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Ecomaid House Cleaning 24.09.2020

7 Reasons Why You Should Invest in Green Cleaning Fall is here, and what better time to beautify your house for this beautiful season? Were going to share 7 reasons why investing in green cleaning (whether with a company or to do on your own) is the best way to go. Commonly, when people go to their local Home Depot, Canadian Tire etc., they tend to choose the latest and greatest well known cleaning products that they are used to seeing in commercials and what not. But have y...Continue reading

Ecomaid House Cleaning 04.09.2020

Green Spring Cleaning Ideas for Your Home! Its that time of year again. The time we can open our doors and windows on a nice spring day and let the fresh air flow in. But after being cooped up inside all winter, we are all thinking about some well needed spring cleaning to freshen up our homes. Here are some tips and tricks everyone can use for getting the house ready for spring, including some homemade solutions for green cleaners that dont have all of the harmful chemicals... found in regular household cleaners. First lets start with store bought cleaners. There are many earth friendly products out there that can be found at almost any Home Depot, Home Hardware, Canadian Tire etc. Looks for brands like Attitude, Method, Bio-Life, and Seventh Generation. These contain ingredients that are safe for children and the environment. Now that that is out of the way. There are many ingredients you may have around your home that can be used to make your own homemade green cleaning solutions. To make these solutions youll need: White vinegar Olive oil Baking soda Borax Liquid castile soap Essential oils like lavender or tea tree oil Microfiber clothes Newspaper Homemade Green Cleaning Solutions: Countertops & Bathroom Tile: Mix together 2 parts vinegar and 1 part baking soda with 4 parts water. Apply the solution and scour with a sponge (dont be afraid to let it sit for a few minutes for harder stains), and then wipe it away. Floor Cleaning Solution: Take 4 cups of white vinegar and a gallon of water and mix together. You can add a few drops of your desired essential oil for a nice spring scent. Glass Cleaner: Mix 1/4 cup of vinegar with 4 cups of water into a spray bottle. Spray it onto the glass and use a good cloth or old newspaper to wipe. Wood Furniture: Mix together equal amounts of lemon juice and olive oil. Put a small amount onto a cloth and wipe furniture in long, even strokes. Toilet Bowl Cleaner: Simply shower some baking soda onto a toilet brush and start scrubbing. Once in a while, use borax instead. You can use straight vinegar to clean the outside of the toilet or mix it with water. The strong smell of vinegar doesnt take long to dissipate. Homemade Disinfectant: Mix together 2 teaspoons of borax, 4 tablespoons of vinegar, and 1/4 teaspoon of liquid castile soap with 3 cups of hot water. Wipe the solution on with a damp cloth or use it in a spray bottle and wipe clean. Mold: Simply wipe any mold or mildew with straight vinegar for best results. Household Air Freshener: Put an essential oil of your choice on a cotton ball and put it in the corner of any room. The oils could irritate skin so keep it out of reach of children. Happy spring everybody!

Ecomaid House Cleaning 24.08.2020

You may know that there are a lot of uses for lemon juice, especially in cooking. But there are many other ways lemon peels and their juices can be used in the home, rather than squeezing some lemon onto a salad or piece of fish and just throwing it away! Here are 10 uses for lemon peels that youll definitely want to try: Cleaning Solution:... Put a bit of salt in a bowl and dip half of a juiced lemon into it and you have yourself a nice citrus cleaning scrub solution. This is great for counters, sinks, pots and pans, etc. Test it on a small area when using it on surfaces youre unsure about as salt may damage some surfaces. Vinegar Cleaning With a Hint of Citrus: Just use lemon peel in your vinegar solution to give yourself a nice smelling all purpose cleaner. Hand Scrub: Mix together lemon juice, lemon zest, sugar and olive oil to create a nice scrub for your hands! Save it for Later: If you have no use for it right away, you can always save your lemon zest by simply putting it in a freezer bag or container and storing them in the freezer. Just take it out when needed. Freshen up Your Cutting Board: Take a half of a juiced lemon and use it on your cutting board to deodorize it and kill bacteria. Freshen up Your Garbage Disposer: Simply throw some lemon peels down the disposer and let the water run. It will smell great afterwards and it is a 100% natural solution versus using harsh chemicals. Deodorize Rooms in the House: Take lemon peels, herbs and essential oils and put them in a pot of water to let off a nice smell inside your house without using harmful chemicals. Cloved Lemons: Im sure youve heard of cloved oranges that are made at Christmas time. Use a lemon and it will dry rather than rot. Make sure to stick the cloves evenly around the lemon and place it wherever needed. Candied Lemon Peels: Provided you have the time to make them, candied lemons are always a nice treat! Infused Olive Oil Put lemon zest in olive oil and steep it for a few days and youll have a nice citrusy oil for salads or other types of cooking!

