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Locality: Strathroy, Ontario

Phone: +1 519-494-1740

Address: Strathroy Strathroy, ON, Canada


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Fit Farm 07.06.2021

With the nice weather now, let's get running!!! One of my favorite things to do is to help people realize the love of running. I'm here to help you find the way that works for you, that will help you get to the point of feeling the joy of running. There are multiple paths to get there. If you don't know which program is best for you, message me and we can figure it out together. Want to try something new, I've developed a program based on Heart Rate only (you will need a wa...tch that tells you this data). We will have a private FB page for group accountability and regular videos with coaching tips from me. Message me if you're serious about taking your running to the next level, or are just getting starting and want to make this part of your lifestyle. Starts Monday!!!! (April 12th!) Don't wait, don't hesitate, let's do this! #runprogram #fitfarm #strathroy

Fit Farm 05.06.2021

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed its the only thing that ever has" (M.Mead) This weekends Coldest Night of the Year charity fundraiser was such a huge success, and made me so proud of the remarkable community of people we have connected to FitFarm. Ok so we didn't change the world, but the money raised this weekend will definitely change the world for people who need the services provided by 37 Frank st.... Strathroy raised around $33,000 (well over the goal of $20k), and our gym brought in $3000 of that (also blowing our goal out of the water). And the many of you who walked was so great to see, and it was more than just in these pictures. Thank you for being a small community that supports our greater community . #strathroy #fitfarm #cnoty

Fit Farm 20.05.2021

Yoga tonight in our cozy gym at 630pm!! First class is always free!! Msg me if you want in!

Fit Farm 06.05.2021

FitFarm has a team in for Coldest Night of the Year, which raises money for vulnerable populations in our community so the money will go to Youth Unlimited/YFC Strathroy (37 Frank st). If you want to walk with us, we have groups going at 4pm and 9pm from FitFarm gym. 2.5k or 5k (we will do two loops if necessary). If you can't join at those times, feel free to walk on your own, join our team, and donate to help our community!!!

Fit Farm 17.04.2021

LIVE CLASSES THIS WEEK! This week is going to be a bit of a mix of stuff, both zoom and some live classes. Here's the line up of live classes: Wednesday - Fundamentals of Fighting at 7pm with Derek ... Thursday - Dance Fit with Olivia at 7pm Friday - Yoga with Ang at 6:30pm Remember spaces are currently limited, so be sure to get on zenplanner and reserve your spot!! As always, your first class is free. (If you are need your membership taken off "HOLD" let me know! )

Fit Farm 11.04.2021

Family Day weekend Adventure race in Strathroy!!! I have put together for you a super fun orienteering style adventure to do with your friends/family this weekend! This will: get you outside !! (Covering 2-4km based on your route)... get you to learn something about our town have alot of fun doing something different support a small business.... FitFarm! give you an opportunity to win prizes! Here's how it works.... You will get your map, clues and instructions to your email after an etranfer of $15 is sent to [email protected]. You have the weekend to complete the adventure, you do it at your own time (until Monday night). Further instructions are in the documents when you get them. Draws will be done Tuesday morning! Spread the word!!!! Share this post!!!!

Fit Farm 04.01.2021

Join Bethany and Angela for an informative talk and Q & A on Tuesday evening at 8pm. Topics are centred around: stress, anxiety, inflammation and its' effects on the nervous system, and immune system... various methods and modalities used by the speakers to reduce stress and inflammation, boost immune function, and upbuild overall vitality, constitution, and resiliency Zoom link will be posted before the event. All are welcome!! @angedthomas

Fit Farm 23.12.2020

Try something. Change the word I HAVE to, when you speak about your (new) healthy habits, to I GET to, or I CHOSE to. I GET to workout today I GET to not drink this month... I CHOSE to make healthier choices in my daily meals. I CHOSE to get up earlier .....Etc. Fill in what you've CHOSEN to do this year/month. See how different that feels?? Your subconscious feels like it needs to fight something you HAVE to do, because that implies you don't really want to. But you DO! Because it's getting you closer to your best self. Now - try this workout!! 1 dumbbell. 16-20min AMRAP -6x burpee over DB -6x/ arm DB thruster -6x/leg OH lunge -6x switch lunges -6x OH situp w DB #resolutions #75hard #youcandohardthings #motivation

Fit Farm 21.12.2020

Losing weight won't make you happy. Harsh truth. Here is the reality - when you step on the scale in however much time, and you see that number that tells you how much space you take up in the world, and its finally that number you wanted, a switch isn’t flipped and NOW you are happy with that body. You need to focus on BEING HAPPY NOW, LOVING YOUR BODY, AND YOURSELF in it NOW! Learn to fall in love with the process that makes your body the best it can be. Along the wa...y, weight changes are quite possibly going to happen! What you need to do, is do them from a place of LOVE for yourself and the body you've been given, and NOT from a place of hatred for what you see. Love your body when you give it good food to fuel it, and not junk food that fills it with inflammation. Love your body when you move it every day because our bodies were meant to move, and everything works better when we do! Then, when/if you hit that number, you aren't let down by the imperfections you will still see, because you haven't learned to love it, and so the cycle will continue. But, you will continue to do those things out of love, and enjoyment in the journey of transformation you have been taken on because of that amazing body and all the things it is capable of. #resolutions #loveyourself #loveyourbody

