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Emily Timmons RHN 24.09.2020

Delicious brownies for that sweet tooth but healthy Taking from www.thebigmansworld.com, these 100% vegan brownies are amazing! I did end up making a couple of alterations because I never have all of the ingredients for a recipe ... 1 cup of coconut flour 1/4 cup of ground flax 3/4 cup of water 3/4 cup of cocoa powder 1 1/2 cup of granulated sugar of choice -> I decided to use date sugar, something I recently discovered, it’s just dried and ground up dates - and it works incredibly well in these! (And I highly recommend, date sugar is an unrefined, low glycemic, high fiber, sweetener!) 1 tsp of baking powder 1/2 cup of nut butter (I used almond like always) 1 tsp of vanilla first you have to make your flax eggs, so combine the flax and water, and let sit in the fridge for at least 15 minutes to form a gel! then mix all dry ingredients then mix flax egg with nut butter and vanilla combine dry and wet ingredients, mix well I also ended up needing to add a bit of almond milk to fully mix through then bake at 350 for 40 minutes! toppings are optional - could use vegan chocolate chips, I decided to use unsweetened coconut flakes! And then just make sure you allow them to cool completely before slicing! Happy weekend! Enjoy some fudgy delicious brownies See more

Emily Timmons RHN 06.09.2020

Yum yum yum 1/2 cup of coconut flour 1/3 cup of cocoa powder 2 scoops of protein powder ... ground flax seeds (as much as you want) 1/3 cup of stevia 1/3 cup of nut butter (I mixed almond butter and peant butter) 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda 2 eggs (or flax eggs) tsp of vanilla handful of chopped almonds and pumpkin seeds bit of almond milk for mixing if needed sprinkle of sea salt for the top Bake at 350 for about 15/20 minutes! These are topped with a drizzle of honey and some almond butter and it was amazing Happy Sunday everybody See more

Emily Timmons RHN 25.08.2020

Blueberry muffins I tried a new flour! I usually stick to my usual flours for baking, but I decided to branch out and try some coconut flour! Here’s the recipe; (I doubled it to make 12) ... 1/2 cup coconut flour 1/2 teaspoon of baking powder 1 tablespoon of flax seeds pinch of salt 6 large eggs 6 tablespoons of honey 6 tablespoons of coconut oil (melted) 4 tablespoons of almond milk 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract 1/2 - 1 cup of blueberries For the top crumble part; 1/2 cup of almond flour (can easily switch it up, I used oats) 2 tablespoons of honey 2 tablespoons of coconut oil (melted) 2 tablespoons of chopped almonds And you’re going to bake at 350 for 25 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean! These turned out so moist, with a burst from the blueberries, but a crunch from the almonds - such a good combo! So yummy! And fun fact of the day/misconception - some people don’t understand why honey is better than regular sugar - yes it still has sugar in it, but it’s actually fructose, which is what is naturally found in fruit and vegetables, so it’s a more natural sweetener instead of refined table sugar, it also contains more vitamins and minerals, and also immune boosting properties. AND, when you combine it with the fiber and protein and healthy fats in the muffin, it wont spike your blood sugar! Enjoy See more

Emily Timmons RHN 21.08.2020

This was the very last one, I had to get a picture before they were all gone! oats flax seeds mixture of cut up almonds, cashews, walnuts, and Brazil nuts ... little scoop of protein powder cocoa powder almond butter (pure) a mixture of honey + maple syrup (I was running out of both) I chucked this mixture in the fridge for 15 minutes to make it easier to work with, then rolled them into balls, and then kept them in the fridge until they were all eaten Another go to snack that’s easy to grab! A refined ingredient free snack! See more

Emily Timmons RHN 05.08.2020

A warm yummy bowl for this snow storm Sunday! oats almond milk apple sauce (unsweetened) ... cut up apple flax seeds touch of pure maple syrup cinnamon Quick and easy, pop it in the microwave for a minute, and you’re ready to go! A hearty breakfast to keep you full, and your blood sugar stable! Hope everyone stays safe and keeps warm today See more

Emily Timmons RHN 28.07.2020

Super easy and yummy breakfast! Whipped together some oats, some protein powder, some ground flax seeds, cinnamon, and almond milk! Then added blueberries, blackberries and a little drizzle of pure maple syrup over the whole thing! Super filling as well, and oats are a great way to start off the day because they fill you and also help balance your blood sugar to keep you fuller for longer! ... And these are so versatile as well, add in or take away whatever you’d like! See more

Emily Timmons RHN 20.07.2020

Today’s lunch was very simple, honestly because I didn’t have the time to make anything extravagant. So this is just a black bean veggie burger, on a whole foods bagel, with a little hummus, and of course my fav, spinach! I want to be honest, I’m not much into making food look pretty for pictures, I’m really not, I’m more into making it practical and realistic, simply because I’m a mom to a 7 month old, that doesn’t have all the time in the world to make pretty dishes...... And I carry that over into my practice, eating healthy isn’t supposed to be hard and stressful, you can eat simple, real, whole foods, and still get just as much nutrition, and joy out of it. So when I make meal plans, recipes, or however I’m working with a client, I’m all about realistic and doable. AND on a further much more exciting note - I am currently working on a course that is going to drop fairly soon, all about the basics of nutrition, our MACRO & MICRO nutrients - so if you’ve been interested in nutrition, or confused by nutrition, this course should clear things up! I will be going in depth on what our macros and micros are, how they effect our body, how they are digested, why we need them, what ones to eat, etc, all the nitty gritty! So stay tuned for more info! See more