Ecomaid House Cleaning 15.08.2020

Homemade Cleaners for Cleaning Furniture: We talk a lot about using natural, eco-friendly cleaners on our blog rather than chemical based cleaners that can be harmful to us and especially our kids. So here is a great way to clean your furniture using natural ingredients that you probably already have in your home! ... Remove Dust: Even though you may not be able to see them, it doesnt take long for dust mites to invade your furniture, which is why cleaning furniture regularly is a good idea, even if it looks like it doesnt need it. Cleaning furniture regularly will also help keep pet dander to a minimum, reducing the affect it will have on people with allergies that live in or visit your home. Also, believe it or not, particles of dirt can penetrate the fabric of your furniture and damage the fiber. The best way to remove the dust is to simply use a vacuum with a brush and crevice tool and get every corner of your couch or chair. It is a good idea to remove the cushions and clean the base of the furniture as well, and also the underside of the couch if you want to get serious (youd be surprised what can build up under there). Finally, give the cushions a good vacuum too. Cleaning Furniture with Natural Ingredients: It is important to first make sure what kind of material your couch or chair is made from before applying any solution to it as it may harm it depending on what it is. Using the recipes below, always test a small area of the furniture first preferably where no one will see it, just in case it doesnt go as planned. If everything is fine then spray the piece of furniture lightly with the solution and rub it in gently. Afterwards, lightly spray it with clean, cold water to rinse it off. Only use hot water if attempting to remove something like grease. Use a soft cloth that will absorb everything well. Dry it by dabbing the furniture with the cloth. Leaving the windows open on a nice breezy day will also help with drying afterwards. Keep in mind not to soak the fabric when doing this and do not leave the furniture in direct sunlight as it can fade the material over time. Recipes: All-Purpose Upholstery Cleaner (Option 1): - 1 cup of water - 1/4 cup of biodegradable dish soap, castile soap or shampoo Shake in a bottle or jar, or use an electric mixer to mix solution. All-Purpose Upholstery Cleaner (Option 2): - 1 cup of water - 1/4 cup of white vinegar - 2 teaspoons of biodegradable dish soap or shampoo Use the same instructions as the above recipe. This is also good for removing odors. Spot Cleaner: - Club soda - Lemon juice or hydrogen peroxide Soak up the spot with a cloth before applying the solution. Rinse with cold water afterwards and dry by patting with cloth.