Fit Farm 19.12.2020

New Class added to our Zoom schedule this week!!!! Wednesday at 5:45pm after the workout we will get into a 45min class of Mindful Movement Yoga ... This class is designed for athletically sensitive bodies, that are prone to inflexibility and stiffness in the soft tissue. There will be some flow component but the majority of the class will focus on moving through various stretches that target the fascia. The attention will be placed on the entire body, moving through the front (anterior) line, back (posterior) line, side-body, and diagonal lines. Your teacher: Angela Thomas obtained her yoga certification in 2011 through Orleans Yoga Shala in Ottawa, ON. Her training is primarily in Ashtanga Yoga, with a focus on Pranayama (breath control) while moving through different asanas (postures). In addition to her yoga training, Angela has extensively studied material written by Dr. Joe Dispenza (Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself, You are the Placebo, Becoming Supernatural) and Eckhart Tolle (The Power of Now). Angela has recently completed the 10 week Fundamentals Course in the Wim Hof Method which focuses on breathing, cold exposure, and meditation. She currently practices as an Osteopathic Manual Practitioner in London, Ontario. Angela has travelled extensively to work under some of the most world renowned experts in the fields of meditation, yoga, and mindfulness training. Below is a list of her travel adventures: 1 week long advanced meditation retreat Dr. Joe Dispenza: Cancun, Mexico June 2018 2 week long yoga retreat David Williams: Crete, Greece August 2018 1 week long mindfulness/meditation retreat Eckhart Tolle: Pilos, Greece September 2018 12 day yoga retreat Danny Paradise: Thailand January 2020 In addition, Angela has completed multiple marathons, marathons, and Ontario Cup Mountain Bike Races. #yoga #fitfarm #strathroy #ashtanga

Fit Farm 12.12.2020

New group class times! 6:50am every week day (on top of 6am and 9am) 9am Saturdays (on top of 8am) 45min classes. Different style workouts every day. First class is free!

Fit Farm 09.12.2020

Virtual Classes!

Fit Farm 03.12.2020

FitFarm Virtual!! While we are all working to establish new routines, one thing we can take off your plate is the decision about what to do for a workout! With a weekly virtual membership you get access to 12 live zoom classes, with the recording being sent to your email immediately after the class so that if you can't attend the class in when it works for your schedule! Use the recordings as part of home school phys.ed!! ... LIVE Schedule: - 8am Monday - Saturday - 5pm Monday- Friday (tues/thurs is TRX) - 7pm Dance fit with Olivia Vokes Msg me to get set up!! #resolutions #fitfarm #accountability #motivation #fitfarmfamily #makeitwork

Fit Farm 29.11.2020

First Monday of 2021!! Is today your day 1?? For some of you you've made it over the 3day hump, which is a barrier for some! Physical addictions can be the worst in the first 3 days so good for you!! What have you done so far that makes you proud?? ... Something I am always reminding myself of throughout this when it gets hard... Who is watching you who knows your goals? If you have kids, you bet they know your goals, they listen and are very observant. Family members. Some are probably waiting for you to fail so they can go back to feeling ok about their lack of resolutions. Some need your inspiration to motivate them. Give it to them!!!! See the ripple effects of your behaviors in the people around you. Story - my daughter is my shadow. She watches everything I do, and often wants to do it with me. This is my ultimate motivation right now to keep going because she knows my goals. She is also wanting to challenge herself because I am. She went into the tub because I did, and well exceeded her goal of only going for 30seconds because when she got in she realized she was stronger than she thought she was. She got out after 4min feeling so proud of herself!! (Yes, she went longer than me that day) Thats the feeling that we want after our 75 days, 30 days, 60 days, 365 days, however long we decided to do this for!! #motivation #day4 #bebrave #strongerthanyouthink #resolutions #fitfarm #coldsubmersion

Fit Farm 28.11.2020

Getting that zoom class in before that 9am Google classroom!

Fit Farm 22.11.2020

I'm excited to be joining thousands of walkers and runners across Canada in the first ever virtual Run for Women, brought to you by the LOVE YOU by Shoppers Drug Mart program raising help for women’s mental health programs at My Sisters' Place, a program of CMHA Middlesex. As many of us are experiencing, the COVID-19 pandemic is having a significant impact on our mental health. Our local charity needs our help more than ever so that they can continue to provide vital support and care. If you would like to join a team, click on "FitFarm Strathroy, or "Her Optimal Health". We will all be doing this together on Sept. 27th (location TBD), but if you can't make that day, you can submit your times between Sept.17-27th.

