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FACES 12.11.2020

Family A is settling in which, if you are a refugee, means learning the basics of life in Canada. Mr. A is now enrolled in English language training. On the upside, the language center is close to the apartment. On the downside, he is finding the task to be very challenging. Imagine the reverse trying to learn Arabic, where the sounds, the characters and the right-to-left direction of the script are completely different from what you know. But he is working hard to succ...eed and that is great. Not only does he need to speak at least basic English to live and work and thrive here, language proficiency (in either official language) is one of the requirements for Canadian Citizenship (see http://www.cic.gc.ca/eng/citizenship/become-eligibility.asp if you’re curious about the rest) so this is a great step for the family. It turns out that there are few language training centres with daycare, so Mrs. A has not yet started classes. The settlement team is looking for someone to tutor her at home. In addition to helping organize the testing and registration for the language training classes, the settlement team and translators are helping in many other important areas; including finding a better grocery store for Middle Eastern food and getting to and from various doctor’s appointments. They have also arranged to have the family sign the agreement for the Resettlement Assistance Program (RAP), which gives them important financial support in their first year in Canada. [Financial Aside for our Sponsors: FACES have sponsored Family A under the BVOR (Blended Visa Office Refugee) program; which means that CIC (Citizenship and Immigration Canada) pays half the cost (under RAP) and FACES pays the remaining costs for the first year. This shared cost model will allow FACES to sponsor additional families with the money that has already been donated thanks Sponsors !] And finally, as a indication that he is on his way to becoming a true Canadian, Mr. A has signed and subsequently cancelled his first cell phone contract due to lousy service (in this case, the inability to get Arabic software and extensions to work correctly on the phone) and has argued with the carrier (with help from our translators) to reduce overcharges on the bill. He has since established a new contract and phone with a new service provider. Although this may not be on the citizenship test, is an important (though irksome) experience and skill. The family is relieved that their first Canadian winter is drawing to a close. As we all are. Next Up: More language training, more grocery trips and more doctors appointments. And less snow.

FACES 30.10.2020

Here's a photo from the arrival that Family A has kindly agreed to share

FACES 11.10.2020

A quick update on our family (let’s call them Family A as we expect to sponsor others) you’ll be amazed at what has happened in just the two short weeks since their arrival! With the help of the settlement team, Family A are settled in their lovely newly refurbished and newly furnished apartment. They have some connectivity the settlement team is still working on the internet but the cell phones are already set up (this makes for easier access to the translators on th...e team). A neighbour dropped by and, in addition to bringing some middle-eastern treats, also told Family A and the settlement team about all the things the landlord didn’t mention about the building such as recycling and laundry facilities. They have been issued, or have at least applied for, their various pieces of ID (OHIP, Ontario Photo ID, SIN, Permanent Residency Card and Federal Health Certificate). They now have a bank account and bank cards, and they know where to take the rent cheque each month. They have found the local grocery stores (complete with a well-stocked Halal meats, humus and pita section) and been to the main Ottawa Mosque (at Scott St and Northwestern). They have had an initial appointment at the Centretown Community Health Centre 4 blocks from their apartment. The staff is very friendly and helpful (even providing pizza while you wait!) and has Arabic translators available at their Wednesday afternoon clinics. Great that the weather was so accommodating for all this. The cold forced the cancelation of a visit to the Ontario Early Years Centre at Canadian Mothercraft in Westboro if we found the weather cold, imagine what a family from Syria thinks of Ottawa’s -40oC and 51 cm of snow - so the visit has been rescheduled for next week. Next up: bookings for language assessment prior to placement in language training classes. These classes are 5 days a week, 3 hours in the morning or afternoon and will make a huge difference to the family, not only for learning English but for socializing as well. There is free daycare at the language training facility for the baby, making things easier for the parents. In addition, a first meeting with an Arabic-speaking public Health Nurse has been scheduled. Thanks again to all the FACES team members and friends who have helped out with various aspects of the settlement.

FACES 30.09.2020

Here's a wonderfully simple message from Syrian Refugees now in Canada

FACES 14.09.2020

A very quick note - our tired but happy and healthy refugee family arrived in Ottawa this Monday to a large ~40 person contingent from FACES, which included four Arabic-speaking interpreters. The family is settling into their temporary accommodation and, if all goes well, they should move into their more permanent apartment early next week. Many thanks to all the volunteers and donors who have contributed already (dollars, furniture, setting up the apartment, arranging the... finances, etc.) and to those volunteers whose work has just begun (accommodation, family integration, appointments, etc.). Three weeks to the day after being matched through the BVOR sponsorship program, "our" family is now here and settled and on course for a new life in Canada. Amazing! This is a new adventure for all involved - and we wish all the best to the family.