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Edible Gardens 11.05.2021

The greenhouse has some life in it, despite low overnight temperatures.

Edible Gardens 02.05.2021

Nature is so vibrant.

Edible Gardens 23.04.2021

When you start seeds indoors (and a little early), you get to eat what you prune off as the plant grows. Lettuce Leaf Basil to go in tonight’s pizza.

Edible Gardens 20.04.2021

I *may* have managed to overwinter my rosemary...

Edible Gardens 08.04.2021

Onions and celery have moved to the greenhouse and I planted some seeds too!

Edible Gardens 12.11.2020

I remember a few years ago I planted about 90 flower bulbs in the fall. I was so proud of myself and I loved the surprise they brought in the spring. Well this year, while bored and processing the changes that the pandemic brought to the world, I ordered more flower bulbs to augment what I felt was not enough flowers. Today I finally finished planting them. That’s about 300 extra flower bulbs. I hate planting bulbs, but I love the rewards they bring in the spring.... So here’s to no more flower planting for 2020! And I get to have fun closing my veggie garden tomorrow (way more enjoyable). #IsItSpringYet

Edible Gardens 09.11.2020

First salad from the Aerogarden-started lettuce!

Edible Gardens 02.11.2020

Less than three weeks in the Aerogarden and now I can start harvesting a little. Made room for more stuff.

Edible Gardens 18.10.2020

Time to put the garden to bed for the winter!

Edible Gardens 28.09.2020

I’ve been procrastinating, but if I want to have lettuce over the winter, it needed to get done. Decided to add all sorts of goodies and transfer them to my grow lights later. #WaitingImpatiently

Edible Gardens 19.09.2020

Times are busy, so I harvested all my tenders yesterday before the potential frost. Now I can rest easy knowing I have time with what is left of the garden. And I can start doing my fall clean-up.

Edible Gardens 03.09.2020

More decorating.

Edible Gardens 01.09.2020

Anyone else decorate their house with their garden vegetables? Why bother with HomeSense when you can get it for free in your own backyard...

Edible Gardens 13.08.2020

Trying out a new hot sauce recipe!!

Edible Gardens 08.08.2020

The most beautiful purple: Asian eggplant and Sage flowers.

Edible Gardens 29.07.2020

Home grown vegetables to go with tonights dinner. Been experimenting with eggplant. It was pretty good!

Edible Gardens 23.07.2020

When nature reaches perfection.

Edible Gardens 20.07.2020

Experimenting with hot peppers from the garden. Loads more on the way.

Edible Gardens 05.07.2020

Hot peppers!!! They are so beautiful.

Edible Gardens 03.07.2020

My last potatoes of the season. I could have waited longer but I was anxious to get some fall crops started.

Edible Gardens 26.06.2020

My full onion harvest (minus a few I gave away and have already eaten). Probably my biggest gardening success of 2020.

Edible Gardens 18.06.2020

Me this morning: Woe is me, my plants are not doing well. My tomatoes stopped producing. My zucchini stopped producing. The borer took all my squash. My cucumber and sweet peppers are weak. Me later in the afternoon: Hmmm, not bad for one meal. Quality not quantity. And its not as bad as it seems.

Edible Gardens 04.06.2020

After years of trial and error, it seems I have figured out onions. This is less than half of my crop. The rest have not flopped over yet. My heart is full.

Edible Gardens 15.05.2020

The first time our garlic harvest actually yields healthy garlic. We also already gave away about 20 bulbs to family. Sure, the bulbs are not all big, but this is a very big step in the right direction.

Edible Gardens 10.05.2020

My tomatoes are late, but my early varieties have started producing. Tomato sandwich season!!!

Edible Gardens 15.04.2020

More photos!! So much life in the garden!

Edible Gardens 09.04.2020

Vegetables are just as beautiful as flowers.

Edible Gardens 02.04.2020

Not as bountiful as previous years, but slowly the plants are catching up. Luckily, some of my crops (onions, basil, hot peppers, eggplants, celery, oregano) are already thriving. Ill take the wins where I can!

Edible Gardens 24.03.2020

A friend told me that she did not bother to battle the leek moth, and despite minor damage, her garlic always survives. So I ignored them all summer, and somehow all my garlic survived. All that to say, maybe ignore my tutorial and save yourself the effort.

Edible Gardens 07.03.2020

For the pasta that accompanied our salmon.

Edible Gardens 19.02.2020

Second day in a row with a harvest like this!

Edible Gardens 17.02.2020

My enemy, nemesis, evil monster. The squash vine borer. The moth lays eggs at the base of squash plants (zucchini and pumpkin included), which in the larvae stage burrows its way to the core of the plant and kills it from the inside out. The bane of my existence. Look out for her. And her tiny eggs.

Edible Gardens 08.02.2020

Morning coffee and mid-day repose in the garden. I get enough shade along the side, so I can sit and enjoy the various views comfortably.

Edible Gardens 27.01.2020

In the past years, there has been sufficient rain that I never really needed to water my garden. Rain every 4 days with hot weather in between was enough. But this year is DRY. And I somehow felt that my regular routine was enough. It was not. I spent almost all day today soaking my thirsty veggies and wishing I had watered them more. If there wasnt some difficult challenge every year, it wouldnt be a normal year.

Edible Gardens 11.01.2020

I just killed two squash vine borers and two squash bugs. And I picked off at least a dozen borer eggs off my zucchini. Its the first year I managed to get some of them before it got out of control.

Edible Gardens 03.01.2020

Not everything is doing well, but theres certainly a lot of good things happening in the garden right now.

Edible Gardens 17.12.2019

You wont find peas like these in the grocery store. Fresh and crunchy.

Edible Gardens 15.11.2019

I went to check on my garden this evening (I call it going on Walkabout) and I noticed a tomato plant completely on its side. I ran over to it, panicking, and tripped on a log and fell on my face (breaking a marigold on my way down). It all happened in slow-motion. I scraped my knee and got dirt all over my pajamas. All that over a tomato plant. #GardenerForLife

Edible Gardens 03.11.2019

Ive been delinquent in taking photos and posting updates. Who would have thought being at home 24/7 would reduce my free time.

Edible Gardens 01.11.2019

I missed my lemon and lime basil with Egyptian walking onion in my salads. So refreshing!!

Edible Gardens 27.10.2019

So much potential, while other plants are stunted by the strange weather.

Edible Gardens 12.10.2019

Fresh ingredients for pizza, salad and dessert.

Edible Gardens 24.09.2019

Ive been a little too lazy to post pics, but the lettuce, kale, choys and egyptian walking onion are doing well! Plus I got some basil leaves that were looking tired.

Edible Gardens 05.09.2019

Poor little mouse. He was not well. He kept falling over. We fed him and then he disappeared. I hope hell be ok, or pass quickly and painlessly.