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Eurovangelism 17.11.2020

Mark your calendar! December 1st is Giving Tuesday. How will you give to help us continue to meet the physical and spiritual needs of the marginalized, the widows and the special needs children of Romania and Eastern Europe. As we come to this Christmas season, where we remember the glorious gift that was given to humanity. May we in turn become the gift from our heavenly Father to those less fortunate than us. Grace, peace and a blessed Christmas to all.... The Eurovangelism/Eurochange Team

Eurovangelism 19.10.2020

Turn, Turn, Turn To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heavens...a time to weep, and a time to laugh, a time to mourn, and a time to dance...a time to keep silence, a time to speak and a time to love These wise words of Solomon, son of David, reverberate down through history because of the profound wisdom within them. Solomon invites us, not simply to see and accept life's ebbs-and-flows stoically and pragmatically, but to see with our hearts...Continue reading

Eurovangelism 11.10.2020

His Blessings are New Every Morning -

Eurovangelism 06.10.2020

His Blessings are New Every Morning -

Eurovangelism 03.09.2020

July Appeal Moses, Covid, Mana and The Love of God For many generations, the people of Israel lived in disorder under the heavy hand of the Egyptians. The agony of enslavement became their normal. Then God interceded and through His servant Moses brought liberation. Not long after their liberation journey began, as they traversed the desert, they became hungry and preferred the food of enslavement. God, in His vast love, provided sweet mana for breakfast and Swiss Chalet ( for supper. He did this until they would settle in the promised land where food would be plenty. Through all their suffering God, in the vast landscape of His love, took them from their perceived order to disorder into reorder. God provided for all their needs in the exact portions and at the right moment; their shoes did not wear out, he provided shade, food, water and kept them vibrantly alive. During this time of Covid we seem to have been torn away from what was our "normal," our order. We have been thrown into disorder. Disorder can be a frightful place. Like the People of Israel, we can be temped to run back to the familiar when God is leading us through disorder into reorder. Eurovangelism/Eurochange is also feeling this. Donations are dangerously down since the pandemic hit. Many have withdrawn their giving's until things stabilize. Yet! we desire to continue to be a blessing to those who are often forgotten in the harvest field of Eastern Europe. There are no safety nets and the needs have remained the same. If ever there ever was a time that we needed your help, it is NOW. Children's shoes do wear out and the cost of food stuffs is increasing at alarming rates. You have been a blessing to so many over the years. Please forgive us for asking for your help in such a direct fashion. It breaks my heart to see the two shoe laces, that many of our Partners work with, reduced to one. Please bring us to the Throne of Grace in your daily prayers and if you can help us during this difficult time please do. Help us bring a measure of reorder to those in most need. May our Lord Continue to Hold You Up...To Bless You and to Keep You Kevin R. Campbell (Executive Director)

Eurovangelism 29.08.2020

In Times Like This "I am the one who bears witness about myself... (John 8:18)"" Why did Jesus walk among us? Was it to bring Good News to man? Absolutely yes (Luke 7:22). Was it to Judge? No (John 4:27). Was it to heal? Yes (Mark 2:17). Jesus, in the epigraph above, in His own words, tenderly and lovingly tells us that, He came to bear (testify) witness about himself. What did he bear witness to? He bore witness to everything that he was.... When we look at Jesus "lifestyle", his actions, responses, his words and silences, at the core of it all, we observe unadulterated love. This is what he bore witness too. We bear witness to his self-revealed biography (revelation) of what he wanted us to see, no interpretations, no judgements. Just simply see, feel and hear the man Jesus. In this we find the key to the Easter message. Tenderness, love, kindness and generosity flowed through his veins. He was the Rose that arose. He was risen through his tears and in his heart upon the journey to the cross and upon the cross.This was his intention all along. When the cover to the tomb was rolled back and revealed that there were only grave cloths that remained, then-and-only-then could our hearts begin to fathom the depth of this love. Then-and-only-then could we bear witness to the beauty and the glorious magnanimous magnificence of his generosity. Now that is love. In times like this; in this time of uncertainty and universal change, we are more committed than ever to overcome uncertainty with unadulterated love. How? We desire to encourage, to continue to meet basic needs and to show unadulterated love to those who we serve, in the often forgotten harvest field in Eastern Europe. We realize that not everyone has the same needs at this time. In this spirit we are asking you for your help to assist those who have next to no resources to even help themselves. These days have been particularly difficult for them. Your help is essential. With a one time gift of any amount we can make a very big difference, more now, than ever. If you can offer a $25-$30 monthly gift, we can confidently reassure our Partners that needs will indeed be met. May our Lord bless you and keep you as you bear witness this Easter to his magnanimous generosity.We lift you all up to the Throne of Grace and pray for your safety, health and happiness Happy Easter Kevin R. Campbell

