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FORTT FIT 28.12.2020

Being patient is a necessity to a life of achievement because it is the nature of things and the law of time that you cannot immediately reap where you have sown. Anything worthwhile takes time to grow and mature. So your dreams too require this time of nurturing and growth. It is during this time, when the fruits of your labour may not be evident, that your patience is most required. Most of all learn to be patient with yourself. You are not perfect and you will make mistake...s along the way. But understand that you are on the right track and headed in the right direction, however many mistakes and setbacks you may encounter on the way. And remember; don’t just look forward to reaching the destination. Enjoy the journey too. You are all you can be. Go on and be it. Type (I PROMISE) in the comment section to remind yourself you're still committed to your dreams that are waiting for you to crush them

FORTT FIT 17.12.2020

Life is too short to be serious all the time. so, if you cant laugh at yourself double tap and... I'll laugh at you.

FORTT FIT 30.11.2020

If there ain't no station make your own.

FORTT FIT 11.11.2020

Please don't kill my vibe, positive energy only aint nobody got time all that pessimism, you can't make Positive Choices for the rest of your life without an environment that makes those choices easy, natural and enjoyable. So if you around me find something to smile about and be thankful for. For if you didn't learn a lot today, at least you learned a little, and if you didn't learn a little, at least you didn't get sick, and if you got sick at least you didn't die; so at the end of the day you got something to be thankful about so smile

FORTT FIT 09.11.2020

If you are losing motivation or continually procrastinate it can only mean one of 2 things: Reason number one.Your goals do not inspire you. What are your goals? Do you even have goals? Are the clearly defined? Do they inspire you? You must set clear, meaningful goals that will inspire you every single day to action towards your dream life. Clear goals with a clear deadline. Goals that will fire you up. This way when you get motivated it’s just a booster, some rocket fuel to ...blast you faster toward your GOAL. Motivation on its own isn’t enough, but Motivation with putpose will light up any life! Reason number two.Your reason for taking action isn’t meaningful enough. If it were life and death you would take action right? So what is your life and death reason? What is the reason why you must! If you don’t have a reason, of course you won’t take action. If billions of people around the world weren’t getting paid at the end of the week, do you think they’d turn up to the crappy jobs they hate? I don’t think so. If you can’t think of a reason think harder. Maybe your reason is because the life you are living is not good enough for the person you are inside . Maybe it hurts that your life results are not consistent with you as a human being. Maybe you know there is more to life than struggle and unhappiness. Maybe your reason is for someone else. To give hope to your family. To show them what is possible in life! To show them it can be done Motivation is great. Everyone needs to get motivated at times. Everyone needs to fill their mind with powerful thoughts, positive energy and knowledge. But it’s not enough to just get motivated. You all gotta put in the work day in and out like my boy @paulruescher and no matter how tough the workout or task may be just keep on smiling and show no signs of weakness or you'll really be screwed In the wise words of Abraham Lincoln "Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle" and that's usually sweat, blood and tears so good luck picking that up

FORTT FIT 29.10.2020

Every day, even from the moment when we wake up, we live our lives caring what other people think of us. We make our way through the life by doing things in order to please others. Not because it’s what we believe in. Eventually, our actions, appearances, and lives become molded by how we think other people perceive us. It’s in human nature to want to be liked and to seek for approval. But when you are sensitive to the point where you don’t take a stand out of fear of offendi...ng others, it’s bad for your well-being. Do not live your life after what other people think. It makes you become a follower. Its impossible to please everyone, There will always be someone who is going to talk behind your back and judge you. But the only person you should be most concerned about pleasing is yourself. When you constantly worry about what other people think of you or of your actions causes nothing but mental and emotional stress. Stop caring because in reality no one really cares We go through our days thinking about how other people perceive us and how they might judge us. But the truth is that those people are thinking the exact same. It is a simple truth that the average person filters their world through their ego and they think of most things relating to my and me. This means that, unless you have done something that directly affects another person or their life, they are not going to spend much time thinking about you pretty much at all. Once you understand that this is how people’s mind works, you will make a big step towards freedom. Only you know what is best for you. And the only way you will ever truly learn is through making your own decisions and by taking full responsibility for them. And if you fail, at least you can learn from it, instead of blaming somebody else. !!!!!!!!!!KNOW YOUR VALUES!!!!!!!! You need to know what is important to you in life and what you truly value. Once you know who you really are and what matters the most to you, what other people think will become significantly less important. Be who you are and say what you feel. Because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind. -Dr. Seuss