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E=motion Wellness 13.09.2020

LIFE IS SHORT! Don’t waste it! Love!! Forgive! Step out of your comfort zone!...Continue reading

E=motion Wellness 09.09.2020

Who wants their bars run...???

E=motion Wellness 30.08.2020

Stumbled upon this little gem today...take a break, relax and enjoy this journey of finding your higher self. For those just beginning the journey and those already there...it’s just a peaceful escape from today’s reality. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PgYO3VB6ubo

E=motion Wellness 16.08.2020


E=motion Wellness 12.08.2020

Are you aware of what you are unconsciously attracting to yourself? Here’s an easy way to check in on your subconscious mind! Pay attention to your social media newsfeed! ... Do you see more negative or more positive posts? What is your circle of ‘friends’ reflecting back at you? If you see more negative posts, memes, stories, comments...well then you are subconsciously attracting this into your reality! This means it’s a good time to go within, and explore what you’re feeling inside, how you’re reacting to situations in your life, and maybe make a few adjustments!!! Don’t worry!!!! Nothings wrong! You aren’t broken!! You just need to refocus and change the frequency your vibration at! There are many ways to do this! Get a coach - a certified LifeCoach can help you see your blind spots and give you clarity. Energy healing - energy is stored in our body when it is not properly processed. There are many different techniques to help release this energy, and to also dismantle subconscious beliefs that do not serve us and unknowingly run us! Meditation - this is a super power we all possess!!!! Use it! Start with just a few min it is quieting your mind, and breathing deeply and build from there. Listen to sleep meditations. There are so many tools at yo it disposal to help you leave negativity behind and to propel you forward into a life you love that is so worth living!!!! And if your stuck and need help...I am a certified LifeCoach, and an energy practitioner of Reiki, Bodytalk, and Access Consciousness! All these tools have helped to transform my life! And I know they can help you too!

E=motion Wellness 05.08.2020

FREE draw!!! Are you desiring to find out what is holding you back in this life time? Do you have phobias that keep you stuck? Are life challenges/struggles ...holding you back? If so, you may want to try a Past Life Regression session. I am offering a free phone session, All you have to do is: 1) like this post; 2) share this post; 3) tag your friends (more tags=more entries) 4) like this page A live draw will be made on Saturday, February 8th at 12 noon CST!!! Regina Expo https://facebook.com//step-into-your-po/2514167945327145/ Saskatoon Expo https://facebook.com//step-into-your-pow/792919214454276/ https://youtu.be/IN-2_GtYYOI

E=motion Wellness 28.07.2020

Ram Dass has died.

E=motion Wellness 11.07.2020

I love that even Joe Rogan knows Esther Hicks and the teachings of Abraham!!!!! https://youtu.be/aC321k61dcc

E=motion Wellness 26.06.2020

This is an area I am super passionate about studying at the moment. I have the book that explains the ACE study she talks about and I will post the ACE test here later! https://youtu.be/95ovIJ3dsNk

E=motion Wellness 10.06.2020

This is an awesome clip from an Abraham Hicks forum and how easy it is to utilize the law of attraction!! I listen to her daily, and I will start posting more or these videos on this page to help enlighten and inspire all the beautiful souls who are on this page! It's no coincidence you are here...so let us grow together! ... https://youtu.be/7hJUNixwZcQ

E=motion Wellness 22.05.2020

It's all about those Good vibrations!!!

E=motion Wellness 17.05.2020

Gratitude is one thee highest vibrations there is. The power of gratitude is transforming! I practice it daily - with a journal, or just thinking about things I am grateful for, or when I post my Happiness & Gratitude Manifestos. It has been a huge part of my life and I definitely reap the benefits and I post about it all the time because I believe deeply in it and the value in it. It's easy to do and it costs nothing yet so many people struggle to find something to be grate...ful for, and yet it's not complicated - check it out!: If you are reading this, well you can be grateful that - you can read - you have internet access - you have a device on which to access facebook / the internet - you are my friend - you are alive / woke up today, you have air to breathe, I mean it really doesn't have to be complicated!!!!! I start every single day with Thank you Thank you Thank you - because I woke up to create another magnificent day! You've got nothing to lose and happiness to gain if you join in this movement! Gratitude IS the Attitude! xoxoxo https://dailyhealthpost.com/gratitude-rewires-brain-happi/