Eurovangelism 18.08.2020

Spring Newsletter Who shall Separate us... We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed;... perplexed, but not in despair 2 Cor 4:8 "Social Distancing." Front Line Memo As I began to write this Mission update from Romania, covid-19 restrictions began to increasingly restrict resources and movements. Schools were closed, Restaurants and Cafes closed, limitations to 3 people only in pharmacies and Hotels stopped receiving clients. I was the only remaining guest at the hotel which I was situated. Prices were overinflated; flour tripled, there was a 300% increase in general food stuffs. This is heartbreaking given the average salaries range between $400.00-$450.00 Canadian a month. Then the Government announced that a 10:00pm curfew would be initiated and each individual would be required to carry the proper paper work if found in the streets. Eventually flights began to be restricted and even cancelled. Borders were closing and rejecting flights from others Countries. With all the turmoil and lack of equilibrium around, the decision was made to attempt to leave the field as soon as possible. A ticket was eventually obtained without having more than three connections. The Lords hands were on the timing of the flights for I would arrive the day before KLM cancelled all flights and Canada stopping flights from the region. When we eventually landed in Paris for the connecting flight to Canada, this normally busy airport seemed like a ghost town. All the shops and cafes were closed. Even on the two flights that connected to Paris, no foods or drinks were served. Most everyone was hidden behind blue or white masks. There was an uneasy even agitated "social distancing." Upon arrival in Toronto, it was very clear that we were close behind the measures that Eastern Europe were initiating. Like many who may have been exposed to the virus I was put on a 14 day isolation. This isolation remains as I write this update. I arrived late in the evening and the hotel had permanently closed its kitchen and room service until the crisis ends. Tired from a two day journey, no food and alone in a hotel room. But then it happened, it happened like out of the blue, exceedingly more than I could of asked for or imagined. Friends began to leave soups and foods and fruits and even a book of poetry at my door. I felt a little like Elijah who was protected and fed by the crows in the desert. Though we don't know exactly what the future holds, and we never have, we do have the opportunity to take this unsettled time one day at a time and to calm ourselves, stay healthy and keep connected to one another. But most of all to remember that we may feel hard pressed on every side, but we are not crushed; we may feel perplexed, but there is no reason to despair for our God is an awesome God. Above All... Because we were caught in the panic, much of what we desired to accomplish during this trip was left undone. Many of our visits were cancelled, the land that Euro has purchased for the Seniors and possibly Orphans was left unkept. Churches were closed, State Institutions and orphanages were closed to outside visitors. We were however able to meet with some Partners and to hand off various supplies brought from generous donors here in Canada. Funds were also distributed to two of our Partners. Although these are unprecedented times that we are living through and hardship is found around every corner. We need, no, must focus upon our loved ones and our neighbors. However we are concerned for those who are vulnerable and unseen at this time....The marginalized needs are the same, even more so. The salaries that we assist with for those who lovingly serve abandoned children remain, for if they cannot continue the children will further suffer. The poor, hungry and windows will also suffer because of the threefold increase in prices. Please keep Eurovangelism/EuroChange in mind as we continue to serve, to assist and to lift up the often forgotten in Eastern Europe. The needs are ongoing and we desire to be faithful and good stewards. Please consider a one time gift or become a monthly donor of any amount to help this essential work continue. We thank God for you and for your faithfulness. These are challenging days for everyone. However, for believers we find opportunity to bear witness of who we are in Christ. To show kindness and love. To give and not hoard. To include and not exclude. Help us fulfill our vision to build a seniors centre and to bestow dignity back to our Elders... When doubts filled my mind, your comfort gives me renewed hope and cheer. (Psalm 94:19) Upcoming events and Needs - Ministry fundraising tour with National California, Michigan and Ontario (Postponed) - Windsor Banquet (Postponed) All events have been cancelled affecting the ministry greatly...This will effect Eurovangelism financially Keep us in your hearts and prayers ... we desire to show the love of Christ in heart and actions...We desire to make a difference with the often forgotten 1. Help us Network - Presentation opportunities... 2. We are in n need of ..,Website designer... 3. Project Romania Seniors Project We could not exist without you....We Remain your Partners in Mission. Thank you for your love and kindness. We are praying for your health and protection. Please find our contact information below. Our mailing address is: Eurovangelism/EuroChange P.O. Box 28001 Hoffman PO Windsor, ON N8X 5E9 647-968-9926 [email protected] Want to change how you receive these emails? You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list.

Eurovangelism 14.08.2020

Spring Newsletter Who shall Separate us... We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed;...Continue reading

Eurovangelism 22.07.2020

Please pass it on.

Eurovangelism 17.07.2020

Eurovangelism 10.07.2020

At the end of the day, Jesus will divide the sheep from the goats based on how we treated the least... #FightInequality