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Enje Daniels Photography 19.05.2021

THE SUN IS JUST GIVING ME LIFE TODAY! I genuinely hope you’re all out side getting your tan on!!! HAPPY FIRST DAY OF SPRING!! ... We are heading to my fav sushi place and then a winery! The hubby and I haven’t been on a date in 3 months!! What are you up to today?

Enje Daniels Photography 02.05.2021

Have you ever looked at your family and thought to yourself "I just wish I could freeze this moment?" When I connected with Lindsey about photographing her family I knew that they loved being outdoors, hiking and exploring. Knowing this I made a few location suggestions and we eventually picked a spot where her little one, Eloise, could freely run around and explore! It was the perfect open space for Eloise to play in the dirt and pick up rocks! ... Capturing your family is all about learning what you love doing and capturing your family as you are! Freezing that e v e r y d a y m o m e n t. See more

Enje Daniels Photography 26.04.2021

I know what you are thinking... I have a MOUNTAIN to-do list and no motivation to actually do the list. Ya? Yeah, feel me? Want to know how I get out of my Monday blues? 1. Start every Monday off with a workout! Your body needs to stretch and your mind needs to relax. Exercising helps to boost your adrenaline which makes ya feel all good inside! ... 2. Think of two things you are looking forward to during the week! Pick one work-related and one not work-related. 3. Physically write down your week's to-do list. Getting organized at the beginning of the week sets you up for success! Bonus: when you write things down and see them physically on paper, it helps clear some head-space! Was this helpful? What roadblocks do you face when trying to be productive on Mondays? See more

Enje Daniels Photography 09.04.2021

sister /sistr/ Definition: the sparkle that makes life wonderful. ... If you know me, you know my sister is my best friend. I could write a book about the woman that she is. She radiates strength, beauty, determination but most importantly FAITH. My sister played a crucial role in my belief in God. She reminds me daily of what it looks like to persevere and to never lose hope. She loves so deeply and has the biggest heart ever! She spent her entire time in medical school serving rural communities and people in need. She has given up the comforts of life to serve others and treats everyone with the dignity they deserve. She is an amazing mother, wife, daughter, friend, doctor and my favourite sister! I love you Estr

Enje Daniels Photography 15.02.2021

Afford yourself forgiveness I was talking to one of my best friends the other day sharing with her the anxieties, burdens and pressures that I felt towering over me. As I come to the end of my maternity leave (which I am so thankful to have had the opportunity to take) I feel like the weight of things piling up as I prepare for full time work. ... How am I going to manage this house? What about my business? When do I have time for friends? What will our marriage look like? When will I have time to eat or sleep? And what about the baby? It can feel like a lot of things are on your plate and you don’t know what to do. You’re balancing your own emotions trying to be thankful for what you do have but also realizing it feels like a bit too much to handle. Maybe in this season you’re trying to plan a wedding and the never ending changes to guest count and restrictions are overwhelming. Maybe you’re trying to buy a new home but your job security feels volatile and you have other priorities. Maybe you’re a mom and you’re just trying to get through everyday as your kids decide today is the day they are going to have a complete and utter melt down and dinner will accidentally burn on the stove. Maybe ... [fill in the blank with whatever your situation is right now]. Whatever your situation is, whatever hats you wear. And whatever responsibilities you have I just want to remind you... AFFORD YOURSELF FORGIVENESS. You don’t have to do everything in your life perfectly. Nor should you be expected to, but so often the one with the biggest expectations is YOU. So show yourself some grace. Perfect is overrated anyways. If this was encouraging to you save it to remind yourself for next time and share it. You never know who might need this reminder!

Enje Daniels Photography 09.02.2021

Dancing into the weekend like this gorgeous bride and her sisters While I have no plans Friday still does feel a bit more like a weekend for us. It means daddy is off work for the next two days and I don’t have to figure out 15179325163 ways to entertain a baby. Is Friday a start to the weekend for you or is every day the same? #workingfromhome #workfromhomelife #tgif

Enje Daniels Photography 03.02.2021

Story telling is all about making sure that EVERYONE that matters to you is captured on your special day. It’s like being a ninja but photo style! While i know some people like to be a fly on the wall but I’d much rather get to know YOU + YOUR FAMILY! That’s how i know who matters in the digital story telling process. During covid having Evan’s grandma there to attend meant the WORLD to them. So knowing that I made sure to capture so many fun + emotional intera...ctions between them ! The photos get me every dang time I can never choose between them on which I love the most. I’m wondering... How do you say grandma in your family/culture/language?? Grandma Gammy Nona Teta Oma Abuela YiaYia Ammapa Ammama Babushka Lola ???

Enje Daniels Photography 25.01.2021

To the most impactful love story of my life. Cheers Happy 33rd Anniversary to my parents! I love you more than words and there are so many things I want to say but I’ll just say...... Thank you for teaching us ...unconditional love ...unwavering commitment ...powerful faith ...immense sacrifice ...unimaginable perseverance Thank you for showing us what it means to love one another the way Christ loved the church and daily pursuing God with all that you are. Together you have been the reason that @estrkerikes and I have the faith we have today. And thank you for loving your grand children so much! We all have big shoes to fill. ....

