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Enlighten Intuitive 05.05.2021

The Moon will be full in the constellation in Libra tonight while the sun is in Aries. It’s the first full moon of the astrological year and it has us wrapping up some projects, achieving a goal or making the decision we’ve been putting off for awhile now. Full moons naturally bring a bit of frenzied energy, but this Libra moon is trying to balance the scales for us to find a way to wrap up what we are currently working on. We need to stop any negative thought patterns that a...re holding us back from succeeding. Everything we need to know is at our fingertips and what we need resolved, is already working out as it should. Let the universe do the work, and accept the outcomes. #enlightenintuitive, #fullmooninlibra2021, #fullmooninlibra, #balancingenergies, #conclusionsarewithinreach, #answersarecoming, #trusttheuniverse, #dailyguidance, #advicefromtheuniverse, #cardsoftheday, #moonologyoraclecards

Enlighten Intuitive 21.04.2021

The impending Libra full moon in Aries is starting to light the night sky up and highlight some emotional baggage for us. We may be feeling abandoned, forgotten, or like we just don’t ‘fit’, or no one could understand what we are feeling, what we are going through. The easiest way out of the funk is to take a step back, adjust our perspective and see that every single other human feels the exact same way right now. Even the best-adjusted, emotionally stable people we know hav...e some internal struggles. Not a single human is immune to it. We need to be more accepting of where we are at and set supportive boundaries for ourselves to help get us to where we want to be. We need to be accepting of how we feel and what we need. Covid fatigue is real, not being able to feel connected to others is real. Feeling isolated and alone is real. In the big scheme, vaccinations are rolling out and we will be able to physically connect with others again soon and we will be navigating a whole new set of parameters in which we need to learn to live with. There is yet to be another ‘new normal’. Be patient with yourself. Be supportive and accepting of where you are at both emotionally and mentally. Enlist the help of professionals if needed. Push to do something just for you everyday. But most of all, remember, we are not the only one feeling this way, it’s totally ok to not always be ok. #enlightenintuitive, #covidfatigue, #weallhavestruggles, #everyonehurtssometimes, #youarentalone, #wearentalone, #acceptyourself, #bekindtoyourself, #selfcaresaturday, #allthefeelsrightnow, #behonestaboutyourfeelings, #itsoktonotbeok, #itsoktoseektherapy, #itsoktoseeksupport, #professionalhelpisgood, #advicefromtheuniverse, #dailyguidance, #cardsoftheday, #wisdomoftheoracle

Enlighten Intuitive 07.04.2021

I sent her outside to go pee, she apparently thought it was to sunbathe. Soak up the good vibes, some vitamin D and a healthy does of Spring sunshine today. Do something that makes your heart sing and your soul happy. Happy Friday!... #enlightenintuitive, #soakupthesun, #livingherbestlife, #liveyourbestlife, #lifeisgood, #dosomethingforyou, #feedyoursoul, #golden, #goldenretreiver, #lifelessonsfrommydog, #lovehermadly, #mysweetgirl, #livingoracle

Enlighten Intuitive 18.03.2021

There are many pathways from start to finish in this game we call life. Every day presents a new opportunity for us to find our way through, as does a new month, a new lunar cycle, a new year, a new decade... If we want to change an outcome or go after a new goal, we must alter our path and go after it. We must be willing to step outside of our comfort zone, take a road less travelled and be open to try new things and meet new people. Exposure to new experiences broadens our ...horizons and brings a special richness to the backdrop of our lives. It also allows us to unearth skills, ideas and emotional growth we never even knew we had locked inside us. Do something outside of your norm today. Change your path, even just a little and embrace whatever comes up. The more often we do this, the better life becomes. #enlightenintuitive, #treeoflife, #qabbalah, #kabbalah, #manypathwaystosuccess, #manyroadsonejourney, #theroadlesstraveled, #stepoutsidethebox, #colouroutsidethelines, #pushyourselffurther, #getoutofyourcomfortzone, #takearisk, #followyourheart, #alteryourroutine, #embracenewexperiences, #growthpotential, #stretchgoals, #embracechange, #learnsomethingneweveryday, #getoutofyourrut, #dailyguidance, #advicefromtheuniverse, #cardsoftheday, #tarotofdreams, #ciromarchetti