E=motion Wellness 09.05.2020


E=motion Wellness 07.05.2020

Two of my favourite men and mentors ( Tony Robbins and Deepak Chopra) talking about my favourite subject - how the body has the ability to heal itself!!!! Did you know the body is its own pharmacy with the capacity to create any pharmaceutical- drug free- cost free!!!!! Learn how by listening to this audio! ... I loved it so much I'm going to replay it again!!!! What else is magically possible!! https://youtu.be/m7sYord9olA

E=motion Wellness 18.04.2020


E=motion Wellness 01.04.2020

This is so true! We aren't born with our problems and issues, we collect them slowly over time, and then they simply become who we are, our way of being. Then we spend most of our time blaming and projecting on everyone else for the reasons behind it, when all the answers we need to know or within us. There are lessons and reasons within all our problems and dysfunctions. If you want to live into your best life, A simple place to start, to start changing the energy that fl...ows within you, is to start living in gratitude, and grounding yourself. There are so many easy tools available to us, to help us heal and grow and let go of the person who we've become and live into who we are meant to be! If you want to start living into your best life, contact me and let's get started!

E=motion Wellness 30.03.2020

Today maybe a day of celebration as we humans celebrate our fabulous country, but remember it can be the worst day of the year for your beloved pets!!! To us it...'s light and beauty and magical fun... To our unsuspecting dogs it's a war zone and it's aimed directly at them!!! Here are some of our tips to help you ease your dogs stress during fireworks! Please keep your dogs in doors when fireworks are going off! Dogs left in yards will often escape from your yard trying to escape the noise!!! Make sure their ID tags are up to date! Do not take them to the firework show!!! You may have to miss the show yourself!!! Play music to drowned the noise. But keep it calm like jazz or soft rock. No loud banging music. Crate them (if possible) to give them a safe zone and help keep them calm. Tire them out so they are extra sleepy!!! Keep them busy: stuffed kongs, bones and food puzzles are a great way to keep their minds occupied. Thundershirts are a great calming tool! There are even some natural rememdies to help calm them: Bachs rescue remedy being the most accessible on short notice (most pharmacies and even Walmart carry it.) Remember if you own a pet their happiness and safety is your responsibility!!!! What other precautions do you take with your dogs to keep them safe during the Canada Day fireworks? Feel free to Share your ideas in the comments!!

E=motion Wellness 22.03.2020

Every day you have a choice: 1) Be Average Or 2) Be ExtraordinaryEvery day you have a choice: 1) Be Average Or 2) Be Extraordinary

E=motion Wellness 05.03.2020

What question would you rather answer? a)Why did you give up on your dream? b) How did you go about achieving your dream?

E=motion Wellness 14.02.2020

This one is for the women!

E=motion Wellness 31.01.2020

F*ck That: An Honest Meditation. Enjoy

E=motion Wellness 27.01.2020

Owning our shit! Having Integrity for our actions! Facing our mistakes...this is one of the hardest things for humans to do. Many of us have a deep rooted - subconscious level - fear of being wrong. So to admit we are wrong is never an option! ... We quickly defend ourselves by deflecting, blaming others, arguing, some people become really aggressive. It's just a trigger reaction. And when it's deep we don't realize we're doing anything wrong. It's instant, like pulling a trigger! I lived here for many years, it still trips me up sometimes. It's so deep that my mind can quickly manipulate a conversation so that I make others wrong. It happens so fast I don't even realize it until afterwards! But the freedom comes from knowing our triggers. And when we do get triggered, taking a deep breath, listening to what the other person is really saying, and not just hearing 'were wrong', swallowing our pride, and simply owning our mistakes. We don't have to apologize or make a big deal of it. And the other person won't make a big deal out of it either. Nothing bad happens!!!! Yet our deep rooted fear makes us believe otherwise...it feels like it's the end of the world! Like we are going to die! We would probably rather die than admit we are wrong! It's that deep!!!! But realizing where / why this happens in the first place is the first step in finding freedom. Mine was based around 'rejection' and 'judgement'. If I was wrong people wouldn't like me. This started when I was three. After my adoption and my Dads heart attack a month after I was adopted. (I thought I caused the heart attack by being too loud.) So I became terrified of doing anything wrong, because I thought if I did my parents would give me away. This is MY story! It took me a long time to sort it out. But I have freedom and understanding and compassion for myself now. And - most times - I can admit when I'm wrong!!! If you want to sort out your story and understand your triggers, let's do some coaching! PM me for details and pricing!!