Enje Daniels Photography 20.01.2021

When I first met @racheladetayo I thought who is this weird girl who eats avocados with balsamic vinegar... growing up with Egyptian parents neither items were a staple in our household. So I ran to the store bought the same items and realized she was an actual genius. To be honest I’m not exactly sure where our friendship took off but this girl went from being a friend of a friend to being my friend to being a close confident and to being a best friend!! ... We are wildly different and yet similar in so many ways. Rachel is adventurous, quick to listen and slow to speak, she’s funny, curious, an amazing cook, a savvy business woman, a kick-ass mom (she’d probably would not want me to use that word lol), and a loyal wife and friend. Every time we hang out she says I can’t go home late tonight haha I laugh and say ok and we spend hours talking about life, kids, and business dreams and goals! Through university adventures, walking through the streets of Montreal at 4am, traveling across Europe, nearly getting mugged in Barcelona, getting married and having kids ... so much has changed and yet our friendship continues to be even more life giving than before. Anyways its a day late but happy birthday!! Love you @racheladetayo @mommyslittlehelper.co

Enje Daniels Photography 03.01.2021

Have you watched the Social Dilemma?!? A year ago we decided we didn’t want TV to be the centre of our home. It was so easy for us to get home from work make dinner and spend the rest of the evening binge watching episodes. ESPECIALLY in the winter when it’s freezing outside and with this pandemic year not much else to do. But that was way our resolution. It wasn’t a new year resolution it was more of a family resolution. We were preparing for Charlie bear and we want...ed our focus on our family. So we cancelled our Netflix account and moved our TV to a room we don’t spend much time in. However, yesterday we had the chance to watch Netflix and we watched #thesocialdilemma and my word this is a documentary you definitely want to watch! It’s kind of crazy to see how much information these tech giants can gather. What stood out to me the most was > if you’re not purchasing anything you are the product being purchased Technology isn’t all bad there are so many amazing things we can do as a result of it. Like connecting with family and friends or making new friends online. That being said I know that the addiction to the never ending scrolling and the comments/likes is a real thing! So I’m trying to work on ways to better use social media to serve you guys but also to make sure I’m not spending an unhealthy amount of time on here. So I’m signing off for a week! I’ll be creating some fun content in the mean time and spending time with my family Admittedly this will be hard. #admittingmyaddiction Will you be joining me in a little social media detox? What will you be doing the last week of 2020?

Enje Daniels Photography 17.12.2020

Merry Christmas friends This year has brought a lot of... surprises, hardships, confusion and joy. It’s been a roller coaster of emotions. Experiencing pregnancy, labour and then motherhood through the lens of a pandemic has been the most humbling experience of my life. While most of life is completely unpredictable this past year has given that word a whole new definition. ... As I reflect on the meaning of Christmas I am reminded of another mama who wasn’t expecting anything that came her way. I am sure Mary didn’t know that she’d be visited by an angel, become a pregnant virgin or labour through the dark night in a lowly manger of all places to finally give birth to her Saviour. But that’s not all! The King of Kings was born into this world as a humble babe. Vulnerable and dependent. So that you and I may one day experience the life saving sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross. Christ’s sacrifice makes every difficult, crushing, exhausting moment here on earth bearable knowing that I have a Hope in an eternal future where sin and heart ache will be no more. I hope that this also brings you peace, hope and joy ! Love you all friends Merry Christmas.

Enje Daniels Photography 12.12.2020

We had been planning and scheming for weeks for this!!!! On Saturday Adrian + Feriyal were engaged and ya’llll I GOT TO BE THERE!!! Seriously what an immense privilege to watch these two amazing humans say YES to the beginning of a new chapter!!! ... Adrian reached out to me in November to discuss his plans to propose to Feriyal. When I got his message I was SOO EXCITED! We chatted about their Cinderella like story (some missing earrings and the wrong number) but that didn’t stop him! He was able to get a hold of Feriyal and she agreed to a date! AHHHH!! Adrian knew he wanted an outdoor adventure so I found some amazing spots here in Hamilton and shared them with him. Adrian told Feriyal that this photoshoot was an early Christmas gift and she was so excited! We met on Saturday and BOYYY WAS THE RAIN COMING DOWN HARRRRD!! Adrian messaged me and I assured him that I had an umbrella if the rain got to be too much. If you know me you know that the rain WILL NOT stop me from being there for my couples! Thankfully when they arrived the trees created a somewhat decent shelter for us. Adrian gave me the secret thumbs up to tell me he was ready and I said the magic cue words and the rest was history! Feriyal’s reaction was amazing!! I am so blessed to have been a part of this epic day! Surprise proposals are the best! Don’t you ageee?? Where would you want to go for a surprise proposal? Tell me below!

