.2020

#Elementals herbal magic

Green Witchery 22.06.2020

This would be a Perfect evening Have yet to experience the outdoor bathing

Green Witchery 09.06.2020

Hey everyone..enjoy your eve/morning/afternoon Our cards are now up for this week Tribe Thank you for those of you who join me here on Mondays Blessings all

Green Witchery 07.06.2020

Happy Monday WitcheryTribe We are looking at Kyle greys oracle deck called keepers of the light. We of course have our crystals above each card that you can choose from as well. Please place your one card and Crystal in the Comment section below and we will look at our cards later. Be well stay magical Starr Scrp

Green Witchery 02.06.2020

Clearing house incense spell This is a spell that you can use for an energetic wash for your home. This herbal wash mixture assist with removing negative energy and replacing it with positive energy and blessings. You will need the following:... one quarter cup Seasalt A fire safe dish or pot A charcoal disc 2 tablespoons of finely ground Angelica root 2 tablespoons finely ground lemon balm 2 tablespoons finely ground elderberry flowers A small bowl A feather The ritual will consist of the following. Sprinkle a layer of salt onto the bottom of your fire safe dish. Place your charcoal desk on the salt, light your charcoal. While the charcoal is sparking and igniting, mix your herbs together in your bowl to create your cleansing incense. Be gone negativity, here and now blessed be Now walk along the edge of your room. Along every window and doorway, draw your pentacle and recite the chant. When you have completed the first room where the front door is, repeat the same process of drawing a pentacle and walking the edges in every room in your house. When you have completed this process in all of your rooms, go to your living room. Stand center of your room and draw one more pentacle with incense smoke. This time, see the pentacle grow large enough to surround your entire home and land. Place the fireproof pot or bowl and feather on the floor. Tap the floor with your foot three times and say the following: By my will, so shall it be. Cleared, blessed, and sealed, this room is clean, so more it be Starr Scrp

Green Witchery 15.05.2020

Equality is key right now Everyone matters We all have options on how we decided to represent ourselves, and everyone has choice to be the best version of themselves daily. It is a choice

Green Witchery 12.04.2020

One of my fav goddess decks, it is a very helpful tool to learn some goddess

Green Witchery 09.04.2020

Rosemary (Rosemarinus officinalis) D+P Folk names: Compass Weed, Dew of the Sea, Elf Leaf, Guardrobe, Incensier, Libanotis(Greek), Polar Plan, Sea Dew...Continue reading