E=motion Wellness 22.01.2020

Cleaning and organizing my desk today, I found a pile of papers with quotes. As I hear things, I write them down. Here is a beautiful piece on criticism from Louise Hay. <3 "One of the most important decisions we can make for our own spiritual growth is to totally release all criticism of others and most importantly, of ourselves. We always have the option of thinking kind thoughts, unkind thoughts or neutral thoughts, the more more kind and loving thoughts we have the more ...kindness and love we will attract in our lives. I only give out that which I wish to receive in return. " "I release all criticism. People who are self righteous and judgmental have the most self hatred of all because they refuse to change themselves, they then point fingers at everyone else, they see wrong everywhere. Because they are so critical they attract much to criticize."

E=motion Wellness 14.01.2020

Stay tuned! E=motion Wellness will soon be offering a class on the shadow! PM me if you are interested!!!!

E=motion Wellness 11.01.2020

This is such an epic example of choice!!! Every minute we get to choose - our attitude, our energy, our motivation level, our health, our food consumption, the people we surround ourselves with, the amount of time we spend on social media and how we utilize the platform (trolling/ motivating/ business/wasting time/ avoidance etc) But the best part is, the man on the right who clearly chose not to make health and fitness his priority can still, in this moment, make the choice ...to do so and he can completely change his life! BUT...he has to CHOOSE!!!! So what choices are you making today? What will you do - the usual mundane routine, ho-hum daily grind, or will you choose something that makes you feel alive inside? That lights you up and inspires not only yourself but others? Maybe it's making an epic dinner with a recipe you've been wanting to try, or checking things off that never ending ToDo list, make a fb video to share your brilliant wisdom...the list of possibilities is endless and the choice is yours...so what do you choose!!???

E=motion Wellness 03.01.2020

This information is imperative to your health!!! https://youtu.be/kaefdiE4ovk

E=motion Wellness 24.12.2019

HAVE YOU COMPLETED 2018?? 2019 was a year of loss. I lost my parents, my dog, my Auntie and a friend, I lost a job and with that I lost my financial security, I lost my health and more financial security due to a recurring staph infection. As the optimist that I am, I haven't said it out loud but I will now admit 2018 was by far the worst year of my life. But it's gone. So I can say that now without the fear of bringing in more negativity! But in doing the work of completi...Continue reading

E=motion Wellness 15.12.2019

You often hear that your health is in your hands. Well, it literally is. Mudras are hand and finger gestures that we can adopt during meditation or pranayama (breathing exercises).

E=motion Wellness 10.12.2019

This is what I felt like when I did 9-5 doing graphic design. I hated the daily grind!!!! Luckily my body told me that wasn't for me by giving me carpal tunnel syndrome. Pain in the wrist indicates an activity you are resisting, avoiding, wish you were not doing, or perhaps feel restricted from doing . What is your body telling you??

E=motion Wellness 05.12.2019

LIFECOACHING...What is it and do you need it? I recently started coaching again, and I started by coaching two people, just to get me back in the groove. I have to say that it's been a great success so far, and it's only been a few months. So, now I want to open my practice up to more people....Continue reading

E=motion Wellness 25.11.2019


E=motion Wellness 19.11.2019

Unforgiveness makes people sick. 61% of all cancer patients have forgiveness issues. Finally medical doctors are waking up!!!! YES!!!!!... But not forgiving doesn't just fuel cancer but it can fuel a host of other dis-eases too! Forgiveness is not about the other person, it is about freeing yourself! Need help learning how to forgive - call me for Forgiveness Coaching! <3

E=motion Wellness 12.11.2019

This is an amazing video!! As a life coach and energy healer, we are always looking for the root cause. In this case, what is the real reason behind the addiction, the narcissism, the anger, the depression... It's human nature to want to project onto everyone else the reason for our hurt, but really the answer lies within. But for most it's too painful to go there. But to be truthful, it's not painful at all! When you allow yourself to be open and vulnerable, it is a gentle p...Continue reading

E=motion Wellness 03.11.2019

Just a reminder to keep your pets at home. It’s May and the temperatures are climbing QUICKLY! It can and will heat up very quickly inside your vehicle. Please,... please, PLEASE don’t leave your dog/cat OR child unattended in your vehicle. If you must have your pet with you (like right after a vet appointment and you need a few things), open your window, or your a/c running with your remote start. PETS DIE IN HOT VEHICLES! See more