Ecomaid House Cleaning 30.07.2020

How To Clean Mold With Non-toxic Household Products: Mold spores are always in the air, indoors and out. Its when it starts to grow that it becomes a problem, which can play a big part in causing respiratory problems and other health issues in the long run. This article is going to mention a few ways on how to clean mold the eco-friendly way. People who are sensitive or allergic to mold are especially at risk. These people are susceptible to things like itchy eyes, runny nos...e, wheezing and headaches. Mold can trigger asthma attacks for people with asthma or even cause the development of asthma itself. So if you find mold growth in your home, youre going to want to get rid of it sooner rather than later. Instead of using your average cleaning products with harsh chemicals in them, there are many household eco-friendly solutions that can work just as well. One of those solutions is, as mentioned a few times in our blog posts vinegar. Its cheap and non-toxic and simply gets the job done. Spray it on the mold and let it sit for a few hours and wipe it clean with a rag or sponge. Vinegar has a strong smell, but will fade after a while. If the smell bothers you, add some drops of an essential oil like lavender to make it more appealing. Some essential oils actually have bacteria-killing properties in them. Grapefruit seed extract is one of them, which is also an antifungal agent. Another solution is baking soda. Mix it with vinegar or water to make a paste and spread it on the mold. Let it sit for 15 20 minutes and wipe clean. Thirdly, Try using hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide is used all the time as a disinfectant. Spray it on the mold and let it sit for an hour for maximum results and wipe it up. Soaking the mold with one of these solutions is important in preventing mold spores from getting into the air, which can just make matters worse. If the mold is excessive, a sergical mask is recommended while cleaning. Lastly, if you cant see mold but think it may be somewhere in your house, or if its a really big case of mold build up, dont be afraid to call in a professional service. Some things are better left to the pros!

Ecomaid House Cleaning 12.07.2020

A Natural Approach On How To Remove Grass Stains: Grass stains are the pinnacle of hard-to-remove stains. The kids go out to play, only to come back a few hours later with a white shirt turned green. Well, maybe we can help with that. Sometimes we try all we know to get the stain out, just to take it out of the wash to find that the little bugger is still there bound to the fabric of the shirt more than ever. With that being said, lets take a step back and give this stain ...a fight that it cant win. How To Remove Grass Stains: You probably wonder why grass stains are so hard to get out. Its because they contain chlorophyll, which is the green color of the plants juices that absorb sunlight. They consist of other colored chemical compounds as well, such as xanthophylls and carotenoids. These compounds will set into the fibers of the natural fabric because they are naturally occurring compounds, rather than sit on top of them. So, there is a secret on how to remove grass stains, and it starts with this. The first thing you want to do is treat the stain as soon as possible. The longer you wait the more those compounds settle. Mix together some dish soap and hydrogen peroxide and soak the clothing in it for 10 minutes. Then use a small scrub brush like a toothbrush and scrub the stain until it is gone. For the most part, it should come out right away, but if not then soak it again and scrub until its gone. Afterwards, rinse the piece of clothing in hot water and put it in the washing machine like normal. Make sure the stain is out before putting it in the wash because the heat will set the stain. A secondary way to remove the stain is to buy some enzyme pills at a health food store. If you mix the powder inside the pills with warm water, it will form a paste that you can rub into the stain. Let it sit for 10-20 minutes, rinse, and wash as usual. The enzymes help break down and lift the stain to the surface, making it easier to get out. As well, you can also purchase a mixture of this for a good price, which can also be helpful with carpet stains. For clothing stains though, the pills are a cheaper alternative. Hopefully this gave you some insight on how to remove grass stains, and maybe some comfort in knowing you dont have to worry so much when the kids run out that door with that brand new white shirt on! Enjoy!

Ecomaid House Cleaning 03.07.2020

12 Tips For Cleaning Hardwood Floors The Natural Way. Hardwood floors around the house are a popular thing these days, and people want to know the best ways to keep them looking great whether its for a party with friends or for your own peace of mind. Here are a few tips on cleaning hardwood and getting the most out of it: Maintain your hardwood: ...Continue reading