Fit Farm 21.11.2020

"How you see yourself creates your behaviors, this behavior creates your environment or your results" Creating positive habits in your life is one of the greatest forms of self love, and the most important form of self care. #resolutions #75hard #youcandohardthings #newyear #2021

Fit Farm 12.11.2020

Where is the money going from the Adventure Race?? 37 Frank Youth Centre The vision of the centre to be a community for youth through helpful programming, a coffeehouse, and a refuge. Their goal is to provide a safe haven where youth in crisis, homeless, at risk, and impoverished can be provided with warmth, food, toiletries, clothing, showers, and laundry. If a need can not be met, they will be a hub to direct them where that need can be. ... Help is desperately needed as they aim to open for October 1st, despite many setbacks due to covid. As a community here through FitFarm, let's show our support to help this centre get off the ground, and get their doors open to be helping the youth in our town. If you would like to make a donation above your registration fee, and you are able, that would be greatly appreciated! Even if you are not able to participate in the Adventure Race, just shoot me a message and let me know you would like to donate through this event, or email [email protected] (Tax receipts can be written of course!).

Fit Farm 09.11.2020

Day 1 into the new year! How many resolutions have you already broken?! I’m teasing, because I know this happens! It doesn’t matter, just get right back on track. NOW. Why is it so hard to follow through when the motivation is gone which was there when we set a goal? Let me tell you, it is NOT motivation that helps you succeed at this, and it isn’t entirely for lack of will power! You are conditioned, and in a habit of doing certain things, and now you are trying to go aga...inst those things. This creates cognitive dissonance. Your conscious mind WANTS to do something that your subconscious mind is conditioned to think it needs! Because once something is a habit, it is easier to DO that thing, than to NOT DO that thing. Hence, the battle that is now occurring in your mind. Here’s one way I like to look at it. Your conscious mind is the parent that is now telling the toddler, the subconscious mind that it is no longer allowed to (drink, have chocolate, sit on the couch instead of stretching), and that toddler is now throwing a tantrum and trying ALL THE REASONS that you NEED THAT (drink, chocolate, relaxing on the couch). What you need to do, is tell your inner toddler, all the reasons that you are not doing that thing anymore! Write a list even if it helps. Remind yourself every time that craving comes up about all the reasons you are making that positive change in your life. Eventually, that toddler in your mind will relax, and stop fighting so hard, and it WILL GET EASIER and easier, until eventually your two minds come together. Then, your NEW HABIT IS FORMED!! (I have included two books that are phenomenal when discussing breaking and making habits) #happynewyears #fitfarm #75hard #youcandohardthings #strathroy #resolutions

Fit Farm 23.10.2020

FitFarm Adventure Race!!! This is going to be the event of the year here at FITFARM!! You don't want to miss this!!! October 17th at 10am!!!! A team adventure race that includes some urban orienteering, fitness stations, and physical tasks to be completed with your team! All towards a good cause, a good workout, and to challenge yourself in new ways. Profits from this event go to a new local Not-for-Profit the Youth Coffeehouse and refuge @37 Frank street! $45/team. (Tax r...eceipts are available if you chose to donate above the registration fee minimum). You need a team of three for this event! They do not have to be from FitFarm, all welcome. (Social distancing protocol will be followed as recommended for an outdoor event) To register send me an email to [email protected] with your team name, the three members, and the primary contact email (and an etransfer of the reg fee please).The sooner the better so we can get a good idea of numbers. At some point we will have to cap it, so don't miss out! FAQ- How much do I have to run/walk during Urban Orienteering? Well.... this will depend on routes you decide to take, and if you get lost, etc. . We would approximate about 5-6km, but it is all broken up. (Maybe this is something to motivate you to get some more cardio in!) Fitness challenges - this is going to be team based challenges at the FitFarm parking lot. Will there be prizes..... YES!!!! Free stuff!!! Yeah!!! Do we need volunteers? Thank you for asking.... Yes!!!

Fit Farm 22.10.2020

Day 2 - Habits While we’re on the topic of habits, let's look at that a little bit more. It takes 21 days to make a habit. Wouldn’t that be nice! In reality, it takes about 21 days to BREAK a habit, about 44 days to MAKE a habit, and about 66 days until that habit becomes AUTOMATIC, where it’s easier to DO that thing than to NOT do it! I think this is why the 75 Hard challenge is 75 days. So if after 21 days you're thinking, I thought this was supposed to be easy by n...ow, well, sorry but the new habit has not yet formed in your neurological patterning. Keystone Habits. These are habits that create a much greater effect on other habits and result in widespread change. One of the biggest ones for a lot of people is working out. Starting working out, think twice about what you’re eating, maybe eventually quit smoking, start going to bed earlier etc. Another big one for some people would be drinking. Stop drinking then you start going to bed earlier, sleeping deeper, getting up earlier feeling good, so you workout now in the morning instead of putting it off and it not happening, you eat less junk because you aren’t craving carbs etc. You probably know what your Keystone habit might be. That thing is probably the goal that scares you the most to make because your mind knows how much will change. It’s also the thing that you might think about as if only I could just.. Recognize what your keystone might be, and make that one your biggest priority in 2021 and just wait and watch what amazing things happens! #habits #newhabits #resolutions #76hard #youcandohardthings #fitfarm #strathroy #keystone