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Locality: Moncton, New Brunswick

Phone: +1 506-855-8977

Address: 236 rue St George Street, suite 412 E1C 1W1 Moncton, NB, Canada

Website: www.frontnb.ca

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Common Front Commun NB 04.06.2021

Le 8 mai à 12 h 30, rejoignez-nous pour un webinaire sur la Loi sur les normes d'emploi et vos droits au travail! Inscrivez-Vous ici: https://zoom.us//regi/tJApc-uhrjsqE937esMYvGedM9pXXY6wksXj

Common Front Commun NB 24.05.2021

On May 8th at 12:30PM join us for a webinar on the Employment Standards Act and your rights at work! Register here: https://zoom.us//regi/tJApc-uhrjsqE937esMYvGedM9pXXY6wksXj

Common Front Commun NB 22.05.2021

Some more photos of our MLA outreach day that happened Monday, May 3rd - including some of our friends from FAPO Fredericton Anti-Poverty Organization and Coalition pour l'équité salariale du N-B NB Coalition for Pay Equity. Members and friends of the Common Front can be seen visiting the offices of PETL Minister Trevor Holder, Education Minister Dominic Cardy, and others! Quelques photos supplémentaires de notre journée de sensibilisation des députés provinciaux qui a eu... lieu le lundi 3 mai - y compris certains de nos amis de FAPO Fredericton Anti-Poverty Organization et de la Coalition pour l'équité salariale du N-B NB Coalition for Pay Equity Des membres et des amis du Front commun ont visité les bureaux du ministre de l'EPFT, Trevor Holder, du ministre de l'Éducation, Dominic Cardy, et d'autres !

Common Front Commun NB 03.05.2021

Cette pandémie mondiale a déballé les dures réalités des travailleurs non syndiqués et a laissé des traces sur leur santé physique et mentale. Personne ne devrait avoir à choisir entre aller travailler malade ou rester à la maison en perdant son salaire et risquer ainsi de perdre son emploi. Ce samedi 8 mai à 12h30, nous tiendrons un webinaire intitulé Connaissez vos droits. Tout le monde est bienvenu et l'inscription est obligatoire! Lien vers l'inscription: https://zoom.us//reg/tJApc-uhrjsqE937esMYvGedM9pXXY6wksXj

Common Front Commun NB 28.04.2021

This global pandemic has unpacked the harsh realities for non-union member workers and has left a toll on their physical and mental health. No one should have to choose between going to work sick, or staying home losing pay, and thus, potentially risk losing your job. This Saturday, May 8th at 12:30 PM AST we will be holding a "Know Your Rights Webinar" All are welcomed and registration is required! Link to registration: https://zoom.us//reg/tJApc-uhrjsqE937esMYvGedM9pXXY6wksXj

Common Front Commun NB 12.04.2021

Don't forget to register! N'oubliez pas de vous inscrire ! Our webinar on the Employment Standards Act is this Saturday, Register below Notre webinaire sur la Loi sur les normes d'emploi aura lieu ce samedi, inscrivez-vous ci-dessous... https://zoom.us/.../tJApc-uhrjsqE937esMYvGedM9pXXY6wksXj

Common Front Commun NB 22.11.2020

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 2020 On Tuesday, Nov. 17th, Lt. Governor Brenda Murphy delivered Blaine Higgs’s first majority government Throne Speech. The government thanked essential workers for their response to the COVID-19. This gratitude, however, was not reflected in government priorities. The Common Front is disappointed that the throne speech contained no mention of improving employment standards for non-unionized workers, including essential workers, says Gabrielle Ross-M...arquette, Labour Co-Chair of the Common Front. Rather than focusing on the people on the front lines of the pandemic or the most vulnerable New Brunswickers, the government prioritizes broadly defined reforms. The speech included no mention of social assistance improvements, says Johanne Petitpas, Community Co-Chair for the Common Front. This, when social assistance rates remain well below a livable rate and social development continues to claw back the earnings of workers who depend on social assistance. Among other priorities, the Common Front calls on the government to: -Clearly commit to raising the minimum wage and the wages of all essential workers; -Reform the employment standards act to expand protections and benefits for workers; -Raise social assistance rates to livable levels; -Immediately enact rent control; -Invest in nonprofit and cooperative housing; -Conduct an inquiry into systemic racism in the province as requested by Indigenous leaders and communities; -Actively work towards the elimination of all forms of discrimination. The New Brunswick Common Front for Social Justice works for more justice, better social policies and greater solidarity within society. French Media Contact Gabrielle Ross-Marquette [email protected] 506-260-5233 English Media Contact Abram Lutes [email protected] 506-855-8977 https://frontnb.ca/nb-throne-speech-no-relief-for-essentia/