Ecomaid House Cleaning 14.06.2020

Get The Most Out Of Tea Tree Oil! Tea tree oil is an aromatic oil that actually has many good uses. It smells great, naturally kills bacteria and even helps sooth skin. We are going to list a few things you can use tea tree oil for so you can get the most out of it!... 1. Cleaning your toothbrush We all know that over time your toothbrush can get very dirty, and aside from going right out and buying a new one, tea tree oil can be used to clean it. Simply just put a drop of it on your toothbrush every now and then. 2. Treating mold To Get rid of mold and keep it from coming back you will need to mix a drop of tea tree oil with one cup of water in a spray bottle. Generously spray down the moldy areas and let it sit for 5-10 minutes and wipe it away. 3. Pest control Tea tree oil can be applied to a place where you might be getting insects or want to prevent from getting them all together. Insects and other bugs do not like the smell of tea tree oil. 4. Soap scum Tea tree oil solutions are great for use on bathroom tile, shower & tub. Also works well for bathroom counter tops and sinks, and it will prevent any mold and mildew growth! Mixing it with salt or baking soda will help get out harder stains. 5. Laundry Throw in a couple drops of tea tree oil in with your clothes before you wash them. It will help give your clothes an extra fresh scent and will also kill and bacteria that might be lingering around in your washing machine. A common problem people have is forgetting to put their clothes in the dryer in time only to come to a load of wet stinky laundry. Running them again with warm water and tea tree oil will get rid of the smell and save you from using more detergent! 6. All-purpose cleaner Using the same solution as the mold treatment, mix a drop of tea tree oil and a cup of water in a spray bottle and you have yourself your own homemade all-purpose cleaner. Use it on wood, stone, ceramic tile and more! 7. Treating wood Using tea tree oil on wood will help repel insects. Preferably do not use this directly on a kitchen table or areas where you eat, but it is perfect for furniture on your deck and in the house. 8. Moths When you store your clothing, use cotton balls soaked with tea tree oil to keep out moths and other bugs. 9. Exercise equipment deodorizer Use tea tree oil on stinky exercise equipment like gym shoes, hockey bags, helmets and anything else that tends to have a lingering odor. The oil also helps kill bacteria that comes from sweat during exercise.

Ecomaid House Cleaning 10.06.2020

Spring Cleaning Tips: Cleaning Your Kitchen With Everyday Household Ingredients Spring is here, and what better way to start it off than some environmentally friendly spring cleaning tips to get your kitchen smelling fresh, using only ingredients you can find right in your home! Here are a few recipes you can try that will work wonders in your kitchen:... Baking soda and vinegar: For those annoying, tough greasy messes we often make in the kitchen, mixing baking soda and vinegar together into a paste works great. Just apply the paste to any sticky mess, let it sit, and wipe it down. This combination helps break down stains making it easier to soak up. Using a coarse scrubber with this recipe will also help bring up thicker messes. You can also use this mixture down the drain of your sink, followed by pouring boiling water down it to get rid of any drain odours. Lemons and salt: This is a great idea for a fresh spring smell. Using these two together gives you a homemade natural scrubber. Cut a lemon in half and shake some salt on the counter or the stain youre cleaning. Take the lemon and rub the surface and watch as the salt breaks up the stains and the lemon lifts it up. You can also use lemon juice in your garbage cans at home. Use lemon juice ice cubes or lemon wedges and ice to get rid of odours and keep them smelling fresh. Cream of tartar: Great for cleaning stainless steel appliances without scratching or damaging the surface. Mix 2 cups of distilled white vinegar with half a cup of cream of tartar and clean away! Oranges and vinegar: This will give your kitchen a nice fresh scent and is a great all-purpose cleaner. You simply take full orange peels and place them in buckets. Then pour vinegar in with the peels just so it reaches the tops of the peels. Keep the buckets in the cold cellar or garage for two weeks, making sure to stir them occasionally. After two weeks, strain the solution, divide it into spray bottles and fill them with water to dilute the formula. You now have your own homemade orange oil! This is great for around the house and especially on wood surfaces. Rice: Put rice or barley through your coffee grinder to clean it out. Those are a few tips to get a fresh start on spring. Happy cleaning!