Emily Timmons RHN 06.07.2020

Super easy and super yummy meal This literally took like 10 minutes to make! And it’s super versatile, you can have it with meat, without meat, and pick & choose your own vegetables and toppings! Great for supper, but also great for lunch ideas, something easy to pack! And this was also super filling! All it is is a bed full of spinach, then topped with basically whatever you like, this one has; ... chicken cucumber corn hummus And then you can really add whatever you’d like with it, more veggies, tofu instead of chicken, hemp seeds, different spread instead of hummus (hummus if my fav tho ) Super easy without compromising nutrition - what a whole foods lifestyle is all about What are some of your fav easy meals to throw together? See more

Emily Timmons RHN 07.06.2020

A little bit of a sappy family post for this lazy Sunday

Emily Timmons RHN 27.05.2020

New blog post! All about trusting your body and feelings

Emily Timmons RHN 20.05.2020

Hopefully this means I’m getting back into my food creations and sharing all kinds of yummy and healthy recipes!! Anyway this was my lunch from the other day! Just something I literally thought of last minute and thoughts let’s just try it and see what happens? As I do with most of my cooking/baking So I just took some of my brown rice wraps, coated the bottom with olive oil and garlic (because I don’t have any red sauce at the moment), chucked on some tomatoes, p...eppers, baby kale, and then some dairy free cheese, cooked it at 400 degrees for 10 minutes and voila Now these are a little hard to eat because the wraps are so fragile after being baked, but honestly worth it because these tasted amazing, and I honestly just went all in and ate it like this, didn’t even attempt to cut it But either way these are delicious and are definitely going to be a new go to! See more

Emily Timmons RHN 15.05.2020

New blog post! Update on 2018, and my goals (in terms of this blog) going into 2019! I’m sorry I kind of went MIA for a while and stopping posting, but here’s to many more posts in the future!

Emily Timmons RHN 29.04.2020

Our family supper last night! Super simple stir fry, containing broccoli, carrots, cabbage, and kale, of course with some brown rice and then our choice of protein, mine being eggs and his being beef! Just cooked with some oil, and some pepper and sea salt, no sauce or anything needed! But if you’re curious and interested, there are sauces you can find in the natural section like a natural version of soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, and even siracha! There are plenty of options ...you can use for meals like this! We also lately, have been practicing eating our meal as a family around the table! Practicing mindful, peaceful, and relaxed eating, which makes a huge improvement in digestion, another thing that shows it’s not just what you put in your body, but your state of mind and how you’re feeling while doing so! And soon Ellie will be able to join in on our family suppers as well

Emily Timmons RHN 21.04.2020

These little cookies ! These are very similar to what I usually make every week (avocado muffins), but the recipe is different! These chocolate avocado cookies are the BEST thing ever - so rich and chewy, they’re great as dessert, a snack, or breakfast, perfect pairing with a cold glass of almond milk!... And they’re also, you guessed it, super SIMPLE! Ingredients; 1 avocado, 1/4 cup of sweetener (I used date paste but could use honey), 1 egg, 1/2 tsp vanilla, 1/2 cup of cocoa powder, 1/3 cup flour (I used brown rice), 1/2 tsp of baking soda, and then of course I added in some extra protein powder, oats, and also some chia seeds! Then you just bake at 350F for 10 minutes and let cool completely! These only make about like 12 cookies and they turn out pretty small so I would suggest doubling the recipe - which is definitely what I’m going to do next time, which will probably be soon as I can’t see these lasting long Yeah, I bake a lot also - maybe getting my mojo back with new healthy recipes ???? We shall see

Emily Timmons RHN 07.04.2020

Wanted to share the full recipe of my fav and famous vegan burritos! They’re so yummy - I seriously suggest trying! I also wanted to share with everybody that there is now a subscriber/email list over on my website! Where you can receive updates of what I post over there - any updates to my consultations and everything I offer! AND, I’m offering my Whole Foods Guide for FREE to whoever subscribes! It’s a great guide when you’re learning about whole foods and eating healthy ...and very helpful if you’re trying to switch your diet! You can follow the link below to get to my website or just search it up separately!

Emily Timmons RHN 26.03.2020

Guess what this banana bread is made with?!?! That’s right - my date paste Super yummy, super simple, no refined ingredients! I made this immediately after making the date paste! I used - 3 bananas (ripe), 2 cups of brown rice flour, 1 cup of oats, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon, 1 teaspoon of baking soda, 2 eggs, dash of salt, and 1/4 cup of the date paste! And then I also added in some hemps seeds like usual and some ground chia seeds! Baked at 350 for around 45 minutes and voila

Emily Timmons RHN 24.03.2020

This is something new I’ve just discovered today and I had to share! It’s absolutely amazing! This is date paste! It was extremely easy to make, all you need is; 1 1/2 cups of dates (pitted), 1 1/2 boiled water (cooled for 5 minutes), 1/4 of a peeled lemon wedge, 1 cm (little square) of an unwaxed lemon peel, and then a blender! ... All you do is combine all that together and then blend! And trust me, I thought the lemon was weird too but it makes a big difference and it makes it taste so yummy. I could eat this straight and this will stay good for 2 weeks in the fridge! But this is a great substitute for sweetener in baking, like honey or maple syrup, but with dates, along with all the vitamins and minerals you’re getting, they have a good amount of fibre and antioxidants, and they’re actually low on the glycemic index! I will definitely be using this in all of my baking for the next 2 weeks!

Emily Timmons RHN 20.03.2020

MEAL PLANS I’ve been working on some meal plans lately - so I wanted to share some details! I do 7 day meal plans, that are specialized to you and your goals, and they include recipes and grocery lists, for only $50! ... If you’re interested in working with me, or if you have any questions - just shoot me a message! I also do full work ups where we also focus on your health concerns and system imbalances, and come with recommendations for diet, lifestyle, supplements, etc. Message me for the other options besides meal plans!