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Edmonton QHHT 17.05.2021

" I always thought I was me - but no, I was you and never knew it" ~ Rumi There was a time where I might have thought I knew what this quote meant ... but it was not until an experience in June 2015 where I truly understood the depth of this quote and even then - it took many many moons to process it. In June of 2015, I had something similar to a near-death experience - except, I didn't nearly die. An organic experience where I went "home" - and what a profound and loving pla...Continue reading

Edmonton QHHT 20.02.2021

Maya Angelou wrote the following inspiring poem in 1978 : And Still I Rise. A testimony to the warrior within all of us ... Maya passed away at the age of 86, known for her poetry, memoirs and work as a Civil Rights activist. But her early life was much more painful including childhood molestation, the divorce of her parents, being shuffled about amongst family members, and later, a journey into many diverse jobs including nightclub performer, fry cook, Christian Leadership ...Conference coordinator and sex trade worker. If you ever doubt whether or not you can change the course of your life, remember : "And Still I Rise." "It is never too late to be what you might have been" ~ George Eliot https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JqOqo50LSZ0

Edmonton QHHT 18.02.2021

I offer my profuse apologies for my recent absence - a dear friend went suddenly went palliative and passed away this week and I have been away from emails and my phone in recent weeks while I was with her. She did not have family so I wanted to help in every way that I could. My thanks for your patience if you have sent inquiries, I am still returning emails and phone calls as I speak. It will take me a bit to catch up as I am still helping with her affairs. In the mean time...Continue reading

Edmonton QHHT 29.01.2021

Our neighbors to the south are having a very difficult week ...there are several dynamics at play, many unseen and a result of manipulation. Should you have a moment to send prayers to our brothers and sisters in the U.S, now would be the time. When darkness befalls one country, it actually impacts all of us as we are all a part of the collective consciousness and far more connected than we might realize. The citizens of the U.S need our prayers right now as they walk through... this very challenging and dark week. When I had an experience in the afterlife, one of the most profound things I witnessed was that we were all one, and we were energy, light, frequency ... and we had no gender, no race, no class, no borders ... We are currently in an important time of our evolution as a humanity - and maybe this pivotal event is to remind us that they are us, and we are them. Anyhow - should you be meditating or praying today - please pray for the safety and protection of all our southern citizens, our neighbors ... all politics aside, all perceived differences, those are just tools in our earthly journey and used to provide the perception of division - Our neighbors really need help this week ... I hope you might participate with me in praying for the love and safety of all. Many thanks and much love.

Edmonton QHHT 18.01.2021

Is synchronicity divine? From Wikipedia: Synchronicity is a concept, first introduced by analytical psychologist Carl Jung, which holds that events are meaningful coincidences if they occur with no causal relationship yet seem to be meaningfully related. Recently, I had the experience of remembering a little book from my Sunday school days of probably 10 or 11 in age. I don’t remember why I was remembering that particular book at that moment one of those random things tha...t pop into your mind maybe. Being artistic in nature and the book being cartooned, it was something I had favored at that age, the drawings and simple message had been so appealing. It was also a distinct little book and not difficult to remember striking yellow and black cover, a little cartooned hand holding a flower and the words Somebody Loves Me. So imagine my surprise when, just weeks later after this thought, I went to get into the elevator on a Friday night in my high rise and found that little book hanging off of the hand rail in our elevator. What made the situation even more unique was another elevator had arrived moments before but upon discovering the passengers were going to the ground floor, I had declined getting in where normally I probably would have as it was only the difference of a few floors This time however, I decided to wait a few more moments for the other elevator to arrive to go up. Stepping into the empty elevator, there was that exact little book from 43-44 years ago. Not the original copy of course, but the identical little booklet none-the-less. I had not seen a copy of that book since I was a child. There is every possibility to how that book got there but in that moment, it was pure magic. And I still shamelessly believe in magic. I took that little book home, fully anticipating that it had been left there as a gift just for me at about 10 PM on a quiet Friday night. What do you think Coincidence? Synchronicity? A divine gift? Was it just left there randomly by a missionary and I stumbled upon it? Whatever it was, I felt a profound sense of peace that something out there in this vast cosmos was listening to my heart and wanted to leave a little token to show it was listening

Edmonton QHHT 06.01.2021

Today’s Mantra: "I accept the quality of my life is determined by my outlook, attitude, actions, and awareness. When defined by the behavior of others, I have g...iven my power away to a pattern of unconsciousness below the vibration of my highest truth. As I bless others with the consciousness absent from their words and actions, I allow my power to be returned, so I may continue to transform reality by the presence of my living example. And so I am free. See more

Edmonton QHHT 30.12.2020

I have had a cathartic Christmas break - lot's of quiet time without the normal very joyful distraction of grandbabies and family. I missed them deeply and dearly - but in every cloud, there is a silver lining - I felt maybe this was a holiday meant to be one of quiet and contemplation - ( there are no accidents and coincidences) And it was. It led directly to some important epiphanies and inspiration shared from my Guides that I plan to share in a number of posts to come. B...Continue reading

Edmonton QHHT 29.12.2020

Years ago I had a momentary experience in the Afterlife - while I cannot explain how or why it happened, it most closely resembled a near-death experience - except I did not nearly die. It was the most beautiful and profound experience I have ever had in my life and I find it unlikely that I will ever top that. We are magnificent beings and we are so much more than we remember. And one of the profound truths that stuck with me is 'who we are''. While in that place, and truthf...Continue reading

Edmonton QHHT 11.12.2020

The world is buzzing about the Christmas Star that we will witness on December 21st, the Winter Solstice. Is this the Christmas Star of the days of Jesus? The Bethlehem star? Potentially yes the Christmas Star is actually a Saturn and Jupiter conjunction that will be in a 6 degree arc in the Western sky after sunset. This could give it the appearance of being a bigger and brighter star in the sky like that said to have been followed by the Wise Men of the days of Jesus....Continue reading