Ecomaid House Cleaning 26.05.2020

How To Unclog A Sink Or Drain Naturally We know that having a clogged drain in the sink, toilet, shower or whatever it may be can be a pain. It always starts out slow until one day its so bad you cant even brush your teeth without the sink being full of water by the time youre done, not to mention trying to bear that nasty smell that drains can give off sometimes. This article is going to teach you how to unclog a sink or any type of drain the natural way. As we all know, ...Continue reading

Ecomaid House Cleaning 18.05.2020

Buy Oreck Canada Household Products From Us! We are now selling Oreck Canada household products and accessories for use in your home! Oreck makes quality products that are perfect for household and personal use ranging from vacuum cleaners to pet care products.... Some of these include: -Household and Commercial Vacuum Cleaners -Air Purifiers -Household Floor Scrubbers, Steamers and Sweepers -Bathroom Deodorizers -Refrigerator Air Purifiers -Household Cleaning Products -Pet Odour and Stain Remover And More.. To inquire about any products you are interested in call us toll free at 1-855-822-7693 or email us at [email protected] Be sure to keep and eye out for our online store with all of these products in the near future. For any other information on Oreck household products visit www.oreckcanada.com

Ecomaid House Cleaning 14.05.2020

Having kids and pets around the house can be hectic, especially with all the spills and messes that come with it. So you need to clean these messes up, but how can you do that in a way that doesn't involve chemicals that are harmful to you and your family? WellVinegar! Vinegar is good for pretty much any stain you can think of, and it gives you the opportunity to make your own chemical free, environmentally friendly cleaning solution that can be used for just about anything.... But for now we are going to talk about carpets. When getting dirty stains from your pets or spills from your kids out of the carpet, it is important not to dump it on and wipe it up like you might think. There is some technique to it, and all youre going to need is a spray bottle filled with half vinegar and half water, and a few cleaning rags. 1. It is always better to get to the stain as quickly as possible than to let it sit. The longer it sits, the harder it will be to get out. 2. Before anything, put a cleaning rag or towel over the stain and firmly push down on the rag with your hands or even your foot to soak up as much of it as possible. Do not scrub it, just blot the stain with lots of pressure. 3. Keep doing that until most of it is up. You may use a few rags in the end depending on the size of the stain. 4. Apply the vinegar. Use the mist setting on the bottle and spray the entire area until its nice and soaked. Let it sit for 5 or 10 minutes. 5. After the 5 or 10 minutes, get a clean rag and soak it up by either blotting it with lots of pressure or giving it a good hard scrub. That's it! An easy, guaranteed way to clean up nasty spills without harming the people (and animals) you love. You can also mop floors with vinegar, and if youre looking for a fresh scent try using a citrus scented cleaning vinegar. Happy cleaning!

Ecomaid House Cleaning 29.04.2020

Christmas bonus specials running now! Take advantage this holiday season with our holiday specials and receive a free 2 or 3 hour gift certificate for you or a loved one this Christmas! See http://ecomaids.ca/specials/ for more details.

Ecomaid House Cleaning 25.04.2020

A Few Things About Air Fresheners You Probably Didnt Know Majority of us use air fresheners such as Lysol and Febreze on a regular basis to get that fresh scent we all love in our homes. But despite the aroma it may give off, what else is in these products that may be harmful to our health? Believe it or not, many air fresheners are made with formaldehyde; which is a well known carcinogen, naphthalene; a suspected carcinogen, toluene; which has been known to cause liver a...nd kidney damage, and xylene; which is a neurotoxin. So how do these fresheners work? Even though they may smell great, theyre simply just masking an undesirable odor rather than getting rid of it. Others use a nerve-deadening chemical that negatively affects our sense of smell. Some even let out an oily film that coats our nasal passages, and many can trigger asthma attacks and affect our central nervous system. What can you do to get that fresh aroma around your home, and be environmentally friendly at the same time? There are a few things: 1. Make sure you have good ventilation in your home 2. Use baking soda as your deodorizer around the house, or use a non-aerosol, essential oil based, eco-friendly air freshener 3. Or make air freshener with 1/2 cup baking soda and 20 drops of an essential oil. Store in a jar and punch holes in the lid. (Credit: http://www.davidsuzuki.org)

Ecomaid House Cleaning 05.04.2020

Brand new website up and running! Check it out for all your house cleaning needs in the Guelph, Kitchener, Cambridge and Mississauga areas! www.ecomaids.ca