Common Front Commun NB 09.11.2020

JEUDI 19 NOVEMBRE 2020 Le mardi 17 novembre, la lieutenant-gouverneur Brenda Murphy a prononcé le premier discours du trône du gouvernement majoritaire de Blaine Higgs. Le gouvernement a remercié les travailleurs essentiels pour leur réponse au COVID-19. Cette gratitude ne s’est toutefois pas reflétée dans les priorités du gouvernement. Le Front commun est déçu que le discours du Trône ne contient aucune mention de l’amélioration des normes d’emploi pour les travailleurs/eus...es non syndiqués, y compris les travailleurs/euses essentiel-le-s, a déclaré Gabrielle Ross-Marquette, coprésidente syndicale du Front commun. Plutôt que de se concentrer sur les personnes en première ligne de la pandémie ou sur les Néo-Brunswickois-e-s les plus vulnérables, le gouvernement donne la priorité à des réformes de portée générale. Le discours ne fait aucune mention de l’aide sociale, déclare Johanne Petitpas, coprésidente communautaire du Front commun. Ceci, alors que les taux d’aide sociale restent bien en deçà d’un taux viable et que le gouvernement continue de récupérer les revenus des travailleurs (claw back) qui dépendent de l’aide sociale. Entre autres priorités, le Front commun appelle le gouvernement à: -S’engager clairement à augmenter le salaire minimum et les salaires de tous les travailleurs essentiels; -Réformer la loi sur les normes d’emploi afin d’étendre les protections et les avantages pour les travailleurs; - Augmenter les taux d’assistance sociale à des niveaux acceptables; -Adopter immédiatement le contrôle des loyers; -Investir dans le logement à but non lucratif et coopératif; -Mener une enquête sur le racisme systémique dans la province à la demande des leaders et communautés autochtones; -Travailler activement à l’élimination de toutes les formes de discrimination. Le Front commun du Nouveau-Brunswick pour la justice sociale œuvre pour plus de justice, de meilleures politiques sociales et une plus grande solidarité au sein de la société. Contact médias francophones Gabrielle Ross-Marquette [email protected] 506-260-5233 Contact médias anglophones Abram Lutes [email protected] 506-855-8977 https://frontnb.ca//discours-du-trone-du-nouveau-brunswic/

Common Front Commun NB 24.10.2020

COMMUNIQUÉ : forme des soins de longue durée ! le gouvernement doit mettre en œuvre les 38 réformes proposées par le Syndicat des infirmières et infirmiers du Nouveau-Brunswick dès maintenant Le Front commun pour la justice sociale et la Coalition du Nouveau-Brunswick pour les droits des aînés et des pensionnaires des foyers de soins se joignent au mouvement syndical du Nouveau-Brunswick pour demander la mise en œuvre immédiate des 38 recommandations du rapport du Syndicat de...Continue reading

Common Front Commun NB 21.10.2020

PRESS RELEASE: Fix long-term care! Implement New Brunswick Nurses Union’s 38 reforms to long-term care now The Common Front for Social Justice and the New Brunswick Coalition for Seniors and Nursing Home Residents’ Rights join the New Brunswick labour movement in calling for the immediate implementation of the 38 recommendations of the New Brunswick Nurses Union (NBNU) report on long-term care, including the creation of national long-term care standards. The report The Forgot...ten Generation: An Urgent Call For Reform In New Brunswick’s Long-Term Care Sector published by NBNU is based on extensive research into the complex challenges facing seniors and their families attempting to work with nursing homes and the long-term care sector across New Brunswick. The report’s recommendations are crafted to put the well-being of seniors and the dignity and respect of long care workers first before profits. The report highlights the deep injustices perpetuated by the privatization of care homes and the increasing casualization of the long-term care workforce. Seniors in long-term care suffer increasing costs and reduced quality of life, while essential workers are underpaid with no job stability or certainty. We especially echo the reports calls to implement national standards for long-term care and incorporate long term care into the Canada Health Act and end all private involvement in long-term care. We also support calls to the end casualized employment in the healthcare system, and for the Federal and Provincial government to cooperate to aggressively increase the number of nurses and other care workers in the province, including through the Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program and operating provincial university Nursing programs at full capacity with adequate funding. We support calls for the oversight of responsibility for nursing homes to be moved from the Department of Social Development to the Department of Health. The New Brunswick government should become a leader by supporting a National Long-Term Care Standards. These and other recommendations in the report chart a path forward for New Brunswick and the country to rebuild our healthcare system back better and stronger in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, and mend our social safety net which has been damaged by decades of privatization, outsourcing, and lack of adequate supports for workers and low-income people. https://frontnb.ca/press-release-fix-long-term-care-implem/

Common Front Commun NB 08.10.2020

Le 3 novembre, Brunswick News a rapporté que Blaine Higgs a rejeté l’appel du PM Trudeau pour établir des normes nationales de soins. Pendant ce temps, le gouve...rnement Ford a annoncé qu’en Ontario, il augmentera a 4 heures de soins que les résidents des foyers de soins de longue durée reçoivent chaque jour. Pourquoi le premier ministre Higgs ne peut-il pas reconnaître que les aînés du N.-B. sont aussi méritants que les Ontariens ? https://nb.scfp.ca//le-n-b-a-besoin-des-normes-en-matiere/ ______ Follow the Ontario Example NB Needs Standards of Care: https://nb.cupe.ca//follow-the-ontario-example-nb-needs-s/ On November 3rd, Brunswick News reported that Blaine Higgs rejected the Prime Minister’s call to establish national standards of care. Meanwhile, in Ontario, the Ford government announced that it will increase the amount of care hours long-term care residents receive every day. Ontario just announced its plan for a 4-hours of care standard for all seniors a change that has long been called for by CUPE. Why can’t Premier Higgs recognize that our seniors are as much deserving as Ontarians are?

Common Front Commun NB 21.09.2020

Intervention sure le Front Commun dans le prix de loyeurs en Moncton et N-B: https://ici.radio-canada.ca//206881/actualite-prix-loyers-