Enlighten Intuitive 27.02.2021

Some days we need to work like the devil is chasing us, and take control of everything to sort through the mess, other days we need to hang back and let things unfold and resolve without any effort on our parts. Today is a ‘hang back’ day. Yes, we still need to complete our task list but we shouldn’t allow ourselves to be drawn into other people’s problems. Sitting back, prodding them to find their own solutions or letting the situation just play out on its own without any in...volvement from us will be far more beneficial in the long run. Taking part (or taking control) can be beneficial for the work to be completed in a timely fashion, but not for the others involved. We need to empower others to trust their skill set and their judgement, helping to create the leaders of tomorrow and allow us to keep focus on what we need to deal with. So step back, allow others a chance to grow their skills. Life gets easier when many hands can lead the charge. #enlightenintuitive, #sitbackandwatch, #letotherssolvetheirownproblems, #lettheuniversedothework, #lettheuniversedothehardwork, #teachablemoments, #letotherslead, #buildastrongteam, #weareallleaders, #goodthingscometothosethatwait, #releasecontrol, #relinquishcontrol, #giveothersachancetoshine, #dailyguidance, #cardsoftheday, #advicefromtheuniverse, #tarotapokalypsis

Enlighten Intuitive 09.02.2021

Hang in there... It feels like a busy day already and it’s barely started but some days are just like that. It might take all our mental strength to get through it but there’s opportunities in any adversity. Instead of allowing the day to control us, we need to make a conscious decision to stay curious, quiet (as in don’t offer our opinions on everything to everyone) and let life play out. If we use our eyes, ears and ability to think critically, so we choose our words well... when we do speak, things should work out to our advantage. In short, speak less, learn more and life gets easier. #enlightenintuitive, #hanginthere, #gowiththeflow, #letthingshappennaturally, #staycurious, #speaklesslearnmore, #dailyguidance, #advicefromtheuniverse, #cardsoftheday, #tarotapokalypsis

Enlighten Intuitive 20.01.2021

Dance like no one is watching, embrace life with all you have, be confident, let your light, warmth and true you shine through. Easy to say, but difficult to do. Many of us don’t feel comfortable taking centre stage in our own lives but it’s time to let go of those ties that holds us back. We must release the pain and heartache that only serves to keep us from really living today. The only way forward is well, forward... ... Embrace the real you. We all deserve to let our true authentic selves shine, find your way to doing more of that, the journey is worth it, as are you. #enlightenintuitive, #beyourself, #truetoyou, #shineyourlight, #authenticitymatters, #youbeyouandillbeme, #weareenough, #letgoofwhatholdsyouback, #findyourself, #itsoktobeyou, #healing, #healingtraumas, #selfhealingjourney, #cardsoftheday, #advicefromtheuniverse, #dailyguidance, #tarotdelanuit

Enlighten Intuitive 04.01.2021

Our patience, determination and focus will get us everywhere we need to be and allow us to build the life we want and achieve all we can. In terms of today, it will help us get through the mountain of tasks that need to be accomplished. We must keep things in perspective (will this matter tomorrow, next week, next year?) when assigning a priority level to a task to ensure we are using our time wisely and doing the tasks that make a real difference in our life and others. Th...ere are always more things to do than time in a day but taking charge of how our time is spent and allocating where energy needs to be placed is the ultimate high in self-empowerment and it’s hugely beneficial in helping us achieve our long term goals as well as what’s right in front now. #enlightenintuitive, #patienceisprogress, #determinationpaysoff, #whatsimportant, #keepthingsinperspective, #assigningimportancesetspriorities, #selfempowerment, #setyourowncourse, #selfdetermination, #competingobjectives, #takecontrolofyourlife, #takecontrolofyourwork, #thursdaytarot, #advicefromtheuniverse, #dailyguidance, #cardsoftheday, #spiritsongtarot

Enlighten Intuitive 15.12.2020

Juggling too many competing tasks, people and situations won’t help anyone, especially ourselves today. We must be honest with ourselves and communicate well with others about what can and can’t be achieved with the available resources. Only through the creation of appropriate boundaries, prioritization and delegation do we complete the work, clean up the issues and move on to the next. Everything will get done or dealt with but we won’t be exhausted from carrying the full w...eight. Work towards better balance... #enlightenintuitive, #lifeisajugglingact, #competingpriorities, #everythingisimportant, #carryingtheweightoftheworld, #communicatewithothers, #delegate, #prioritize, #establishboundaries, #highlevelcommunication, #berealistic, #ittakesavillage, #workwithyourteam, #wearentaloneinthis, #cardsoftheday, #dailyguidance, #advicefromtheuniverse, #communityenergyreading, #tarotofdreams