Enje Daniels Photography 05.12.2020

No question about it when I captured this moment I knew right away I was going to be so excited to share it !! This is Roberta and her insanely kind and talented father getting her ready the morning of her wedding day! I love how elated her daddy looks as he puts the finishing touches on his baby girls hair. I love how he is having so much fun, maybe too much fun (actually there’s no such thing as too much fun) with the hair spray and comb! ... What a perfect way for this gorgeous bride to start off her day with, who she calls, her first love. What’s one way you hope to include some one special on your wedding day??

Enje Daniels Photography 15.11.2020

So what do you plan on doing the morning of your wedding? The morning of your big day is so crucial! It can set the tone for the rest of the day. It’s often overlooked as a time to spend getting ready but it can be so much more! A piece of advice I would offer to you is to think of something you love doing, that is unique, authentic or important to you. ... Carve out time that morning to do it! Seriously ! Whether it’s going for a run, walking your dog, going swimming, painting, dancing or even a hike! I love what Roberta did on the morning of her wedding day! Music is such an important part of her life especially playing the piano ! So she set aside time to play, sing + relax before getting into her dress. It was perfect and so magical! Roberta also has the most angelic voice. I squealed under my breath in excitement when I heard her! What would you do the morning of your big day? Would love to hear your ideas!

Enje Daniels Photography 07.11.2020

Part of what I do as a Photogrpaher and storyteller is finding the perfect backdrop for telling your story. BUT the best part of story telling is finding a place that means something to YOU and YOUR person! Grace + Alex loved the idea of having an adventure session (that’s what I call my engagement sessions). They specifically wanted to go on an adventure and capture some special moments in a place that means so much to them and their story. So that’s what we did !! We adve...ntured to the falls. A place where their love grew, a place with cherished memories, and now, a memory, a moment and an adventure forever captured in time through these photographs. I love what Alex says when I asked what he was lookin forward to the most in marriage ...to always discovering what's around the next corner with her. I could have never imagined the path we've taken so far and I can't wait to see where it leads next. Would love to know what’s a special place that means a lot to you and your person??

Enje Daniels Photography 18.10.2020

Do something that scares you... Classic cliche line but I have to tell you I am most definitely the kind of girl that needs to constantly do things that scare her. I LOVE THE ADRENALINE RUSH. There are other things i love and I noticed there’s been some new faces around here and so I thought I’d re-introduce myself and tell you some interesting things about me and my familia! First off HEYYYY ... Thank you for being here, following my journey and supporting me. YOU MEAN SO MUCH TO ME! Seriously I’m no just saying that I genuinely mean it. I love community and I love getting to know new people! So things about me: 1. I’m a super duper extrovert! I get my energy off of being around people and that’s why having a baby has been the LEAST lonely I’ve ever felt. 2. My background is Egyptian and people often ask if that means I’m coptic - fun fact! Coptic is a language and Copts were the final stage of the ancient Egyptian civilization. So yes i am Coptic in that sense. However I am not Orthodox. Although I have lots of family members that are! 3. I am a Christian and love Jesus. I grew up in a Christian home but didn’t start taking my faith seriously until I was 19. 4. My family immigrated to Canada in 1995 and so I spent my early years navigating what it meant to be Egyptian and Canadian. Over the years I’ve loved embracing BOTH sides of me! I love playing 3amr Diab while driving alone in my car and I love love love maple syrup on EVERYYYTHANG. 5. My TV isn’t plugged in we just don’t watch much tv. 6. I love craft beer and I’m obsessed with @grainandgritbeer and @cliffordbrewingcompany 7. I conquered one of my fears today and biked with my 8 month old baby girl to bay front park > WITHOUT FALLING (swipe to see more of our bike adventure) 8. I pretty much live off soup in the fall. Anyone else relate to the above?! I’d love to get to know you all more!

Enje Daniels Photography 07.10.2020

Okay please no one tell me they’re sad when it’s windy because like come onnnn I love this in between moment so much! Alex was being super playful with Elysha giving her the most awkward hug with a bit of his booty sticking out. Then a gust of wind came by and Elysha did one of those what are you doing faces and I think I’ve officially captured the essence of marriage In other news it’s NOVEMBER 3rd which means we are 3 days into the BEST month of the year. My biases are showing but ya’ll I’m a November baby and can’t help it. Where are my November babies at?!

Enje Daniels Photography 04.10.2020

CHRISTMAS MINIS ARE HERE !!! I don’t normally offer minis like this so get excited !!! This is an amazing opportunity for couples, families, maternity, newborn, people with puppies, etc etc to get some fun photos before the holiday season. This year I’ll be at Merry Farms on November 8th so bring whatever you want with ya. Whether you dress in a traditional red or go for those dreamy neutral tones this is the perfect back drop for some amazing photos! ... I have limited spots available! DM to book. If you are a past or current client I have a special surprise for you!